How to set up Apache server via an FTP account - django

I have developed a web application in Django and would like to go online i have an FTP access to the hosting server I am a beginner to "setting up a website" i would like to know how to install apache on that server and have my application working
Kindly provide detailed info as i am newbie, any links or tutorials would help a lot
Thanks in advance

If you only have user level access to the machine (ie: you don't have root), then you won't be able to control what web server runs and you can only control its settings to a limited regard. You will have to consider contacting your provider or looking for a different hosting package if the server doesn't meet you needs.
Typically, if it is a hosting server, the administrators will already have web server software like Apache running. You simply just have to upload what you would like to have displayed (typically to a directory called "public_html" or something like that), and it will display when someone visits your site. Hopefully they support things like Django, otherwise you might need to look at other options.
Your hosting provider is most likely to have specific and the most relevant instructions for how to upload your website.


What backend should I use to serve multiple websites, e.g. wordpress, web apps and mobile apps?

I am just starting to learn back end development, recently learned php and wordpress development, and I don't know what I should learn next.
The image below shows what I want to set up, and the software I think, but don't know if, I can use to achieve this.
Can I use a droplet on digitalocean and with django, nginx and uWSGI use that to host multiple static websites, wordpress websites and web apps. Can I also use the same server to communicate with mobile apps (created with flutter)?
Is this even possible, and what software do I need to use?
Pleas before asking any question google your question then ask.
There are no limits to the number of the services that you can host and deploy on your server or vps if you have enough resources on your machine.
To host a Web site or deploy a service there a lot of ways to do that, all you have to do is just google what ever you think you want to do, just google the question and the google will show you the path.

Build a website in sitecore and make it offline

I want build site using Sitecore(7.2) and also make it offline. Our requirement is not to use headless CMS. Is there any way to build or make it offline?
Internet websites cannot be delivered 'offline' without having all possible data delivered to the device so that it no longer needs to connect to the internet. This sounds less like a website, and more like an app that somebody would install?
If so, you probably DO need to look at headless and building an app that connects to the APIs for updates.
You might need to be more specific about the business use case because it seems contradictory to want to use a web application software that delivers web content, without using headless, and works without the web.
As already suggested that internet websites cannot work offline so either you have an app or intranet website.
Considering as an app you can consume sitecore OData apis for Content/Media however it will not work for Presentations and you have to implement your own mobile designs based on Xamarin or native.
For odata related information you can refer below link:
Once you get the response from api, you can locally store it in your local db of app

Django website running on Azure web app extremely slow

I have a django web app which I have deployed to an Azure web app (running on the B1 app service plan). The website works as intended, except for the loading time which can routinely take up to 10 minutes to load a single page (even with cached static files).
While I have not correctly set up a web hosting platform and are instead simply running the server using the default system, the website still should not be running this slowly. Is there a simple way to fix this problem?
If you running with, it may possible that you face performance issue or django web server thread issue. For performance you must configure django application with Apache2or IIS server.
Django web server is for debugging purpose only.
Recommend you to use Azure web services fir website.
Since your code runs normally on the local side, I suggest you try to change from FastCGI to httpPlatformHandler in your web.config file.You could follow this
In addition, please refer to this official doc to troubleshooting the performance of your Azure web app.
Optimize your code, where is blocking. I am also running website on Azure but never face slowly response even in free instance.

Access localhost site from web server

I have a site running via Visual Studio (i.e. at http://localhost:1234)
I need to access this site from test web server(windows/IIS).
I can ping from the web server to my machine name.
Just wondering what I need to do to test this? to browse the site from the web server?
I usually just do a quick Publish and set up a web site application in IIS to point to the published location. I am interested to know if there is another way though.

how to publish and discover a java web service

I am new to developing web services using java. I have an academic project where I need to do dynamic service composition. For that I can't directly create a service-client for a particular service because if I do so then that client will call that particular service only. Client need to search various web services and then out of those services select any one at run time and also call that service at run time.
I was able to develop the web service(JAX-WS) using Eclipse(indigo), I also created the client for that web service and every thing is working fine. Now my problem is that while creating the client I am hard coding the client to call that particular web service only(since I am creating the client using the WSDL file of the service). However I actually need to call any one of the searched service, but for that I need to publish the service some where then discover it and then call it.
I tried publishing the service to juddiv3. But on juddiv3 I could only publish the sample service supplied with the juddiv3. When I try to publish service created by me then it is not getting displayed in the group of published services.
Is there any other UDDI server which I could install on my local machine and then publish and discover the service from that. Also I was not able to figure out how to create a client that will modify itself at run time to call any one service out of various searched services.
Kindly provide the necessary steps and code.
You can use jUDDI ( ).
juddi is based on UDDI v2.0, v 3.0 .
Here, you can publish as well as discover your web service.
For integration, you have to make some application which integrates with jUDDI.
But I think for your academic project, and for your purpose, jUDDI is best suitable! ( :) )
jUDDI has a boat load of examples in the source code trunk. You may want to check them out. It's difficult to guess what the problem is from the little information you've provided. Consider contacting the jUDDI team for further assistance. There's also additional document for working with UDDI in the jUDDI user's guide, which is at the jUDDI web site
You cannot directly publish on jUDDI. You need to create publisher entities in jUDDI server also. You'll find Rename4Sales and Rename4Marketing examples in 'Classes' folder in the standalone server's juddi application. Use these XMLs as your basis and create your own entity. You also need to configure the server's login credentials.
I suggest you follow the tutorials on jUDDI blog.