How to manage admin authentication with Oauth flow to Microsoft Graph API in Rails App - admin

I am deeply struggling to find the right flow. I have a rails app, registered on Microsft App portal (with Id, Pwd and Scopes). To be be as simple as possible : I need to have access through my app to all emails (only read) of a company. It is a server app, which processes informations during the night.
What I understood and tried :
Get a login link for the administrator of the company :{TENANT_ID}/oauth2/authorize?client_id={MY_APP_ID}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=MY_APP_ADDRESS&response_mode=query&prompt=admin_consent
In callback, I do get a code in params. From that code, I get a token with a POST request, specifying :
client_id: MY_APP_ID,
grant_type: "authorization_code",
redirect_uri: MY_APP_ADDRESS,
client_secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET,
resource: ""
From that I get a Token. A simple request to get messages works well for the administrator mailbox (the one who validated the access) ; 'Access is denied' when I try for any other person from the organization.
Last point. Scopes defined in Microsoft App portal : Group.Read.All and Mail.Read (both for apps or delegated services)
What is the right way to get that done ? Thanks !

add the query parameter prompt=admin_consent to the authorization request, that way the admin will consent on behalf of the entire organization and not just for his/herself.


MS Graph API - Get Access Token w/ Multi-Factor Authentication Required

I'm attempting to use Postman to "Get User Access Token" with Microsoft Graph API; however, my org recently enabled multi-factor auth and this call is now failing, stating:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access...
The Microsoft documentation for MS Graph API using Postman is very well written, but it is missing clear instructions how to pass in this second factor to the request.
The error points to, but this just gives the same info.
I have the MS authenticator app which gives me this key/second factor; however, I don't know how to add this into the body/headers. I'm trying to find the specific key name for passing in the additional security token (I've tried things like 'token,' 'pcToken,' 'key,' etc.)
I was in the same predicament so here is what I did to solve it:
Firstly, I got the information from:
You will need to use the OAuth 2.0 authorisation in Postman. Using the same GET request, go to Authorization -> Change the type to 'OAuth 2.0' then click 'Get New Access Token'.
From there, you can input your own details:
(replace [TenantID] with your own)
Callback URL: The redirect URL you stated in your app authentication.
Auth URL:[TenantID]/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Access Token URL:[TenantID]/oauth2/v2.0/token
Client ID: You're application's ID.
Client Secret: You're Applications secret that you set under the 'Certificates & secrets' section.
Username Password Authentication is not supported for MFA because MFA requires interaction. But there is no interaction if you need to use Username Password Authentication to sign in.
See Username Password Authentication:
users who need to do MFA won't be able to sign-in (as there is no
The answers above do not describe anything related to MFA by-passing via code.
MFA auth you need to use broker authentication where MS Authenticator app behaves as a broker.
If you integrate the proper libraries (ADAL, MSAL) your code will be able to interact with broker properly.
On Android and iOS, brokers enable:
Single Sign On (SSO). Your users won't need to sign-in to each
Device identification (by accessing the device
certificate which was created on the device when it was workplace
joined). We use Intune-managed devices for this purpose.
Application identification verification (is it really outlook which
calls me?). The way it works is when an application calls the broker,
it passes its redirect url, and the broker verifies it:
On iOS, the redirect URL is, for instance, ms-word://, the broker
parses and gets the appId (after the //) and verifies it's the same
as the appId of the calling app, which it knows (by the OS).
On Android the redirect URLs have the following form msauth://com.msft.word/.
To enable one of these features, the application developers need to set the UseBroker Boolean to true in the platform parameters. They also need to implement a delegate to react to the broker calling back the application as described in Platform parameters properties specific to brokers on Android and iOS.
Please refer to the MS docs for broker auth examples:

How to block Facebook webhook calls for app specific users? [duplicate]

There is documentation for test users in the Facebook Developer online documentation but how do you delete actual users where the application doesn't show in their app list anymore? This is with the knowledge of the access_token and facebook_user_id.
Used to delete Test Users:
Running the test user link produces the following error:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Can only call this method on valid test users for your app",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100
You seek for application de-authorization:
You can de-authorize an application or revoke a specific extended permissions on behalf of a user by issuing an HTTP DELETE request to PROFILE_ID/permissions with a user access_token for that app.
permission - The permission you wish to revoke. If you don't specify a permission then this will de-authorize the application completely.
To achieve this issue request to:
Once application de-authorized it will not appear in the list of user's applications.
Update December 2021
Follow the reference for Requesting & Revoking Permissions:
To remove single permission issue a DELETE request to /{user-id}/permissions/{permission-name} passing user access token or an app access token
To de-authorize an app completely issue similar request to the /{user-id}/permissions endpoint
Real users 'delete' themselves from your app when they remove your app from their account, you don't have to do anything.
If you would like to know when users de-authorize your app like this, you can specify a Deauthorize Callback URL in your app's settings. As described in the docs at
Upon app removal we will send an HTTP POST request containing a single parameter, signed_request, which, once decoded, will yield a JSON object containing the user_id of the user who just deauthorized your app. You will not receive an user access token in this request and all existing user access tokens that were previously issued on behalf of that user will become invalid.
UPDATE: To remove your own app from the user's authorized applications, issue an HTTP DELETE to[userid]/permissions?access_token=... as per
Typically Graph API calls also support doing an HTTP POST with an extra parameter, method=DELETE, in case DELETE calls are not possible/supported.
To do it:
You must have the user access token.
Visit and debug the user access token.
Copy App-Scoped User ID
Via API call HTTP DELETE to[App-Scoped User ID]/permissions?method=delete&access_token=[YOUR-APP-ACCESS-TOKEN]

Facebook API "This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the application"

I can successfully pull statistics from the FB API using the temporary access token, however I followed the instructions to generate a token that never expires from this thread.
Long-lasting FB access-token for server to pull FB page info
It does indeed work. But then when trying to using this Page token I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException' with message '(#272) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the application. User XXXXXX not admin or developer for application XXXXXXX.' in
C:\www\projects\dashboard2014\vendor\facebook\php-ads-sdk\src\FacebookAds\Http\Exception\RequestException.php on line 129
However the user is an Admin of the application! I can see it in the application settings. Also I can see the token has the following permissions:
"perms": [
In the App settings I also put the Ad account ID in the "Authorized Ad Account IDs" field and this doesn't work still.
If I use the temporary access token from the Graph API Explorer then I am able to pull in data from any campaign in the ad account with no problem, the problems seems to be that this is a Page access token, so there's a slight difference somewhere but I can't seem to work it out?
I don't mind having a different long life access token for every Page rather than just one for the whole account however it's not working. Thanks

Google Contacts API - Accessing Other Users

I am trying to use the Google Contacts API and the Python / GDATA client handlers to access Contacts via OAuth 2.0 for users in the domain. I'm ultimately wanting to create a web service to add contacts for users, but the first step is getting this test working.
I can access my own Contacts just fine if I use the default URI. However, when I pass in the email address to construct the URI for another user, I can't seem to access the other user's Contacts. Here is the code that I'm using:
A 403 error is returned when I execute this.
gdata.client.RequestError: Server responded with: 403
Your client does not have permission to get URL /m8/feeds/contacts/<userEmail>/full from this server.
Mostly just trying to understand if what I'm attempting here is even possible. In the Email Settings API, for example, you can get authenticated to the domain and pass in a user's email to list their labels, add filters, etc. So, I would anticipate that the Contacts API would work the same, though handled slightly differently, i.e. modifying the URI, instead of just passing in an argument to the client handler. Please let me know if I am wrong in that presumption.
For authorization, I'm getting the details using flow_from_clientsecrets, then getting the token to authorize the ContactsClient for the domain. Again, I can access my own contacts fine, so authorization seems OK, but I can't access other users' contacts.
client = token.authorize(ContactsClient(domain=domain))
Seems like I'm missing something with respect to accessing other users. Is anybody able to assist me over this hump? Here are some things that I've checked / confirmed:
Contacts API is enabled for the project
Scopes have been authorized for the Client ID in the control panel > Manage 3rd party access
I am a Super Admin in the domain.
Thanks for your time!
I figured out the answer here from another post with exceptional detail:
Domain-Wide Access to Google GDATA APIs
You need to use "Service Account" authentication. For some reason, I was thinking that would only work with the newer discovery-based APIs. But, service account access also works for GDATA APIs. I can access all the Contacts for users in the domain now.

Google Directory API users list gives 404 Not found

I'm using the javascript client library to try to get a list of users in a domain, but I'm getting a 404 not found in the response.
gapi.client.load('admin', 'directory_v1', function() {
var request ={ domain: ""});
request.execute(function(resp) {
I have a load function before this that gets the userinfo and that works fine, it's just the directory api I can't get working. I added the scope, and I have the proper client id and api key. I enabled the Admin SDK in the Services tab of my project. The account that the project was created in has all administrator privileges except super admin. Is there some extra step you have to take to use admin sdk apis? What am I missing?
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to grant Oauth access for ClientId in admin console.
Security -> Advanced settings -> Manage Oauth client access
And then add your client ID and the scope needed.