String to Unicode, and Unicode to decimal code point (C++) - c++

Despite seing a lot of questions of the forum about unicode and string conversion (in C/C++) and Googling for hours on the topic, I still can't find a straight explanation to what seems to me like a very basic process. Here is what I want to do:
I have a string which potentially uses any characters of any possible language. Let's take cyrillic for example. So say I have:
std::string str = "сапоги";
I want to loop over each character making up that string and:
Know/print the character's Unicode value
Convert that Unicode value to a decimal value
I really Googled that for hours and couldn't find a straight answer. If someone could show me how this could be done, it would be great.
So I managed to get that far:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
#include <iomanip>
// utility function for output
void hex_print(const std::string& s)
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
for(unsigned char c : s)
std::cout << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(c) << ' ';
std::cout << std::dec << '\n';
int main()
std::wstring test = L"сапоги";
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t>> conv1;
std::string u8str = conv1.to_bytes(test);
return 1;
04 41 04 30 04 3f 04 3e 04 33 04 38
Which is correct (it maps to unicode). The problem is that I don't know whether I should use utf-8, 16 or something else (as pointed out by Chris in the comment). Is there a way I can find out about that? (whatever encoding it uses originally or whatever encoding needs to be used?)
I thought I would address some of the comments with a second edit:
"Convert that Unicode value to a decimal value" Why?
I will explain why, but I also wanted to comment in a friendly way, that my problem was not 'why' but 'how';-). You can assume the OP has a reason for asking this question, yet of course, I understand people are curious as to why... so let me explain. The reason why I need all this is because I ultimately need to read the glyphs from a font file (TrueType OpenType doesn't matter). It happens that these files have a table called cmap that is some sort of associative array that maps the value of a character (in the form on a code point) to the index of the glyph in the font file. The code points in the table are not defined using the notation U+XXXX but directly in the decimal counterpart of that number (assuming the U+XXXX notation is the hexadecimal representation of a uint16 number [or U+XXXXXX if greater than uint16 but more on that later]). So in summary the letter г in Cyrillic ([gueu]) has code point value U+0433 which in decimal form is 1075. I need the value 1075 to do a lookup in the cmap table.
// utility function for output
void hex_print(const std::string& s)
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
uint16_t i = 0, dec;
for(unsigned char c : s) {
std::cout << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(c) << ' ';
dec = (i++ % 2 == 0) ? (c << 8) : (dec | c);
printf("Unicode Value: U+%04x Decimal value of code point: %d\n", codePoint, codePoint);
std::string is encoding-agnostic. It essentially stores bytes. std::wstring is weird, though also not defined to hold any specific encoding. In Windows, wchar_t is used for UTF-16
Yes exactly, I think when you understand that "while" you think (at least I did) that strings were just storing "ASCII" characters (hold on here), this appears to be really wrong. In fact std::string as suggested by the comment only seems to store 'bytes'. Though clearly if you look at the bytes of the string english you get:
std::string eng = "english";
65 6e 67 6c 69 73 68
and if you do the same thing with "сапоги you get:
std::string cyrillic = "сапоги";
hex_print(cyrillic );
d1 81 d0 b0 d0 bf d0 be d0 b3 d0 b8
What I'd really like to know/understand is how is this conversion implicitly done? Why UTF-8 encoding here rather the UTF-16 and is there a possibility of changing that that (or is that defined by my IDE or OS?)? Clearly when I copy paste the string сапоги in my text editor, it actually copies an array of 12 bytes already (these 12 bytes could be utf-8 or utf-16).
I think there is a confusion between Unicode and encoding. Codepoint (AFAIK) is just a character code. UTF 16 gives you the code, so you can say your 0x0441 is a с codepoint in case of Cyrillic small letter es. To my understanding UTF16 maps one-to-one with Unicode codepoint which have a range of 1M and something characters. However, other encoding techniques, for example UTF-8 does not maps directly to Unicode codepoint. So, I guess, you better stick to the UTF-16
Exactly! I found this comment very useful indeed. Because yes, there is confusion (and I was confused) with regards to the fact that the way you encode the Unicode code point value has nothing to do with the Unicode value itself, well sort of because in fact things can be misleading as I will show now. You can indeed encode the string сапоги using UTF8 and you will get:
d1 81 d0 b0 d0 bf d0 be d0 b3 d0 b8
So clearly it has nothing to do with the Unicode values of the glyphs indeed. Now if you encode the same string using UTF16 you get:
04 41 04 30 04 3f 04 3e 04 33 04 38
Where 04 and 41 are indeed the two bytes (in Hexadecimal form) of the letter с ([se] in cyrillic). In this case at least, there is a direct mapping between the unicode value and its uint16 representation. And this is why (per Wiki's explanation [source]):
Both UTF-16 and UCS-2 encode code points in this range as single 16-bit code units that are numerically equal to the corresponding code points.
But as someone suggested in the comment, some code points values go beyond what you can define with 2 bytes. For example:
1D307 𝌇 TETRAGRAM FOR FULL CIRCLE (Tai Xuan Jing Symbols)
which is what this comment was suggesting:
To my knowledge, UTF-16 doesn't cover all characters unless you use surrogate pairs. It was meant to originally, when 65k was more than enough, but that went out the window, making it an extremely awkward choice now
Though to be perfectly exact UTF-16 like UTF-8 CAN encode ALL characters though it can use up to 4 bytes for doing so (as you suggested it would use surrogate pairs if more than 2 bytes are needed).
I tried to do a conversion to UTF-32 using mbrtoc32 but cuchar is strangely missing on Mac.
BTW, if you don't know what a surrogate pair is (I didn't) there's a nice post about this on the forum.

For your purposes, finding and printing the value of each character, you probably want to use char32_t, because that has no multi-byte strings or surrogate pairs and can be converted to decimal values just by casting to unsigned long. I would link to an example I wrote, but it sounds as if you want to solve this problem yourself.
C++14 directly supports the types char8_t, char16_t and char32_t, in addition to the legacy wchar_t that sometimes means UCS-32, sometimes UTF-16LE, sometimes UTF-16BE, sometimes something different. It also lets you store strings at runtime, no matter what character set you saved your source file in, in any of these formats with the u8", u" and U" prefixes, and the \uXXXX unicode escape as a fallback. For backward compatibility, you can encode UTF-8 with hex escape codes in an array of unsigned char.
Therefore, you can store the data in any format you want. You could also use the facet codecvt<wchar_t,char,mbstate_t>, which all locales are required to support. There are also the multi-byte string functions in <wchar.h> and <uchar.h>.
I highly recommend you store all new external data in UTF-8. This includes your source files! (Annoyingly, some older software still doesn’t support it.) It may also be convenient to use the same character set internally as your libraries, which will be UTF-16 (wchar_t) on Windows. If you need fixed-length characters that can hold any codepoint with no special cases, char32_t will be handy.

Originally computers were designed for the American market and used Ascii - the American code for information interchange. This had 7 bit codes, and just the basic English letters and a few punctuation marks, plus codes at the lower end designed to drive paper and ink printer terminals.
This became inadequate as computers developed and started to be used for language processing as much as for numerical work. The first thing that happened was that various expansions to 8 bits were proposed. This could either cover most of the decorated European characters (accents, etc) or it could give a series of basic graphics good for creating menus and panels, but you couldn't achieve both. There was still no way of representing non-Latin character sets like Greek.
So a 16-bit code was proposed, and called Unicode. Microsoft adopted this very early and invented the wchar WCHAR (it has various identifiers) to hold international characters. However it emerged that 16 bits wasn't enough to hold all glyphs in common use, also the Unicode consortium intoducuced some minor incompatibilities with Microsoft's 16-bit code set.
So Unicode can be a series of 16-bit integers. That's wchar string. Ascii text now has zero characters between in the high bytes, so you can't pass a wide string to a function expectign Ascii. Since 16 bits was nearly but not quite enough, a 32 bit unicode set was also produced.
However when you saved unicode to a file, this created problems, was it 16 bit of 32 bit> And was it big-endian or little-endian. So a flag at the start of the data was proposed to remedy this. The problem was that the file contents, memorywise, no longer match the string contents.
C++ std:;string was templated so it could use basic chars or one of the wide types, almost always in practice Microsoft's 16 bit near-unicode encoding.
The UTF-8 was invented to come to the rescue. This a multi-byte variable length encoding, which uses the fact that ascii is only 7 bits. So if the high bit is set, it means that you have two, three, or four bytes in the character. Now a very large number of string are English language or mainly human-readable numbers, so essentially ascii. These strings are the same in Ascii as in UTF-8, which mkaes life a whole lot easier. You have no byte order convention problems. You do have the problem that you must decode the UTF-8 to code points with as not entirely trivial function, and remember to advance your read position by the correct number of bytes.
UTF-8 is really the answer, but the other encodings are still in use and you will come across them.


What is the equivalent of an Python ASCII encoded byte string in C/C++ when dealing with sockets?

I have a mediocre background on C and C++ socket programming.
For the time being as part of a project I had to check socket programming in Python 3.
I was taking a look at the following example :
Regarding the command client.send(bytes(cmd+'\0','ascii'))
I understand that if one works with low level data connections like network sockets Python 3 transfers data as byte strings: data type bytes.
All of a sudden I was thinking what how this command would be implemented by a c/c++ client but I got confused with the encoding/decoding part of the buffers.
Let's take for example the following clients which are based on poco library
In all the examples the buffers are char arrays.
What I'd like to ask is that if someone would like to replace the python client with a
c++ like one of the above, then the sending and receiving part remains the same ?
int n = ss.sendBytes("hello", 5);
char buffer[256];
n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Meaning that by default the C char arrays are ascii encoded?
Or should before sending the buffer to convert for example the ascii string to byte array as in the following example:
Accordingly the reception needs any decoding as well ?
Please tell me if I am understanding your question correctly. You are trying to send and receive bytes. If your API takes a char[] array, then you should not convert the individual characters into bytes.
For example, you would pass "C8ICS33" not "43 38 49 43 53 33 33".
Sometimes in c++, API will take a std::uint8_t[] or std::byte[] array instead of a character. std::uint8_t is just an unsigned integer the size of a byte. std::byte is a bit more complex, but usually no one uses them.
So TL;DR: don't convert your char[] to "bytes"
Yes, in C and C++ the char arrays typically hold ASCII (or UTF-8, which can be thought of as a backward-compatible superset of ASCII as far as C-style strings are concerned) by default, so there isn’t any need to encode or decode those types of strings.

Converting an ANSI C-String to UNICODE

Note: I am trying to write my own function that performs this conversion
I understand that a char is 1 byte, while a wchar_t is 2 bytes.
So this is how a conversion would happen:
1) Input a text
Hello, world
2) Get the bytes of the string
48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21
3) Allocate memory twice the number of bytes
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4) Fill a byte with the ANSI value, skipping one byte at a time
48 00 65 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00 2c 00 20 00 77 00 6f 00 72 00 6c 00 64 00 21 00
I have a couple of questions about this process:
1) Can I simply cast an ANSI string to UNICODE and have it replicate the exact process above, or will it simply fill the first half of the bytes with the ANSI bytes and leave the rest to 0?
char a[] = { "Hello, world!" };
wchar_t* b = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(a);
2) Looking at the MultiByteToWideChar function, I see a CodePage argument and I wonder what it is. Isn't the conversion all the same (as I understand it and wrote it out above)? I thought the ASCII character codes were all the same everywhere, but this argument seems to say otherwise if I am understanding correctly from the fact it has values for Mac and Windows there.
I thought the ASCII character codes were all the same everywhere, but this argument seems to say otherwise if I am understanding correctly from the fact it has values for Mac and Windows there.
The ASCII codes are, yes, but the high bit of an "Extended ASCII" string (spoiler: there's no such thing) maps to any of a large number of codepages, all different encodings intended for use mostly in different geographic locales. The approach you've taken is fine for the simple, plain ASCII case, but it doesn't work in general, and MultiByteToWideChar knows this. It will re-encode properly from whatever codepage you're using, to what Windows confusingly calls "Unicode" (not "UNICODE"), which is actually more specifically the "UTF-16" encoding.
Can I simply cast an ANSI string to UNICODE and have it replicate the exact process above, or will it simply fill the first half of the bytes with the ANSI bytes and leave the rest to 0?
No. A cast does not reencode things or change values. There you are just saying "I promise that a is a bunch of wchar_ts, even though it has type char* (it doesn't, it has array type, but close enough for today).
That code actually has undefined behaviour, if you use b, because you've broken aliasing rules (you can examine a T through a char*, but you can't treat a char[] as some T that you never created). But, if it didn't, you'd find that your "string" were now half the length, and more than likely an invalid UTF-16 sequence that would not render correctly anywhere.
So if I wanted to support UTF-32, I would have to create my own wrapper for strings since wchar_t is only 2 bytes long and I need 4 bytes, and also I would not be able to print it with printf for example, correct?
Technically, sort of yes (though you'd use a library like libicu rather than rolling your own).
But, in reality, you don't want to use UTF-32. Working with the Windows API you're stuck with UTF-16, but other than that we generally prefer UTF-8 over char, which is nice and portable and flexible and good and nice. (You will again want a library for this though.)
It'd then be up to you as to where you perform the relevant conversions, and/or whether you have a switch that flips from UTF-8 to UTF-16 depending on the platform (like Windows's old UNICODE macro) or just run UTF-8 everywhere until you hit a Windows API boundary.
Or, if all your input is ASCII as you imply, then you don't really need to do anything other than what you are already: either keep your ASCII throughout the program but convert it to UTF-16 when using the Windows API, or use UTF-16 (and wchar_ts throughout your whole program and have no conversions. Make sure to use wide-char versions of your favourite functions, though (like wprintf) if you go down that route.
What you are attempting to do will only work for ASCII character codes in the range of 0..127. Those characters have the same numeric values in Unicode, and thus can be copied as-is between char and wchar_t strings.
And no, you can't just reinterpret_cast the memory address of the char data to wchar_t*, you need to allocate a new wchar_t array and copy the values, eg:
char a[] = { "Hello, world!" };
wchar_t* b = new wchar_t[sizeof(a) * sizeof(wchar_t)];
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(a); ++i) {
b[i] = static_cast<wchar_t>(a[i]);
delete[] b;
This type of copying would be better handled using std::string and std::wstring iterator-based constructors instead, eg:
std::string a = "Hello, world!";
std::wstring b(a.begin(), a.end());
However, beyond the ASCII range, you need to convert the data between char and wchar_t via charset/codepage lookups. Different charsets/codepages encode Unicode characters in different ways. MultiByteToWideChar() (and WideCharToMultiByte()) handle those conversion for you, using the codepage that you tell it to use. There are also many 3rd party libraries that can also handle these conversions, such as ICONV, ICU, etc. To an extent, even C++'s own std::wstring_convert and std::wbuffer_convert can, too (though they are deprecated in C++17 onwards).
For example, let's look at codepoint U+20AC EURO SIGN (€):
in a wchar_t string, it takes up a single wchar_t whose numeric value is 0x20AC.
in a UTF-8 encoded char string, it takes up 3 chars whose numeric values are 0xE2 0x82 0xAC.
in a Windows-1252 encoded char string, it takes up a single char whose numeric value is 0x80.
in a Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encoded char string, the Euro sign doesn't even have a numeric value assigned!
So, a simple value copy will not suffice for non-ASCII characters.

Does the g++ 4.8.2 compiler support Unicode characters?

Consider the following statements -
int a='A';
The first statement prints an integration sign (the character equivalent to the Unicode code point) whereas the second cout statement prints the ASCII value 65.
So I want to ask two things -
1) If my compiler supports Unicode character set then why it is implementing the ASCII character set and showing the ascii values of the characters?
2) With reference to this question - what is the difference in defining the 'byte' in terms of computer memory and in terms of C++?
Does my compiler implement 16-bit or 32-bit byte? If yes, then why do the value of CHAR_BIT is set to 8?
In answer to your first question, the bottom 128 code points of Unicode are ASCII. There's no real distinction between the two.
The reason you're seeing 65 is because the thing you're outputting (a) is an int rather than a char (it may have started as a char but, by putting it into a, you modified how it would be treated in future).
For your second question, a byte is a char, at least as far as the ISO C and C++ standards are concerned. If CHAR_BIT is defined as 8, that's how wide your char type is.
However, you should keep in mind the difference between Unicode code points and Unicode representations (such as UTF-8). Having CHAR_BIT == 8 will still allow Unicode to work if UTF-8 representation is used.
My advice would be to capture the output of you program with a hex dump utility, you may well find the Unicode character is coming out as e2 88 ab, which is the UTF-8 representation of U+222B. It will then be interpreted by something outside of the program (eg, the terminal program) to render the correct glyph(s):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() { cout << "\u222B\n"; }
Running that program above shows what's being output:
pax> g++ -o testprog testprog.cpp ; ./testprog
pax> ./testprog | hexdump
0000000 e2 88 ab 0a
You could confirm that by generating the same UTF-8 byte sequence in a different way:
pax> printf "\xe2\x88\xab\n"
There are several different questions/issues here:
As paxdiablo pointed out, you're seeing "65" because you're outputting "a" (value 'A' = ASCII 65) as an "int".
Yes, gcc supports Unicode source files: --finput-charset=OPTION
The final issue is whether the C++ compiler treats your "strings" as 8-bit ASCII or n-bit Unicode.
C++11 added explicit support for Unicode strings and string literals, encoded as UTF-8, UTF-16 big endian, UTF-16 little endian, UTF-32 big endian and UTF-32 little endian:
How well is Unicode supported in C++11?
As far as language support for Unicode:
Java was designed from the ground up for Unicode.
Unfortunately, at the time that meant only UTF-16. Java 5 supported nicode 6.0, Java 7 Unicode 6.0 and the current Java 8 supports Unicode 6.2.
.Net is newer. C#, VB.Net and C++/CLI all fully support Unicode 4.0.
Newer versions of .Net support newer versions of Unicode. For example, .Net 4.0 supports Unicode 5.1](What version of Unicode is supported by which .NET platform and on which version of Windows in regards to character classes?).
Python3 also supports Unicode 4.0:
For of all, sorry for my English if it has mistakes.
A C++ byte is any defined amount of bits large enough to transport every character of a set specified by the standard. This required set of characters is a subset of ASCII, and that previously defined "amount of bits" must be the memory unit for chars, the tiniest memory atom of C++. Every other type must be a multiple of sizeof(char) (any C++ value is a bunch of chars continously stored on memory).
So, sizeof(char) must be 1 by definition, because is the memory measurement unit of C++. If that 1 means 1 physical byte or not is an implementation issue, but universally accepted as 1 byte.
What I don't understand is what do you mean with 16-bit or 32-bit byte.
Other related question is about the encoding your compiled applies to your source texts, literal strings included. A compiler, if I'm not wrong, normalizes each translation unit (source code file) to an encoding of its choice to handle the file.
I don't really know what happens under the hood, but perhaps you have read something somewhere about source file/internal encoding, and 16 bits/32bits encodings and all the mess is blended on your head. I'm still confused either though.

Logic behind converting a character to UTF-8

I have the following piece of code which the comment in code says it converts any character greater than 7F to UTF-8. I have the following questions on this code:
if((const unsigned char)c > 0x7F)
Buffer[0] = 0xC0 | ((unsigned char)c >> 6);
Buffer[1] = 0x80 | ((unsigned char)c & 0x3F);
return Buffer;
How does this code work?
Does the current windows code page I am using has any effect on the character placed in Buffer?
For starters, the code doesn't work, in general. By
coincidence, it works if the encoding in char (or unsigned
char) is ISO-8859-1, because ISO-8859-1 has the same code
points as the first 256 Unicode code points. But ISO-8859-1 has
largely been superceded by ISO-8859-15, so it probably won't
work. (Try it for 0xA4, for example. The Euro sign in
ISO-8859-15. It will give you a completely different
There are two correct ways to do this conversion, both of which
depend on knowing the encoding of the byte being entered (which
means that you may need several versions of the code, depending
on the encoding). The simplest is simply to have an array with
256 strings, one per character, and index into that. In which
case, you don't need the if. The other is to translate the
code into a Unicode code point (32 bit UTF-32), and translate
that into UTF-8 (which can require more than two bytes for some
characters: the Euro character is 0x20AC: 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC).
For a good introduction to UTF-8: The title says it
is for Unix/Linux, but there is very little, if any, system
specific information in it (and such information is clearly

Wrong conversion from double to QString in Qt on ARM

I have Qt 4.4.3 built for ARMv5TE. I try to convert a double to a QString:
#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <cmath>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const double pi = M_PI;
qDebug() << "Pi is : " << pi << "\n but pi is : " << QString::number(pi, 'f', 6);
printf("printf: %f\n",pi);
return 0;
but get strange output:
Pi is : 8.6192e+97
but pi is : "86191995128153827662389718947289094511677209256133209964237318700300913082475855805240843511529472.0000000000000000"
printf: 3.141593
How do I get the proper string?
This looks to be a sort of endianess issue, but not your plain-vanilla big-endian vs little-endian problem. ARM sometimes uses an unusual byte ordering for double. From "Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic" by Jean-Michel Muller, et al.:
... the double-precision number that is closest to
-7.0868766365730135 x 10^-268 is encoded by the sequence of bytes
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 in memory (from the lowest to the highest
one) on x86 and Linux/IA-64 platforms (they are said to be
little-endian) and by 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 on most PowerPC platforms (they are said to be big-endian). Some architectures, such
as IA-64, ARM, and PowerPC are said to be bi-endian. i.e., they may
be either little-endian or big-endian depending on their
There exists an exception: some ARM-based platforms. ARM processors
have traditionally used the floating-point accelerator (FPA)
architecture, where the double-precision numbers are decomposed into
two 32-bit words in the big-endian order and stored according to the
endianess of the machine, i.e., little-endian in general, which means
that the above number is encoded by the sequence 55 66 77 88 11 22 33
44. ARM has recently introduced a new architecture for floating-point
arithmetic: vector floating-point (VFP), where the words are stored
in the processor's native byte order.
When looked at in a big-endian byte order, M_PI will have a representation that looks like:
The large number approximated by 8.6192e+97 wil have a representation that looks like:
If you look closely, the two 32-bit words are swapped, but the byte order within the 32-bit words is the same. So apparently, the ARM 'traditional' double point format seems to be confusing the Qt library (or the Qt library is misconfigured).
I'm not sure if the processor is using the traditional format and Qt expects it to be in VFP format, or if things are the other way around. But it seems to be one of those two situations.
I'm also not sure exactly how to fix the problem - I'd guess there's some option for building Qt to handle this correctly.
the following snippet will at least tell you what format for double the compiler is using, which may help you narrow down what needs to change in Qt:
unsigned char* b;
unsigned char* e;
double x = -7.0868766365730135e-268;
b = (unsigned char*) &x;
e = b + sizeof(x);
for (; b != e; ++b) {
printf( "%02x ", *b);
A plain little-endian machine will display:
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
Update with a bit more analysis:
At the moment, I'm unable to perform any real debugging of this (I don't even have access to my workstation at the moment), but by looking at the Qt source available on here's additional analysis:
It looks like Qt calls in to the QLocalePrivate::doubleToString() function in qlocale.cpp to convert a double to an alphanumeric form.
If Qt is compiled with QT_QLOCALE_USES_FCVT defined, then QLocalePrivate::doubleToString() will use the platform's fcvt() function to perform the conversion. If QT_QLOCALE_USES_FCVT is not defined, then QLocalePrivate::doubleToString() ends up calling _qdtoa() to perform the conversion. That function examines the various fields of the double directly and appears to assume that the double is in a strict big-endian or little-endian form (for example, using the getWord0() and getWord1() functions to get the low and high word of the double respectively).
See and or your own copy of the files for details.
Assuming that your platform is using the traditional ARM FPA representation for double (where the 32-bit halves of the double are stored in big-endian order regardless of whether the overall system being little-endian), I think you'll need to build Qt with the QT_QLOCALE_USES_FCVT defined. I believe that all you'll need to do is pass the -DQT_QLOCALE_USES_FCVT option to the configure script when building Qt.
The same code produces proper output on an x86 machine (running Windows XP) with Qt 4.7.0.
I see the following possibilities for the source of the problem:
Some bug which is maybe fixed in a newer version of Qt
Something went wrong when compiling for ARM
I found this forum post on a similar problem which supposes it could be a big/little-endian conversion problem.
I can't tell how to fix this as I am not experienced with ARM at all but maybe this information helps you anyway.