Are there database standards in Symfony and Doctrine? - doctrine-orm

Symfony uses a set of coding standards to set out for us how to program and what style we should use. My question is short and simple. I would like to know if symfony (together with doctrine ORM) has a similiar set of standards when it comes to building and structuring my database.
For example:
Should I use Camel Case?
Should my table name be user or users
Do I use capitals?
What charset is recommanded?

Basically, you do not need to care about database naming as Doctrine will do everything for you.
You should use Doctrine cli commands to generate your database schema based on your entities, or even better use Doctrine Migrations to maintain changes.
Should I use Camel Case?
For entity class names, I'd recommend sticking with PSR, so yes, use CamelCase.
Symfony by default uses underscore naming strategy, so entity CamelCase will be generated as table camel_case (if not manually overriden).
You can set another naming strategy, but the default underscore strategy is a fine choice.
Should my table name be user or users
user is a ANSI SQL reserved word, so I recommend using users. Or, if you prefer having entities in singular, try person instead.
Do I use capitals?
Again, Doctrine naming strategy will solve this for you. Moreover, eg postresql converts all table names and such identifiers to lowercase, so using capitals explicitly can cause problems.
What charset is recommanded?
Use UTF-8 (or more specifically utf8mb4 if needed). There are few reasons to use any other.


How exactly does django 'escape' sql injections with querysets?

After reading a response involving security django provides for sql injections. I am wondering what the docs mean by 'the underlying driver escapes the sql'.
Does this mean, for lack of better word, that the 'database driver' checks the view/wherever the queryset is located for characteristics of the query, and denies 'characteristics' of certain queries?
I understand that this is kind of 'low-level' discussion, but I'm not understanding how underlying mechanisms are preventing this attack, and appreciate any simplified explaination of what is occuring here.
Link to docs
To be precise we are dealing here with parameters escaping.
The django itself does not escape parameters values. It uses the API of the driver that in general looks similar to this (see for example driver for postgres or mysql):
'select field1 from table_a where field2 = %(field2)s', {'field2': 'some value'}
The important thing to note here is that the parameter value (which may be provided by the user and is subject to sql injection) is not embedded into the query itself. The query is passed to the driver with placeholders for parameters values and the list or dict of parameters is passed in addition to that.
Driver then can either construct the SQL query with proper escaped values for parameters or use the API provided by the database itself which is similar in functionality (that is it gets query with placeholders and parameters values).
Django querysets use this approach to generate SQL and that what this piece of documentation is trying to say.

How to enforce locale inflections on Rails generators?

In Rails 4 (which supports multilingual inflections), I can set:
config.i18n.default_locale = :es
in my config/application.rb, which allows me to do stuff like this in the console:
'general'.pluralize(:es) => "generales"
But when I run:
rails g model General conciencia:string atencion:string
Rails generates files with 'general' pluralized as 'generals' which in spanish should be 'generales'
Shouldn't Rails be using the multilingual inflector for its generators if the locale is set? Is there a way to force it to use them?
A bit late, but for the record: There's an argument in a Rails issue about why is it this way (so it's no a bug, but you can discuss it about):
Up to Rails 4, the inflector had no support for multiple locales.
There was only one set of rules. The application has a default locale,
and in a i18n application each request may have a different locale,
but that didn't affect the inflector.
The inflector is not only used by the application, it is also used by
the framework to convert paths to class names, class names to tables,
create method names dynamically for the associations API, etc.
Obviously, those computations cannot vary. If your schema has a
"regions" table, Active Record has to map the Region class always to
the "regions" table, no matter the evolution of the application
(unless the schema changes, but the schema has to be visualized as
mostly static regarding to this, much more static that a configuration
I have worked on applications that started development using :en, get
i18ned, and then switch to a default locale of :es. The locale is
something that affects the interface in that mindset. Everything
internal should work as it did before.
You should be able to change the default locale and everything else in
a way that does not affect static things like association names,
tables, routes, etc.
In could be the case that you have i18n routes (which change with the
locale of the request), but in general the statement above should be
In order to be as backwards compatible as possible, we have left the
framework untouched, and have made the inflections to have a default
of :en so that existing applications get the same mappings after an

naming conventions for DynamoDB?

Background: I'm creating kind of simplified pseudo-ORM for use in Django. Classes obviously use CamelCase convention, while Django app is underscored lowercase. Which leaves me with a few options:
Django ORM style: app_name_someclass
proper underscore style: app_name_some_class
as-is: app_name.SomeClass
possibly some other using different separators etc.
Are there any well established naming conventions for DynamoDB?
So far, from what I've seen in examples, it seems that it's free-for-all.
Following the examples in the AWS documentation here and here would lead to the following conventions:
Table names in Upper Camel Case, e.g. MyTable.
Attribute names also in Upper Camel Case, e.g. Id, ProductCategory etc.
Actually the examples are a bit inconsistent when it comes to acronym capitalization - with ISBN and Id in the first link and both CustomerID and CustomerId in the second link. Either style could be argued but I'd personally lean towards only capitalizing the first letter in an acronym. See here for more debate on this subject.
It's free for all. I name tables as "users", "secret-files", "seen-blog-posts", and their attributes as "", "date.recent.iso", etc.

Doctrine 2 ORM creates classes with hateful CamelCase

I created yaml configuration for Doctrine. When I'm trying doctrine orm:generate-entities, it creates php files with getters and setters in camel case. So, is_public field transforms into setIsPublic and getIsPublic methods. It's owful. How can I get set_is_public and get_is_public? I can manually edit generated php files, but I don't know what will happen when I change the schema.
You can choose a naming strategy that Doctrine will use to generate the items using:
Using a naming strategy you can provide rules for automatically
generating database identifiers, columns and tables names when the
table/column name is not given. This feature helps reduce the
verbosity of the mapping document, eliminating repetitive noise (eg:
For your specific case, I think you're looking at something like:
$namingStrategy = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy(CASE_LOWER);
The linked topic goes on to show you how you can write your own custom naming strategy.
If you're using Symfony, it's even easier (like most things are with Symfony, but that's just my opinion) via config.yml:
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
Symfony's coding standards encourage Symfony users to use camelCase:
Naming Conventions
Use camelCase, not underscores, for variable,
function and method names, arguments
Personal advice - do not generate entities by doctrine orm:generate-entities.
Use plain PHP to create class. Why?
Orm uses reflection on privates to communicate with database. You dont need to generate setters and getters. I recomend You to use design patterns such as factory or constructor to achive Your goal. Decorators also should work fine.
class MyClass
private $id;
private $name;
public function __construct(int $id, string $name)
$this->id = $id;
$this->name = $name;
$camelCase is not only Symfony's recomendation for code standard. It's based on PSR2. I highly recomend using PSR2, code gets clean and standarized.
Standard ORM naming strategy is $camelCase private var to snake_case column name. If you want to change it otherwise, consider: other naming stategies

Subsonic 3 SimpleRepository NON Plural Table names?

Is it possible to use SubSonic 3's Simple Repository with non-plural table names? My DB already exists, the table names a re singular add I cannot change them.
Nope, it is hardcoded in the SubSonic's source. You can pull it down and trace the migration steps to see where the plural happens. I know, cause I wanted the same thing.
I was tinkering with modifying the source to make plurals optional via some parameter/config override or alike. But, I didn't get it completed (yet).
If your tables already exist then this is not the intended use of the Simple Repository model. The simple repository model is designed to generate the table structures for you using migrations.
If you are using a database that already exists then you would be better served using the T4 Templates as they also support the relationships between your tables.
With Subsonic in the settings.ttinclude I removed the line;
AddSingularRule("s$", String.Empty);
which was down about 260 lines in the Inflector rules class. Didn't need to mess around with the subsonic source code.