Google Cloud Pub/Sub - INVALID ARGUMENT error in Push subscription - google-cloud-platform

I created a topic & then tried to create a Subscription with "Push" delivery type. When I use the domain (the link doesn't exist), it works. However, when I use the url, it throws INVALID_ARGUMENT error.
Both have the same certificate authority. The only difference I see here is the domain & sub-domain.
Is there any other reason due to which I receive this error?

Got some hard time too figuring out what's happening.
You need to add your sub domain as verified domain in the API console:


How to get fixedresponseconfig on boto3 to work?

I am trying to create an integration between EC2-ALB and Lambda functions and in a part of my code I am trying to use the method:
modify_listener() documentation available here:
in that part I am using the DefaultAction: FixedResponseConfig where I am trying to display a simple hello world on html. the way this gets triggered in the code is, if my target group is unhealthy display the fixed response permissions have been setup everything looks fine because when I run the function I get a successful message but when I ask for the application from my okta portal I don't get that response (hello world) I get a normal 503 service temporary unavailable.
How can I direct that fixed response to the frontend of the app when is not working? the purpose of this is to display a maintenance page when the target group is down.
Thanks for the responses please feel free to make any question.
You can't customize ALB's error messages through fixed response. Instead you should consider two options:
use CloudFront in front of your ALB to setup Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes
use Route53 DNS failover when your ALB becomes unhealthy.

Google Cloud Functions certificate doesn't match domain name

I want to use my Google Cloud Function as a webhook endpoint for a Telegram bot - so that Telegram server makes a request to my function every time there's an update that I need to reply to. (Here's a full guide they provide for this). I have set up such a webhook at a GCF provided address, which looks like (where processUpdate is the name of my function).
However, it looks like Telegram doesn't work with my function because of a problem with certificate. They #CanOfWormsBot created to troubleshoot this provides an error message:
⛔️ This verified certificate appears to be invalid
Your CN (Common Name) or SAN (Subject Alternative Name) appear not to match your domain name, please verify you're setting the correct domain for the certificate.
Common Name(CN):
Issuer: Google Internet Authority G3
Alternative Names(SAN): Too many SANS to be shown here.
Issued: 18/06/2019
Expires: 10/09/2019
What's the root cause of this issue? Does it mean that Google misconfigured certificate they use for Can I fix this by configuring my cloud function?

Insecure website error when connecting to AWS Console w/Account Alias

When I try to access my AWS console using my account name in the URL, I get this error (in Firefox):
Your connection is not secure
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox may only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possible to add an exception for this certificate.
Why is this happening and what can I do about it?
Short answer: the problem is that there is a period in the company name/alias ( I modified this to remove the period and the error no longer occurred.
Longer answer: I guess the way the wildcard security certificate works is that it only applies to names with 1 subdomain level (before, and with the period, it broke it up into 2 ['mycompanyname', 'tech'].

Email Forwarding on Amazon Web Service SES

I'm trying to set up an email to go to my custom domain name, which I will call "mydomainname". Currently I can send emails to "" and receive no error from sending the email, but the received email does not show up in my bucket or spam folder.
I've been following instructions on this github and this tutorial .
I don't understand what the github instructions mean for the instruction that states
"Modify the values in the config object at the top of index.js to specify the S3 bucket and object prefix for locating emails stored by SES. Also provide
the email forwarding mapping from original destinations to new destination."
I've tried to guess at what that means by changing the index.js file to the as shown here
I suspect there is an error in the code above,
As well, I receive the following error for the JSON in my lambda-basic-execution
And the error that I receive
I've included the following screenshots for reference
This is my recipient rule
This shows some information on the settings of my lambda page
The error you show is just a warning for the resource not existing, you should still be able to create the policy for the same.
See if you actually did create the policy and test it again.
Also make sure there are no invalid or duplicate rules which may be causing the issue

API Console Issue

I've been using WSO2 API Manager 1.9.1 for the past month on a static IP and we liked it enough to put it on Azure behind a full qualified domain name. As we are still only using for internal purposes, we shut the VM down during off hours to save money. Our Azure setup does not guarantee the same IP address each time the VM restarts. The FQDN allows us to always reach regardless of what happens with the VM IP.
I updated the appropriate config files to the FQDN and everything seems to be working well. However! The one issue I have and cannot seem to resolve is calling APIs from the API consoloe. No matter what I do, I get a response as below
Response Body
no content
Response Code
Response Headers
"error": "no response from server"
Mysteriously, I can successfully make the same calls from command line or SOAPUI. So it's something unique about the API Console. I can't seem to find anything useful in the logs or googling. I do see a recurring error but it's not very clear or even complete (seems to cut off).
[2015-11-17 21:33:21,768] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for
Happy to provide further inputs / info. Any suggestions on root cause or where to look is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit#1 - adding screenshots from chrome
The API Console may not be giving you response due to following issues
If you are using https, you have to type the gateway url in browser and accept it before invoke the API from the API Console (This case there is no signed certificate in the gateway)
CORS issue which may due to your domain is not in access allow origins response of Options call
If you create a API which having https backend. You have to import endpoint SSL certificate to client-trustore.jks