signals and slots with a condition - c++

I have a mainwindow.ui with a QLineEdit_1 and secondWindow.ui with multiple QLineEdit widgets , in short, i wanted to make a condition where when entering a certain number in QLineEdit_1 would result in text output on some of the QLineEdit widgets as "null" and the rest would still be blank.
what are the main steps to achieving the above
if also anyone would lead me to an example similar that would be great

Sounds like you are searching for signal-slot-connections:
In your case listen to textChanged() of QLineEdit_1 and create a slot in e.g. secondWindow.ui-class where you set the other line edits as you like:
connect(QLineEdit_1, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
PointerToSecondWindow, &secondWindow::yourSlot);
// In secondWindow.cpp
void secondWindow::yourSlot(const QString &text) {
// Do with text whatever you like and set the
// other line edits.


How to have QLabel update as various numbered pushbuttons are clicked

I have a dialpad with numbers 1-9 and 0, and a QLabel above it to show the numbers when clicked(same as a keypad on any phone). All are push buttons. What is the easiest way to get the QLabel to show the numbers as the push buttons are clicked?
For example, if 2 then 0 then 7 is clicked, the label would update in real time with 207. The format of the Qlabel should follow standard phone numbers, 000-000-0000. I understand how to setText for one number at a time, but they keep overriding each other.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance
What you are looking for is a QSignalMapper. It maps multiple inputs through a single interface and does the sender dispatching for you.
QSignalMapper *mapper(new QSignalMapper(parent));
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i){
QPushButton *button = some_new_button_function();
connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, mapper, &QSignalMapper::map);
mapper->setMapping(button, i);
connect(mapper, QOverload<int>::of(&QSignalMapper::mapped),
[this](int i){/*here your append code*/});
The easiest is to connect the clicked signal of the buttons to a slot (possibly a lambda) that changes the text of the QLabel (using setText()). If you want to append to the current text, then just do setText(label.text() + "new text");.
You have to connect the signals clicked() emitted by each QPushButton to a slot that update the QLabel text.
A brief example
In the parent constructor:
connect(qpb1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MyClass::handleQLabel);
And the possible slot implementation:
void MyClass::handleQLabel()
QPushButton * qpb = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(sender()); // Find the sender of the signal
if(qpb != nullptr)
this->myLabel->setText(qpb->text()); // Write anything you want in the QLabel
// Do what you want.
This will do the job.
Of course if you don't want use sender() (for multi-threading concerns for example) you can either create one slot by QPushButton and do the same number of connect (heavy and quite a dirty workaround), or create a subclass of QPushButton to add a custom signal to emit with an identifier of the QPushButton and get it with a slot for example.
I hope it can help :)
QLineEdit might better suit your needs in this case if you also want your data representation to follow phone number standard such as "000-000-0000". You can make it read-only, disable interaction flags if you like (but from UI/UX perspective it is better not to, since mostly there is no reason to disallow copying), and also you can set input mask you like. Given your current situation, you can base your needs on the following example:
// Set your format.
// Make sure that your text would be in the format you like initially.
// Text will be not editable.
// And here, you can use QSignalMapper as other members have suggested. Or you can just connect multiple buttons somehow. The choice is yours to make.
connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, ui->lineEdit, [this]
// Just keep in mind taht when returning text, some of the mask elements might be here, too.
ui->lineEdit->setText(ui->lineEdit->text().replace("-", "") + "1");

How to add hyperlinks in Qt without QLabel?

I have some labels and layouts nested inside a QWidget to build a part of a sidebar. Each QWidget is its own section and one component currently looks like this:
To my understanding, you can only set hyperlinks with QLabel, but I'm trying to get the whole area between the white lines clickable. This is including the icon and the whitespace. Is there any way to achieve this?
This got marked as a duplicate to the opposite of what I was asking, so I'd like to reiterate that I'm trying to implement a hyperlink without QLabel.
You can easily have a widget open a link on click:
class Link : public QWidget {
Link(QUrl url, QWidget p = nullptr) : QWidget(p), _url(url) {}
QUrl _url;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(_url); }
You can avoid any extra signals and connections, and have each link widget store its own link internally, the url can be set on construction and changed at any time. Not using signals and slots makes it easier to change the link too, without having to disconnect previous connections.
IMO going for a signals and slots solution is only justified when you want different arbitrary behavior. In this case you always want the same - to open a particular link, so you might as well hardcode that and go for an easier and more computationally efficient solution.
I would just manually catch the SIGNAL for clicked() and use desktop services to open the url in code.
bool QDesktopServices::openUrl ( const QUrl & url ) [static]
Opens the given url in the appropriate Web browser for the user's desktop environment, and returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
Using this type of syntax, or in the designer, you can also connect a signal to a slot.
connect(widgetThatRepresentsURL, SIGNAL(clicked()),
handlerThatWillOpenTheURL, SLOT(clicked_on_url()));
For widgets that don't have a signal set up for clicked (or whatever event you are interested in), you can subclass the widget in question and reimplement...
void QWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) [virtual protected]
Specifically for creating a signal, there is emit. I've used this in the past like the following
void Cell::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
emit focus(this, true);
with the following in the header
void focus(Cell *, bool);

QLineEdit editingFinished signal twice when changing focus?

I've found a few similar questions on this but these appear to refer to cases where a message box is used in the slot handler. In my case I am a bit stuck as I am getting the editFinished signal twice even when my slot handler is doing nothing.
For a test, I have an array of QLineEdit which use a signalMapper to connect the editingFinished() signals to a single slot. The signalMapper passes the array index so I can see where the signal came from.
testenter::testenter(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::testenter)
// setup the UI according to the .h file
signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
// init the labels and edit boxes
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
pm_label[i] = new QLabel(ui->scrollArea);
QString text = QString("Number %1").arg(i);
pm_label[i]->setGeometry(10,20+i*30, 50, 20);
pm_editBox[i] = new QLineEdit(ui->scrollArea);
pm_editBox[i]->setGeometry(80,20+i*30, 50, 20);
signalMapper->setMapping(pm_editBox[i], int(i));
connect(pm_editBox[i], SIGNAL(editingFinished()), signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(data_entry(int)));
void testenter::data_entry(int entry)
When run in the debugger, if I enter data into one box then either hit return or select another box with the mouse (ie change focus) , then it calls data_entry twice, the first time with index of the box that is losing focus and the 2nd time with the box which gets the focus.
So my question: Am I missing something? Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
If a bug, anyone know a way round it as I wanted to use this signal to do custom validation on data when it is entered (by either return, tab or mouse click to change focus).
First off, no this isn't expected behavior, i.e. selecting a QLineEdit should not cause it's editingFinished signal to be emitted.
There are a couple of possible things that may cause this problem:
You've accidentally connected a signal twice to a slot
The slot map() is causing the newly selected box to lose focus
In the same vain, if you're debugging and using a break point to detect when the slots are getting called you may be causing the QLineEdit to lose focus when the active application changes from your QWidget to your debugger, again causing the signal to be sent again.
If you're having problems because of a doubly connected slot, which doesn't seem to be the case because you're specifically getting a signal from two different QLineEdits, you can make sure that this isn't happening by specifying the connection type, the connect method actually has an additional optional argument at the end which allows you to change the type from a DefaultConnection to a UniqueConnection.
That being said, data validation is something that Qt has an established mechanism for, and I suggest that you use it if possible, look into extending the QValidator abstract base class Ref Doc. You then tell each of your QLineEdit's to use the same validator.
I have run into the same issue. It really does emit the signal twice, which is a known bug: which however has not been addressed for a very long time.
Finally I found that the best solution in my case is to change the signal from editingFinished to returnPressed. As a side effect this behaves much more predictably from the user perspective. See also here:
The OP "found a few similar questions on this but these appear to refer to cases where a message box is used in the slot handler." Well, that is my situation also, and here is where I ended up. So, at the risk of going off topic...
In my situation, when my slot receives the editingFinished signal sent from the QLineEdit, I launch a modal QMessageBox to ask the user something. The appearance of that message box is what triggers the QLineEdit to send the second, undesirable editingFinished signal.
A post in the bug report ( mentioned by #V.K. offers a workaround which helped me. The following is my implementation of the workaround. I let Qt magic mojo automatically connect the QLineEdit signal to my MainWindow slot.
void MainWindow::on_textbox_editingFinished( void )
QLineEdit * pTextbox = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( QObject::sender() );
if ( !pTextbox->isModified() )
// Ignore undesirable signals.
pTextbox->setModified( false );
// Do something with the text.
doSomething( pTextbox->text() );
void MainWindow::doSomething( QString const & text )
QMessageBox box( this );
box.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
box.setText( "Are you sure you want to change that text value?" );
if ( box.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
// Store the text.
m_text = text;

How to issue signal each time a row is edited in QListWidget?

class genericTaskList : public QListWidget
QListWidgetItem *defaultText;
genericTaskList (QWidget *parentWidget)
setParent (parentWidget);
setFixedSize (445, 445);
defaultText = new QListWidgetItem ("Double click here to compose the task");
defaultText->setFlags (defaultText->flags () | Qt :: ItemIsEditable);
insertItem (0, defaultText);
QObject :: connect (this, SIGNAL (currentRowChanged (int)), this, SLOT (addDefaultText (int)));
public slots:
void addDefaultText (int rr)
std::cout << "\ndsklfjsdklfhsdklhfkjsdf\n";
insertItem (++rr, defaultText);
This code is supposed to issue a signal each time the row gets edited.
After I call "insertItem" in the constructor, the signal is issued.
But, that's it. It never gets issued after that - no matter how many times I edit the row.
What am I missing?
At first it seems like QListWidget::itemChanged is the way to go, but soon you run into a problem: the signal is sent for everything - inserts, removes, changing colors, checking boxes, etc! So then you end up trying to put in flags and filter everywhere by intercepting various signals to find out if editing was the actual event. It gets very messy.
There is also QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged , which would seem like a good solution. It even has a parameter "const QVector& lstRoles" so you could scan for Qt::EditRole and see if it was really edited. Alas, there's a catch - it gets called for everything just like QListWidget::itemChanged and unfortunately, for QListWidget anyway, the roles parameter is always empty when it's called (I tried it). So much for that idea...
Fortunately, there's still hope... This solution does the trick! :
He uses QAbstractItemDelegate::closeEditor, but I prefer using QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData.
So make a connect like so...
connect(ui.pLstItems->itemDelegate(), &QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData, this, &MyWidget::OnLstItemsCommitData);
Then implement the slot like this...
void MyWidget::OnLstItemsCommitData(QWidget* pLineEdit)
QString strNewText = reinterpret_cast<QLineEdit*>(pLineEdit)->text();
int nRow = ui.pLstItems->currentRow();
// do whatever you need here....
Now you have a slot that gets called only when the list item's text has been edited!
currentRowChanged indicates the row selection has changed, not the content of the row. Perhaps you want to use currentTextChanged or itemChanged instead.
The reuse of the word current and changed in the QT docs is quite confusing.
Warning: A QListWidgetItem can only be added to a QListWidget once. Adding the same QListWidgetItem multiple times to a QListWidget will result in undefined behavior.
So even if it will emit the signal I think you should better to add newly created Item.
And when do you want the new row to be inserted ? -
as soon as item is double clicked or finishing edit - they differ.

Making QLabel behave like a hyperlink

how can I make a QLabel to behave like a link? What I mean is that I'd like to be able to click on it and then this would invoke some command on it.
QLabel does this already.
Sample code:
myLabel->setText("Click Here!");
The answer from cmannnett85 is fine if you just want to open a URL when the link is clicked, and you are OK with embedding that URL in the text field of the label. If you want to do something slightly custom, do this:
QLabel * myLabel = new QLabel();
Then you can connect the linkActivated signal of the label to a slot, and do whatever you want in that slot. (This answer assumes you have basic familiarity with Qt's signals and slots.)
The slot might look something like this:
void MainWindow::on_myLabel_linkActivated(const QString & link)