Multiple reset passwords in django - django

I have a project which have a personal app, where the login takes place, and a question app which also includes a profile page. I have managed to reset pasword from the login page, but when I try to do the same in the question app (using different templates, because I do not want the same on these pages), it just goes directly to the login reset template.
I thought it would be enough to just add a new registration folder in the questions app, but it still goes searching in the personal app I think.
Is it possible to just fix this using the django auth views or do I have to create my own views for the questions app?

You will need to create separate views, as well as separate templates.
First, make sure that you understand the User model, and how authentication works in Django. The core docs have plenty of information on that.
Second, look at what you are trying to do and create a view specifically for the template you are creating. Make sure that view processes the data the way that you want to, and that it redirects where you want the user to be redirected to after making the update.
One question to ask yourself though, before you go through this trouble is "Do I really need to have two places to do this?"
Having more than one location to handle password resets is not likely to end up being what you actually want in the long run. I would personally keep all of the account manipulation views in one place so that you don't mess something up if you decide to change something in one place and forget in another.
Two principles that are important when developing any kind of site are KISS and DRY. KISS is just the traditional keep it simple.
DRY means don't repeat yourself.
Unless there is a NEED to have the code be in two different places, it is a bad idea. ESPECIALLY with account related things.


Django project applications division

I'm currently writing django project and got confused when it came to separation into apps. Project consists of posts and categories which are kept in one app, also there is a 'main' app which handles user profile view, login, logout and registration. Now I'm trying to implement user-to-user messages and I'm wondering if it should be kept as separate app.
If Message model is kept in application 'messages' how do I realize show_messages view?
1) It seems that it should be stored in 'main' app since it's linked by my_profile view. It would just get all Message instances form 'messages' app and render template extending profile.html or including from 'messages' app a partial template responsible only for messages listing. But why would I then need separate application just to hold one model there with some helper functions?
2) Secondly I wonder about placing show_messages view in 'messages' app but then I would need to use template which extends template from other application which again seems to be violation of self-containment rule. Also all "accounts/" urls are currently kept in main.urls so I feel wrong about adding "accounts/profile/messages" rule to messages.url.
3) Finally I think about moving Message model with all helpers and templates to 'main' app since messages are designed to work with User models and views therefore forcing additional separation seems useless.
Thanks for reading my thoughts, I'll appreciate all clues and explanations.
When I first started working with Django, I found the answers on this SO question to be particularly helpful, regarding app/project layout: Projects vs Apps
Many of the answers are useful, but this one is particularly pithy:
Try to answer question: "What does my application do?". If you cannot answer in single sentence, then maybe you can split it to several apps with cleaner logic?
I've read this thought somewhere soon after I've stared to work with django and I find that I ask this question my self quite often and it helps me.
Your apps don't have to be reusable, they can depend on each other, but they should do one thing.
Interdependence of apps isn't always problematic. For example, in a lot of my projects I have a separate app that is used solely for creating dynamic menus. In order to work properly, I need to import the specific models of that site into that app -- so I couldn't just drop it into another site, unaltered, and expected it to work. Nonetheless, the other 90% of the code in that app is completely reusable, and it's easier for me to move the relevant code to a new project if its already spun out into a separate app -- even though that app only holds a templatetag and a template.
Ultimately, a django site would technically run just fine with ALL models/views/etc in one big, unwieldy app. But by breaking your project down into "this app performs this specific function" you're probably going make managing your code a lot easier for yourself.
Regarding the 'url' point in 2, there's no reason not to subspace URLs. You are already doing this in a django project already -- mostly likely your main has an include() to another app, such as your main.urls. There's no reason your main.urls can't also have an include() to your messages app.

django: routing users through a complex app with class-based views

I'm an advanced beginner at django and python. I'm writing an app to handle registration and abstract submission for a conference, and I'm trying to use class-based views. Users get an emailed link that includes their registration code in the url. Starting at this url, users move through a series of views that collect all the necessary info.
The complication comes from the fact that users often stop half way through, and then want to complete the process several days or weeks later. This means that they might continue from the current page, or they might just click that original link. In addition, after several weeks they might have missed certain deadlines, so, e.g., they can no longer submit an abstract (but they can still register). Along the way, they have checked or unchecked various options that also influence the path they should take through the app.
My question is: where is the best place to put the logic that determines if the user is currently allowed to view that page, and if not, the best url to redirect them too? I thought I would create a custom view class that, e.g., overrides the dispatch method to include global checks (e.g., is conference registration open?), and then subclasses could add additional checks (e.g., has the user entered all the necessary info for her abstract?). The problem I ran into was that the checks were run in the wrong order (I want base class checks run first). I then started investigating custom view decorators or custom middleware. At this point I realized I could use some expert advice about which approach to take. (If it matters, I am not using the django authentication system.) Thanks in advance.
Maybe the form wizard could help you managing the viewing sequence.
In general django greybeards advocate keeping row-wise logic in Models, and table-wise logic in Managers, so it seems appropriate to keep complex view logic in a master view class.
The wizard class can help maintain the order of the views, but to resume an out-dated session you may need to do some model saves (which could get too complex very quickly) or some cookie handling.
In the past, when presented with a similar situation, I took the simplest route and separated user registration and the task that the user wants to perform (event registration). The user registers once but if they fluff up the event registration, they just have to log back in at a later date and do it again (their hassle - not yours!).

how to make interaction between different django apps in a single site?

I have just learnt about Django apps. I want to know that within one site, if I make different apps. like, users, profiles, polls, blogs,comments, jobs , applications then how can I manage them to make them intereactive? And is it how the concept of app should be? I want to have things loosely coupled that's why asking? Rails work on the way of REST, so do Django support that also with the use of apps? May be my questions seems a bit ambiguous because I am new to django and some of my concepts are still messed up.
Please tell what ever you know.
The general idea is that apps should be as loosely coupled as possible. The goal is to have completely self-contained functionality. Now, of course, that's not always possible and many times it even makes sense to bring in functionality from another app. To do that, you simply import whatever you need. For example, if your "blogs" app needed to work with your Comment model in your "comments" app you'd simply add the following to the top of the python file you're working in:
from comments.models import Comment
You can then use Comment as if it were defined right in the same file.
As far as REST goes, Django's views are much more fluid. You can name your view whatever you like; you need only hook it up to the right urlpattern in Django views can return any content type, you just prepare the response and tell it what mimetype to serve it as (the default is HTML).

Data structure for changing form using Django Models and Admin app

I am writing a Django application and using the built-in ORM. I would like to create functionality to provide a form but the template for that form needs to be built on admin side of the application and can change over time.
For instance, initially they have a form that asks for first name, last name but later if they decide to add birthday field admin should be able to go to this template page add birthrate as new field and on client side, users start seeing it. Is there anything already in place that can be used? I was thinking of using something like this but decided to check here and see if there is something better available.
Is it this what your are looking for?
I have never heard about any library for that, because you have pretty much different approaches to handle that!, but check the link, he is explaining better those approaches.

Should I modify/extend the admin interface, or write my own CRUD views/templates?

I'm trying to write a simple CRM app in Django; partly as a learning exercise and partly for in-house use.
My schema is slightly complex, as rather that have a single Contact model (with a home phone, work phone, home email, etc.), I have stripped down Cntact model plus a Phone model, an Email model, etc., with a ForeignKey pointing back to a Contact. The point is to let Contacts have an arbitrary number of phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Simple, right?
I have some working views and templates for displaying the data - no issues there. And with only a very small amount of poking at I have a um...eight different TabularInlines set up, and the admin interface works to create and edit the data...but it's ugly and clunky to the point of unusability, and of course there's no conception of permissions or anything. I'm also not really a fan of having a completely different interface for displaying and searching through the data than for editing and adding contacts...I'd like as much as possible to be done inline, so that I can search for a name, look at the record, click "add note", have it popup a form, fill in the details, click submit, and be done, all with AJAXy goodness so there's no page reloads.
Question: Should I plug away at modifying the admin interface to try and make it usable for a user-facing app? And if so, can anyone point me to a good guide or example where someone has really changed the admin interface to make it work for user-facing CRUD operations?
Or should I just go ahead and write my own CRUD views? And if so, can anyone point me to a good guide or example where someone has written custom CRUD views that work with lots of ForeignKeys and inlines? Ideally I want a form that displays a single Contact, all his Email records, plus a blank form to add a new Email record, plus a button to add more blank forms, plus his Phone records, plus a blank form, and so on for all 8 of my associated models.
(Or am I thinking about this all wrong? Any advice appreciated.)
For our intranet, we use ModelAdmin subclasses (not mounted on the admin site via for most of our C(R)UD views. By using custom templates for the views, it doesn't look like Django admin at all. What is very convenient though, is that it already handles all the validation/saving for us.
In general, I found admin-"hacking" quite useful to quickly write up C(R)UD views and usually with relatively small changes to your ModelAdmin subclass, you can make it work for your use case.
So I'd vote for use ModelAdmin, but not the one you use in admin, hook a different template and come up with some fancy CSS.
I successfully created a software on top of admin.
The admin hooks (these days) allow very fine-grained customizations, i.e. in general you only need to touch what you want to change.
The changes can go from a trivial cosmetic adjustment to a complete swap-out:
If you provide templates/admin/base.html your admin site can look any way you like. And of course, a navigation bar at the top could include links to some of your own views. Watch out not to hardcode URLs in your links, always reverse.
You can overload ModelAdmin's "change_view", "changelist_view" etc. and swap them for your own views. For example I replaced a default changelist and its simple filtering with a search interface that allows dynamic queries to be built, result columns to be customized by the user, and loading/saving of these searches. That didn't affect any of the other views of that ModelAdmin.
Overloading a ModelAdmin's "get_urls()" let's you rewrap existing admin urls to go to your own views. I did the latter for one model where I wanted the simple Add screen to be replaced by a totally customized Wizard (only leaning on ModelForm).
Don't forget the simplest approach, esp. regarding your "AJAXy goodness": Just define "css" and "js" in your ModelAdmin's Meta. Want to move an inline from the bottom to sit between third and fourth field, and that's not possible via parameters? A one-liner in jquery.
Check out "django-grappelli" for an example of how to improve admin look and feel.
What did you mean by "and of course there's no conception of permissions or anything"?