How to store and reuse cookies in Postman? - cookies

I'm using Postman to test and play with an API.
For the login url, the API requires sending a POST request with username and password as fields. I do this, and I get a 200 response with the message that I am logged in.
I then try another request to get user data. However, I get a response that I am not logged in.
I realized this problem is most likely because the cookie that is sent to me when I log in is not included in the next Postman request.
So my question is, how do I save and include cookies for future requests?

Store the cookie value you want to use in a global variable.In Tests tab of login request, write
postman.setGlobalVariable('key', postman.getResponseCookie("cookieName").value);
Pass along with the value in the Headers tab as a cookie in get user request:
Cookie | cookieName={{key}}

I tried using Ashutosh's answer but got an error. I'm guessing this is because Postman's scripting API changed?
At any rate, the following worked for me:
In the Tests tab of the request that will return cookies you want to save, write
pm.globals.set('<your key>', pm.cookies.get('<cookie name>'));
Then, as described in Ashutosh's answer, add the cookie to the headers by setting the key as cookie and corresponding value as <your cookie name>={{<global variable name>}};.
I found documentation for this at the Postman sandbox API reference.

(Using the native Postman app without the interceptor)
The traditional way of reading the cookie does not work for me pm.cookies.get('<cookie name>')
. Here is a workaround that automatically attaches auth cookie to all requests within a collection:
// The test scripts below run after the api /login returns the response
const authCookie = pm.response.headers.idx(3).value
pm.response.headers.idx(3) is equal to:
{key: "Set-Cookie", value: "xs=eyJhb; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 18 Dec 2020 04:40:34 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None"}
const token = authCookie.substring(3, authCookie.indexOf(';'))
pm.collectionVariables.set('xs_value', token);
Then add this pre-request scripts to the entire collection:
// Scripts below runs before any request within a collection is sent
const token = pm.collectionVariables.get('xs_value')
pm.request.headers.upsert({ key: 'Cookie', value: `xs=${token}` })
More info on how to attach headers to requests

It seems there are two Interceptor plugin in google chrome. make sure install the correct one.


JMeter 5.4.1 Cookie Manager - User-Defined Cookie not added to request's cookies

Firstly, I did add the line CookieManager.check.cookies=false to
What I'm Trying to Do
I want to add a cookie to a request's existing cookies.
For example, I see the request has [edited]:
Cookie Data:
c1=sfasfsfsfsfs; c2=erqwerqwrr; c3=poiuopiupoi
Expected Results
I would like it to have:
Cookie Data:
c1=sfasfsfsfsfs; c2=erqwerqwrr; c3=poiuopiupoi; partner=favicon.ico
Here is what I tried:
BASE_URL_2 is a variable defined in the form
Actual Results
Whatever I have tried so far has not made any change in the cookies.
What else shall I try?
Underlying Motivation
Recorded a Web session and played it back.
Added a RegEx Extractor to pull out a token and then added it to subsequent requests. That helped.
However, certain requests failed with an custom application exception Security violation, please refresh.
Probably session login state is not being passed, so the website thinks the call is "stale".
I've seen this on the GUI when the session expires and you try to click a button on the site.
On comparing the cookies seem in JMeter with what I saw in the Chrome Debugger, it was clear that there were more cookies in the running application than what I had in JMeter.
Are you sure you're using HTTPS protocol because if you have secure flag and using HTTP protocol - the cookie will not be sent.
Also remove = from partner= otherwise you will end up with partner==favicon.ico
More information:
Using HTTP cookies
HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

How to read cookies in getStaticProps and getStaticPaths in Next.js

I cannot read cookies in getStaticPaths and getStaticProps, in SSR, I can request the cookie with context but even with packages such as js-cookie, cookie-cutter, cookies, I am unable to read the cookies set, which makes it impossible to get the data.
This is the token I want to get, I removed httpOnly for development.
export async function getStaticPaths(){
const data = await callApi("/jobs", "GET", token)
const paths = => ({
params: {slug: jobs.slug}
fallback: true,
This is the getStaticPaths.
both getStaticPaths and getStaticProps are methods that run on the server (node.js), therefore cookies which is a browser API are not available yet
Cookies can be accessed both on the server req.cookies or req.headers.cookie and on the client document.cookie. But unlike getServerSideProps where the HTML is generated at runtime, getStaticProps generates the HTML at build time and therefore has no know knowledge of requesting devise/browser. This is evident from how user-agent looks when the request is sent from getStaticProps:
'user-agent': 'node-fetch/1.0 (+'
Also, there's a demo app here showing how this all works.
If your reason for trying to access cookies from getStaticProps is for authentication, have a look at this post on The way they built the dashboard (fully static)
Also here, using next-redux-wrapper to access state from getStaticProps.
if you have placed your cookies and want to read them you can get them in getServerSideProps ctx.req.cookies here your cookies
here is the link so you shouldn't try getting cookies in getStaticProps

Set cookie in Postman with variable

I'm trying to write some postman tests that require me to set a cookie. My first request returns a token in a json payload. I've pulled this out and stored it in a variable but I cant seem to inject this into a cookie for further requests.
I get the value for the cookie like:
var json = pm.response.json();
pm.globals.set("my-cookie", json.Token);
I've tried this in the cookie dialog box:
my-cookie={{my-cookie}}; path=/;; Expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT;
However when it sends the cookie it sends the above without replacing the variable the, i.e. it has {{my-cookie}} rather than the value of the variable.
I cant see anything in the postman API that will enable me to set cookies on a request grammatically.
I did see this, but it only mentions adding them via the dialog
I also found this, but could find no mention of how to use it.
I'm assuming this is a common requirement and must be missing something obvious. Does anyone know how to do this?
Try using the Headers feature with a key of Cookie and a value of cookieName={{yourVariable}}
In case anyone stumbles upon this question, in current version there is a special section for setting request cookies on the righthand side of the request window.
For me it was just inserting {{token}} also.
I had to click the 'whitelist domain' under 'cookies' to whitelist my domain first. Then re-request the request that populates the token.
This got it working.
Note if the cookie has secure set, your baseurl should also include https://

Passing cookies between requests in Postman runner

I'm writing a Postman collection to be executed in Postman Runner, which requires that cookies from a first request be used in subsequent requests.
In curl, you can achieve this like so
curl -d "username=x&password=y" -c logincookie.txt
curl -b logincookie.txt
I can't seem to do this in Postman.
As documented, in my test for the first request I save the cookie as an environment variable
var login_cookie = postman.getResponseCookie("LOGIN");
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("login_cookie", login_cookie);
and then, as described in this blog post, I add the following header to the subsequent request,
Cookie: {{login_cookie}}
but the server responds to this request as if the cookie was not provided.
How can I pass the cookie from the first response to the second request?
I'm using the Postman for Mac 4.10.7 and have enabled the interceptor with its default settings, although I don't know how to validate that this actually works!

How can I set a cookie in a request using Fiddler?

I need to set a cookie before I issue a request to a Web site using Fiddler. How do I do this?
Simple...You need to set a header value, with your request, like so:
Cookie: YourCookieName=YourCookieValue
To do this using the FiddlerScript engine, add the following code into the onBeforeRequest method:
oSession.oRequest["Cookie"] = (oSession.oRequest["Cookie"] + ";YourCookieName=YourCookieValue");
This will preserve any other cookies that have been set.
You need to be more specific about what you're trying to do.
You can edit (or add) an outbound Cookie header to send a cookie to the website. You can do this either manually or via the FiddlerScript engine. But that doesn't "set" the cookie on the client-- it simply sends it to the server. If you want to set a cookie on the client, you either have to use another means, or you can inject a Set-Cookie response header on a previous response from the server, with the value you want to set on the client.
You can also use the Fiddler Composer.
Run Fiddler
Open the Composer Tab on the top.
It's easiest if you can start with another request from your web site. To do this capture a the request you want to modify, then drag it from the UI to the composer tab.
A good explanation is here:
Fiddler allows your to resend/rebuild an existing request. There is a Request Builder. While rebuilding in the RAW form, modify your cookies.
This solution is valid for Cookie based authentication:
If you want to test the API/url which have authentication enabled, please try following, i am showing for MVC web API on IIS server. usually there are more than 1 cookie responsible for authorization, so you may need to send more than 1 cookie in header as follows:
User-Agent: Fiddler Host: localhost:51000 content-Type: application/json Cookie : .ASPXAUTH=xxxxx;ASP.NET_SessionId=yyyy;__RequestVerificationToken=zzzz
When running Fiddler as a reverse Proxy you can modify the response headers
via FiddlerScript by adding a line in the OnBeforeResponse method:
static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) {
// ...
oSession.oResponse["Set-Cookie"] = "sessionToken=abc123; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT";
Also check Fiddler docs about Modifying a Request or Response for more info.