Convert GDI Plus Bitmap to QPixmap - c++

I have a GdiPlus::Bitmap object, and I need to build a function that converts it to a QPixmap. I'm using Qt 5.8.0, and performance is a concern of mine. I cannot find anything about this online, even searching for GDI+ images to QImages. I don't NEED to access pixel data, so all I have to do is get a GDI+ bitmap converted into something that can be displayed in a QWidget.
The most promising solution I've found so far is to use the fromHBitMap() in QtWin:, but I don't have the required knowledge/experience to be able to understand handles to bitmaps.

I assume you have "Bitmap" object in your hand.
Also I assume your development environment supports both "Windows programming" and "Qt".
Based on above assumptions, you can get the HICON from the "Bitmap" and pass it to "QPixmap QtWin::fromHICON(HICON icon)".
First you have to include "Gdiplus.h".
Also include "QtWin".
HICON hIcon;
Status st = <<Your Bitmap Object>>.GetHICON(&hIcon);
QPixmap pixM = QtWin::fromHICON(hIcon);
Try this.
The above code is untested.
It gives an idea.

I don't NEED to access pixel data
You don't, but Qt most certainly does. Qt does not use GDI for rendering widgets - instead, it uses the raster backend that operates on a QImage. Under the hood a QPixmap is just a wrapper around a QImage and it's cheap to convert between the two as it doesn't copy any image data.
So, whatever route you choose will involve QImage at some point, even if it's in the form of a QPixmap.

I had a method of doing this where I flipped the red and blue bytes, then used the following code to convert it from a Gdiplus::Bitmap to a QPixmap:
QPixmap getAsQPixmap(Gdiplus::Bitmap bitmap)
// One of my functions to flip blue and red bytes of the image
// m_pBytes is a pointer to an unsigned char that marks the start of the image
// It was retrieved from locking the Gdiplus::Bitmap
auto result = QPixmap::fromImage(QImage(m_pBytes, getWidth(), getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888));
// Restore data back to original state
return result;
This method, however, was slow and took a good 60 milliseconds to execute. So my new method was to save the Gdiplus::Bitmap to file, and use the path to that file to read in from QPixmap's constructor. This method is MUCH faster, around 5 milliseconds.
QPixmap getAsQPixmap(GdiPlus::Bitmap bitmap)
std::string path = "C:/path_to_img.....png";
// One of my functions to unlock the Gdi+ bitmap
// Get Clsid
CLSID pngClsid;
getEncoderClsid(format_mime, &pngClsid);
// Save bitmap
// stringToWString() was a function that I wrote to convert a standard string to be a wide string
bitmap->Save(stringToWString(path).c_str(), static_cast<const CLSID*>(&pngClsid));
// Lock bitmap
// Create the QPixmap
QPixmap new_img(path);
return new_img;


How to save image which is specific area that I clicked of picture Control?

Hello I'm studying MFC and I wanna know how to save a specific part of image which is in Picture Control when I click.
Here is the sequence what I want to do
I already make a function that when I click grab button, it shows the image in picture control.
After that, I want to save image when I click specific area.
I attach the image to help understand.
"I want to know how to save the surrounding area as an image when I click a specific part of the picture control as shown above."
It would be easy problem, but I'd appreciate it if you understand because it's my first time doing this.
I tryed to use ScreenToClient function, but I failed.
There are quite a few ways to do this, but the general idea is usually pretty much the same:
Get a DC to the screen or the window's client area (aka DC1).
Create a DC compatible with DC1 (aka DC2).
create a CBitmap compatible with DC1, of the size you want to copy/save.
select the bitmap into DC2.
bitblt the area you care about from DC1 to DC2.
Create a CImage object.
Detach the bitmap from the CBitmap, and attach it to the CImage.
Use CImage::Save to save the bitmap to a file.
There are variations (e.g., writing the data to a file without using a CImage), but they tend to be tedious, and unless you're willing to put quite a bit of effort into things, fairly limited as well. e.g., writing a .BMP file on your own isn't terribly difficult, but is a bit tedious.If you want to support writing JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc., you either need to integrate a number of libraries, or else write quite a bit of code for the file formats. CImage is somewhat limited as well, but at least supports a half dozen or so of the most common formats (and most people find just JPEG, PNG and possibly GIF sufficient).
Here's a bit of tested sample code for saving a 200x200 chunk of whatever's displayed in the current view window into a file named capture.jpg:
void CPicCapView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
// width and height of area to capture
static const uint32_t width = 200;
static const uint32_t height = 200;
CClientDC dc(this);
CDC temp;
CBitmap bmp;
bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, width, height);
// x-width/2, y-width/2 to get area centered at click point
temp.BitBlt(0, 0, width, height, &dc, point.x- width/2, point.y-height/2, SRCCOPY);
CImage dest;
// for the moment, just saving to a fixed file name
CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
It might initially seem like you should be able to create the CImage object, use its Create to create a bitmap, and then blit directly from the screen bitmap to the CImage bitmap. Unfortunately, CImage's BitBlt uses the CImage as a source, not a destination, so although there may be some way to get this to work, the obvious method doesn't.

What is the difference between QImage and QPixmap?

I do not understand what is the difference between QImage and QPixmap, they seem to offer the same functionality. When should I use a QImage and when should I use a QPixmap?
Easilly answered by reading the docs on QImage and QPixmap:
The QPixmap class is an off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device.
The QImage class provides a hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device.
Edit: Also, from #Dave's answer:
You can't manipulate a QPixmap outside the GUI-thread, but QImage has no such restriction.
And from #Arnold:
Here's a short summary that usually (not always) applies:
If you plan to manipulate an image, modify it, change pixels on it,
etc., use a QImage.
If you plan to draw the same image more than once
on the screen, convert it to a QPixmap.
There is a nice series of articles at Qt Labs that explains a lot about the Qt graphics system. This article in particular has a section on QImage vs. QPixmap.
Here's a short summary that usually (not always) applies:
If you plan to manipulate an image, modify it, change pixels on it, etc., use a QImage.
If you plan to draw the same image more than once on the screen, convert it to a QPixmap.
One important difference is that you cannot create or manipulate a QPixmap on anything but the main GUI thread. You can, however, create and manipulate QImage instances on background threads and then convert them after passing them back to the GUI thread.
is an "image object" whose pixel representation are of no consequence in your code, Thus QPixmap is designed and optimized for rendering images on display screen, it is stored on the XServer when using X11, thus drawing QPixmap on XWindow is much faster than drawing QImages, as the data is already on the server, and ready to use.
When to use QPixmap: If you just want to draw an existing image (icon .. background .. etc) especially repeatedly, then use QPixmap.
QImage is an "array of pixels in memory" of the client code, QImage is designed and optimized for I/O, and for direct pixel access and manipulation.
When to use QImage: If you want to draw, with Qpaint, or manipulate an image pixels.
QBitmap is only a convenient QPixmap subclass ensuring a depth of 1, its a monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmap. Just like QPixmap , QBitmap is optimized for use of implicit data sharing.
QPicture is a paint device that records and replays QPainter commands -- your drawing --
Important in industrial environments:
The QPixmap is stored on the video card doing the display. Not the QImage.
So if you have a server running the application, and a client station doing the display, it is very significant in term of network usage.
With a Pixmap, a Redraw consists in sending only the order to redraw (a few bytes) over the network.
With a QImage, it consists in sending the whole image (around a few MB).

How to save to a bitmap in MFC C++ application?

I am just starting with MFC so please be tolerant ;).
I have wrote (it was mostly generated to be honest) a simple application which should do the Paint chores: drawing lines, rectangulars, ellipses, changing a color of object to be drawn etc.
I need to save what has been drawn on the screen into a bmp file. Any ideas how can I achieve this ?
I do not know if that's relevant but I am drawing objects on the screen without the use of any CBitmaps or things like that. Here is a part of code responsible for drawing :
CPaintDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
if(pDoc->shapeCount>=MAX_SHAPES) return;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1] = new Shape;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1]->shape = ePoint;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1] = new CLine;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1]->shape = eLine;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1] = new CRectangle;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1]->shape = eRectangle;
pDoc->m_shape[pDoc->shapeCount-1] = new CEllipse;
I have found this way to do it but I don't know how to obtain screen width and height to fill it in the CreateBitmap parameter's list
CBitmap *bitmap;
bitmap.CreateBitmap(desktopW, desktopH, 1, 32, rgbData);
CImage image;
image.Save(_T("C:\\test.bmp"), Gdiplus::ImageFormatBMP);
The CreateBitmap call only requires the desktop width and height if the image you wish to save is actually the entire size of the screen. If that's indeed your intent, you can use CWnd::GetDesktopWindow() to get a CWnd object that you can query for its width and height:
That gets dodgy in general...if for no other reason than multi-monitor I'd recommend against it unless you really feel like writing a screen capture app.
What you probably want to do isn't to take a full screen shot, but just save the contents of your program's window. Typically you'd do this by breaking out the drawing logic of your program so that in the paint method you call a helper function that is written to take a CDC device context. Then you can either call that function on the window-based DC you get in the paint call or on a DC you create from the bitmap to do your save. Note that you can use a CBitmap in CDC::SelectObject:
(Though let me pitch you on not using MFC. Try Qt instead. Way better.)

How to combine two HICONs into one

I have one HICON which I want to use as an overlay on another HICON, to create a result HICON. The result HICON will then be used in an "owner draw" control (note: it doesn't use imagelists). The overlay icon has transparency color RGB(0, 255, 0).
How do I go about doing this in Native C++ (I've only found sources that show how to do this with managed code).
I generally agree with peterchen's answer, with some notes:
There's no reason to work with DIBs (unless you're synthesizing the image directly by altering its bits, rather than drawing using GDI functions).
You should keep in mind that GetIconInfo actually creates copies of the icon't bitmaps within your process. It's your responsibility to delete them when no more needed.
Unless you're going to pass the resulting HICON to either standard control or another process - there's just no need to create such. Instead it's better to work with a bitmap (and, possibly, mask).
It's important to understand the difference between icon and bitmap.
Bitmap is a GDI object. It's valid within your process.
Icon is a User object, and its scope is not limited to your process. It wraps a bitmap and, optionally, a mask.
There're several icon types:
The simplest, consisting of a single bitmap, which is drawn as-is.
Bitmap + mask, the mask marks solid/transparent pixels
32-bit bitmap, with alpha channel
Monochrome bitmap + mask. The bitmap + mask define the so-called AND-XOR operation (that is performed on the target surface).
So that after you get the contents of the icon (by GetIconInfo) you should discover the actual icon type, because each of those options requires different handling.
(1) overlay Icons
In many places of the windows API, there are overlay icons supported (e.g. ListView, and TreeView with help ofthe ImageList, also in the shell)
(2) As Hans says
The most straigtforward way would be to
create a memory DC on a bitmap
Draw the two icons on top of each other
create an icon from the bitmap
(3) if you insist
If you insist in doing it manually (though i see no reason to):
GetIconInfoto get the underlying bitmaps. Note that b&w icons need special treatment
GetObjectthe get the BITMAP for a HBITMAP. if you don't also insist on handling various bitmap formats, you should covnert them into DIB sections.
Do your magic

How to Convert a gdi+ Bitmap-like struct into an HDC?

How to Convert a Bitmap-like struct into an HDC?
I am now writting image processing program in c++, gdi.
If I got a HDC.
I can draw whatever I like on the HDC in gdi by the following code.
// HDC is handy.
HDC dc;
dc.DrawXXX // I can draw using gdi method.
Graphics gr(dc); // now I can also draw on the dc using gdi+ method.
My Application is based on FreeImage.
I make of fipImage. ( use data struct like Bitmap )
However if I want to draw on fipWinImage, now I have to copy fipWinImageto Bitmap, then draw on the Bitmap, and finally convert the bitmap into fipImage again, which is time comsuming and memory comsuming.
Convert fipImage to Bitmap -> Draw on the bitmap -> convert bitmap to fipWinImage
fipWinImage imagefip;
Bitmap* tempImg = new Bitmap(imagefip->GetWidth(), imagefip.GetHeigt(), PixelFormat24bppRGB); // memory comsuming is image is large
Graphics *pGr = Graphics::FromImage(tempImg);
HDC dc = pGr->GetHDC();
RECT rec;
rec.left = 0; = 0;
rec.right = imagefip.GetWidth();
rec.bottom = imagefip.GetHeight();
fipImage.draw(dc, rec); // using stretchdibits()
Graphics gr(tempImg);
HDC dc = gr.GetHDC(); // Get an Hdc, draw using gdi method
gr.ReleaseHDC(tempDC); //
gr.drawXXX // Draw using gdi+ method.
fipWinImage fipImg; // final result fipWinImage.
Color color;
tempImg->GetHBITMAP(color, &temp);
I want to construct a HDC directly from fipImage. and draw directly on fipWinImage
How can I do this?
First a few clarifications:
A Device Context is basically a structure that remembers things like foreground and background colors, brushes, font info, and the physical drawing surface (bitmap).
This is a handy thing, so that you don't have to keep specifying all of these things when you're doing one graphics operation after another. You can also pass all of these settings around more easily this way. That's all that a DC really is - just a collection of drawing parameters, including the surface to draw upon.
An "HDC" is just a handle (reference) to one of these structs. Being a "Handle" lets window move the struct around in memory to manage free space without your pointers to it getting messed up.
If you have access to the source code for the library you're using, examine the fipWinImage::draw(...) method. If they're using StretchDIBits, then they must get their raw bitmap data into a compatible format at some point. It's also possible that the fipWinImage class is wrapping an underlying BITMAP or DIB, etc.
The final step to getting your own HDC...
A bitmap is "SELECTED" into a device context, and can only be selected into a single DC at one time. If you can get the internal HBITMAP from fipWinImage, you can select it into another DC (assuming that it isn't still selected into another HC).
When you create a DC, windows automatically creates a 1x1 bitmap for it (since a DC must have a selected bitmap at all times). When you select in a new bitmap, you get the handle to the previously selected bitmap returned to you. Hang on to that, because you're going to need to put it back when you're done.
Hope that helps.
I don't know FreeImage, but if you can get a pointer to the actual pixel data (DIB section) out of it, you could just create a HBITMAP that shares it without having to copy the data every time.