Back button on Django - django

I am trying to use HTTP_REFERER to create a link to the previous page. However, let's say I have a 'page1' that calls the 'page2' get method. It will show a form at the 'page2' where I can do a post request. When I post on the 'page2', the HTTP_REFERER is referencing the same page (page2), therefore I can't to back to the 'page1'. Is there anything I can do to go back to the 'page1'?

You will need to add a hidden next field to your form . This will capture the previous page by making use of the HTTP_REFERER. After your post request you can then perform a redirect to the page you were on before the form page.
More information can also be found here.



I am very new to Django and I'm nearing the end of the django girls tutorial. I have added "#login_required" above my post_detail in views (view for clicking on a specific post) and added a login.html template. So when I click on a post title I get redirected to my login page (so far, so good) and the url is: (trying this on my computer atm.)
Then I type in my admin name/password and automatically get redirected to and of course get a "Page not found (404)" (since I have no url/view/template for that). I thought "Dang, I just wanted to be redirected to /post/11/"!
Looked around on stack overflow and found this question:
Signing in leads to "/accounts/profile/" in Django (sounds about right)
and got the answer
Change the value of LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in your
So I looked up LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in the Django documentation:
Default: '/accounts/profile/'
The URL where requests are redirected after login when the contrib.auth.login view gets no next parameter.
This is used by the login_required() decorator, for example.
This setting also accepts named URL patterns which can be used to reduce configuration duplication since you don’t have to define the URL in two places (settings and URLconf).
Deprecated since version 1.8: The setting may also be a dotted Python path to a view function. Support for this will be removed in Django 1.10.
But doesn't my contrib.auth.login get a next parameter? (looking at my url that say "?next=/post/11/" at the end) Please help me out here, I'm lost for what the problem could be here :(
You can view the page at:
And the source code at:
So I now know that the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL is the thing that's deciding where I end up next, which must mean that it ignores the next-parameter in the url. I googled further on the problem and found this question which was very similar to my problem, i.e.
Documentation states that I need to use the "next" parameter and context processors. I have the {{next}} in my template, but I'm confused on how to actually pass the "/gallery/(username)". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(I don't even have the {{next}} in my template, where/how should I add it?)
The preferred answer to that question seemed to be:
Django's login view django.contrib.auth.views.login accepts a dictionary named extra_context. The values in the dictionary are directly passed to the template. So you can use that to set the next parameter. Once that is done, you can set a hidden field with name next and value {{ next }} so that it gets rendered in the template.
But I'm not sure how to interpret this. While writing this edit I got an answer on this post (by kacperd) and will read it through now)
The problem is that contrib.auth.login doesn't get the next parameter.
When you try to get the login_required view without credentials your request is redirect to login view, and the template you created is rendered. The next parameter is present in this view, but when you perform the login action which is submitting the form, you are not including next in your request so contrib.auth.login doesn't get it and redirects to default page.
The solution to your problem is to include the next param and pass it forward. You can do this by modifying your login template. Simply add ?next={{ }} to form action attribute.
<form method="post" action="{% url 'django.contrib.auth.views.login' %}?next={{ }}">

How do I access my query when using Haystack/Elasticsearch?

I originally followed this tutorial (, and have so far been able to highlight my query within my returned results. However, I want to highlight this same query when visiting the next page that I load with a separate template. Is there any way to save/access this query so that I can highlight the same results within this other template?
Whenever I try and include a statement like this, I get an error, which I'm thinking is because I'm not trying to access the query properly.
{% highlight section.body with query html_tag "span" css_class "highlighted" %}
You have to send to the next page, the information that you use to highlight the results in the first page. You can use the request.session to store the data and call it in the next page, or you can send the sqs by the url to the next page.
If you want to know how to manage the search query set, and how to edit that kind of stuff, I recommend you to read the and the elasticsearch_backend in the haystack folder at: "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/haystack"
This is the url for the documentation of Django Session: Django Session
This is the url for the documentation to pass parameters trhough url: URL dispatcher

How to redirect to page which has GET parameters after login using the {{next}} variable in django

I am using allauth to provide registration and login in my django site. Everything else seems to be working fine other than that I am having problems to redirect the person to the current page after login.
I have a page where I have some interview questions and a typical url for it would be like
This page contains a list of questions for the company google, but to view the answer the person needs to login. The answers are displayed in a dropdown box. However when the user clicks on login a request is sent to the login page as follows
And the get parameter which was actually there in my actual page is not sent because of the & in my url. How can I solve this problem. It does not look nice that the person is redirected to a different page from where he/she tried to login.
I know sending the next parameter as a GET variable is not the solution, but is there a way I can send the redirect link as a POST variable from the template.
I tried another thing, in my view that displays the questions list. I set session variables which contains the url of the current link . If a user clicks on login, in my login view I check for this particular session variable. If it is set then I redirect to that page.
However the session variable is not received in the login view, I am not sure but I think the session is reset when the user goes to the login view.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Have you tried
next = request.get_full_path()
This will return correct path with all queries ( see docs ) , you can then pass it as GET param to redirect url e.g.
full_path = request.get_full_path()
return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?next=%s' % (reverse('login'), full_path))
You should encode the URL-parameter in this case. You want to send a variable like /questions/?company=google, but as you mentioned the ?, = (amongst others) characters are special ones. It has a special meaning when embedded in the URL. If you encode the variable with URL encoding, it becomes %2Fquestions%2F%3Fcompany%3Dgoogle. If you assign that to the parameter next, the URL becomes: /login/?next=%2Fquestions%2F%3Fcompany%3Dgoogle. This should redirect to the correct place on login.

Pagination with a POST

I have a field where a user can search in. The user selects an option, then that is posted to a view and returns him with the Filtered results on a new page.
Im not sure how I would paginate this because the data this must be displayed is filtered by the previous post?
To paginate the first one is fine, cause tou have the post and know what to return to the page. But what about page 2 etc? then the post is gone?
Use hidden HTML input fields to keep track values posted from previous post

Django: Redirect to a page, then redirect back again?

As per the title: in Django views, can I redirect to a page using HttpResponseRedirect and then from that page, immediately redirect back again to the original page?
In other words, how can I get the second view to 'remember' the first one in order to redirect back there?
I want to do this to handle some LDAP authorisation.
You could redirect to /page2/?next=/page1/, then get the original url from the GET parameters in the view for page2.
# page2 viewl
next = request.GET['next']
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
You probably want to avoid any session level logic. Your requirements have nothing to do with a session, so avoid using session level constructs.
You have a request level requirement, and the request level logic identified by Alasdair is what you want.
You could store the original URL in a session variable, and then pop off that value and use it to redirect back to the original page.