Python 2 to python 3 - python-2.7

Having some trouble translating these two methods from python2 to python3.
def send(self, data):
if self.debug:
print 'Send:',
print ':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data)
l0 = len(data) & 0xFF
l1 = (len(data) >> 8) & 0xFF
d = chr(l0) + chr(l1) + data
def recv(self):
data = self.sock.recv(2)
l0 = ord(data[0])
l1 = ord(data[1])
plen = l0 + (l1 << 8)
data = self.sock.recv(plen)
if self.debug:
print 'Recv:',
print ':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data)
return data
Python 3 This what I got so far :
def send(self, data):
if self.debug:
print('Send:', end=' ')
print(':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data))
l0 = len(data.encode('utf-8')) & 0xFF
l1 = (len(data.encode('utf-8')) >> 8) & 0xFF
d = chr(l0) + chr(l1) + data
def recv(self):
data = self.sock.recv(2)
l0 = ord(data[0])
l1 = ord(data[1])
plen = l0 + (l1 << 8)
data = self.sock.recv(plen)
if self.debug:
print('Recv:', end=' ')
print(':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data))
return data
I keep getting this error:
TypeError: ord() expected string of length 1, but int found
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

There are two main types of issues you need to address to make your code work in Python 3.
The biggest issue is that strings and bytes are no longer represented by the same types in Python 3. The str type is for Unicode strings, the bytes type is for binary data. Your data argument looks like it should probably be bytes (since you're sending it directly out on a socket). If you did want to support Unicode strings, you'd need to encode() them with some encoding (e.g. "UTF-8") before sending them over the socket.
Anyway, assuming data is a bytes instance, you'll need to make a few small changes to the code to address how a few APIs work different for str and bytes:
Iterating on a bytes yields the individual byte values, but as integers, not as one-character bytestrings. This basically means you don't need the ord in the print calls, nor in the first parts of recv.
The chr function creates a str, not a bytes instance, and you can't concatenate the different types together. Creating a bytes instance from an integer is a bit awkward (bytes(some_number) doesn't do what you want), but it is possible.
The other issue you have is much simpler to understand. In Python 3, print is a function rather than a statement, so you need parentheses around its arguments. It also uses different syntax to suppress line endings.
Here's a fully fixed version of your code:
def send(self, data):
if self.debug:
print('Send:', end='') # new way to suppress the newline
print(':'.join('%02x' % c for c in data)) # add parentheses, no need for ord
l0 = len(data) & 0xFF
l1 = (len(data) >> 8) & 0xFF
d = bytes([l0, l1]) + data # build prefix bytestring differently
def recv(self):
l0, l1 = self.sock.recv(2) # no need for ord, unpack directly as ints
plen = l0 + (l1 << 8)
data = self.sock.recv(plen)
if self.debug:
print('Recv:', end='')
print(':'.join('%02x' % c for c in data))
return data
Note that the struct module may offer a more elegant way of encoding and decoding the length of your data to a bytestring. For instance, struct.pack("<H", len(data)) could replace several lines of the code in send (you wouldn't need l0 and l1).

insteed of print a use print (a) like:
python 2.x:
def send(self, data):
if self.debug:
print 'Send:',
print ':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data)
l0 = len(data) & 0xFF
l1 = (len(data) >> 8) & 0xFF
d = chr(l0) + chr(l1) + data
def recv(self):
data = self.sock.recv(2)
l0 = ord(data[0])
l1 = ord(data[1])
plen = l0 + (l1 << 8)
data = self.sock.recv(plen)
if self.debug:
print 'Recv:',
print ':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data)
return data
python 3.x:
def send(self, data):
if self.debug:
print ('Send:'),
print (':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data))
l0 = len(data) & 0xFF
l1 = (len(data) >> 8) & 0xFF
d = chr(l0) + chr(l1) + data
def recv(self):
data = self.sock.recv(2)
l0 = ord(data[0])
l1 = ord(data[1])
plen = l0 + (l1 << 8)
data = self.sock.recv(plen)
if self.debug:
print ('Recv:'),
print (':'.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in data))
return data


Q: Python3 - If Statements for changing list lengths

I am attempting to analyze data sets as lists of differing lengths. I am calling lines (rows) of my data set one by one to be analyzed by my function. I want the function to still be run properly regardless of the length of the list.
My Code:
f = open('DataSet.txt')
for line in iter(f):
remove_blanks = ['']
entries = line.split()
''.join([i for i in entries if i not in remove_blanks])
trash = (entries[0], entries[1])
time = int(entries[2])
column = [int(v) for v in entries[3:]]
def myFun():
print_string = ''
if column[0] == 100:
if column[1] >= 250 and column[2] == 300:
if len(column) >= 9:
digit = [chr(x) for x in column[4:9]]
print_string = ('code: ' + ''.join(str(digit[l]) for l in range(5)) + ' ')
if len(column) >= 13:
optional_digit = [chr(d) for d in column[9:13]]
for m in range(0, 4):
print_string += 'Optional Field: ' + optional_digit[m] + ''
print_string += 'No Optional Field '
What is happening is if the length of a line of my data is not long enough (i.e. the list ends at column[6]), I get the error:
line 17, in function
print('Code: ' + digit[l])
IndexError: list index out of range
I want it to still print Code: #number #number #number #number and leave any non-existent columns as blanks when it is printed so that one line may print as Code: ABC9 and the next print as Code: AB if there are differing list lengths.
Please help! :)
Well, just make sure you're not looping over a list longer than available:
print_string = 'code: ' + ''.join(str(digit[l]) for l in range(min(5, len(digit)))) + ' '
or better:
print_string = "code {} ".format("".join(str(dig) for dig in digit[:5]))
Although I have a feeling you're over-complicating this.

Python coding questions on bitwise shift and logical operations in packet sniffer

import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
#get data
def receiveData(s):
except timeout:
data = ''
print "An error occurred"
return data[0]
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('/root/Desktop/protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
data = receiveData(s)
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', data[:20])
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
Below I have extracted some code sections from above and kindly spend some time to answer the following.
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ ......
in the above section could you please explain on what basis D=data & 0x10 is used and right shifted 4 times and also why is precedence shifted 5 times to the right. My question is more like why 0x10 was specifically used to AND with data and then right shifted 4 times to get the Delay bit. I am seeking clarification on all other bits like T, R, M in the above section and the flag bits in the below section too.
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
In the above segment please explain on what basis is used R = data & 0x8000 and shift it 15 times to the right
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
In the above line of code why specifically 0x1FFF was used to AND with unpackedData[4]
Credits to the source code goes to Ana Balica
import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
def receiveData(s):
data =''
data , addr =s.recvfrom(655365)
except timout:
data =''
print "An error hapend"
return data
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
def showdata(unpackedData):
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
# the public network interface
HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
s.bind((HOST, 0))
# Include IP headers
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# receive all packages
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
for i in range(100):
# receive a package
#print s.recvfrom(65565)
datastr = str(data)
if len(datastr) >19 :
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',datastr[:20])
#print unpackedData
print data
# disabled promiscuous mode
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
def receiveData(s):
data =''
data , addr =s.recvfrom(655365)
except timout:
data =''
print "An error hapend"
return data
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
def showdata(unpackedData):
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
# the public network interface
HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
s.bind((HOST, 0))
# Include IP headers
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# receive all packages
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
for i in range(100):
# receive a package
#print s.recvfrom(65565)
datastr = str(data)
if len(datastr) >19 :
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',datastr[:20])
#print unpackedData
print data
# disabled promiscuous mode
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)

Python Value error

I'm getting an error when trying to split a piped output into python.
Error is need more than 3 values to unpack although I'm using 8 values
import subprocess, sys
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep as sleep
multimon_ng = subprocess.Popen("multimon-ng -a FLEX -t wav flex.wav",
while True:
nextline = multimon_ng.stdout.readline()
flex, mdate, mtime, bitrate, other, capcode, o2, msg = nextline.split(" ", 7) # error here
if nextline is " ":
print "napping"
print mdate + " " + mtime + " " + capcode + " " + msg
any help would be great
3 in error message indicated length of iterable in right hand side argument.
Minimal wrong examples:
a, = [] # ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
a, b = [1] # ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
a, b, c = [1, 2] # ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
# etc ...
Minimal correct examples:
a, = [1]
a, b = [1, 2]
a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]
Smallest change to fix and expose issue would be to wrap unpacking iterable in try-except block.
while True:
nextline = multimon_ng.stdout.readline()
if not nextline:
print "napping"
flex, mdate, mtime, bitrate, other, capcode, o2, msg = nextline.split(" ", 7)
except ValueError:
print "invalid line", nextline
print mdate + " " + mtime + " " + capcode + " " + msg
As you can see, I also moved check for empty line before unpacking. If line is empty, unpacking would also fail.

Python: Trying to speed up a program that is running very slow

So, this program parses an e-mail address and a plain-text password from a text file. Then, it runs them through a few encryption routines and appends the encrypted text onto the end of the e-amil address:password entry in a new file.
import io
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import base64
import struct
def str_to_a32(b):
if len(b) % 4:
b += '\0' * (4 - len(b) % 4)
return struct.unpack('>%dI' % (len(b) / 4), b)
def a32_to_str(a):
return struct.pack('>%dI' % len(a), *a)
def aes_cbc_encrypt(data, key):
encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, '\0' * 16)
return encryptor.encrypt(data)
def aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(data, key):
return str_to_a32(aes_cbc_encrypt(a32_to_str(data), a32_to_str(key)))
def base64urlencode(data):
data = base64.b64encode(data)
for search, replace in (('+', '-'), ('/', '_'), ('=', '')):
data = data.replace(search, replace)
return data
def a32_to_base64(a):
return base64urlencode(a32_to_str(a))
def stringhash(s, aeskey):
s32 = str_to_a32(s)
h32 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in xrange(len(s32)):
h32[i % 4] ^= s32[i]
for _ in xrange(0x4000):
h32 = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(h32, aeskey)
return a32_to_base64((h32[0], h32[2]))
def prepare_key(a):
pkey = [0x93C467E3, 0x7DB0C7A4, 0xD1BE3F81, 0x0152CB56]
for _ in xrange(0x10000):
for j in xrange(0, len(a), 4):
key = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in xrange(4):
if i + j < len(a):
key[i] = a[i + j]
pkey = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(pkey, key)
return pkey
with'user_list.txt', 'r') as file:
with'user_list_enc.txt', 'a') as enc_file:
for line in file:
email_split, pass_split = line.replace('\n', '').split(":")
password_aes = prepare_key(str_to_a32(pass_split))
uh = stringhash(email_split.lower(), password_aes)
enc_file.write(email_split + ":" + pass_split + ":" + uh + "\n")
print email_split + ":" + pass_split + ":" + uh + "\n"

Python struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 2

I have written some data using C++ in byte format. I am now trying to read that data again using Python, but I run into an error;
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 61, in <module>
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 2
I don't really understand since it looks like I am giving a string of length 2, right? Furthermore, I do the same thing at line 32
There is another question like mine but it is without an answer is targeted for Python 3.
Here is my code
import sys
import struct
import os
print "Arguments : "
print str(sys.argv)
#N = #isects
# 2 2 3*4 2 3*4*N 4N 4N 3*4N 2N 2N
file_path = str(sys.argv[1]);
byte_count = 0;
line_number = 1;
fp = open(file_path, "rb");
output = open('output.txt',"w");
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
print "(input) file size = " + str(file_size);
while byte_count < file_size:
print "Line number = " + str(line_number)
print "Current byte count = " + str(byte_count)
# Do stuff with byte.
x = struct.unpack('<H',[0]
y = struct.unpack('<H',[0]
throughputOne = struct.unpack('<f',[0]
throughputTwo = struct.unpack('<f',[0]
throughputThree = struct.unpack('<f',[0]
nrIsects = struct.unpack('<H',[0]
# print "x = " + str(x)
# print "y = " + str(y)
# print "throughputOne = " + str(throughputOne)
# print "throughputTwo = " + str(throughputTwo)
# print "throughputThree = " + str(throughputThree)
print "nrIsects = " + str(nrIsects)
isect_positions = []
for i in range(nrIsects*3):
value = struct.unpack('<f',[0]
primitive_ids = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
value = struct.unpack('<I',[0]
shape_ids = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
spectra = []
for i in range(nrIsects*3):
interaction_types = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
light_ids = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
output_vars = [x,y,throughputOne,throughputTwo,throughputThree,nrIsects]
line_string = ""
for i in range(len(output_vars)):
line_string += str(output_vars[i])
if i is not len(output_vars) - 1:
line_string += ','
print line_string
#Update counters
byte_count += 18 + 36*nrIsects
# raw_input('Press any key to continue.');
# print byte
And here is a link to a input file to use. You can run the code by passing a commandline argument specifying the path of the binary file. I have also written the code in ASCII, which reads
EDIT: The layout of my file can be found as a comment in the code
50 bytes have already been read before the that raises the error. Thus, returns an empty string, and struct.unpack raises an exception:
In [83]: 2+2+4+4+4+2+12+4+4+12
Out[83]: 50
x = struct.unpack('<H',[0] # 2 bytes read
y = struct.unpack('<H',[0] # 2 bytes
throughputOne = struct.unpack('<f',[0] # 4 bytes
throughputTwo = struct.unpack('<f',[0] # 4 bytes
throughputThree = struct.unpack('<f',[0] # 4 bytes
nrIsects = struct.unpack('<H',[0] # 2 bytes
print "nrIsects = " + str(nrIsects)
isect_positions = []
for i in range(nrIsects*3):
value = struct.unpack('<f',[0] # 12 bytes
primitive_ids = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
value = struct.unpack('<I',[0] # 4 bytes
shape_ids = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
shape_ids.append(struct.unpack('<I',[0]) # 4 bytes
spectra = []
for i in range(nrIsects*3):
spectra.append(struct.unpack('<f',[0]) # 12 bytes
interaction_types = []
for i in range(nrIsects):
interaction_types.append(struct.unpack('<H',[0]) # error!