how to create website using Django - django

I have one Django App. I want to get this app on World Wide Web.
Can anyone please help me with steps.
Like Some server addition(e.g. Apache or Nginx),Configuration of server,Integrating with Django,Web Hosting,etc.

This at this link you will find a tutorial that helps you to deploy your app with NGINX
simple and fast

In regards to hosting, you will have to get a domain name (unless you want to connect to your web page via IP address).
If you want to host your own web page from your server you will also have to set up your router to forward traffic to your server's IP. Having a static IP from your internet provider is preferable and also set your machine to have a static IP so you don't have problems with routing.

If you don't want the hassle of setting up a server environment all by yourself, you can also choose a PaaS provider like Heroku which supports Django applications out of the box. Hosting will cost more, but you will save time deploying your apps.


Vue/Laravel: Hosting on AWS

Learning AWS and looking for guidance on how to best put this app onto the web.
I have a fairly straightforward app:
Frontend build in Vue
Backend built in Laravel
In hindsight, I wish I'd just used Inertia within the Laravel app but alas.
Authentication is via JWT and users are stored within the backends connected database.
What I've already tried:
Attempt One
Using Elastic Beanstalk for Laravel hosting
Amplify for the frontend hosting
The issue I faced was EB uses http where as Amplify uses https so I couldn't get the two parts to talk to each other.
I then tried to use Router53 to make the connection (by buying a domain) but couldn't get the connection to work.
Attempt Two
I tried to put everything on an EC2 instance. Unfortunately, that was way too involved and my skillset isn't yet strong enough to progress there. I don't even know if it's even possible.
Anyone can provide direction on how to best host this app? Its just a practice app and I'm just learning.
Thank you for your help!!

Too Many Redirects Error in GCP while integrating Lets Encrypt SSL for PrestaShop

I've started learning Google Cloud Platform (GCP). I want to host an e-commerce website using PrestaShop CMS. This CMS is readily available as a Google Click To Deploy product in the GCP Marketplace.
Everything works totally fine unless I start using the Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate in the website. I have successfully set-up the Cloud DNS configurations and the domain name is pointing to correct IP address of VM instance (where the website is being hosted).
But once I run Lets Encrypt's Certbot, I don't know what it does to my website but it starts giving me an error in the browser - ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS .
I'm posting some screenshots that I've collected about conf files.
My domain name is but I couldn't find it in any of the conf files. If someone could tell me how to add it there, I'll be really grateful to you.
FINALLY, I solved this issue!
I just found that configuring any domain in Google Cloud DNS doesn't make any changes to it's virtual host file. I had to add my domain in 000-default.conf file so that it can get visible to the Certbot. I altered this file and added my domain then followed the quick process to generate the SSL certificate for my domain.
After that, I logged into my PrestaShop admin panel and enabled SSL Certificate for all the pages.
After that, it's working totally fine. If anyone ever faces this same issue, feel free to ping me I won't mind answering you guys even if you're a totally newbie!

Can a Django project be hosted in Firebase? If yes, give me an idea

I know to host my Django projects in pythonanywhere or something else. But, I need to know is that possible to host a Django project in Firebase Hosting Services.
Firebase Hosting only supports static content. It does not give you a way to run any backend code. You can use Firebase Hosting to proxy some requests to a Cloud Functions backend, but Cloud Functions provides its own way of handling HTTP requests.

Provider Hosted Apps Launch Issue

I have a provider hosted app (a normal web forms application) deployed on a typical web server IIS 7.5.
While launching the app from SharePoint Site in Office 365 Multi Tenant, it's throwing the below issue on App launch.
On capturing details using Fiddler, found the following when the app is launched
The SPErrorInfo Part is interesting. I am unable to confirm whether we really need the remote site to be configured for https?
Additional Information - Identity Provider is ACS and it is a low trust app.
Can someone suggest?
Nitin Rastogi
In a production environment, you should always be using HTTPS. If you don't, you're exposing yourself (and your organization) to many risks.
If this is your development environment and you are confident this isn't an issue, you may want to look at the accepted answer to this question on the MSDN forums, which mentions the same error message. Their solution to bypass the HTTPS checking:
$c = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$c.AllowMetadataOverHttp = $true
When packaging the SharePoint App from Visual Studio, you must ensure that the URL you use is using HTTPS:
In IIS, add an HTTPS binding to the site to achieve this. You would have to reupload the App to SharePoint after packaging it with the new HTTPS URL.
More information here.

How to set up Apache server via an FTP account

I have developed a web application in Django and would like to go online i have an FTP access to the hosting server I am a beginner to "setting up a website" i would like to know how to install apache on that server and have my application working
Kindly provide detailed info as i am newbie, any links or tutorials would help a lot
Thanks in advance
If you only have user level access to the machine (ie: you don't have root), then you won't be able to control what web server runs and you can only control its settings to a limited regard. You will have to consider contacting your provider or looking for a different hosting package if the server doesn't meet you needs.
Typically, if it is a hosting server, the administrators will already have web server software like Apache running. You simply just have to upload what you would like to have displayed (typically to a directory called "public_html" or something like that), and it will display when someone visits your site. Hopefully they support things like Django, otherwise you might need to look at other options.
Your hosting provider is most likely to have specific and the most relevant instructions for how to upload your website.