View functions in an object [Eclipse C++] - c++

So i am having trouble viewing the member functions of my declared objects. I am using a MAC and i have an object. I want to see what kind of functions exists in that object. I cannot find the shortcut key for this so i was wondering if someone else knew it?
On my windows computer for java it use to be ctrl + space but that does not seem to work for c++ in either my mac or windows. Please help me out.

It could be because of the Windows Language Services Utility. The default method to switch between languages on Windows is to use the ctrl + space keyboard shortcut, which could be conflicting with the keyboard shortcut for auto-complete in Eclipse.
To get rid of this conflict, you will need to remove all other languages from your computer. Here is a solution:
You can find out what languages you have set up by going to Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Keyboards and Languages (tab) and then Change Keyboards (again, how obvious…). You’ll see a list of languages installed – remove any that you don’t want (click the language and then click the Remove button) until you only have the ones you want left. That fixed it for me, but you can also check the Advanced Key Settings tab to make sure that none of the keyboard shortcuts that are set include Ctrl-Space. - Robin's Blog
Alternatively, you may also want to check whether there is any other conflict with the default keyboard shortcut with Windows and Eclipse C++ IDE:
... but you can also check the Advanced Key Settings tab to make sure that none of the keyboard shortcuts that are set include Ctrl-Space. - Robin's Blog


Is there any sort of "Codelet Template" in KDevelop?

Everytime I need to input a piece of code such as "switch .. case" or "declaring a class", I desire a way I can rapidly achieve it by hitting a shortcut.
In many IDEs, we can do it by pressing some shortcut keys, and IDEs will paste a little piece of pre-defined code at the position of the focuse.
Is there any similar way in KDevelop?
I'm not meaning the File/Project Templates here.
Yes, use the 'Snippets' plugin distributed with Kate.
Install the Kate editor. Several of the plugins included can also be used in KDevelop; there's been some discussion of distributing those separately but it hasn't happened yet.
In KDevelop, use the menu Window -> Add Tool View and select 'Snippets'.
There will be a 'Snippets' toolview. Click on entries to paste them, or you can bind a shortcut. You can add new entries and categories.

Remap CMD+H shortcut in OSX

Is it possible to remap the "Hide Window" shortcut in OSX? I know about the possibility to remap just about any shortcut in the System Preferences that are either built in or just available in a specific app.
The thing is that CMD+H is not being shown as a 'built-in' shortcut. Also this shortcut is special in that it has a different name in the menu in every app in that it is called "Hide Appname". That makes it impossible to generically add it manually to the shortcuts. Unless there was a way to use Regexps or there would be a magic constant like "Appname".
The reason I'm asking this silly question is that I want to use CMD inside my Linux VMs as Meta key so that my tiling window manager has a sweet shortcut. Currently this works fine, unless I accidentally hide the Window(:

Class outline in XCode

I am looking for a XCode plugin or some configuration settings that might allow me to see the class structure in a file, by showing all defined classes, variables and functions on the right hand side of the screen much like Eclipse. An example of the same for vim can be found here. I work in both C++ and Objective-C and would like something that would work with either language. The screenshot of eclipse below demonstrates what I am talking about.
Can some one point me to such a pluign or how this can be done using the XCode settings.
You may press Ctrl + 6 to get the list of all functions in XCode currently opened page
You may press ⌘ + 2 shortcut and then press the 2 icons at the bottom as shown in the image below.

App Shortcut without pinning to Start Screen in Windows 8 using C++

Our company has an installer written in C++ that creates program shortcuts using IShellLink as described in:
On Windows 8 all shortcuts created in the Start Menu will also show as titles on the Start Screen. What we're looking to do is programmically control which icons are shown on the Start Screen. In the following article it describes the option "System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption" as:
To create add an app shortcut without pinning it to the Start screen
view, you can set the following property on the shortcut:
System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption = 1. The symbolic name for 1 is
This appears to be possible using the Windows Installer, however I haven't found a way to accomplish the same functionality programmatically in C++ given our context.
If anyone has any information about this, or an example of some sort, it would be much appreciated.
One thing I found was that "..NewInstall" literally means that. User customizations to the tiles seem to be retained even after you delete/update the .lnk files. This is probably a good thing as updates won't reset the user's environment, but it does mean that I needed to use fresh installs of Windows 8 during testing. I used a VM box to minimize the pain. At least I don't know how to delete the properties once set from within the environment.

How do I disable Eclipse's find/search regex hint drop-down?

When searching (across files) or finding (within files), if you have regular expressions enabled and enter a certain character (backslash, opening paren, etc) it displays a drop-down box with hints in.
I don't need these hints; they get in the way of the rest of the dialog, and the stupid drop-down hijacks my home/end keys.
However, I can't find any preferences for disabling it - is there some hidden way to turn them off which I'm not aware of?
Alternatively, if I need to modify the source and rebuild, what files do I need to edit, and can I do it in a way that doesn't prevent upgrading?
(Eclipse Galileo 3.5)
I didn't find any obvious way to prevent the "content assistance" in that search field.
So what I usually do is: prepare the search expression in any editor I want, and copy-paste it in said search field.
A bit cumbersome, but it works nicely enough for me.
The goal: avoid this kind of situation.
(Eclipse Helios 3.6)
Note: according to bug 259592, the auto-completion is disabled by default in Eclipse Helios 3.6.
ctrl+space is available. A lightbulb is there to remind you that completion help is possible in this field.