How to erase elements more efficiently from a vector or set? - c++

Problem statement:
First two inputs are integers n and m. n is the number of knights fighting in the tournament (2 <= n <= 100000, 1 <= m <= n-1). m is the number of battles that will take place.
The next line contains n power levels.
The next m lines contain two integers l and r, indicating the range of knight positions to compete in the ith battle.
After each battle, all nights apart from the one with the highest power level will be eliminated.
The range for each battle is given in terms of the new positions of the knights, not the original positions.
Output m lines, the ith line containing the original positions (indices) of the knights from that battle. Each line is in ascending order.
Sample Input:
8 4
1 0 5 6 2 3 7 4
1 3
2 4
1 3
0 1
Sample Output:
1 2
4 5
3 7
Here is a visualisation of this process.
1 2
4 5
3 7
I have solved this problem. My program produces the correct output, however, it is O(n*m) = O(n^2). I believe that if I erase knights more efficiently from the vector, efficiency can be increased. Would it be more efficient to erase elements using a set? I.e. erase contiguous segments rather that individual knights. Is there an alternative way to do this that is more efficient?
#define INPUT1(x) scanf("%d", &x)
#define INPUT2(x, y) scanf("%d%d", &x, &y)
#define OUTPUT1(x) printf("%d\n", x);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
int n, m;
INPUT2(n, m);
vector< pair<int,int> > knights(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int power;
knights[i] = make_pair(power, i);
while(m--) {
int l, r;
INPUT2(l, r);
int max_in_range = knights[l].first;
for (int i = l+1; i <= r; i++) if (knights[i].first > max_in_range) {
max_in_range = knights[i].first;
int offset = l;
int range = r-l+1;
while (range--) {
if (knights[offset].first != max_in_range) {
else offset++;

Well, removing from vector wouldn't be efficient for sure. Removing from set, or unordered set would be more effective (use iterators instead of indexes).
Yet the problem will still remain O(n^2), because you have two nested whiles running n*m times.
I believe I understand the question now :)
First let's calculate the complexity of your code above. Your worst case would be the case that max range in all battles is 1 (two nights for each battle) and the battles are not ordered with respect to the position. Which means you have m battles (in this case m = n-1 ~= O(n))
The first while loop runs n times
For runs for once every time which makes it n*1 = n in total
The second while loop runs once every time which makes it n again.
Deleting from vector means n-1 shifts that makes it O(n).
Thus with the complexity of the vector total complexity is O(n^2)
First of all, you don't really need the inner for loop. Take the first knight as the max in range, compare the rest in the range one-by-one and remove the defeated ones.
Now, i believe it can be done in O(nlogn) with using std::map. The key to the map is the position and the value is the level of the knight.
Before proceeding, finding and removing an element in map is logarithmic, iterating is constant.
Finally, your code should look like:
while(m--) // n times
strongest = map.find(first_position); // find is log(n) --> n*log(n)
for (opponent = next of strongest; // this will run 1 times, since every range is 1
opponent in range;
opponent = next opponent) // iterating is constant
// removing from map is log(n) --> n * 1 * log(n)
if strongest < opponent
remove strongest, opponent is the new strongest
remove opponent, (be careful to remove it after iterating to next)
Ok, now the upper bound would be O(2*nlogn) = O(nlogn). If the ranges increases, that makes the run time of upper loop decrease but increases the number of remove operations. I'm sure the upper bound won't change, let's make it a homework for you to calculate :)

A solution with a treap is pretty straightforward.
For each query, you need to split the treap by implicit key to obtain the subtree that corresponds to the [l, r] range (it takes O(log n) time).
After that, you can iterate over the subtree and find the knight with the maximum strength. After that, you just need to merge the [0, l) and [r + 1, end) parts of the treap with the node that corresponds to this knight.
It's clear that all parts of the solution except for the subtree traversal and printing work in O(log n) time per query. However, each operation reinserts only one knight and erase the rest from the range, so the size of the output (and the sum of sizes of subtrees) is linear in n. So the total time complexity is O(n log n).
I don't think you can solve with standard stl containers because there'no standard container that supports getting an iterator by index quickly and removing arbitrary elements.


Is this code a bubble sorting program?

I made a simple bubble sorting program, the code works but I do not know if its correct.
What I understand about the bubble sorting algorithm is that it checks an element and the other element beside it.
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a, b, c, d, e, smaller = 0,bigger = 0;
cin >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e;
int test1[5] = { a,b,c,d,e };
for (int test2 = 0; test2 != 5; ++test2)
for (int cntr1 = 0, cntr2 = 1; cntr2 != 5; ++cntr1,++cntr2)
if (test1[cntr1] > test1[cntr2]) /*if first is bigger than second*/{
bigger = test1[cntr1];
smaller = test1[cntr2];
test1[cntr1] = smaller;
test1[cntr2] = bigger;
for (auto test69 : test1)
cout << test69 << endl;
It is a bubblesort implementation. It just is a very basic one.
Two improvements:
the outerloop iteration may be one shorter each time since you're guaranteed that the last element of the previous iteration will be the largest.
when no swap is done during an iteration, you're finished. (which is part of the definition of bubblesort in wikipedia)
Some comments:
use better variable names (test2?)
use the size of the container or the range, don't hardcode 5.
using std::swap() to swap variables leads to simpler code.
Here is a more generic example using (random access) iterators with my suggested improvements and comments and here with the improvement proposed by Yves Daoust (iterate up to last swap) with debug-prints
The correctness of your algorithm can be explained as follows.
In the first pass (inner loop), the comparison T[i] > T[i+1] with a possible swap makes sure that the largest of T[i], T[i+1] is on the right. Repeating for all pairs from left to right makes sure that in the end T[N-1] holds the largest element. (The fact that the array is only modified by swaps ensures that no element is lost or duplicated.)
In the second pass, by the same reasoning, the largest of the N-1 first elements goes to T[N-2], and it stays there because T[N-1] is larger.
More generally, in the Kth pass, the largest of the N-K+1 first element goes to T[N-K], stays there, and the next elements are left unchanged (because they are already increasing).
Thus, after N passes, all elements are in place.
This hints a simple optimization: all elements following the last swap in a pass are in place (otherwise the swap wouldn't be the last). So you can record the position of the last swap and perform the next pass up to that location only.
Though this change doesn't seem to improve a lot, it can reduce the number of passes. Indeed by this procedure, the number of passes equals the largest displacement, i.e. the number of steps an element has to take to get to its proper place (elements too much on the right only move one position at a time).
In some configurations, this number can be small. For instance, sorting an already sorted array takes a single pass, and sorting an array with all elements swapped in pairs takes two. This is an improvement from O(N²) to O(N) !
Yes. Your code works just like Bubble Sort.
Input: 3 5 1 8 2
Output after each iteration:
3 1 5 2 8
1 3 2 5 8
1 2 3 5 8
1 2 3 5 8
1 2 3 5 8
1 2 3 5 8
Actually, in the inner loop, we don't need to go till the end of the array from the second iteration onwards because the heaviest element of the previous iteration is already at the last. But that doesn't better the time complexity much. So, you are good to go..
Small Informal Proof:
The idea behind your sorting algorithm is that you go though the array of values (left to right). Let's call it a pass. During the pass pairs of values are checked and swapped to be in correct order (higher right).
During first pass the maximum value will be reached. When reached, the max will be higher then value next to it, so they will be swapped. This means that max will become part of next pair in the pass. This repeats until pass is completed and max moves to the right end of the array.
During second pass the same is true for the second highest value in the array. Only difference is it will not be swapped with the max at the end. Now two most right values are correctly set.
In every next pass one value will be sorted out to the right.
There are N values and N passes. This means that after N passes all N values will be sorted like:
{kth largest, (k-1)th largest,...... 2nd largest, largest}
No it isn't. It is worse. There is no point whatsoever in the variable cntr1. You should be using test1 here, and you should be referring to one of the many canonical implementations of bubblesort rather than trying to make it up for yourself.

Whats the efficient way to sum up the elements of an array in following way?

Suppose you are given an n sized array A and a integer k
Now you have to follow this function:
long long sum(int k)
long long sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
return sum;
what is the most efficient way to find sum?
EDIT: if I am given m(<=100000) queries, and given a different k every time, it becomes very time consuming.
If set of queries changes with each k then you can't do better than in O(n). Your only options for optimizing is to use multiple threads (each thread sums some region of array) or at least ensure that your loop is properly vectorized by compiler (or write vectorized version manually using intrinsics).
But if set of queries is fixed and only k is changed, then you may do in O(log n) by using following optimization.
Preprocess array. This is done only once for all ks:
Sort elements
Make another array of the same length which contains partial sums
For example:
inputArray: 5 1 3 8 7
sortedArray: 1 3 5 7 8
partialSums: 1 4 9 16 24
Now, when new k is given, you need to perform following steps:
Make binary search for given k in sortedArray -- returns index of maximal element <= k
Result is partialSums[i] + (partialSums.length - i) * k
You can do way better than that if you can sort the array A[i] and have a secondary array prepared once.
The idea is:
Count how many items are less than k, and just compute the equivalent sum by the formula: count*k
Prepare an helper array which will give you the sum of the items superior to k directly
Step 1: sort the array
std::sort(begin(A), end(A));
Step 2: prepare an helper array
std::vector<long long> p_sums(A.size());
std::partial_sum(rbegin(A), rend(A), begin(p_sums));
long long query(int k) {
// first skip all items whose value is below k strictly
auto it = std::lower_bound(begin(A), end(A), k);
// compute the distance (number of items skipped)
auto index = std::distance(begin(A), it);
// do the sum
long long result = index*k + p_sums[index];
return result;
The complexity of the query is: O(log(N)) where N is the length of the array A.
The complexity of the preparation is: O(N*log(N)). We could go down to O(N) with a radix sort but I don't think it is useful in your case.
What you do seems absolutely fine. Unless this is really absolutely time critical (that is customers complain that your app is too slow and you measured it, and this function is the problem, in which case you can try some non-portable vector instructions, for example).
Often you can do things more efficiently by looking at them from a higher level. For example, if I write
for (n = 0; n < 1000000; ++n)
printf ("%lld\n", sum (100));
then this will take an awful long time (half a trillion additions) and can be done a lot quicker. Same if you change one element of the array A at a time and recalculate sum each time.
Suppose there are x elements of array A which are no larger than k and set B contains those elements which are larger than k and belongs to A.
Then the result of function sum(k) equals
k * x + sum_b
,where sum_b is the sum of elements belonging to B.
You can firstly sort the the array A, and calculate the array pre_A, where
pre_A[i] = pre_A[i - 1] + A[i] (i > 0),
or 0 (i = 0);
Then for each query k, use binary search on A to find the largest element u which is no larger than k. Assume the index of u is index_u, then sum(k) equals
k * index_u + pre_A[n] - pre_A[index_u]
. The time complex for each query is log(n).
In case array A may be dynamically changed, you can use BST to handle it.

Quicksort weird time complexity, c++

I've been testing the time complexity of different sorting algorithms for different number sequences and it was all going well until i got quicksort's (with pivot in the middle) results for sequences that are one half ascending and the other descending. The graph:
(By "V" I mean a sequence in which the first half is descending, and the other ascending, and by "A" I mean a sequence where the first half is ascending, and the other half is descending.)
Results for other kinds of sequences look as I would expect, but maybe there is something wrong with my algorithm?
void quicksort(int l,int p,int *tab)
int i=l,j=p,x=tab[(l+p)/2],w; //x - pivot
while (tab[i]<x)
while (x<tab[j])
if (i<=j)
while (i<=j);
if (l<j)
if (i<p)
Does anybody have an idea what caused such weird results?
TL;DR: The problem is the pivot-choosing strategy, which makes repeatedly poor choices on these types of inputs (A- and V-shaped sequences). These result in quicksort making highly "imbalanced" recursive calls, which in turn result in the algorithm performing very poorly (quadratic time for A-shaped sequences).
Congratulations, you've (re)discovered an adversarial input (or rather a family of inputs) for the version of quicksort that chooses the middle element as the pivot.
For the reference, an example of an A-shaped sequence is 1 2 3 4 3 2 1, i.e., a sequence that increases, reaches the pick at the middle, and then decreases; an example of a V-shaped sequence is 4 3 2 1 2 3 4, i.e., a sequence that decreases, reaches the minimum at the middle, and then increases.
Think about what happens when you pick the middle element as the pivot of an A- or a V-shaped sequence. In the first case, when you pass the algorithm the A-shaped sequence 1 2 ... n-1 n n-1 ... 2 1, the pivot is the largest element of the array---this is because the largest element of an A-shaped sequence is the middle one, and you choose the middle element as the pivot---and you will make recursive calls on subarrays of sizes 0 (your code doesn't actually make the call on 0 elements) and n-1. In the next call on the subarray of size n-1 you will pick as the pivot the largest element of the subarray (which is the second-largest element of the original array); and so on. This results in poor performance because the running time is O(n)+O(n-1)+...+O(1) = O(n^2) because in each step you essentially pass on almost the whole array (all elements except the pivot), in other words, the sizes of the arrays in the recursive calls are highly imbalanced.
Here's the trace for the A-shaped sequence 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1:
blazs#blazs:/tmp$ ./test
1 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 5
1 2 3 2 1 3 4 4
1 2 3 2 1 3
1 2 1 2 3
1 2 1 2
1 1 2
1 1
4 4
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
You can see from the trace that at recursive call the algorithm chooses a largest element (there can be up to two largest elements, hence the article a, not the) as the pivot. This means that the running time for the A-shaped sequence really is O(n)+O(n-1)+...+O(1) = O(n^2). (In the technical jargon, the A-shaped sequence is an example of an adversarial input that forces the algorithm to perform poorly.)
This means that if you plot running times for "perfectly" A-shaped sequences of the form
1 2 3 ... n-1 n n-1 ... 3 2 1
for increasing n, you will see a nice quadratic function. Here's a graph I just computed for n=5,105, 205, 305,...,9905 for A-shaped sequences 1 2 ... n-1 n n-1 ... 2 1:
In the second case, when you pass the algorithm a V-shaped sequence, you choose the smallest element of the array as the pivot, and will thus make recursive calls on subarrays of sizes n-1 and 0 (your code doesn't actually make the call on 0 elements). In the next call on the subarray of size n-1 you will pick as the pivot the largest element; and so on. (But you won't always make such terrible choices; it's hard to say anything more about this case.) This results in poor performance for similar reasons. This case is slightly more complicated (it depends on how you do the "moving" step).
Here's a graph of running times for V-shaped sequences n n-1 ... 2 1 2 ... n-1 n for n=5,105,205,...,49905. The running times are somewhat less regular---as I said it is more complicated because you don't always pick the smallest element as the pivot. The graph:
Code that I used to measure time:
double seconds(size_t n) {
int *tab = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (2*n - 1));
size_t i;
// construct A-shaped sequence 1 2 3 ... n-1 n n-1 ... 3 2 1
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
tab[i] = tab[2*n-i-2] = i+1;
// To generate V-shaped sequence, use tab[i]=tab[2*n-i-2]=n-i+1;
tab[n-1] = n;
// For V-shaped sequence use tab[n-1] = 1;
clock_t start = clock();
quicksort(0, 2*n-2, tab);
clock_t finish = clock();
return (double) (finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
I adapted your code to print the "trace" of the algorithm so that you can play with it yourself and gain insight into what's going on:
#include <stdio.h>
void print(int *a, size_t l, size_t r);
void quicksort(int l,int p,int *tab);
int main() {
int tab[] = {1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1};
size_t sz = sizeof(tab) / sizeof(int);
quicksort(0, sz-1, tab);
print(tab, 0, sz-1);
return 0;
void print(int *a, size_t l, size_t r) {
size_t i;
for (i = l; i <= r; ++i) {
printf("%4d", a[i]);
void quicksort(int l,int p,int *tab)
int i=l,j=p,x=tab[(l+p)/2],w; //x - pivot
printf("pivot=%d\n", x);
while (tab[i]<x)
while (x<tab[j])
if (i<=j)
while (i<=j);
print(tab, l, p);
if (l<j)
if (i<p)
By the way, I think the graph showing the running times would be smoother if you took the average of, say, 100 running times for each input sequence.
We see that the problem here is the pivot-choosing strategy. Let me note that you can alleviate the problems with adversarial inputs by randomizing the pivot-choosing step. The simplest approach is to pick the pivot uniformly at random (each element is equally likely to be chosen as the pivot); you can then show that the algorithm runs in O(n log n) time with high probability. (Note, however, that to show this sharp tail bound you need some assumptions on the input; the result certainly holds if the numbers are all distinct; see, for example, Motwani and Raghavan's Randomized Algorithms book.)
To corroborate my claims, here's the graph of running times for the same sequences if you choose the pivot uniformly at random, with x = tab[l + (rand() % (p-l))]; (make sure you call srand(time(NULL)) in the main).
For A-shaped sequences:
For V-shaped sequences:
in QuickSort the one of the major things that affect running time is making the input ramdom.
generally choosing a pivot at a particular position may not really be the best except its certain that the input is randomly shuffled. Using the median of three partition is one of the widely used means just to make sure that the pivot is a random number. From your code you didn't implement it.
Also, when recursive quicksort will experience some overhead since its used internal stack( will have to generate several function and assign parameters) , so its advisable that when the size of the data left is around 10 - 20 you can use other sort algorithm like InsertionSort as this will make it about 20% faster.
void quicksort(int l,int p,int *tab){
if ( tab.size <= 10 ){
Something of this nature.
In General best running time for quicksort is nlogn
worse case running time is n^2 often caused by non-random inputs or duplicates inputs
All answers here have very good points. My idea is, that there is nothing wrong with the algorithm (since the pivot problem is well known and it is a reason for O(n^2), but there is something wrong with the way you measure it.
clock() - returns number of processor ticks elapsed from some point (probably program launch? Not important).
Your way of measuring time relly on constant length of tick, which I think isn't guaranteed.
Point is, that many (all?) of todays modern processors dynamically change their frequency to save energy. I think, it is very non-determinstic, so every time you launch your program - CPU frequency will depend not only on size of your input, but also on what is happening in you system right now. The way I understand it is, that the length of one tick can be very different during program execution.
I tried to lookup, what macro CLOCKS_PER_SEC actually does. Is it current clocks per sec? Does it do some averages during some mysterious time period? I sadlly wasn't able to find out. Therefore, I think that your way of measuring time can be totaly wrong.
Since my argument stands on something, I don't know for sure, I might be totaly wrong.
One way to find out is run multiple tests with same data multiple times with diferrent overall system usage and see, if it behaves significally different each time. Another way is, to set your computer's CPU frequency to some static value and test it similar way.
IDEA Wouldn't be better to measure "time" in ticks?
EDIT 1 Thanks to #BeyelerStudios, now we for certain know, that you shouldn't relly on clock() on Windows machines, because it doesn't follow C98 standard. Source
I hope I helped, if I am wrong, please correct me - I am a student and not a HW specialist.
Quicksort has a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2) and an average of O(n log n) for n entries in a data set. More details on an analysis of the time complexity can be found here:
and here:

Varying initializer in a 'for loop' in C++

int i = 0;
for(; i<size-1; i++) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[i+1];
arr[i+1] = temp;
Here I started with the fist position of array. What if after the loop I need to execute the for loop again where the for loop starts with the next position of array.
Like for first for loop starts from: Array[0]
Second iteration: Array[1]
Third iteration: Array[2]
For array: 1 2 3 4 5
for i=0: 2 1 3 4 5, 2 3 1 4 5, 2 3 4 1 5, 2 3 4 5 1
for i=1: 1 3 2 4 5, 1 3 4 2 5, 1 3 4 5 2 so on.
You can nest loops inside each other, including the ability for the inner loop to access the iterator value of the outer loop. Thus:
for(int start = 0; start < size-1; start++) {
for(int i = start; i < size-1; i++) {
// Inner code on 'i'
Would repeat your loop with an increasing start value, thus repeating with a higher initial value for i until you're gone through your list.
Suppose you have a routine to generate all possible permutations of the array elements for a given length n. Suppose the routine, after processing all n! permutations, leaves the n items of the array in their initial order.
Question: how can we build a routine to make all possible permutations of an array with (n+1) elements?
Generate all permutations of the initial n elements, each time process the whole array; this way we have processed all n! permutations with the same last item.
Now, swap the (n+1)-st item with one of those n and repeat permuting n elements – we get another n! permutations with a new last item.
The n elements are left in their previous order, so put that last item back into its initial place and choose another one to put at the end of an array. Reiterate permuting n items.
And so on.
Remember, after each call the routine leaves the n-items array in its initial order. To retain this property at n+1 we need to make sure the same element gets finally placed at the end of an array after the (n+1)-st iteration of n! permutations.
This is how you can do that:
void ProcessAllPermutations(int arr[], int arrLen, int permLen)
if(permLen == 1)
ProcessThePermutation(arr, arrLen); // print the permutation
int lastpos = permLen - 1; // last item position for swaps
for(int pos = lastpos; pos >= 0; pos--) // pos of item to swap with the last
swap(arr[pos], arr[lastpos]); // put the chosen item at the end
ProcessAllPermutations(arr, arrLen, permLen - 1);
swap(arr[pos], arr[lastpos]); // put the chosen item back at pos
and here is an example of the routine running:
Note, however, that this approach is highly ineffective:
It may work in a reasonable time for very small input size only. The number of permutations is a factorial function of the array length, and it grows faster than exponentially, which makes really BIG number of tests.
The routine has no short return. Even if the first or second permutation is the correct result, the routine will perform all the rest of n! unnecessary tests, too. Of course one can add a return path to break iteration, but that would make the code somewhat ugly. And it would bring no significant gain, because the routine will have to make n!/2 test on average.
Each generated permutation appears deep in the last level of the recursion. Testing for a correct result requires making a call to ProcessThePermutation from within ProcessAllPermutations, so it is difficult to replace the callee with some other function. The caller function must be modified each time you need another method of testing / procesing / whatever. Or one would have to provide a pointer to a processing function (a 'callback') and push it down through all the recursion, down to the place where the call will happen. This might be done indirectly by a virtual function in some context object, so it would look quite nice – but the overhead of passing additional data down the recursive calls can not be avoided.
The routine has yet another interesting property: it does not rely on the data values. Elements of the array are never compared. This may sometimes be an advantage: the routine can permute any kind of objects, even if they are not comparable. On the other hand it can not detect duplicates, so in case of equal items it will make repeated results. In a degenerate case of all n equal items the result will be n! equal sequences.
So if you ask how to generate all permutations to detect a sorted one, I must answer: DON'T.
Do learn effective sorting algorithms instead.

How to find maximum of each subarray of some fixed given length in a given array

We are given an array of n elements and an integer k. Suppose that we want to slide a window of length k across the array, reporting the largest value contained in each window. For example, given the array
15 10 9 16 20 14 13
Given a window of length 4, we would output
[15 10 9 16] 20 14 13 ---> Output 16
15 [10 9 16 20] 14 13 ---> Output 20
15 10 [ 9 16 20 14] 13 ---> Output 20
15 10 9 [16 20 14 13] ---> Output 20
So the result would be
16 20 20 20
I was approaching the problem by keeping track of the maximum element of the window at each point, but ran into a problem when the largest element gets slid out of the window. At that point, I couldn't think of a fast way to figure out what the largest remaining element is.
Does anyone know of an efficient algorithm for solving this problem?
This older question discusses how to build a queue data structure supporting insert, dequeue, and find-min all in O(1) time. Note that this is not a standard priority queue, but instead is a queue in which at any point you can find the value of the smallest element it contains in O(1) time. You could easily modify this structure to support find-max in O(1) instead of find-min, since that's more relevant to this particular problem.
Using this structure, you can solve this problem in O(n) time as follows:
Enqueue the first k elements of the array into the special queue.
For each element in the rest of the array:
Use the queue's find-max operation to report the largest element of the current subrange.
Dequeue an element from the queue, leaving the last k-1 elements of the old range in place.
Enqueue the next element from the sequence, causing the queue to now hold the next k-element subrange of the sequence.
This takes a total of O(n) time, since you visit each array element once, enqueuing and dequeuing each at most once, and calling find-max exactly n-k times. I think this is pretty cool, since the complexity is independent of k, which doesn't initially seem like it necessarily should be possible.
Hope this helps! And thanks for asking a cool question!
You can keep a Binary Search Tree of the current elements, for example, save them as value-occurrence pairs. Other than that, you sliding window algorithm should be good enough.
This way, select maximum (the max element in the subsection) will cost O(logL) time, L being the length of the current subsection; add new would also be O(logL). TO delete the oldest one, just search the value and decrements the count by 1, if the count goes to 0 delete it.
So the total time will be O(NlogL), N being the length of the array.
The best I can come up with quickly is O(n log m).
You can get that by dynamic programming.
In the first pass you find max for every element the maximum from the element itself and the next.
Now you have n maximums (window size = 2).
Now you can find on this array the maximum from every element and the overnext in this array (gives you for each element the maximum for the next 4, ie window size = 4).
Then you can do it again, and again (and every time the window size doubles).
As one clearly sees the window size grows exponentially.
Therefor the runtime is O(n log m). The implementation is a bit tricky, because you must consider the corner and special cases (esp. when the windows size should not be a power of two), but they didnt influence the asymptotic runtime.
You could proceed like a tabu search :
Loop through the list and get the max of the 4 first ith element.
Then on the next step just check if the i+1th element is superior to the max of the previous elements
if i+1>=previous max then new max = i+1 reinialise tabu
if i+1< previous max then if the previous max was found less than N
step ago keep the previous (here is the tabu )
if i+1< preivous max and the previous max is tabu then take the new
max of the 4 i+1th elements.
I'm not sure it's clear but tell me if you have any question.
below is a code in python to test it.
res=[-1] #initialise res
tabu=1 #initialise tabu
for k in range(0,len(l)):
#if the previous element res[-1] is higher than l[k] and not tabu then keep it
#if the previous is tabu and higher than l[k] make a new search without it
#if the previous is smaller than l[k] take the new max =l[k]
if l[k]<res[-1] and tabu<N:
elif l[k] < res[-1] and tabu == N:
tabu=N-l[k-N+1:k+1].index(newMax) #the tabu is initialized depending on the position of the newmaximum
elif l[k] >= res[-1]:
print res[N:] #take of the N first element
I updated the code thx to flolo and the complexity. it's not anymore O(N) but O(M*N)
The worst case is when you need to recalculate a maximum at each step of the loop. i e a strictly decreasing list for example.
at each step of the loop you need to recalculate the max of M elements
then the overall complexity is O(M*N)
You can achieve O(n) complexity by using Double-ended queue.
Here is C# implementation
public static void printKMax(int[] arr, int n, int k)
Deque<int> qi = new Deque<int>();
int i;
for (i=0;i< k; i++) // first window of the array
while ((qi.Count > 0) && (arr[i] >= arr[qi.PeekBack()]))
for(i=k ;i< n; ++i)
Console.WriteLine(arr[qi.PeekFront()]); // the front item is the largest element in previous window.
while (qi.Count > 0 && qi.PeekFront() <= i - k) // this is where the comparison is happening!
qi.PopFront(); //now it's out of its window k
while(qi.Count>0 && arr[i]>=arr[qi.PeekBack()]) // repeat
Please review my code. According to me I think the Time Complexity for this algorithm is
O(l) + O(n)
for (int i = 0; i< l;i++){
oldHighest += arraylist[i];
int kr = FindMaxSumSubArray(arraylist, startIndex, lastIndex);
public static int FindMaxSumSubArray(int[] arraylist, int startIndex, int lastIndex){
int k = (startIndex + lastIndex)/2;
k = k - startIndex;
lastIndex = lastIndex - startIndex;
if(arraylist.length == 1){
highestSum += arraylist[0];
else if (lcount == l){
if(highestSum >= oldHighest){
oldHighest = highestSum;
result = count - l + 1;
highestSum = 0;
highestSum += arraylist[0];
lcount = 1;
return result;
FindMaxSumSubArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(arraylist, 0, k+1), 0, k);
FindMaxSumSubArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(arraylist, k+1, lastIndex+1), k+1, lastIndex);
return result;
I don't understand if this is better off to do in recursion or just linearly?