How to turn on indent structure lines in VS2017? - visual-studio-2017

I accidently turned them off somehow. But I cannot find a hotkey or setting to turn them on again.

It's in Tools + Options, Text Editor, last checkbox.


How to get spaces instead of tabs in eclipse

After doing a little research, I found out that eclipse hides its settings in multiple levels. So, I think, I got all the levels covered here.
Here I have set eclipse to insert spaces instead of tabs. And eclipse even acknowledges there that I have indeed set it up to insert 4 spaces instead of a tab (See the text under Tabulators: it says, "The current indentation size is 4, using spaces").
Then for the general text editor, I have also set it up to insert spaces instead of the tabs.
And eclipse couldn't have gotten things more wrong even if it had tried!
Unfortunately, despite all those settings, when I press tab, eclipse inserts 2 spaces. Then, I press tab again, and it inserts 2 spaces. Why 2 spaces? Are there still more hidden settings somewhere?
Anyways, this broken system works a bit, until I have one level more of indentation, for example, for a for-loop or an if-block. If I press, tab again, instead of adding 2 more spaces, it converts the 6 spaces into a tab.
And a tab which is not even 4 spaces wide, but instead a tab which looks like a 6- or 8-spaces wide tab.
Ctrl + I also adds tabs, not spaces.
The formatter is also setup as #Neuron suggested in his answer.
So, where else is eclipse hiding more settings?
I fixed it by going to..
Window ⟶ Preferences ⟶ C/C++ ⟶ Code Style ⟶ Formatter
There you need to edit the currently set profile. Click "Edit..." (top right-ish). Now go to Indentation (already open) ⟶ General Settings ⟶ Tab Policy and change this from "Tabs only" to "Spaces only".
If you still have the default profile, give your profile a new name.
Why is this so weird and convoluted? I don't know.

Source Insight //TODO comment

I recently started working with Source Insight, and in order to get a proper looking //TODO - comment you need to write // TODO
(with an extra space).
I tried looking around the config for a way to remove this extra space, couldn't find it, and can't get used to writing it with the extra space.
Any way to solve this? Or should I embrace this, and then slowly, learn to cherish it?
Go to Options->Style Properties
Add a new Style for your "todo" comments, set its properties to be whatever you like
Go to Options->Document Options
Click on "Language" button in Parsing section
Select appropriate language (C? C++?)
Click "Properties"
Change to "Comments and Ranges" tab
Click "Add new definition"
Set formatting style to match the new one you created above
For "range begins with" put "//todo" (perhaps one for each type of
Click ok x 3
Yes to "Reparse project"
Click close
It should now be showing up properly!

Tab and Enter key do not work anymore in the webstorm editor while typing

Ever since I upgraded my webstorm IDE to v8.0.4 the enter/return and tab key has no effect in the code editor.
Could there maybe any settings I have somehow changed that these keys does not work?
I have just found out that this odd behavior is only in the main index.html file not in my partial html files ???!!!
I had the same problem in one particular project, and other keystrokes also didn't work, including "(".
Selecting File > Invalidate Caches / Restart fixed it.
For me it wasn't invalidating caches or removing plugins. There is actually an "editor action" in the keymap settings called "Enter". Apparently I removed the key (enter) mapped to that by accident.
Just experienced the same issue but clearing the Invalidate Cache wasn't working for me.
I found that I had downloaded "Bootstrap 3 live templates/ snippets" plugin just prior. This for some reason rendered by editor unable to take enter/return keys as well as the tab key.
After removing the plugin the editor went back to working normally. I would suggest going over recently downloaded plugins and seeing if one of them might be causing the issues.
For anyone else struggling to figure out why this is happening, this happened to me on my MacBook pro due to having the ABC Keyboard configured in System Preferences > Keyboard instead of ABC Extended
In my case, Enabling ECMAScript 6 was the problem, I simply choose ECMAScript 5.1 again and everything now is working as it should!
change it from File->Settings->Languages & Frameworks->JavaScript and change the JavaScript language version to ECMAScript 5.1
Still very weird bug though
you have to map "Enter" to "Enter"!
setting > keymap >
search for enter
in "Editor Actions" right click on Enter and select Add key shortcut
press enter key
press ok and exit settings.
In the latest version of Tabnine on WebStorm or PhpStorm:
Find the keymap "Accept Inline Completion" and remove Tab
Invalidate Cache didnt work for me as well. To be precise, the issue is related to newly added plugin. Fixed this issue by removing the plugin that is added recently.
I had the same problem. It is a, plugin issue. The quickest solution is, after starting Webstorm, press the return key. The PluginException will appear in the bottom of the IDE. Click it and you will see the 'disable' option for that specific plugin.
Same thing happened to me. I had to check the Event Log which gave me the option to disable the plugin.

WebStorm Terminal Color

I'm getting this unbearable white background in my Idea terminal. (WebStorm)
Does anyone know how I can change this?
Open File > Settings, and head to the Editor section > Colors & Fonts section. There, you'll see the Console Colors option.
Here, you'll get an interactive edit screen to determine what you want those console colors to look like. Click on the one that's most afflicted and edit its background color to match that of the console window.
Alternatively, if this is from a vanilla installation of your IDE, consider filing a bug against it.
Perhaps, you've changed color scheme of cmd. Delete the entire HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console key from the registry, it sets your cmd settings to defaults and fixes this bug.
Open Registry and navigate to
and remove
This will reset color settings of your "cmd" window as well. However till JetBrains fixes this issue there is no other way around.

How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

If you want to indent several lines in Python IDLE you just mark the lines and hit Tab. But what if you want to remove the indent from several lines? Shift+Tab does not work for that in IDLE.
If you're using IDLE, you can use Ctrl+] to indent and Ctrl+[ to unindent.
If you're using IDLE, and the Norwegian keyboard makes Ctrl-[ a problem, you can change the key.
Go Options->Configure IDLE.
Click the Keys tab.
If necessary, click Save as New Custom Key Set.
With your custom key set, find "dedent-region" in the list.
Click Get New Keys for Selection.
I tried putting in shift-Tab and that worked nicely.
Depends on your editor.
Have you tried Shift+Tab?
in pythonwin,
SHIFT + TAB works
For IDLE, select the lines, then open the "Format" menu. (Between "Edit" and "Run" if you're having trouble finding it.) This will also give you the keyboard shortcut, for me it turned out that dedent shortcut was "Ctrl+["
< key
depends on your editor.
In Jupyter Notebook,
SHIFT+ TAB(to move left) and TAB(to move right) movement is perfectly working.
By default, IDLE has it on Shift-Left Bracket. However, if you want, you can customise it to be Shift-Tab by clicking Options --> Configure IDLE --> Keys --> Use a Custom Key Set --> dedent-region --> Get New Keys for Selection
Then you can choose whatever combination you want. (Don't forget to click apply otherwise all the settings would not get affected.)