I have to send 6 byte to a device in serial port. The port is open but the data isnt sent. I use serial port monitor to know what happen with my code(C++ Win32, Visual Studio).
I am using CreateFile
hPort = CreateFile( TEXT("COM3"),
My code to write is:
void uart::write(char data) {
When i need execute a command in my device i call fuction sendCommand("000000010000000100000000000000000000000000000000");
void device::sendCommand(std::string command) {
int size = command.length();
char* string = (char*)command.c_str();
std::vector<char> data(command.begin(), command.end()) ;
std::cout <<"[Uart.write]>>\n";
int j=0;
for (int k = 0; k <= size - 1; k++) {
std::cout << data[k];
if (j % 8 == 0 && j!=0) { std::cout << "__byte " << j / 8 << "send___\n";
I use the next code like as model to write the above code win32 c++.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO::Ports;
using namespace System::Threading;
void SendCommand(SerialPort^ port, Byte unit, Byte command, Int32 data);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
SerialPort^ port;
Byte unit;
Byte command;
Int32 data;
// Set up serial port
port = gcnew SerialPort();
port->PortName = "COM8";
port->BaudRate = 9600;
port->DataBits = 8;
port->Parity = Parity::None;
port->StopBits = StopBits::One;
port->Handshake = Handshake::None;
// Open port
// Home device 1
SendCommand(port, 1, CMD_HOME, 0);
WaitForReply(port, 1, CMD_HOME, unit, command, data);
// Close port
return 0;
void SendCommand(SerialPort^ port, Byte unit, Byte command, Int32 data)
array<Byte>^ packet = gcnew array<Byte>(6);
gcnew array<Byte>
packet[0] = unit;
packet[1] = command;
packet[2] = data & 0xFF;
packet[3] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
packet[4] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
packet[5] = (data >> 24) & 0xFF;
port->Write(packet, 0, 6);
I would like find something like array<Byte>^ packet = gcnew array<Byte>(6);
gcnew array<Byte>
packet[0] = unit; .......... in C++. I think my problem is that.
void uart::write(char data) {
are you understand what you doing here ? you pass buffer address in range 0-255 which is of course invalid and not point to your actual data. when kernel check your buffer - exception STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION raised , which converted to ERROR_NOACCESS by win32. this error code must return GetlastError() after your call to WriteFile return false.
you need next function for write 1 byte:
DWORD uart::write(char data) {
DWORD byteswritten;
return WriteFile(hPort,
NULL) ? NOERROR : GetLastError();
not sure are after this all will be worked (are no another errors in code) but this fix is must be done
I'm currently working on a project similar to OBS, where I'm capturing screen data, encoding it with the x264 library, and then broadcasting it to a twitch server.
Currently, the servers are accepting the data, but no video is being played - it buffers for a moment, then returns an error code "2000: network error"
Like OBS Classic, I'm dividing each NAL provided by x264 by its type, and then making changes to each
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(encoder, &nals, &num_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
//sort the NAL's into their types and make necessary adjustments
int timeOffset = int(pic_out.i_pts - pic_out.i_dts);
timeOffset = htonl(timeOffset);//host to network translation, ensure the bytes are in the right format
BYTE *timeOffsetAddr = ((BYTE*)&timeOffset) + 1;
videoSection sect;
bool foundFrame = false;
uint8_t * spsPayload = NULL;
int spsSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<num_nals; i++) {
//std::cout << "VideoEncoder: EncodedImages Size: " << encodedImages->size() << std::endl;
x264_nal_t &nal = nals[i];
//std::cout << "NAL is:" << nal.i_type << std::endl;
//need to account for pps/sps, seems to always be the first frame sent
if (nal.i_type == NAL_SPS) {
spsSize = nal.i_payload;
spsPayload = (uint8_t*)malloc(spsSize);
memcpy(spsPayload, nal.p_payload, spsSize);
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_PPS){
//pps always happens after sps
if (spsPayload == NULL) {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: critical error, sps not set" << std::endl;
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(nal.i_payload + spsSize);
memcpy(payload, spsPayload, spsSize);
memcpy(payload, nal.p_payload + spsSize, nal.i_payload);
sect = { nal.i_payload + spsSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_SEI || nal.i_type == NAL_FILLER) {
//these need some bytes at the start removed
BYTE *skip = nal.p_payload;
while (*(skip++) != 0x1);
int skipBytes = (int)(skip - nal.p_payload);
int newPayloadSize = (nal.i_payload - skipBytes);
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(newPayloadSize);
memcpy(payload, nal.p_payload + skipBytes, newPayloadSize);
sect = { newPayloadSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR || nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE) {
//these packets need an additional section at the start
BYTE *skip = nal.p_payload;
while (*(skip++) != 0x1);
int skipBytes = (int)(skip - nal.p_payload);
std::vector<BYTE> bodyData;
if (!foundFrame) {
if (nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) { bodyData.push_back(0x17); } else { bodyData.push_back(0x27); } //add a 17 or a 27 as appropriate
foundFrame = true;
//put into the payload the bodyData followed by the nal payload
uint8_t * bodyDataPayload = (uint8_t*)malloc(bodyData.size());
memcpy(bodyDataPayload, bodyData.data(), bodyData.size() * sizeof(BYTE));
int newPayloadSize = (nal.i_payload - skipBytes);
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(newPayloadSize + sizeof(bodyDataPayload));
memcpy(payload, bodyDataPayload, sizeof(bodyDataPayload));
memcpy(payload + sizeof(bodyDataPayload), nal.p_payload + skipBytes, newPayloadSize);
int totalSize = newPayloadSize + sizeof(bodyDataPayload);
sect = { totalSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: Nal type did not match expected" << std::endl;
The NAL payload data is then put into a struct, VideoSection, in a queue buffer
//used to transfer encoded data
struct videoSection {
int frameSize;
uint8_t* payload;
int type;
After which it is picked up by the broadcaster, a few more changes are made, and then I call rtmp_send()
videoSection sect = encodedImages->front();
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Frame Size: " << sect.frameSize << std::endl;
//two methods of sending RTMP data, _sendpacket and _write. Using sendpacket for greater control
RTMPPacket * packet;
unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)sect.payload;
int type = buf[0]&0x1f; //I believe &0x1f sets a 32bit limit
int len = sect.frameSize;
long timeOffset = GetTickCount() - rtmp_start_time;
//assign space packet will need
packet = (RTMPPacket *)malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket)+RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + len + 9);
memset(packet, 0, sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
packet->m_body = (char *)packet + sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
packet->m_nBodySize = len + 9;
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Packet Size: " << sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + len + 9 << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Packet Body Size: " << len + 9 << std::endl;
//set body to point to the packetbody
unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)packet->m_body;
memset(body, 0, len + 9);
//NAL_SLICE_IDR represents keyframe
//first element determines packet type
body[0] = 0x27;//inter-frame h.264
if (sect.type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) {
body[0] = 0x17; //h.264 codec id
//this section taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25031759/using-x264-and-librtmp-to-send-live-camera-frame-but-the-flash-cant-show
//in an effort to understand packet format. it does not resolve my previous issues formatting the data for twitch to play it
//sets body to be NAL unit
body[1] = 0x01;
body[2] = 0x00;
body[3] = 0x00;
body[4] = 0x00;
//>> is a shift right
//shift len to the right, and AND it
/*body[5] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;
body[6] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;
body[7] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
body[8] = (len) & 0xff;*/
//end code sourced from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25031759/using-x264-and-librtmp-to-send-live-camera-frame-but-the-flash-cant-show
//copy from buffer into rest of body
memcpy(&body[9], buf, len);
//save individual packet body to a file with name rtmp[packetnum]
//determine why some packets do not have 0x27 or 0x17 at the start
//still happening, makes no sense given the above code
/*std::string fileLocation = "rtmp" + std::to_string(packCount++);
std::cout << fileLocation << std::endl;
const char * charConversion = fileLocation.c_str();
FILE* saveFile = NULL;
saveFile = fopen(charConversion, "w+b");//open as write and binary
if (!fwrite(body, len + 9, 1, saveFile)) {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: Error while trying to write to file" << std::endl;
//other packet details
packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO;
if (rtmp != NULL) {
packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id;
packet->m_nChannel = 0x04;
packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
packet->m_nTimeStamp = timeOffset;
//send the packet
if (rtmp != NULL) {
RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE);
I can see that Twitch is receiving the data in the inspector, at a steady 3kbps. so I'm sure something is wrong with how I'm adjusting the data before sending it. Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong here?
The problems start before the code you included even. When you configure x264 be sure to set:
b_aud = 0;
b_repeat_headers = 0;
b_annexb = 0;
This will tell x264 to generate the format needed by rtmp, Then you can skip all the per-nal preprocessing.
For sps/pps use x264_encoder_headers to retrieve them after x264_encoder_open. Encode them into an "extradata" buffer as documented here Possible Locations for Sequence/Picture Parameter Set(s) for H.264 Stream. This extradata goes into an rtmp "sequence header" packet before any frames are sent. Set the frame the AVCPacketType accordingly body[1] in your case, 0 for sequence header 1 for everything else,
body[0] = 0x27;
body[1] = 0;
body[2] = 0;
body[3] = 0;
body[4] = 0;
memcpy(&body[5], extradata, extradata_size);
body[2] through body[4] MUST be set to the frame cts (pts - dts) if you have b frames. If you want to set it to zero, configure x264 for baseline profile, but this will result in reduced image quality. Use the return code from x264_encoder_encode as the frame size, and write the whole frame in one go.
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(encoder, &nals, &num_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
if(frame_size) {
int cts = pic_out->i_pts - pic_out->i_dts;
body[0] = pic_out->b_keyframe ? 0x27 : 0x17;
body[1] = 1;
body[2] = cts>>16;
body[3] = cts>>8;
body[4] = cts;
memcpy(&body[5], nals->p_payload, frame_size);
Finally, Twitch requires you also send an AAC audio stream. and be sure to set the keyframe interval to 2 seconds.
I am trying to send data from the arm cortrx m4 microcontroller to pc through usb. There is a program written in C++ language in codeblocks ide. Basically the program sets the serial communication settings and read data using ReadFile function.
The problem is I am getting garbage values at the output even if the baud rate in pc proogram and microcontroller is same.
How can I solve this problem?
The pc program is shown below.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
HANDLE hComm; // Handle to the Serial port
char ComPortName[] = "\\\\.\\COM51"; // Name of the Serial port to be opened,
BOOL Status; // Status of the various operations
DWORD dwEventMask; // Event mask to trigger
char TempChar; // Temperory Character
char SerialBuffer[26]; // Buffer Containing Rxed Data
DWORD NoBytesRead; // Bytes read by ReadFile()
int i = 0;
printf("\n\n +==========================================+");
printf("\n | Serial Port Reception (Win32 API) |");
printf("\n +==========================================+\n");
/*---------------------------------- Opening the Serial Port -----------*/
hComm = CreateFile( ComPortName, // Name of the Port to be Opened
0, // No Sharing
NULL, // No Security
OPEN_EXISTING, // Open existing port only
0, // Non Overlapped I/O
NULL); // Null for Comm Devices
printf("\n Error! - Port %s can't be opened\n", ComPortName);
printf("\n Port %s Opened\n ", ComPortName);
DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 }; // Initializing DCB structure
dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);
Status = GetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //retreives the current settings
if (Status == FALSE)
printf("\n Error! in GetCommState()");
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = 115200; // Setting BaudRate = 115200
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8; // Setting ByteSize = 8
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONE5STOPBITS; // Setting StopBits = 1
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY; // Setting Parity = None
Status = SetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //Configuring the port according to settings in DCB
if (Status == FALSE)
printf("\n Error! in Setting DCB Structure");
else //If Successfull display the contents of the DCB Structure
printf("\n\n Setting DCB Structure Successfull\n");
printf("\n Baudrate = %ld", dcbSerialParams.BaudRate);
printf("\n ByteSize = %d", dcbSerialParams.ByteSize);
printf("\n StopBits = %d", dcbSerialParams.StopBits);
printf("\n Parity = %d", dcbSerialParams.Parity);
//----------------- Setting Timeouts ----------------------------
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
if (SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts) == FALSE)
printf("\n\n Error! in Setting Time Outs");
printf("\n\n Setting Serial Port Timeouts Successfull");
//-------------- Setting Receive Mask -------------------------------
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
printf("\n\n Error! in Setting CommMask"); // Error setting communications event mask
printf("\n\n Setting CommMask successfull");
i = 0;
printf("\n\n Waiting for Data Reception");
if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwEventMask, NULL))
printf("\n\n Characters Received\n");
if (ReadFile(hComm, &TempChar, 1, &NoBytesRead, NULL))
// A byte has been read; process it.
SerialBuffer[i] = TempChar;
//printf("\n%c\n", TempChar);
if(TempChar == 's')
// An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
} while (NoBytesRead);
int j =0;
for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) // j < i-1 to remove the dupliated last character
printf("%c", SerialBuffer[j]);
CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port
printf("\n +==========================================+\n");
Here image showing the garbage value printed when the char s is continuosly sent on the port.
The microcontroller code goes below.
#include "PLL.h"
#include "UART.h"
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025400))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025420))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025510))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002551C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025520))
#define GPIO_PORTF_CR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025524))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025528))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002552C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE108))
unsigned long In; // input from PF4
// time delay
void delay(int value)
//debug code
int main(void)
unsigned char i;
char string[20]; // global to assist in debugging
unsigned long n;
unsigned char c;
char text[10] = "Hello!";
unsigned long count;
SYSCTL_RCGC2_R |= 0x00000020; // 1) F clock
//delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // delay
GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R = 0x4C4F434B; // 2) unlock PortF PF0
GPIO_PORTF_CR_R = 0x1F; // allow changes to PF4-0
GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R = 0x00; // 3) disable analog function
GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R = 0x00000000; // 4) GPIO clear bit PCTL
GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R = 0x0E; // 5) PF4,PF0 input, PF3,PF2,PF1 output
GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R = 0x00; // 6) no alternate function
GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R = 0x11; // enable pullup resistors on PF4,PF0
GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R = 0x1F; // 7) enable digital pins PF4-PF0
UART_Init(); // initialize UART
n = 0;
while(n < 10)
This code is not correct. I suspect you keep overwriting the UART tx buffer over and over, long before the UART is given a chance to send anything at all.
First of all, you can't write the delay function like that. The compiler is free to optimize it all away, as it can't spot any side-effects. Generally, you should away "burn-away time" loops as poor man's delays, but if you for some reason must use them, they have to be written like this:
void delay(int value)
for(volatile int i=0; i<value; i++)
The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from optimizing away the whole function.
The correct way to do this though, is not to use such blunt delays at all, but instead watch the transmitter busy flag of your UART hardware. It is found in the UART status register, whatever that one is called for your specific microcontroller.
Pseudo code:
n = 0;
while(n < 10)
if((UART_SR & TX_BUSY) == 0)
/* can do other things here in the meantime */
Hi i am trying to record from a board and i have successfully record 4 seconds. Problem is when i try to record for more time, i got an error telling me that there not enough memory. my target is to record a 5 minutes file. Until now i have create a buffer named snIn[256] where are the samples. i send it to a big buffer of [16K * 4sec] and when it is full, i create the wav file.
#include "SAI_InOut.hpp"
#include "F746_GUI.hpp"
#include "Delay.hpp"
#include "WaveformDisplay.hpp"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"
#include "wavfile.h"
using namespace Mikami;
#define RES_STR_SIZE 0x20
#define REC_TIME 4
//Create an SDFileSystem object
SDFileSystem sd("sd");
bool flag = 1;
int count = 0;
char *res_buf;
int rp = 0;
Array<int16_t> my_buffer(NUM_SAMPLES);
int j = 0;
static const char *target_filename = "/sd/rectest.wav";
const int SEG_SIZE = 256;
int sent_array = 0;
int rec(const char *filename, Array<int16_t> my_buffer)
j = 0;
flag = 0;
sent_array = 0;
WavFileResult result;
wavfile_info_t info;
wavfile_data_t data;
WAVFILE *wf = wavfile_open(filename, WavFileModeWrite, &result);
if (result != WavFileResultOK) {
wavfile_result_string(result, res_buf, RES_STR_SIZE);
printf("%s", res_buf);
return result;
} else printf ("Open file success \r\n");
rp = 0;
result = wavfile_write_info(wf, &info);
if (result != WavFileResultOK) {
wavfile_result_string(result, res_buf, RES_STR_SIZE);
printf("%s", res_buf);
return result; } else printf ("Write info success \r\n");
while ( rp < NUM_SAMPLES ) {
WAVFILE_DATA_CHANNEL_DATA(&data, 0) = my_buffer[rp];
result = wavfile_write_data(wf, &data);
rp += 1;
if (result != WavFileResultOK) {
wavfile_result_string(result, res_buf, RES_STR_SIZE);
printf("%s", res_buf);
return result; } else printf ("Write Data file success \r\n");
result = wavfile_close(wf);
if (result != WavFileResultOK) {
wavfile_result_string(result, res_buf , RES_STR_SIZE);
printf("%s", res_buf);
return result; } else printf ("Close file success \r\n");
//UnMount the filesystem
printf("Success rec !\r\n");
return 0;
int main()
//Mount the filesystem
const float MAX_DELAY = 0.5f; // 最大遅延,単位:秒
const int FS = I2S_AUDIOFREQ_16K; // 標本化周波数: 16 kHz
const uint32_t MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = (uint32_t)(MAX_DELAY*FS);
Label myLabel(185, 10, "Delay System", Label::CENTER, Font16);
// ButtonGroup: "ON", "OFF"
const uint16_t BG_LEFT = 370;
const uint16_t BG_WIDTH = 100;
const uint16_t BG_HEIGHT = 45;
ButtonGroup onOff(BG_LEFT, 40, BG_WIDTH/2, BG_HEIGHT,
2, (string[]){"ON", "OFF"}, 0, 0, 2, 1);
const uint16_t SB_LEFT = BG_LEFT - 320;
const uint16_t SB_WIDTH = 270;
const uint16_t SB_Y0 = 240;
char str[20];
sprintf(str, " %3.1f [s]", MAX_DELAY);
SeekBar barDelay(SB_LEFT, SB_Y0, SB_WIDTH,
0, MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, 0, "0", "", str);
NumericLabel<float> labelDelay(SB_LEFT+SB_WIDTH/2, SB_Y0-40, "DELEY: %4.2f", 0, Label::CENTER);
DelaySystem delaySystem(MAX_ARRAY_SIZE);
WaveformDisplay displayIn(*GuiBase::GetLcdPtr(), SB_LEFT+7, 70, 256, 9,LCD_COLOR_WHITE, LCD_COLOR_CYAN,GuiBase::ENUM_BACK);
Label inLabel(SB_LEFT-30, 65, "IN");
WaveformDisplay displayOut(*GuiBase::GetLcdPtr(), SB_LEFT+7, 130, 256, 9,LCD_COLOR_WHITE, LCD_COLOR_CYAN,GuiBase::ENUM_BACK);
Label outLabel(SB_LEFT-30, 125, "OUT");
int runStop = 1;
Array<int16_t> snIn(mySai.GetLength());
Array<int16_t> snOut(mySai.GetLength());
while (true)
// On/OFF
int num;
if (onOff.GetTouchedNumber(num))
if (runStop != num)
if (num == 0) mySai.ResumeOut();
else mySai.PauseOut();
runStop = num;
if (mySai.IsCompleted())
for (int n=0; n<mySai.GetLength() ; n++)
int16_t xL, xR;
int16_t xn = xL + xR;
snIn[n] = xn;
my_buffer[j] = xn;
if (j == NUM_SAMPLES && flag == 1) {
rec (target_filename , my_buffer); }
int16_t yn = delaySystem.Execute(xn);
mySai.Output(yn, yn);
snOut[n] = yn;
I thought about a possible solution, to fill directly the "data field" of the wavefile with the snIn[256] buffer (instead of using my_buffer) again and again and at the end close the wavfile. Please let me know what you think about that and other solutions
things to note: 1) while a write operation is being performed, more data is still coming in.
At the very least I would double buffer that data, so can be writing one buffer while the other one fills.
Usually this means using an interrupt to collect the samples (into which ever buffer is currently being filed.)
the foreground program waits for the current buffer to be 'full', then initiates write operation.,
then waits again for a buffer to be 'full'
The interrupt function tracks which buffer is being filled and the current index into that buffer. When a buffer is full, set a 'global' status to let the foreground program know which buffer is ready to be written.
The foreground program writes the buffer, then resets the status for that buffer.
SendARP is not setting my mac array, so likewise when I try to convert the mac array to BYTE to convert it to human readable, it also gets random characters in it. also the memset does not seem to make MacAddr 0!
std::wstring GetMacAddress(IPAddr destip)
DWORD ret;
ULONG MacAddr[2] = {0}; //initialize instead of memset
ULONG PhyAddrLen = 6; /* default to length of six bytes */
unsigned char mac[6];
//memset(MacAddr, 0, sizeof(MacAddr)); //MacAddr doesn't get set to 0!
//Send an arp packet
ret = SendARP(destip , 0, MacAddr , &PhyAddrLen); //MacAddr stays
//Prepare the mac address
if (ret == NO_ERROR)
BYTE *bMacAddr = (BYTE *) & MacAddr;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) PhyAddrLen; i++)
mac[i] = (char)bMacAddr[i];
I have tried numerous ways to get MacAddr to get set by the SendARP function, but it doesn't seem to work and it doesn't return an error.
Casting to char does not convert to a textual representation. If you want to convert to a textual representation one option is to use std::wstringstream
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
std::wstring GetMacAddress(IPAddr destip)
// ... snip ...
std::wstringstream out;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) PhyAddrLen; i++)
out << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(L'0') << bMacAddr[i];
return out.str();
Try this:
static const wchar_t *HexChars = L"0123456789ABCDEF";
std::wstring GetMacAddress(IPAddr destip)
DWORD ret;
BYTE MacAddr[sizeof(ULONG)*2];
ULONG PhyAddrLen = sizeof(MacAddr);
std::wstring MacAddrStr;
ret = SendARP(destip, 0, (PULONG)MacAddr, &PhyAddrLen);
if ((ret == NO_ERROR) && (PhyAddrLen != 0))
MacAddrStr.resize((PhyAddrLen * 2) + (PhyAddrLen-1));
MacAddrStr[0] = HexChars[(MacAddr[0] & 0xF0) >> 4];
MacAddrStr[1] = HexChars[MacAddr[0] & 0x0F];
for (ULONG i = 1, j = 2; i < PhyAddrLen; ++i, j += 3)
MacAddrStr[j+0] = L':';
MacAddrStr[j+1] = HexChars[(MacAddr[i] & 0xF0) >> 4];
MacAddrStr[j+2] = HexChars[MacAddr[i] & 0x0F];
return MacAddrStr;
I am trying to send large amounts of data over a socket, sometimes when I call send (on Windows) it won't send all the data I requested, as expected. So, I wrote a little function that should have solved my problems- but it's causing problems where the data isn't being sent correctly and causing the images to be corrupted. I'm making a simple chat room where you can send images (screenshots) to each other.
Why is my function not working?
How can I make it work?
void _internal_SendFile_alignment_512(SOCKET sock, BYTE *data, DWORD datasize)
Sock::Packet packet;
packet.DataSize = datasize;
DWORD until = datasize / 512;
send(sock, (const char*)&packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
unsigned int pos = 0;
while( pos != datasize )
pos += send(sock, (char *)(data + pos), datasize - pos, 0);
My receive side is:
public override void OnReceiveData(TcpLib.ConnectionState state)
if (state.fileTransfer == true && state.waitingFor > 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[state.AvailableData];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor -= readBytes;
if (state.waitingFor == 0)
state.fileTransfer = false;
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
Program.MainForm.log("Ended file transfer with " + ip);
else if( state.AvailableData > 7)
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
if (readBytes == 8)
Packet packet = ByteArrayToStructure<Packet>(buffer);
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
String filename = getUniqueFileName("" + ip.Address);
if (filename == null)
Program.MainForm.log("Error getting filename for " + ip);
byte[] data = new byte[state.AvailableData];
readBytes = state.Read(data, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor = packet.DataSize - readBytes;
state.hFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append);
state.bw = new BinaryWriter(state.hFile);
state.fileTransfer = true;
Program.MainForm.log("Initiated file transfer with " + ip);
It receives all the data, when I debug my code and see that send() does not return the total data size (i.e. it has to be called more than once) and the image gets yellow lines or purple lines in it — I suspect there's something wrong with sending the data.
I mis-understood the question and solution intent. Thanks #Remy Lebeau for the comment to clarify that. Based on that, you can write a sendall() function as given in section 7.3 of http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/print/bgnet_USLetter.pdf
int sendall(int s, char *buf, int *len)
int total = 0; // how many bytes we've sent
int bytesleft = *len; // how many we have left to send
int n = 0;
while(total < *len) {
n = send(s, buf+total, bytesleft, 0);
if (n == -1) {
/* print/log error details */
total += n;
bytesleft -= n;
*len = total; // return number actually sent here
return n==-1?-1:0; // return -1 on failure, 0 on success
You need to check the returnvalue of send(). In particular, you can't simply assume that it is the number of bytes sent, there is also the case that there was an error. Try this instead:
while(datasize != 0)
n = send(...);
throw exception("send() failed with errorcode #" + to_string(WSAGetLastEror()));
// adjust pointer and remaining number of bytes
datasize -= n;
data += n;
Make that BYTE const* data, you're not going to modify what it points to.
The rest of your code seems too complicated, in particular you don't solve things by aligning to magic numbers like 512.