Replace the words "can't, don't" by "can not, do not" using python [closed] - regex

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to replace words like "{can't, don't, won't }" by "{can not, do not, would not}" using python
The problem is:
"can't" can be detected by checking suffix "n't", so we can replace "n't" by "not"
But how can we transform "ca" to "can" as when we split "can't" it should be transformed to "can not"?

Since the rules of English are large and sometimes inconsistent, your best bet is probably just to set up full word maps rather than trying to figure out on the fly which letters are represented by the apostrophe.
In other words, a dictionary with values like:
can't -> can not
don't -> do not
won't -> will not
oughtn't -> ought not


Merging broken lines [closed]

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Closed 14 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 14 days ago.
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In a text with many lines in notepad++, some lines are unintentionally broken into the next line without an end point. I want to merge lines that are more than 10 characters long that do not end with a dot(.) with of regex. Also put a space between merged lines.
For example, the following text:
Convert to:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
ccccccccccccccccc dddddddddddddddddd.
I also tried the following regex code but it didn't work:

Why lone line in fortran code in one part is highlighted and become like comment? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a fortran code for 1 phase flow in porous media.
In discretized equations and other long line I have a below problem as you see in the picture.
After that highlighted phrase my code become like comment.
Can anyone help me?
According to this:
In its current state, the syntax highlighting for fixed-form Fortran in the extension only supports a line length of 72 characters. Anything after column 72 appears as comments (green) in the source code, which also affects the appearance of the following lines (when a closing parenthesis is in this green region for example)
You can change it on fortran_fixed-form.tmLanguage.json file or on the VS code settings.

How to rename bunch of files via terminal, keeping the filenames prefix and suffix and removing wildcard in the middle? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Given +400 files such as :
Given this regex match these titles :
I want to rename my files into filenames such :
How to keep the speaker name prefix, remove the variable noise at the center, then keep the finale 11 characters youtube id and the extension suffix ?
If you want to remove everything between the first and last - before the youtube id, while allowing for any nonzero-sized language code, then this will work:
rename 's/-.*-([a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}\..+\.vtt)/-\1/' Remi*
or for a more readable answer :
rename 's/(Remi_Brun)(_.+)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}.en.vtt)/$1-$3/' Remi*
My earlier answer
rename 's/-.*-/-/' Remi* #didn't account for hyphens in youtube id

Extracting date from the format [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am struggling through this date extraction. I have a date like this
I want to get this "yyyy-mm-dd" and I cannot strip ("D(") this also because I have this format in other places so I tried like this
first searching the string but I am not sure if I am on right track
eg. intabc = istrdate.SearchSubString("D(");
so please suggest how can I get this value.
Input is
OUTPUT that I want
What i have done(not correct way I think )
intabc = istrdate.SearchSubString("D(");
you can use substr() and string::erase() functions in c++98
string str = "\"D(\"yyyy-mm-dd\")";
string result = str.substr(3);
result.erase(result.end() - 1)
result.erase(result.end() - 1)
if you are using c++11 you can also use string::pop_back() method.

Recognizing patterns given a set of sentences [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a text file with lots of sentences. These sentences can occur in patterns. How do I recognize these patterns?
For example:
i woke up in the morning
i went to school
i played football
i came back home
i woke up in the morning
i went to school
i played basketball
At this point I want the program to say that "I played football" should have appeared.
This task seems to little bit complicate,but you can try this simple code for understanding or if finds it useful you can further implement it::
//the sentences/input input String
String sampleString1="xyz";
String[] sampleString2=sampleString1.split(".");
for(int i=1;i<=sampleString2.length;i++){
//The pattern which you can specify to match with the sentence
if(sampleString2[i].substring(0, 14).equals(sampleString2[0].substring(0,16))){
//code to execute the matched sentence.
System.out.println("Sentence matching with pattern ::" + sampleString2[i]);
If the pattern to be matched is the first line of the sequence ,then try this code.