404 Page not found while deploying MicroStrategy Web sample - web-services

I am a newbie to MicroStrategy. I have managed to install MicroStrategy and Install the sample (MSTR-SDK/samples/javaExternalSecuritySample) in MicroStrategy Root directory /web aspx/plugin directory.
I am still getting below error when I launch the MicrosStrategy web tool.
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
How do I fix this?

Can you browse to the file on your webserver at the location indicated (inetpub\wwwroot\plugins\ESM\JSP\mstrWeb.jsp) ?


Bitnami Ghost CMS aws instance Config file is not valid JSON issue

I am setting up ghost cms on aws for a client and hit a wall. I am using the bitnami image for setting this up. I haven't touched the config file that comes default in bitnami image. Ghost is not starting up and it's showing this error in the log
Debug Information:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v10
Node Version: v10.20.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.14.0
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost log'
An error occurred.
Message: 'Cannot read property 'join' of undefined'
Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of undefined
at instance.isRunning.then (/opt/bitnami/apps/ghost/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/commands/log.js:34:88)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
OK it literally wasted hours of my life. And the problem was found. The reason was that in the config file the url of the blog was given as an IP address. But Ghost has said in it's setup documentation that this is likely to cause issues. So when I changed this to a URL instead of the IP address it was fixed. Hurraaay!!

not able to download files from azure blob

Hi using fileUris in Azure extension of template, not able to download file in VM while launching VM from template.
It throws following error:
VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'customScript'. Error message: "Enable failed: processing file downloads failed: failed to download file[1]: failed to download file: unexpected status code: got=404 expected=200".
To get more insight about the issue, you check the following log files on your VM:
- /var/log/azure/custom-script/handler.log
- /var/log/waagent.log
enter code here
Your files are downloaded to a path like: /var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/ and the command output is saved to stdout and stderr files in this directory. Please read these files to find out output from your script.
You can find the logs for the extension at /var/log/azure/custom-script/handler.log.
Please open an issue on this GitHub repository if you encounter problems that you could not debug with these log files.
Source: https://github.com/Azure/custom-script-extension-linux
Plese check weather your repository is private or public in github or any reposi.
Once you chenge it to public it let you download the repository
For storage private networking I needed to add the subnet of the VM to the firewall and enable the "Microsoft.Storage" services endpoint.
The message means that the waagent service was not able to download a file using the URL provided in the config file. There could be many reasons for that. I suggest that you need to test that URL manually from the VM to see if the URL can be downloaded at all.

WSO2 Identity Server SAML Error encrypting XMLObject at Example Travelocity

When setting in the sample app: Travelocity.properties
#Specify if SAM LAssertion element is encrypted
And also tick the Identity server configuration option:
Enable Assertion Encryption [ticked]
Certificate Alias: wso2carbon
I receive the following error at the server log:
Error at Log: 2015-05-05 15:56:10,282 Error encrypting XMLObject
Without the encryption feature enabled, the SAML authentication flow with the Travelocity sample code starts working.
Hints are welcome how to fix this issue.
It seems like you are working on the installed java runtime for the first time. I am using ubuntu 14. The same problem came to me. For me it worked in the following way.
1. Download the respective files according to your runtime from here.
2. Extract the folder you downloaded. There will be two .jar files.
3. For ubuntu you can run echo $JAVA_HOME to find the java home. Copy above jar files into {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security. You may need sudo access depending on you JAVA_HOME location. If so run the following from the location you extracted the zip file.
cp local_policy.jar /{JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security
cp US_export_policy.jar /{JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security
There should be only one slash (/) at /{JAVA_HOME}.
4. Restart wso2 identity server again and retry the procedure to login to travelocity.com
Hope this will fix your issue.

Akeeba Kickstart with Joomla 2.5.13 throws 403 Error

Everytime I start to extract my Akeeba Backup, I get a 403 error and an Uncaught ReferenceError as such
POST http://maxnathaniel.com/joomla/kickstart.php 403 (Forbidden)
kickstart.php:1119 Uncaught ReferenceError: Response is not defined
Joomla - 2.5.13
Akeeba Kickstart - 4.0.0
File Permissions
Joomla subdirectory folder is on 755
Files within the joomla folder is 644
Included in my /public_html/joomla are en-GB.kickstart.ini, index.html (a sample index file), kickstart.php and my backup file in .jpa format (file size is 1GB).
Appreciate any help, thank you!
Instead of using Akeeba Kickstart, I used Akeeba eXtract Wizard. Unpacked the .jpa file on my local machine, and uploaded it via FTP to my server. It worked without any problems.

getting error while uploading on server using web application opencart

I need a help on this problem. I uploaded my site using web application, I am using opencart. This is my first time that I encounter this problem. My website is http://www.almadina-adv.com. I cannot solve it.
Error found:
Warning: require_once(/home/almadina-adv/public_html/system/startup.php): failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mohamedb/public_html/index.php on line 19
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/almadina-adv/public_html/system/startup.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mohamedb/public_html/index.php on line 19
Did you setup the config files to point to the right place on the server rather than on your development machine:
This post has more details on how to setup the opencart config files