Airflow task to refer to multiple previous tasks? - directed-acyclic-graphs

Is there a way I can have a task require the completion of multiple upstream tasks which are still able to finish independently?
download_fcr --> process_fcr --> load_fcr
download_survey --> process_survey --> load_survey
create_dashboard should require load_fcr and load_survey to successfully complete.
I do not want to force anything in the 'survey' task chain to require anything from the 'fcr' task chain to complete. I want them to process in parallel and still complete even if one fails. However, the dashboard task requires both to finish loading to the database before it should start.
fcr *-->*-->*
---> create_dashboard
survey *-->*-->*

You can pass a list of tasks to set_upstream or set_downstream. In your case, if you specifically want to use set_upstream, you could describe your dependencies as:
create_dashboard.set_upstream([load_fcr, load_survey])
Have a look at airflow's source code: even when you pass just one task object to set_upstream, it actually wraps a list around it before doing anything.



Should I have concern about datastoreRpcErrors?

When I run dataflow jobs that writes to google cloud datastore, sometime I see the metrics show that I had one or two datastoreRpcErrors:
Since these datastore writes usually contain a batch of keys, I am wondering in the situation of RpcError, if some retry will happen automatically. If not, what would be a good way to handle these cases?
tl;dr: By default datastoreRpcErrors will use 5 retries automatically.
I dig into the code of datastoreio in beam python sdk. It looks like the final entity mutations are flushed in batch via DatastoreWriteFn().
# Flush the current batch of mutations to Cloud Datastore.
_, latency_ms = helper.write_mutations(
self._datastore, self._project, self._mutations,
self._throttler, self._update_rpc_stats,
The RPCError is caught by this block of code in write_mutations in the helper; and there is a decorator #retry.with_exponential_backoff for commit method; and the default number of retry is set to 5; retry_on_rpc_error defines the concrete RPCError and SocketError reasons to trigger retry.
for mutation in mutations:
def commit(request):
# Client-side throttling.
while throttler.throttle_request(time.time()*1000):
response = datastore.commit(request)
except (RPCError, SocketError):
if rpc_stats_callback:
I think you should first of all determine which kind of error occurred in order to see what are your options.
However, in the official Datastore documentation, there is a list of all the possible errors and their error codes . Fortunately, they come with recommended actions for each.
My advice is that your implement their recommendations and see for alternatives if they are not effective for you

How does Luigi's require work?

I am using Luigi tool of Spotify to handle dependencies between several jobs.
def require(self):
yield task1()`
info = retrieve_info()
yield task2(info=info)
In my example, I'd like to require from task1, then retrieve some information that depends on the execution of task1 in order to pass it as an argument of task2. However, my function retrieve_info won't work because task1 has not runned yet.
My question is, since I am using yield, task1 should not process before the call of retrieve_info is made? Is Luigi iterating over the required function and then launching the processing of the different task?
If this last assumption is right, how can I use execution of a required task as an input of a second required class?

copying rather than modifying a job (APScheduler)

I'm writing a database-driven application with APScheduler (v3.0.0). Especially during development, I find myself frequently wanting to command a scheduled job to start running now without affecting its subsequent schedule.
It's possible to do this at job creation time, of course:
def dummy_job(arg):
sched.add_job(dummy_job, trigger='interval', hours=3, args=(None,))
sched.add_job(dummy_job, trigger=None, args=(None,))
However, if I already have a job scheduled with an interval or date trigger...
>>> sched.print_jobs()
Jobstore default:
job1 (trigger: interval[3:00:00], next run at: 2014-08-19 18:56:48 PDT)
... there doesn't seem to be a good way to tell the scheduler "make a copy of this job which will start right now." I've tried sched.reschedule_job(trigger=None), which schedules the job to start right now, but removes its existing trigger.
There's also no obvious, simple way to duplicate a job object while preserving its args and any other stateful properties. The interface I'm imagining is something like this:
sched.dup_job(id='job1', new_id='job2')
sched.reschedule_job('job2', trigger=None)
Clearly, APScheduler already contains an internal mechanism to copy job objects since repeated calls to get_job don't return the same object (that is, (sched.get_job(id) is sched.get_job(id))==False).
Has anyone else come up with a solution here? I'm thinking of posting a suggestion on the developers' site if not.
As you've probably figured out by now, that phenomenon is caused by the job stores instantiating jobs on the fly based on data loaded from the back end. To run a copy of a job immediately, this should do the trick:
job = sched.get_job(id)
sched.add_job(job.func, args=job.args, kwargs=job.kwargs)

get number of pending tasks for a specific user

In one of my applications i want to limit users to make a only a specific number of document conversion each calendar month and want to notify them of the conversions they've made and number of conversions they can still make in that calendar month.
So I do something like the following.
class CustomUser(models.Model):
# user fields here
def get_converted_docs(self):
return self.document_set.filter(date__range=[start, end]).count()
def remaining_docs(self):
converted = self.get_converted_docs()
return LIMIT - converted
Now, document conversion is done in the background using celery. So there may be a situation when a conversion task is pending, so in that case the above methods would let a user make an extra conversion, because the pending task is not being included in the count.
How can i get the number of tasks pending for a specific CustomUser object here ??
ok so i tried the following:
from celery.task.control import inspect
def get_scheduled_tasks():
tasks = []
scheduled = inspect().scheduled()
for task in scheduled.values()
return tasks
This gives me a list of scheduled tasks but now all the values are unicode for the above mentioned task args look like this:
u'args': u'(<Document: test_document.doc>, <CustomUser: Test User>)'
is there a way these can be decoded back to original django objects so that i can filter them ?
Store the state of your documents somewhere else, don't inspect your queue.
Either create a seperate model for that, or eg. have a state on your document model, at least independently from your queue. This should have several advantages:
Inspecting the queue might be expensive - also depending on the backend for that. And as you see it can also turn out to be difficult.
Your queue might not be persistent, if eg. your server crashes and use something like Redis you would loose this information, so it's a good thing to have a log somewhere else to be able to reconstruct the queue)

How should I implement callback for taskset in celery

I use celery to launch task sets that look like this:
I perform a batch of tasks that can be run in parallel, number of tasks in this batch varies from tens to couple thousands.
I aggregate results of these tasks into single answer, then do something with this answer --- like store to the database, save to special result file and so on. Basically after tasks done executing I have to call function that has following signature:
def callback(result_file_name, task_result_list):
#store in file
def callback(entity_key, task_result_list):
#store in db
For now step 1. is done in Celery queue and step 2 is done outside celery:
tasks = []
# add taksks to tasks list
task_group = group()
task_group.tasks = tasks
result = task_group.apply_async()
res = result.join()
# Aggregate results
# Save results to file, database whatever
This approach is cumbersome since I have to stop a single thread until all tasks are performed (which can take couple of hours).
I would like to somehow move step 2 to celery also --- esentially I would need to add a callback to entire taskset (as far as I know it is unsupported in Celery) or submit a task that is executed after all these subtasks.
Does anyone have idea how to do it? I use it in the django enviorment so I can store some state in the database.
To sum up my recent findings
Chords won't do
I'cant use chords straight forwardly because chords enable me to create callbacks that look this way:
def callback(task_result_list):
#store in file
there is no obvious way to pass additional parameters to callback (especially because these callbacks can't be local functions).
Using the database either
I can store results using TaskSetMeta but this entity has no status field --- so even if I would add a signal to TaskSetMeta i'd have to pool task results which could have siginificant overhead.
Well answer was really straightforward, and I can indeed use chords --- and additional parameters (like report file name and so on) must be passed as kwargs.
Here is chord task:
def print_and_sum(to_sum, file_name):
print file_name
print sum(to_sum)
return file_name, sum(to_sum)
Here is how to instantiate it:
subtasks = [...]
result = chord(subtasks)(print_and_sum.subtask(kwargs={'file_name' : 'report_file.csv'}))