Print first 20 nodes of a tree - c++

Ok so I'm working on my first tree and I need to adjust it to print out the first 20 nodes of a tree. My Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder full prints are working flawlessly but I cannot seem to figure out how to get the print to stop after the first 20 nodes printed.
void printino(tnode *c, int cnt)
if (c == NULL)
if (cnt < 20)
printino(c->lchild, cnt);
cout << c->val << " " << cnt << endl;
printino(c->rchild, cnt);
is what I did in attempt to stop the print after 20 nodes. My count is clearly not working as it still prints every node. I added a line to cout my count and its not working correctly.
Sample output is as follows:
17 7
18 8
19 6
20 5
21 7
22 6
with the first number being the value of the node and the 2nd number being my count. I'm going to be honest and say I'm not really sure what I'm counting or why/when/how its resetting.
From what I can tell, its counting the depth of the node in the tree? not how many nodes have been printed?
Any assistance would be great!

In simplest terms, you can do something like below :-
void printInorder(tnode *root, int k, int cnt)
if(root != NULL)
printInorder(root->left, k, cnt);
if(cnt < k)
cout << root->data;
printInorder(root->right, k, cnt);

Change the type of param "int cnt" to "int & cnt", using reference param
Arguments can be passed to a function by two methods, They are. pass by value; pass by reference. If pass by value, the value changed inside the function never affect the real value outside the function. So if you wanna to count the size of printed nodes, you should use method pass by reference.

move cnt++ to after printing left son:
void printino(tnode *c, int cnt)
if (c == NULL)
if (cnt < 20)
printino(c->lchild, cnt);
cout << c->val << " " << cnt << endl;
printino(c->rchild, cnt);


if user enter 5 then display the last 5 elements of linked list vise versa

i am stuck in my uni assignment....
i have an linked list of 20 elements, i have to take the value from user and if user enter 5 then print the last 5 elements of linked list
void traverse(List list) {
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
for(int i = 1; == true; i++)
std::cout << "Element " << i << " " << list.get() << endl;
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
im trying this but this method prints all the elements of my linked list
For what little code you have, a review:
// Why are you passing the list by value? That is wasteful.
void traverse(List list) {
// I don't see you taking a value anywhere; surely you know how to do that
// What is happening here? Can't you just assign the head to something
// directly?
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
// Like you said, this traverses the entire list, it's also poorly
// formed. You literally don't need i.
// for (;; /* However your list increments here */)
for(int i = 1; == true; i++)
std::cout << "Element " << i << " " << list.get() << endl;
// What is the purpose of this?
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
For someone who is writing a linked list, this code seems to be fundamentally flawed. My expectation of someone tackling a linked list is that they are about to stop being a beginner, but I'm not seeing that here in the code and what structure of the list class is implied. The list class is weird to say the least.
And just to be clear, my expectation stems from where I place the linked list assignment in my curriculum. It's also more idiomatic than this list.
With that out of the way, this task is trivial if you took the time to think the project through. Most students skip the planning step and create unnecessary headaches for themselves.
Knowing that you would need the total size of the list, why not just make it member data? Any function that adds to the list will increment the value accordingly. And any function that subtracts from the list will decrement accordingly. That way you always know the size of the list at all times.
Knowing the size of the list is most of the battle. You then need to do the arithmetic necessary to advance in the list to satisfy your requirement. And now you can print.
#include <iostream>
class SList {
SList() = default;
// Rule of 5 intentionally left out
void push_front(int val) {
m_head = new Node{val, m_head};
++m_size; // The magic happens here
std::size_t size() const { return m_size; }
void traverse_last(int numElements, std::ostream& sout = std::cout) const {
int placement = m_size;
Node* walker = m_head;
// Move our walker node the appropriate amount of steps
while (walker && placement > numElements) {
walker = walker->next;
// Now that we're in position, we can print
while (walker) {
sout << walker->data << ' ';
walker = walker->next;
sout << '\n';
struct Node {
int data;
Node* next = nullptr;
Node* m_head = nullptr;
std::size_t m_size = 0ULL;
int main() {
SList test;
for (int i = 5; i > 0; --i) {
std::cout << "Size: " << test.size() << '\n';
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
❯ ./a.out
Size: 5
4 5
3 4 5
2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
void traverse(List list, int printFrom)
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
for(int i=1;; i++)
if(i > printFrom)
cout << "Element " << (i - printFrom) << " " << list.get() << endl;
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
solved my prblem by this there printFrom is a variable whose value is number of elemenets that skipped like if my linked list have size of 20 and user want to see last 5 then printFrom stores 15 and skipped 15 values and print last 5

How to print a level of a binary search tree?

If we have say, a tree with a depth of 2:
6 <- depth = 0
/ \
/ \
4 9 <- depth = 1
/ \ \
3 5 10 <- depth = 2
And I only want to print the second level, so 3, 5, and 10 (in that order), how would I go about doing this? I'm using the code I wrote for my inorder traversal but I'm stuck on how to track depth of the tree and print when I'm at said depth.
void printLevelNodesHelper(MovieNode * curr, int level){ //helper function
int lvl = level; //store initial value of level
if(curr != NULL){
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->left, level+1);
if(level == lvl){
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->right, level+1);
void MovieTree::printLevelNodes(int k){ //k is the desired level
MovieNode * curr = root;
if(root == NULL){ //if the tree is empty exit it
else if(k == 0){ //print the root's title
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr, k);
Here's the info for my struct and class
struct MovieNode{
int ranking;
string title;
int year;
float rating;
MovieNode* left = NULL;
MovieNode* right = NULL;
class MovieTree{
MovieNode* root;
void printMovieInventory();
void addMovieNode(int ranking, std::string title, int year, float rating);
void findMovie(std::string title);
void queryMovies(float rating, int year);
void averageRating();
void printLevelNodes(int k);
Some issues:
As your initial call to printLevelNodesHelper gets the desired level as argument, it makes no sense to make recursive calls with level+1. Think about it: when you recur, you actually descend in the tree, coming closer to the desired level, so you should not increase the distance to that level, but decrease it. So you should pass level-1
In printLevelNodesHelper the if condition level == lvl is always going to be true, because neither of these local variables ever change value. As from the previous point we guarantee that eventually we will get a call with level equal to 0, we should check for level == 0 (and so you don't need the lvl variable).
void printLevelNodesHelper(MovieNode * curr, int level) {
if (curr != NULL) {
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->left, level - 1);
if (level == 0) {
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->right, level - 1);
With this change, the code for MovieTree::printLevelNodes does not need to deal with the boundary cases of root == NULL or k == 0. Both of these are well managed in the above helper function. On the other hand, you might want to add some protection against the infinite recursion that would occur if printLevelNodes is called with a negative value of k:
void MovieTree::printLevelNodes(int k) {
if (k >= 0) printLevelNodesHelper(root, k);

How to go about making a "Sorted Array to Balanced BST" recursion algorithm to an iterative one?

I've searched around but can't really understand or find help, since this iterative algorithm will require two stacks (to contain a left_Index and right_Index).
The main recursive way involves having it one side until the left_Index >= right_Index, and recursively doing so for both sides and per subsection (if that makes sense), which I don't understand how to do so exactly since I'm maintaining two stacks and need to see how exactly they relate to one another.
This problem is mostly due to me not understanding the way the normal recursive method words, although when looking at them side by side to see how to approach it, I always get stuck on what to do.
The backstory as to why I'm doing this:
Trying to solve the word ladder problem to go from A to B and decided to make a BST where the connections are connected by singular character differences and lengths. I'm getting the words from a text file containing a lot of the dictionary, and since I'm using a BST as the master list with all vertices the fact that this is a dictionary means every insert will be in order so the tree is right-leaning (so the speeds are slow for inserting O(n^2) which is a big hinderance). I was planning on storing data in an array then making a balanced BST from that since I believe speeds should go faster since insertion will be O(n*logn) which seems great. The problem with that is that I can't use a recursive approach since there's a lot of data leading to stack overflows, so I need to make it iteratively with stacks and loops, but am finding it too difficult.
My bad attempt at a start:
while (lindx.the_front() < rindx.the_back())
mid =(lindx.the_front() + rindx.the_back()) / 2;
std::cout << "Pushed " << vector[mid] << '\n';
rindx.push(mid - 1);
That basically gets the 1/2's from the left half of the program from a linked stack I made. "the_front()" is the first insertion, "the_back()" is the final/latest insert into the list. The main problem I have is understanding how to make it repeat per half to get all the values.
I need to find my past homework where I've done this but the code is something along the lines of...
void array2balanced(int array[], int lIndex, int rIndex)
//base case
if(lIndex > rIndex)
//recursive cals
mid = (lIndex+rIndex)/2;
array2balanced(array, lIndex, mid-1);
array2balanced(array, mid+1, rIndex);
Progress so far
void balancedTree(std::vector<std::string> vector, dictionaryGraph &dictionary) // divide and conquer into tree?
linkedStack<int> lindx, rindx, midX;
unsigned int l_Index{ 0 }, r_Index{ vector.size() - 1 }, mid{ (l_Index + r_Index) / 2 };;
int testCount{ 0 };
std::cout << "There are " << vector.size() << " words.\n";
while (!midX.empty())
mid = midX.pop();
l_Index = lindx.pop();
r_Index = rindx.pop();
std::cout << "inputted " << vector[mid] << '\n';
if (r_Index > l_Index)
midX.push((l_Index + mid) / 2);
rindx.push(mid - 1);
if (l_Index < r_Index)
midX.push((mid + r_Index) / 2);
lindx.push(mid + 1);
std::cout << testCount << " words were inputted...\n"; // To see how many were inserted
Problem I have is some inputs get repeated and some missed.
I don't think you need two stacks. You just need either a one stack or one queue.
Below codes can be tested on Leetcode
Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
One Stack Method
def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
if not nums:
return None
l = len(nums)
node = TreeNode(0)
head = node
s = collections.deque([(node, 0, l)])
while s:
node, left, right = s.pop()
mid = (right + left) // 2
node.val = nums[mid]
if mid < right-1:
node.right = TreeNode(0)
s.append((node.right, mid+1, right))
if left < mid:
node.left = TreeNode(0)
s.append((node.left, left, mid))
return head
One Queue Method
def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
if not nums:
return None
l = len(nums)
node = TreeNode(0)
head = node
q = collections.deque([(node, 0, l)])
while q:
node, left, right = q.popleft()
mid = (right + left) // 2
node.val = nums[mid]
if left < mid:
node.left = TreeNode(0)
q.append((node.left, left, mid))
if mid < right-1:
node.right = TreeNode(0)
q.append((node.right, mid+1, right))
return head
They are implemented using deque. Notice popleft() returns the first element(like stack) and pop() returns the last element(like queue).
This problem is mostly due to me not understanding the way the normal
recursive method words, although when looking at them side by side to
see how to approach it, I always get stuck on what to do.
It takes practice ... and maybe reviewing other peoples work.
require two stacks (to contain a left_Index and right_Index).
My apologies, I do not understand why the OP thinks this. My demo below has only 1 stack called 'todo', perhaps you will find the idea useful.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include "./BTree.hh" // code not provided, used in this MCVE to
// conveniently provide "showTallTreeView()"
typedef std::vector<int> IVec_t;
class T607_t
IVec_t m_sortedIVec; // sorted - created with for loop
IVec_t m_recursiveIVec; // extract from sorted by recursion
IVec_t m_iterativeIVec; // extract from sorted by iteration
T607_t() = default;
~T607_t() = default;
int exec(int , char** )
return 0;
private: // methods
The vectors are in class T607_t, so that each is available to any member function.
For this MCVE, I simply create "IVec_t m_sortedIVec;" and fill with a simple for loop:
void fillShowSortedIVec()
for (int i=0; i<15; ++i)
m_sortedIVec.push_back (i*100); // create in sorted order
showIVec(m_sortedIVec, "\n m_sortedIVec :");
Next (in this MCVE) is the recursive fill and show, and my adaptation of the OP's recursive method to produce the recursive insert sequence:
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void fillShowRecursiveIVec()
assert(m_sortedIVec.size() > 0);
int max = static_cast<int>(m_sortedIVec.size()) - 1;
// use OP's recursive insert
array2balancedR (m_sortedIVec, 0, max);
// NOTE - 'sequence' is inserted to 'm_recursiveIVec'
// instead of into tree the op did not share
showIVec(m_recursiveIVec, "\n m_recursiveIVec:");
// recursive extract from: m_sortedIVec to: m_recursiveIVec
// my adaptation of OP's recursive method
void array2balancedR(IVec_t& array, int lIndex, int rIndex)
//base case
if(lIndex > rIndex)
else //recursive calls
int mid = (lIndex+rIndex)/2;
m_recursiveIVec.push_back(array[mid]); // does this
// tree.insert(array[mid]); // instead of this
array2balancedR(array, lIndex, mid-1); // recurse left
array2balancedR(array, mid+1, rIndex); // recurse right
Note: I left the "IVec_t& array" as a parameter to this function, because the OP's code has it. Within this 'class' wrapper, the function need not pass the array 'through the recursion', because each method has access to the instance data.
Next (in this MCVE) is a fill and show action using one possible iterative approach. I styled this iterative approach carefully to match the OP's recursive effort.
First, I added a 'tool' (IndxRng_t) to simplify the 'stack' capture of iterations for later processing. (i.e. "todo").
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// iterative extract from m_sortedIVec to: m_iterativeIVec
class IndxRng_t // tool to simplify iteration
IndxRng_t() = delete; // no default
IndxRng_t(int li, int ri)
: lIndx (li)
, rIndx (ri)
~IndxRng_t() = default;
// get'er and set'er free. also glutton free. gmo free.
bool done() { return (lIndx > rIndx); } // range used up
int mid() { return ((lIndx + rIndx) / 2); } // compute
IndxRng_t left(int m) { return {lIndx, m-1}; } // ctor
IndxRng_t right(int m) { return {m+1, rIndx}; } // ctor
int lIndx;
int rIndx;
void fillShowIterativeIVec()
assert(m_sortedIVec.size() > 0);
int max = static_cast<int>(m_sortedIVec.size()) - 1;
array2balancedI(m_sortedIVec, 0, max);
// 'sequence' inserted to 'm_iterativeIVec'
showIVec(m_iterativeIVec, "\n m_iterativeIVec:");
void array2balancedI(IVec_t& array, int lIndex, int rIndex)
std::vector<IndxRng_t> todo;
todo.push_back({lIndex, rIndex}); // load the first range
// iterative loop (No recursion)
if (0 == todo.size()) break; // exit constraint
// no more ranges to extract mid from
// fetch something to do
IndxRng_t todoRng = todo.back();
todo.pop_back(); // and remove from the todo list
if(todoRng.done()) continue; // lIndex > rIndex
int mid = todoRng.mid();
m_iterativeIVec.push_back(array[mid]); // do this
// tree.insert(array[mid]); // instead of this
todo.push_back(todoRng.right(mid) ); // iterate on right
todo.push_back(todoRng.left(mid) ); // iterate on left
And this mcve generates a result display:
void showResults()
assert(m_recursiveIVec.size() == m_sortedIVec.size());
assert(m_iterativeIVec.size() == m_sortedIVec.size());
std::cout << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss; // for btree use only
std::cout << "\n demo:\n create a BTree, "
<< std::flush;
std::cout << "\n Insert IVec_t " << std::endl;
BBT::BTree_t btree(ss);
std::cout << std::flush;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_iterativeIVec.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "\n iterative result:\n\n"
<< btree.showTallTreeView();
void showIVec(IVec_t& ivec, std::string lbl)
std::cout << lbl << std::endl;
for (auto it : ivec)
std::cout << std::setw(5) << it << std::flush;
std::cout << std::endl;
}; // class T607_t
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
T607_t t607;
return t607.exec(argc, argv);
My output (on Ubuntu 17.10, g++ 7.2.0),
m_sortedIVec :
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
700 300 100 0 200 500 400 600 1100 900 800 1000 1300 1200 1400
700 300 100 0 200 500 400 600 1100 900 800 1000 1300 1200 1400
create a BTree,
Insert IVec_t
iterative result:
BTree_t::showTallTreeView(): (balance: 0 sz: 15)
Iterative JavaScript implementation of converting sorted array to Binary Search Tree (BST):
function sortedArrayToBstIteratively(nums) {
// use stack to iteratively split nums into node tuples and reuse values
const stack = []
// add root node to tree
const tree = { first: 0, last: nums.length - 1 }
// split array in the middle and continue with the two halfs
while (stack.length > 0) {
const node = stack.pop()
if (node.last >= node.first) {
if (node.last === node.first) {
// node reaches a single leaf value (last == first)
node.value = nums[node.first]
} else {
// node has still valid indices to further split the array (last > first)
const middle = Math.ceil((node.first + node.last) / 2)
node.value = nums[middle]
node.left = { first: node.first, last: middle - 1 }
node.right = { first: middle + 1, last: node.last }
} else {
// node has no more valid indices (last < first), create empty leaf
node.value = null
delete node.first
delete node.last
// console.log(JSON.stringify(tree))
return tree

Recursive tree, printing ancestor nodes

this is study material, not homework:
I have the following tree, I need to write an algorithm that finds a given number and returns an integer indicating how many nodes it visited before finding it. It should also print the values of all "ancestor" nodes relative to the node in which the value was found (in no particular order, and it is assumed that the given value is always present)
/ \
20 60
/ \
50 30
If the given value is 40 it should return 4 and print 30, 20, 10 (in any order)
I've written the following solution, and I think it works, but I'm concerned about the print.
void foobar (ty_tree *tree, int value, int & count){
if (tree !=null) {
if (tree->value != value) {
foobar (tree->left, value, count);
foobar (tree->right, value, count);
cout << tree->value;
Good approach ! But to print the ancestors (i.e.parent nodes) you need to know in your recursive function if the value was found in one of the child:
bool foobar (ty_tree *tree, int value, int & count) {
if (tree !=nullptr) { // oops: NULL or nullptr, the latter is better
if (tree->value != value) {
if (foobar (tree->left, value, count) ||
foobar (tree->right, value, count) ) // if found below
cout << tree->value<<endl; // print the node, because it's on the path
else {
cout << "Found: "<<tree->value<<endl; // print the value found
return true; // and inform caller that he can print as well.
else return false; // reached a leaf without finding
As some doubts were expressed in the comments, here an online demo

How to print the nodes in bst whose grandparent is a multiple of five?

I'm sorry that was my first time for asking question in stackoverflow. I just read the faq and knew I disobeyed the rules. I was not just coping and pasting the questions. I use an in-order traverse method to do the recursion and check whether the node is a multiple of five and I don't know what to do next. Should I use a flag to check something?
void findNodes(BSTNode<Key,E> *root) const
if(root==NULL) return;
if(root->key()%5==0)//I know it's wrong, but I don't know what to do
cout<<root->key()<<" ";
Printing nodes whose grandparent is a multiple of 5 is complicated as you have to look "up" the tree. It is easier if you look at the problem as find all the nodes who are a multiple of 5 and print their grandchildren, as you only have to go down the tree.
void printGrandChildren(BSTNode<Key,E> *root,int level) const{
if(!root) return;
if(level == 2){
cout<<root->key()<<" ";
Then modify your findNodes to
void findNodes(BSTNode<Key,E> *root) const
if(root==NULL) return;
Try this:
int arr[height_of_the_tree]; //arr[10000000] if needed;
void findNodes(BSTNode<Key,E> *root,int level) const {
if(root==NULL) return;
arr[level] = root -> key();
findNodes(root -> left(), level + 1);
if(2 <= level && arr[level - 2] % 5 == 0) cout << root->key() << " ";
findNodes(root -> right(), level + 1);
int main() {
findNodes(Binary_search_tree -> root,0);
Replace the following
cout<<root->key()<<" ";
cout<<root->left->left->key()<< " ";
cout<<root->left->right->key()<< " ";
cout<<root->right->left->key()<< " ";
cout<<root->right->right->key()<< " ";
If you're just trying to print our all child nodes which have an ancestor which has a key which is a multiple of 5, then one way would be to pass a bool to your findNodes function which stores this fact.
Something along the lines of:
void findNodes(BSTNode<Key,E>* node, bool ancesterIsMultOf5) const
if (node)
if (ancesterIsMultOf5)
std::cout << node->key() << std::endl;
ancesterIsMultOf5 |= (node->key() % 5 == 0);
findNodes(node->left(), ancesterIsMultOf5);
findNodes(node->right(), ancesterIsMultOf5);
Alternately, if you're trying to draw the tree, it has been answered before: C How to "draw" a Binary Tree to the console