creating thumbnail from a pdf in coldfusion cfscript - coldfusion

I'm trying to create a thumbnail from a pdf in coldfusion, but no thumbnail gets created and no exception is thrown.
(coldfusion 9)
my code:
var source = "A:\testfolder\test.pdf";
var destination = "A:\testfolder\";
createImageFromPdf(source, destination);
createImageFromPdf function:
public void function createImageFromPdf(required string source, required string destination,
numeric pages = 1, string resolution = "low",
numeric scale = 100, boolean overwrite = true){
var pdf = new pdf();
pdf.thumbnail(pages = arguments.pages, resolution = arguments.resolution,
scale = arguments.scale, overwrite = arguments.overwrite);
After running this code, i don't receive errors or exceptions, but no image was generated in A:\testfolder\
I'm probably missing something obvious here, but can't find it.
Also no log records are created in application or exception log, pdf is not protected and I'm sure that the folder is writable.
All help is appreciated.

You just forgot to pass along the destination
, pages = arguments.pages
, resolution = arguments.resolution
, scale = arguments.scale
, overwrite = arguments.overwrite);


Download image using Dynamics 365 Web API

I am trying to download the image from Dataverse using Dynamics Web API.
I am able to succeed in that using {{webapiurl}}sample_imageattributedemos(d66ecb6c-4fd1-ec11-a7b5-6045bda5603f)/entityimage/$value
But when I try to download the full/actual size image - I am getting the file with the reduced size - {{webapiurl}}sample_imageattributedemos(d66ecb6c-4fd1-ec11-a7b5-6045bda5603f)/entityimage/$value?fullsize=true.
I tried to download the image using the sample code where additionally I have added CanStoreFullImage = true attribute.
Please find below code snippet for the reference:
CreateAttributeRequest createEntityImageRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = _customEntityName.ToLower(),
Attribute = new ImageAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "EntityImage", //The name is always EntityImage
//Required level must be AttributeRequiredLevel.None
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
DisplayName = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label("Image", 1033),
Description = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label("An image to show with this demonstration.", 1033),
CanStoreFullImage = true,
IsPrimaryImage = false,
How can I achieve this - to download the full size image using Web API?
the correct syntax is size=full, not fullsize=true
to build such requests you can use my tool Dataverse REST Builder, you can find the operations to deal with Image fields under the Manage Image Data request type

unable to create a document with raw content on dialog flow knowledge bases

i am using to create document through java rpc,we have a setContent() method which is used creating document with raw content, when i try to create document i am getting below exception.
Caused by: Operation
with name
failed with status = GrpcStatusCode{transportCode=INVALID_ARGUMENT}
and message = CSV documents must have exactly two columns. The
provided document has 1 columns.
when i check dialogflow.v2beta1 Documentation there clearly mentioned content is deprecated use raw_content instead of content. but there is no supported method for raw_content in
I was experimenting a similar issue. I tried different libraries and techniques until I found something that worked. In my case I've to parse each row as follows:
let input = ['Question1', 'Answer1\n'];
let input2 = ['Question2', 'Answer2\n'];
let base64data = input.toString('base64') + input2.toString('base64');
const request = {
parent: 'projects/PROJECT_ID/knowledgeBases/KNOWLEDGEBASE_ID',
document: {
knowledgeTypes: ['FAQ'],
displayName: 'Echele',
content: base64data,
source: 'rawContent',
mimeType: 'text/csv',
This allowed my to submit the document, hope it works for you too!
Please find working solution
String documentName="test.csv";
try {
byte[] bytedata = filedata.toString().getBytes();
ByteString bytestring = ByteString.copyFrom(bytedata);
byte[] bytedata1 = "text/csv".getBytes();
ByteString mimestring = ByteString.copyFrom(bytedata1);
DocumentsSettings docuemtnSettings = DocumentsSettings.newBuilder()
DocumentsClient documentsClient = DocumentsClient.create(docuemtnSettings);
Document document = Document.newBuilder().setDisplayName(documentName).setContentBytes(bytestring)
CreateDocumentRequest createDocumentRequest = CreateDocumentRequest.newBuilder().setDocument(document)
OperationFuture<Document, KnowledgeOperationMetadata> response = documentsClient
Document createdDocument = response.get();
System.out.format(" - docuemnt created ID: %s\n", createdDocument.getName());

How to skip unsupported image using cfimage processing?

I am using ColdFusion 10.
When trying to read some image files, ColdFusion returns no values and no error messages are shown.
I tried to re-size an image using cfimage tag. It is crashing. So I tried to get info about the image using "imageinfo" function. It returns blank. Please help me to either get some info or skip the image. Can anyone help me?
I tried reading the file which caused the anomaly using
<cfimage action="read" source="full pathname" name="image">
<cfset image = imageRead(full pathname)>
and many other ColdFusion documented functions. No error was shown. No output was obtained. I used cffile which showed unsupported file type error.
action = "readBinary" file = "full pathname" variable = "variable name"
Thanks Rino
Try using this function for reading images.
<cfimage> tag or imageNew() can have issues while trying to read image files which are corrupted or files saved with changed extensions (background transparent .png files saved as .jpeg) while uploading.
I think the main problem with these files is that there is a chance coldfusion doesn't throw an error of any sort when we try to read files mentioned above.
public function readImage(fullpath){
//trying java imageio
var imageFile = createObject("java", "").init(fullpath);
// read the image into a BufferedImage
var ImageIO = createObject("java", "javax.imageio.ImageIO");
try {
var bi =;
return ImageNew(bi);
} catch(any e) {
//try for bad formatted images
//create java file object, passing in path to image
var imageFile = createObject("java","").init(fullpath);
//create a FileSeekableStream, passing in the image file we created
var fss = createObject("java","").init(imageFile);
//create ParameterBlock object and initialize it (call constructor)
var pb = createObject("java","java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock").init();
//create JAI object that will ultimately do the magic we need
var JAI = createObject("java","");
try {
//pass in FileSeekableStream
//use the JAI object to create a buffered jpeg image.
var buffImage = local.JAI.create("jpeg", pb).getAsBufferedImage();
//pass the buffered image to the ColdFusion imagenew()
var New_Image = imagenew(buffImage);
//make sure we close the stream
return New_Image;
} catch (any e) {
if (isDefined("fss")) {

How to access unwanted save file name and delete it?

I need to filter my raster image by a fixed threshold. So I use ILogicalOp functions. Whenever I use them, an output file will be saved on workspace, which is unwanted due to my large database. The saving happens exactly after rasOut[i] = RMath.LessThan(inputRas[i], cons01). How can I prevent this? Or how to get saved file name and delete it? Any comments would be Appreciated?
private IGeoDataset[] CalcColdThreshold(IGeoDataset[] inputRas)
IGeoDataset[] rasOut = new IGeoDataset[inputRas.Length];
IGeoDataset emptyRas=null;
ILogicalOp RMath;
RMath = new RasterMathOpsClass();
IRasterAnalysisEnvironment env;
env = (IRasterAnalysisEnvironment)RMath;
IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(workSpace_save.Text), 0);
env.OutWorkspace = workspace;
IRasterMakerOp Rmaker = new RasterMakerOpClass();
IGeoDataset cons01;
Threshold_value = 15000;
cons01 = Rmaker.MakeConstant(Threshold_value, false);
for (int i = 0; i < inputRas.Length; i++)
rasOut[i] = RMath.LessThan(inputRas[i], cons01);
return rasOut;
(disclaimer: I'm not actually a C++ programmer, just trying to provide some pointers to get you going since no one else seems to have any answers.) (converted from comment)
The IScratchWorkspaceFactory interface sounds like it will do what you want - instead of creating your workspace variable using IWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile, try creating a scratch workspace instead? According to the documentation it will be automatically cleaned up when your application exits.
Just remember to use a different workspace for your final output. :)

OpenOffice SDK: convert document to PDF

I'm trying to build an application to convert documents (word, powerpoint) to PDF using the OpenOffice SDK.
I'm using C++ and all I want the application to do is take an input document filename and and output PDF filename, and do the conversion.
Are there any samples or easy way to get started? Most of the documentation I see is using Java.
You can get an example source code here:
I do this with C#, I share with you hoping it helps:
// Connect to a running office and get the service manager m_xContext = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap();
var mxMSFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)m_xContext.getServiceManager();
XComponentLoader desktop = (XComponentLoader)mxMSFactory.createInstance("");
XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = (;
PropertyValue[] properties = new PropertyValue[1];
properties[0] = new PropertyValue();
properties[0].Name = "Hidden";
properties[0].Value = new uno.Any(true);
XComponent xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL("file:///YOUR .ODT PATH", "_blank", 0, properties);
XTextDocument xDocument = (XTextDocument)xComponent;
XStorable xStorable = (XStorable)xDocument;
PropertyValue[] storeProps = new PropertyValue[3];
storeProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
storeProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
storeProps[0].Value = new uno.Any("writer_pdf_Export");
storeProps[1] = new PropertyValue();
storeProps[1].Name = "Overwrite";
storeProps[1].Value = new uno.Any(true);
storeProps[2] = new PropertyValue();
storeProps[2].Name = "SelectPdfVersion";
storeProps[2].Value = new uno.Any(1);
xStorable.storeToURL("file:///YOUR PDF PATH", storeProps);
The right way to start is reading the Developer's Guide.
Good stuff in our business ain't easy.