Everytime I start to extract my Akeeba Backup, I get a 403 error and an Uncaught ReferenceError as such
POST http://maxnathaniel.com/joomla/kickstart.php 403 (Forbidden)
kickstart.php:1119 Uncaught ReferenceError: Response is not defined
Joomla - 2.5.13
Akeeba Kickstart - 4.0.0
File Permissions
Joomla subdirectory folder is on 755
Files within the joomla folder is 644
Included in my /public_html/joomla are en-GB.kickstart.ini, index.html (a sample index file), kickstart.php and my backup file in .jpa format (file size is 1GB).
Appreciate any help, thank you!
Instead of using Akeeba Kickstart, I used Akeeba eXtract Wizard. Unpacked the .jpa file on my local machine, and uploaded it via FTP to my server. It worked without any problems.
I successfully deployed a package to S3 via Octopus but I get an error 404 instead of a website.
According to this article, the zip file should at least have the index.html.
The zip folder that was uploaded already contains the files created by the npm run build command.
Kindly advise. Thanks a lot!
I am a newbie to MicroStrategy. I have managed to install MicroStrategy and Install the sample (MSTR-SDK/samples/javaExternalSecuritySample) in MicroStrategy Root directory /web aspx/plugin directory.
I am still getting below error when I launch the MicrosStrategy web tool.
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
How do I fix this?
Can you browse to the file on your webserver at the location indicated (inetpub\wwwroot\plugins\ESM\JSP\mstrWeb.jsp) ?
I'm in the process of migrating the Rails (4.1.6) website to a new server in AWS. Current website uses paperclip 4.2.2 along with CKeditor to upload images. Its working correctly. But when I migrated it to the new server it started throwing the below error -
[paperclip] Error while determining content type: Cocaine::CommandNotFoundError
Command :: file -b --mime '/tmp/3f4380e1ea2c09e9224f025d0796034620170222-1345-nwrjpa.jpg'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename 7157_WIS161015_IMG_02_0000_max_656x437.jpg (application/octet-stream from Headers, [#] from Extension), content type discovered from file command: . See documentation to allow this combination.
I tried following the steps suggested in paperclip Github issues like adding paperclip.rb file in initializers like in this link
Also tried adding do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :data as well but that also didnt work.
Any help is appreciated.
I need a help on this problem. I uploaded my site using web application, I am using opencart. This is my first time that I encounter this problem. My website is http://www.almadina-adv.com. I cannot solve it.
Error found:
Warning: require_once(/home/almadina-adv/public_html/system/startup.php): failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mohamedb/public_html/index.php on line 19
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/almadina-adv/public_html/system/startup.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mohamedb/public_html/index.php on line 19
Did you setup the config files to point to the right place on the server rather than on your development machine:
This post has more details on how to setup the opencart config files
I am running a flask app on an AWS EC2 server, and have been using boto to access data stored in dynamoDB. After accidentally adding boto.conf to a git commit (and push and pull on the server), I have found that my python code can no longer locate the boto.conf file. I rolled back the changes with git, but the problem remains.
The python module and boto.conf file exist in the same directory, but when the module calls
I get the flask error IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'boto.conf'.
As per Documentation:
I'm not really sure why you are using boto.config_load_credential_file. In general you can pick up the config in a file called either ~/.boto or /etc/boto.cfg.
You can also look at this questions from SO that also answers how to get the configuration for boto: Getting Credentials File in the boto.cfg for Python