Unable to copy objects on S3 - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to copy video files from in my store from one folder to another. The files are all under 1GB. Everytime I try, I get an exception.
Name of S3 store: BandMedia
example files:
SourceFileName: VideoFiles/Band1/video1_38372836.mp4
DestinationFileName: VideoFiles/Band2/video1_47296110.mp4
The folder "VideoFiles" exist on my AWS S3 store.
However, the band name for the DestinationFileName is new(Band2).
So maybe it's not copying over because of that? Would I need to create the folder for the band first, and then do the copy? But I'm pretty sure I read in the SDK documentation that if the folder doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.
Here's the code that copied pretty much from the AWS SDK examples:
Dim AppSettings As Specialized.NameValueCollection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings()
Dim AwsAccessKey As String = "xxxxxx"
Dim AwsSecretKey As String = "11111"
Dim AwsBucketName = "BandMedia"
Dim AwsRegionEndpoint As String = AwsEndPoint
Dim AwsRegionEndpointObj As RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(AwsRegionEndpoint)
Dim s3 = New Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client(AwsAccessKey, AwsSecretKey, AwsRegionEndpointObj)
Dim cRequest As CopyObjectRequest
Dim cReponse As CopyObjectResponse
cRequest = New CopyObjectRequest()
With cRequest
.SourceBucket = AwsBucketName
.DestinationBucket = AwsBucketName
.SourceKey = SourceFileName
.DestinationKey = DestinationFileName
.CannedACL = S3CannedACL.PublicRead
End With
cReponse = s3.CopyObject(cRequest)
Return cReponse.HttpStatusCode = 200
Catch ex As AmazonS3Exception
Return False
End Try
Here's the error:
Exception thrown: 'System.Exception' in videoMusicApp.dll Exception
while copying file VideoFiles/Band1/video1_38372836.mp4 to
Another thought...maybe it's because it's on the same store?
Honestly, I don't know though.
Could anyone help me out? Thanks!


How can I use code to export a SharePoint list to Excel

I found a previous question and it looks to be what I'm looking for. However when I run the code, I get a debug error (Highlights the last line from "Set ObjMyList . . . . ("A1"))". Below is the code I'm using with the specific path & GUIDs. I tried adjusting the sharepoint address, but the one listed is the one that points to the library. I also tried just the home address (Stopping at "TEP") and all the way to including "All Items.aspx". I'm sure I am missing something "simple", but just thought I'd try to ask here.
Dim objMyList As ListObject
Dim objWksheet As Worksheet
Dim strSPServer As String
Const SERVER As String = "https://twdc.sharepoint.com/sites/WDPR-dclrecruiting/Test/TEP/Trip%20Event%20Planning%20Library"
Const LISTNAME As String = "{6B39FDF1-29AE-418C-9D99-92293FED5C81}"
Const VIEWNAME As String = "{CCFD1C7F-74CA-4921-A599-628C800C818A}"
strSPServer = "http://" & SERVER & "/_vti_bin"
Set objWksheet = Worksheets.Add
Set objMyList = objWksheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcExternal, _
Array(strSPServer, LISTNAME, VIEWNAME), False, xlYes, Range("A1"))
Below code works in my local
Sub ExportList()
Dim objWksheet As Worksheet
Dim strSPServer As String
Const SERVER As String = "sp/sites/team"
Const LISTNAME As String = "{3e47ff9c-9aab-4a40-9d6a-c47e9b793484}" 'From source code
Const VIEWNAME As String = "{67709eda-c975-4669-85e5-d95e263dadc6}" 'From source code
' The SharePoint server URL pointing to the SharePoint list to import into Excel.
strSPServer = "http://" & SERVER & "/_vti_bin"
Set objWksheet = Sheets("Sheet1")
' Add a list range to the newly created worksheet
' and populated it with the data from the SharePoint list.
Set objMyList = objWksheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcExternal, Array(strSPServer, LISTNAME, VIEWNAME), True, , Range("A1"))
Set objMyList = Nothing
Set objWksheet = Nothing
End Sub

C++/CX - GetFileAsync throws breakpoint error

I am trying to open a xml file from my Assets folder, but unfortunately I am only able to open my xml file by using a FileOpenPicker which is not the most ideal situation when I have to constantly fetch my xml file, without disturbing the user of course.
FileOpenPicker^ openPicker = ref new FileOpenPicker();
openPicker->ViewMode = PickerViewMode::List;
openPicker->SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId::Desktop;
openPicker->PickSingleFileAsync()).then([this](StorageFile^ file) {
if (nullptr != file) {
task<Streams::IRandomAccessStream^>(file->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read)).then([this](Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ stream)
IInputStream^ deInputStream = stream->GetInputStreamAt(0);
DataReader^ reader = ref new DataReader(deInputStream);
String^ strXml = reader->ReadString(stream->Size);
I am now trying to reconstruct this code into a code which loads up my xml file without letting the user choose. I tried the following approach:
String^ xmlFile = "Assets\MyXmlFile.xml";
StorageFolder^ InstallationFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation;
InstallationFolder->GetFileAsync(xmlFile)).then([this](StorageFile^ file) {
if (nullptr != file) {
task<Streams::IRandomAccessStream^>(file->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read)).then([this](Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ stream)
IInputStream^ deInputStream = stream->GetInputStreamAt(0);
DataReader^ reader = ref new DataReader(deInputStream);
String^ strXml = reader->ReadString(stream->Size);
I think I get errors at the GetFileAsync which I am not able to solve and I am asking you, the community to try and help me.
Your code worked for me with one modification: the xmlFile string contains a backslash that needs to be escaped:
String^ xmlFile = "Assets\\MyXmlFile.xml";
Note also that if you just right-clicked "Assets" in your project and chose "Add new item", that item may have ended up in your root project folder (which is the default). If you want it to be deployed to the Assets subfolder it will need to physically live there on disk in the assets subdirectory, not just be in the Assets filter. (Unlike in C#, the C++ project "folders" are actually filters and do not reflect physical directory location.)

Start workflow with web services Sharepoint 2010

I am attempting to run a visual studio sequential workflow on items in a library, but have hit a wall. since the client object model doesn't seem to support starting workflows, I am attempting to use the web service call to "../_vti_bin/workflow.asmx" web service.
Everything seems ok up to the point where it calls
StartWorkflow(item, templateid, workflowParameters)
I get an error saying parameters can't be null. My workflow has no init form, so im not sure what params to pass. can someone help me out here?
here is my code:
Private Sub LoadDataFromSite()
Dim frm As New DateForm
fromDate = frm.DateTimePicker1.Value.Date
toDate = frm.DateTimePicker2.Value.Date
Dim siteUrl As String = "http://host.dom.local/payroll/"
Dim clientContext As New ClientOM.ClientContext(siteUrl)
Dim oList As ClientOM.List = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Timesheets")
Dim oListItem As ListItem
Dim camlQuery As New ClientOM.CamlQuery()
camlQuery.ViewXml = "<View/>"
Dim collListItem As ClientOM.ListItemCollection = oList.GetItems(camlQuery)
For Each oListItem In collListItem
Console.WriteLine("ID: {0} " & vbCrLf & "Title: {1} " & vbCrLf & "", oListItem.Id, oListItem("Title"))
If CDate(oListItem("Timesheet_x0020_Date")).Date >= fromDate And _
CDate(oListItem("Timesheet_x0020_Date")).Date <= toDate Then
MsgBox("found a timesheet in the specified date range = " & oListItem("Timesheet_x0020_Date"))
Dim sguid As String = "{2009B982-3A49-4217-99AC-7E52C0EE44EF}"
Dim workflowTemplateGuid As New Guid(sguid)
Dim _itemURI As String = "http://host.dom.local/payroll/" & oListItem("Title")
Dim workflow As WSWorkflow.Workflow = New WSWorkflow.Workflow
workflow.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials
workflow.StartWorkflow(_itemURI, workflowTemplateGuid, Nothing)
End If
Next oListItem
Catch exs As Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException
MsgBox("Error starting export workflow on list items. It may not be finished yet, and you may need to export the timesheets manually." & exs.Message)
Catch exss As Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequestException
MsgBox("Error starting export workflow on list items. It may not be finished yet, and you may need to export the timesheets manually." & exss.Message)
Catch ext As Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException
MsgBox("Error starting export workflow on list items. Soap exception. " & ext.Message)
End Try
End Sub
so I can't pass NOTHING to the function call, so what do here?
There are two problems with your code.
1) Item URI/URL - its should be ows_EncodedAbsUrl of Item, you can get it from Lists.asmx
2) association data - can not be null.
you can find detailed explanation at.
I hope it solves your error.

creating thumbnail from a pdf in coldfusion cfscript

I'm trying to create a thumbnail from a pdf in coldfusion, but no thumbnail gets created and no exception is thrown.
(coldfusion 9)
my code:
var source = "A:\testfolder\test.pdf";
var destination = "A:\testfolder\";
createImageFromPdf(source, destination);
createImageFromPdf function:
public void function createImageFromPdf(required string source, required string destination,
numeric pages = 1, string resolution = "low",
numeric scale = 100, boolean overwrite = true){
var pdf = new pdf();
pdf.thumbnail(pages = arguments.pages, resolution = arguments.resolution,
scale = arguments.scale, overwrite = arguments.overwrite);
After running this code, i don't receive errors or exceptions, but no image was generated in A:\testfolder\
I'm probably missing something obvious here, but can't find it.
Also no log records are created in application or exception log, pdf is not protected and I'm sure that the folder is writable.
All help is appreciated.
You just forgot to pass along the destination
, pages = arguments.pages
, resolution = arguments.resolution
, scale = arguments.scale
, overwrite = arguments.overwrite);

Resolving incidents (closing cases) in CRM4 through webservices?

I'm trying to resolve/close Dynamics CRM4 cases/incidents through webservices.
A single SetStateIncidentRequest is not enough and returns a Server was unable to process request error message. I think it has something to do with active workflows that trigger on case's attribute changes. I don't know if there's anything else preventing the request to work.
Since it is possible to close those cases through the GUI, I guess there's a "correct" set of steps to follow in order to achieve it through CrmService; unfortunately, I've been googleing it for a while without finding what I want. Could anybody help me, please?
To resolve a case in CRM (in VB.NET), I do the following:
Dim activity As New incidentresolution
Dim closeRequest As New CloseIncidentRequest
Dim closeResponse As New CloseIncidentResponse
Dim strErrors As String = String.Empty()
activity.incidentid = New Lookup
activity.incidentid.type = EntityName.incident.ToString
activity.incidentid.Value = //[GUID OF INCIDENT]
activity.ownerid = New Owner
activity.ownerid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString
activity.ownerid.Value = //[GUID OF USER PERFORMING ACTION]
activity.statecode = New IncidentResolutionStateInfo
activity.statecode.Value = 1 //Resolved
activity.statuscode = New Status
activity.statuscode.Value = 5 //Problem Solved
closeRequest.IncidentResolution = activity
closeRequest.Status = 5 //Problem Solved
activity.timespent = New CrmNumber
activity.timespent.Value = //[INTEGER REPRESENTING No. OF MIN SPENT ON CASE]
closeResponse = objCrm.Execute(closeRequest)
Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
Dim root As XmlElement = ex.Detail
strErrors = strErrors & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & root.ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes(3).InnerText
Return False
End Try
Here's a tip - catch the SoapException and examine the Detail.OuterXML property and you will get a more detailed error message. It's possible you're not building your request correctly.
Indeed, I didn't know that there exists a CloseIncidentRequest class to use with the CrmService.Execute() method. Most probably the SetStateIncidentRequeset won't work because it's expected that incident resolutions are created that way. Pity that names for classes and actions aren't used consistently (case/incident, resolution/closing)...