Why some of most popular AMI are not available on all regions? - amazon-web-services

I'm new to AWS, we are using this RHEL AMI for our test environment, initially we wanted to use Canada region, but later figured out that our AIM is not available there for some reason, I wonder why? RHEL AMIs from amazon web services are not available in Canada not 7.x, nor 6.x versions, I guess technically it's not really a problem, so AWS is doing this because of policies of some sort?

An AMI is a regional resource in AWS, because it's tied to the region where its files are located within Amazon S3. However, if in need, you can copy an AMI from one region to another:
And more info about resource locations in AWS :


Distributing custom Windows AMIs on AWS

I am building a Windows AMI from a base Windows AMI with my custom software on it.
If I distribute this image to customers, am I infringing some ToCs? How does it work given that Windows is proprietary?
You can share your AMI's, and you are not infringing on any ToC's:
Amazon EC2 enables you to share your AMIs with other AWS accounts. You
can allow all AWS accounts to launch the AMI (make the AMI public), or
only allow a few specific accounts to launch the AMI (see Sharing an
AMI with specific AWS accounts). You are not billed when your AMI is
launched by other AWS accounts; only the accounts launching the AMI
are billed.
When you share it with your customers, and they launch the AMI, they are billed by AWS and part of that bill is to pay the licensing cost as needed.
You will not violate any TOCs. AWS itself promote custom AMIs which are highly useful for business continuity plan.
For open-source software, they will work at run time, and for licensed software, only a copy of the software will be installed and the end-user will have to apply their license to make it work! Thus it shouldn't be an issue.
Since you're building a Windows AMI, do use Sysprep tool. It is highly useful in removing unique information from the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Windows instance, including the instance security identifiers (SID), computer name, and drivers. Duplicate SIDs can cause issues with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), log-in issues, Windows volume key activation, Microsoft Office, and third-party products.

AWS service to deploy a machine with default security groups, alarms, etc.?

I am looking to provide my software setup to others for use on AWS with as few manual steps as possible. I can create an AMI with my software pre-installed and configured rather than just an installer which cuts out several issues (badly sized disks, people picking wrong/unsupported distro for my compiled binary, etc.) but this does not bundle the config for network interfaces, alarms, or other related Amazon services.
Does Amazon have a service/mechanism that will such features? I know of launch templates but these are per-region, per-account and need to be created after groups etc. have been added manually.
I know Amazon have API's for all this, but before turning to third parties or my own script I want to be sure that Amazon has no portable template type thing that can be provided and they simply launched in the console.
You can create your AMI with your software pre-installed and publish them to all the available regions(AWS marketplace/ public access).
Later use Cloud formation template which will include creation of aws resources needed for your application to run including launching instance using your AMI id's for each region and the instance launch uses the ami from the corresponding region. This way your customers can just use the cloudformation template and all prerequisites will be met.
In terms of having your AMI ID in the cloud formation template and using it based on the region in which it is launched can be achieved using the Mappings section in Cloud formation. Hope that helps

Is it possible to dowload a Windows AMI created in EC2 for a local copy

I am making a backup of all the instances in EC2 and I am following the best practices specified by techsoup for backup
In this it is mentioned to keep a local copy of the server at 2 different locations. I was wondering if it is possible to download a Windows AMI created in Amazon EC2 which was not exported from the local VM or using the AWS CLI. It is completely an EC2 instance whose AMI was created for backup.
Can I keep a local copy of the AMI for on-premise backup?
No, it is not possible. If the AMI needs to be kept in two locations then those locations should be separate AWS regions. You can copy the AMI to another region using the AWS CLI's copy-image or via the AWS console.

How can Switch AWS EC2 server instance from one country to another country

I am using AWS server instance and i have deployed my application in AWS India origin cause of latency issue i wish to switch AWS china. So as i read about "Amazon Machine Image" but i am not sure about it would work or not.
Does cross origin copy of AWS AMI support in china?
I am little bit confuse about as below link is showing AWS EBS is there so my question is Do we use AWS-EBS service to create an AMI image?
You can create a AMI from existing instance and launch a new instance from that AMI in the new region. You need to copy the AMI to new region before starting the new instance.
For detailed steps see this blog

Selling AMIs on AWS Market Place

I am currently looking at the steps on how to created and sell AMIs.
I can easily create the AMI, however I am unsure about the required architecture that is needed. The Amazon documentation states:
Source AMIs for AWS Marketplace MUST be provided in the us-east-1 region.
Does this mean the AMI needs to be created from an instance that is in the us-east-1 region? As currently all my instances are in eu-west-1.
The created AMI must be present in the us-east-1 region.
See here for more https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/help/201231340 , https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/help/200940380