VBscript regular expression - regex

There is a txt file containing multiple lines with - Browser("something").page("something_else").webEdit("some").
I need to retrieve the names of the browser, page and fields (names surrounded by double quotes ) and replace the line with "something_somethingelse_some" (concatinating the names of the browser, page n filed respectively), please help.
the names can be anything so we should go with regex. Note we have to convert everything comes in the above format within the text file till the EOF..

You may try this:
and replace by:
Regex Demo


How to extract file name from URL?

I have file names in a URL and want to strip out the preceding URL and filepath as well as the version that appears after the ?
Sample URL
Trying to use RegEx to pull, CaptialForecasting_Datasheet.pdf
The REGEXP_EXTRACT in Google Data Studio seems unique. Tried the suggestion but kept getting "could not parse" error. I was able to strip out the first part of the url with the following. Event Label is where I store URL of downloaded PDF.
The URL:
REGEXP_EXTRACT( Event Label , 'Documents/([^&]+)' )
The result:
Now trying to determine how do I pull out everything after the? where the version data is, so as to extract just the Filename.pdf.
You could try:
This will match CaptialForecasting_Datasheet.pdf even if there is a question mark in the path. For example, the regex will succeed in both of these cases:
Assuming that the name appears right after the last / and ends with the ?, the regular expression below will leave the name in group 1 where you can get it with \1 or whatever the tool that you are using supports.
It basically says: get everything in between the last / and the first ? after, and put it in group 1.
Another regular expression that only matches the file name that you want but is more complex is:
It matches all non-/ characters, [^\/], immediately preceded by /, (?<=\/) and immediately followed by ?, (?=\?). The first parentheses is a positive lookbehind, and the second expression in parentheses is a positive lookahead.
This REGEXP_EXTRACT formula captures the characters a-zA-Z0-9_. between / and ?
REGEXP_EXTRACT(Event Label, "/([\\w\\.]+)\\?")
Google Data Studio Report to demonstrate.
Please try the following regex
I have tried it online at https://regexr.com/. Attaching the screenshot for reference
Please note that this only works for .pdf files
Following regex will extract file name with .pdf extension
You can add more extensions like this,

How do I use regex to return text following specific prefixes?

I'm using an application called Firemon which uses regex to pull text out of various fields. I'm unsure what specific version of regex it uses, I can't find a reference to this in the documentation.
My raw text will always be in the following format:
CM: 12345
APP: App Name
BZU: Dept Name
REQ: First Last
JST: Text text text text.
CM will always be an integer, JST will be sentence that may span multiple lines, and the other fields will be strings that consist of 1-2 words - and there's always a return after each section.
The application, Firemon, has me create a regex entry for each field. Something simple that looks for each prefix and then a return should work, because I return after each value. I've tried several variations, such as "BZU:\s*(.*)", but can't seem to find something that works.
EDIT: To be clear I'm trying to get the value after each prefix. Firemon has a section for each field. "APP" for example is a field. I need a regex example to find "APP:" and return the text after it. So something as simple as regex that identifies "APP:", and grabs everything after the : and before the return would probably work.
You can use (?=\w+ )(.*)
Positive lookahead will remove prefix and space character from match groups and you will in each match get text after space.
I am a little late to the game, but maybe this is still an issue.
In the more recent versions of FireMon, sample regexes are provided. For instance:
will match on:
jst:anything in here;
and result in
anything in here

Ultraedit, regular expression help, extracting 2 values, comma separated

I have this file where I only want to extract the email address and first name from our client list.
So a sample from the file:
a#abc.com,www.abc.com,2011-11-15 00:00:00,,John,Doe,209 Park Rd,See,FL,33870,,,
b#abc.com,cde.com,2011-11-07 00:00:00,,Erickson,Crast,136 Kua St # 1367,Pearl,HI,96782,,8084568190,
I would like to get back
So basically email address and First Name
I know I can do this in powershell but maybe a find and replace in ultraedit will be faster
Note: you will notice some fields are not provided so it will show ",," meaning those fields were left empty when the user signed up but the amount of comma in each line is the same, 12 being the count.
So basically there are fields separated by ",". Without looking at the correct content (i.e. email/timestamp etc. will need to have a certain format which could also be checked) let's just try to extract the values of the first and fourth field.
so I'd suggest
a Replace-Operation where you search for
and replace it with
\1 # \2
Options: "Regular Expressions: Unix".
(Just inserted the # to have a separator, although the first whitespace would be sufficient. But you'll get the idea, I assume...)
a#abc.com # John
b#abc.com # Erickson

Regex get the word after match

I have a log file.
In the log file I have a lot of lines and each line contain something like this:
<h4>adi</h4><small>08/02/2015 11:14:16</small>
The name between h4 tag different in every line also the time
I want to catch, using regex the time and the date in the line where I can find the name "adi", and as I said, there is only one line contains the name "adi".
Btw - the log is html.
This matches your target input:
See live demo.
Warning:Proceed with caution. Regex is not supposed to be used for HTML parsing.Use a parser instead!

Wrap JSON field names in quotes using vim search and replace

I have a simple json file that isn't well formatted it looks like:
{ ID: '092558667',
NAME: 'Store Made',
PARENT_CATEGORY_ID: '692558669',
All I need to do is wrap the field names in double quotes. In vim the closest I have gotten is to wrap the field name and the colon in quotes - obviously I need to figure out how to get the string without the colon wrapped. Here's what I am trying:
If I leave the colon out of the query the whole file ends up being selected.
You can use capture groups:
To handle already quoted keys properly:
Ok, with the information above I ended up with this:
:%s/[ \t]\([A-Za-z_].*\):/"\1":/
it supports upper- and lowercase chars
it skips already quoted fields
Since this can be considered a completion, I mapped it to a vim completion shortcut ctrl-x ctrl-j in .vimrc (they all start with ctrl-x ) :
:noremap <C-x><C-j> :%s/[ \t]\([A-Za-z_].*\):/"\1":/<CR>