Subsonic 3 SimpleRepository NON Plural Table names? - subsonic3

Is it possible to use SubSonic 3's Simple Repository with non-plural table names? My DB already exists, the table names a re singular add I cannot change them.

Nope, it is hardcoded in the SubSonic's source. You can pull it down and trace the migration steps to see where the plural happens. I know, cause I wanted the same thing.
I was tinkering with modifying the source to make plurals optional via some parameter/config override or alike. But, I didn't get it completed (yet).

If your tables already exist then this is not the intended use of the Simple Repository model. The simple repository model is designed to generate the table structures for you using migrations.
If you are using a database that already exists then you would be better served using the T4 Templates as they also support the relationships between your tables.

With Subsonic in the settings.ttinclude I removed the line;
AddSingularRule("s$", String.Empty);
which was down about 260 lines in the Inflector rules class. Didn't need to mess around with the subsonic source code.


Can't access to django models with an external script

I have created a Django project with a series of tables (models) using postgresql. The thing, is that one of them I want to be able to access it also from outside the Django project, because from Django I simply want to see its content, but with an external script I want to insert the data.
The problem I have is that when I try to access any of the tables created in django from an external script, the windows terminal, or even the program that postgresql offers. It tells me that the table does not exist. What am I leaving or doing wrong?
The problem I have is that when I try to access any of the tables created in django from an external script, the windows terminal, or even the program that postgresql offers. It tells me that the table does not exist. What am I leaving or doing wrong?
Below I show a screenshot with the tables I have and how it gives me an error.
As you can see I have the ability to see all the tables, but then it doesn't let me select any of them. I have tried everything with lowercase and neither, removing the prefix Platform_App_ and neither How can I access them?
Here I leave a question that was asked similarly but I can't get it to work.
Thank you.
I will expend answer to be more clear of why this helped.
Short answer: all identifiers without double-quoting are always folded to lower case in PostgreSQL.
Almost that short answer: the main problem is that your table name uses mixed-case table name. PostgreSQL require using double-quotes to make identifier case-sensitive.
So, if your table was named as platform_app_fleet, then this will work:
select * from platform_app_fleet;
because table name is in lower case. But when you have table named with mixing lower and upper cases like Platform_App_fleet - you need to use quoting:
select * from "Platform_App_fleet";

Are there database standards in Symfony and Doctrine?

Symfony uses a set of coding standards to set out for us how to program and what style we should use. My question is short and simple. I would like to know if symfony (together with doctrine ORM) has a similiar set of standards when it comes to building and structuring my database.
For example:
Should I use Camel Case?
Should my table name be user or users
Do I use capitals?
What charset is recommanded?
Basically, you do not need to care about database naming as Doctrine will do everything for you.
You should use Doctrine cli commands to generate your database schema based on your entities, or even better use Doctrine Migrations to maintain changes.
Should I use Camel Case?
For entity class names, I'd recommend sticking with PSR, so yes, use CamelCase.
Symfony by default uses underscore naming strategy, so entity CamelCase will be generated as table camel_case (if not manually overriden).
You can set another naming strategy, but the default underscore strategy is a fine choice.
Should my table name be user or users
user is a ANSI SQL reserved word, so I recommend using users. Or, if you prefer having entities in singular, try person instead.
Do I use capitals?
Again, Doctrine naming strategy will solve this for you. Moreover, eg postresql converts all table names and such identifiers to lowercase, so using capitals explicitly can cause problems.
What charset is recommanded?
Use UTF-8 (or more specifically utf8mb4 if needed). There are few reasons to use any other.

Doctrine: how to set referenceOne relationship without finding() the referenced document?

we need to create a document which references one document in another collection. We know the id of the document being referenced and that's all we need to know.
our first approach is:
now the question is if we can do it somehow without the first line (and hitting the database). In the db (we use Mongo) reference is just an integer field and we know that target id, so finding() the $referencedDocument seems redundant.
We tried to create new User with just an id set, but that gets us an error during persisting.
In one of projects I used something like this:
$categoryReference = $this->getEntityManager()->getReference(ProjectCategory::class, $category['id']);
Thou, if you use Mongo, you probably need to use getDocumentManager()
So, link to doctrine docs. mongo odm 1.0.

Doctrine Scheme tool with ZF2

I am trying to use the Doctrine Scheme tool with ZF2 without much success, I am trying to update my Mysql DB via command line but I keep getting this error:
$ ./doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create --dump-sql [Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException] The
table with name 'ondemand_server.rbu_roles' already exists.
The rbu_roles is from ZfcRbac and I would imagine it is defined in the vendor module as well as in my own custom modules, how do I deal with this? Is there a way to ignore certain entities etc?
Check your entity annotations, if you have done some copy/paste, you might have a duplication of the table name:

Pitfalls of generating JSON in Django templates

I've found myself unsatisfied with Django's ability to render JSON data. If I use built in serializes then database foreign key relationships are not included in the data (only the keys). Also, it seems to be impossible to include custom data in the json feed that isn't part of the model being serialized.
As a test I implemented a template that rendered some JSON for the resultset of a particular model. I was able to include/exclude whatever parts of the model I wanted and was able to include custom data as well.
The test seemed to work well and wasn't slower than the recommended serialization methods.
Are there any pitfalls to this using this method of serialization?
While it's hard to say definitively whether this method has any pitfalls, it's the method we use in production as you control everything that is serialized, even if the underlying model is changed. We've been running a high traffic application in for almost two years using this method.
Hope this helps.
One problem might be escaping metacharacters like ". Django's template system automatically escapes dangerous characters, but it's set up to do that for HTML. You should look up exactly what the template escaping does, and compare that to what's dangerous in JSON. Otherwise, you could cause XSS problems.
You could think about constructing a data structure of dicts and lists, and then running a JSON serializer on that, rather than directly on your database model.
I don't understand why you see the choice as being either 'use Django serializers' or 'write JSON in templates'. The middle way, which to my mind is much more robust and fits your use case well, is to build up your data as Python lists/dictionaries and then simply use simplejson.dumps() to convert it to a JSON string.
We use this method to get custom JSON format consumed by
It was the easiest method we find to accomplish this task and it looks very fine with no problems so far.
You can find details here:
So far, generating JSON from templates, we've run into the need to escape newlines. Looking at doing simplejson.dumps() next.