I am trying to send large amounts of data over a socket, sometimes when I call send (on Windows) it won't send all the data I requested, as expected. So, I wrote a little function that should have solved my problems- but it's causing problems where the data isn't being sent correctly and causing the images to be corrupted. I'm making a simple chat room where you can send images (screenshots) to each other.
Why is my function not working?
How can I make it work?
void _internal_SendFile_alignment_512(SOCKET sock, BYTE *data, DWORD datasize)
Sock::Packet packet;
packet.DataSize = datasize;
DWORD until = datasize / 512;
send(sock, (const char*)&packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
unsigned int pos = 0;
while( pos != datasize )
pos += send(sock, (char *)(data + pos), datasize - pos, 0);
My receive side is:
public override void OnReceiveData(TcpLib.ConnectionState state)
if (state.fileTransfer == true && state.waitingFor > 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[state.AvailableData];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor -= readBytes;
if (state.waitingFor == 0)
state.fileTransfer = false;
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
Program.MainForm.log("Ended file transfer with " + ip);
else if( state.AvailableData > 7)
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
if (readBytes == 8)
Packet packet = ByteArrayToStructure<Packet>(buffer);
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
String filename = getUniqueFileName("" + ip.Address);
if (filename == null)
Program.MainForm.log("Error getting filename for " + ip);
byte[] data = new byte[state.AvailableData];
readBytes = state.Read(data, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor = packet.DataSize - readBytes;
state.hFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append);
state.bw = new BinaryWriter(state.hFile);
state.fileTransfer = true;
Program.MainForm.log("Initiated file transfer with " + ip);
It receives all the data, when I debug my code and see that send() does not return the total data size (i.e. it has to be called more than once) and the image gets yellow lines or purple lines in it — I suspect there's something wrong with sending the data.
I mis-understood the question and solution intent. Thanks #Remy Lebeau for the comment to clarify that. Based on that, you can write a sendall() function as given in section 7.3 of http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/print/bgnet_USLetter.pdf
int sendall(int s, char *buf, int *len)
int total = 0; // how many bytes we've sent
int bytesleft = *len; // how many we have left to send
int n = 0;
while(total < *len) {
n = send(s, buf+total, bytesleft, 0);
if (n == -1) {
/* print/log error details */
total += n;
bytesleft -= n;
*len = total; // return number actually sent here
return n==-1?-1:0; // return -1 on failure, 0 on success
You need to check the returnvalue of send(). In particular, you can't simply assume that it is the number of bytes sent, there is also the case that there was an error. Try this instead:
while(datasize != 0)
n = send(...);
throw exception("send() failed with errorcode #" + to_string(WSAGetLastEror()));
// adjust pointer and remaining number of bytes
datasize -= n;
data += n;
Make that BYTE const* data, you're not going to modify what it points to.
The rest of your code seems too complicated, in particular you don't solve things by aligning to magic numbers like 512.
I'm trying to build an http server using c++. and so among the conditions based in which i decide how to extract the body entity, is if there's a content length present? , here's a minimal code on how i extract body using Content-Length :
req_t *Webserver::_recv(int client_fd, bool *closed)
string req;
static string rest;
// string extracted_req;
char buff[1024];
// while (true) {
// std::cout << "client_fd: " << client_fd << std::endl;
int n = recv(client_fd, buff, 1024, 0);
// std::cout << "n: " << n << std::endl;
if (n == -1)
_set_error_code("500", "Internal Server Error");
return NULL;
if (n == 0)
*closed = true;
return NULL;
buff[n] = '\0';
req += buff;
req_t *extracted_req = _extract_req(client_fd, req, rest, closed);
return extracted_req;
else if (headers.find("Content-Length") != string::npos) {
string body = extract_body_len(client_fd, rest_of_req, content_length);
req_t is a simple struct that contains three strings status_line, headers, body.
req_t *Webserver::_extract_req(int client_fd, const string &req, string &rest, bool *closed)
req_t *ret;
ret = new req_t;
catch (std::bad_alloc &e)
std::cerr << "\033[1;31mError:\033[0m " << e.what() << std::endl;
string status_line = req.substr(0, req.find("\r\n"));
string headers = req.substr(req.find("\r\n") + 2, req.find("\r\n\r\n") - req.find("\r\n") - 2);
rest = req.substr(req.find("\r\n\r\n") + 4, req.size() - req.find("\r\n\r\n") - 4);
ret->status_line = status_line;
ret->headers = headers;
// if method is get request body is empty
// if the header contains a content-length, extract number of buytes for body;
if (headers.find("Content-Length") != string::npos)
long long content_length = _get_content_len(headers);
if (content_length == -1)
_set_error_code("400", "Bad Request");
return NULL;
// substracting the length of the body from the length of the request
ret->body = _extract_body_len(client_fd, rest, content_length, closed);
// if body is not complete, return an error
string extract_body_len(int client_fd, string& rest, unsigned long long len) {
string body;
unsigned long long total = 0;
body = rest;
// starting total with first bytes of body
total += rest.size();
// if we have it all that's it
if (total >= len) {
body = rest.substr(0, len);
rest = rest.substr(len);
return body;
while (total < len)
char buf[1024];
int ret = recv(client_fd, buf, 1024, 0);
// after a lot of debugging , i've noticed that recv starts to read less than 1024 only when total is closer to len, so i added this condition naively.
if (ret != 1024)
if ((total + ret) >= len)
body += string(buf).substr(0, len - total);
rest = string(buf).substr(len - total);
if (ret == 0)
if (total == len)
rest = "";
// client closed connection and it's still incomplete: 400
res->status_code = "400";
res->status_message = "Bad Request";
return NULL;
else if (ret == -1)
res->status_code = "500";
res->status_message = "Internal Server Error";
return body;
total += ret;
body += string(buf, ret);
return body;
Now, The problem is i've tested requests with varying sized body entities(8MB, 1.9MB, 31 MB) and all the time i never receive the whole body (as per content-length), the pattern is like the following:
recv keeps reading all 1024 bytes until total gets closer to len then it starts reading smaller numbers. until the difference between total and len is around 400...600 bytes then recv blocks at some point (there's nothing more to read) before total == len.
That really confused me, i tried with different api clients (postman, insonomia) but the same results, i doubted maybe Content-Length isn't that accurate but it obviously should be, what do you think is the problem , why am i receiving or reading less than Content-Length ?
int n = recv(client_fd, buff, 1024, 0);
The above code appears to assume that this recv call returns only the header portion of the HTTP request. Not one byte more, not one byte less.
Unfortunately, you will not find anything in your textbook on network programming that gives you any such guarantee, like that, whatsoever.
Your only guarantee (presuming that there is no socket-level error), is that recv() will return a value between 1 and 1024, representing however many bytes were already received on the socket, or arrived in the first packet that it blocked and waited for.
Using an example of a completely made up HTTP request that looks something like this:
POST /cgi-bin/upload.cgi HTTP/1.0<CR><LF>
Host: www.example.com<CR><LF>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream<CR><LF>
Content-Length: 4000<CR><LF>
[4000 octets follow]
When your web browser, or a simulated browser, sends this request this recv call can return any value between 1 and 1024 (excluding the case of network errors).
This means that this recv call can cough up anything between:
a return value of 1, and placing just the letter "P" into buff.
a return value of 1024, and placing the entire HTTP header, plus as much of the initial part of the HTTP content portion of the request into the buffer that's needed to produce 1024 bytes total.
The shown logic is completely incapable of correctly handling all of these possibilities, and that's why it fails. It will need to be reimplemented, pretty much from scratch, using the correct logic.
right now, I am currently trying to output the contents of buf.mtext so I can make sure take the correct input before moving on with my program. Everything seems to work fine, except one thing; msgrcv() puts garbage characters into the buffer, and the reciever process outputs garbage characters.
Here is my sender process:
int main (void)
int i; // loop counter
int status_01; // result status
int msqid_01; // message queue ID (#1)
key_t msgkey_01; // message-queue key (#1)
unsigned int rand_num;
float temp_rand;
unsigned char eight_bit_num;
unsigned char counter = 0;
unsigned char even_counter = 0;
unsigned char odd_counter = 0;
struct message {
long mtype;
char mtext[BUFFER_SIZE];
} buf_01;
msgkey_01 = MSG_key_01; // defined at top of file
msqid_01 = msgget(msgkey_01, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)
if ((msqid_01 <= -1) { exit(1); }
/* wait for a key stroke at the keyboard ---- */
eight_bit_num = getchar();
buf_01.mtype = 1;
/* send one eight-bit number, one at a time ------------ */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_REPEATS; i++)
temp_rand = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*255.0;
rand_num = (int)temp_rand;
eight_bit_num = (unsigned char)rand_num;
if ((eight_bit_num % 2) == 0)
printf("Even number: %d\n", eight_bit_num);
even_counter = even_counter + eight_bit_num;
printf("Odd number: %d\n", eight_bit_num);
odd_counter = odd_counter + eight_bit_num;
/* update the counters ------------------------------ */
counter = counter + eight_bit_num;
if((eight_bit_num % 2) == 0) { even_counter = even_counter + eight_bit_num; }
else { odd_counter = odd_counter + eight_bit_num; }
buf_01.mtext[0] = eight_bit_num; // copy the 8-bit number
buf_01.mtext[1] = '\0'; // null-terminate it
status_01 = msgsnd(msqid_01, (struct msgbuf *)&buf_01, sizeof(buf_01.mtext), 0);
status_01 = msgctl(msqid_01, IPC_RMID, NULL);
Here is my receiver process:
int main() {
struct message {
long mtype;
char mtext[BUFFER_SIZE];
} buf;
int msqid;
key_t msgkey;
msgkey = MSG_key_01;
msqid = msgget(msgkey, 0666); // connect to message queue
if (msqid < 0) {
else {
if (msgrcv(msqid, &buf, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0) < 0) { // read message into buf
printf("Data received is: %s \n", buf.mtext);
printf("Done receiving messages.\n");
return 0;
The output is usually something like as follows:
Data received is: ▒
Done receiving messages.
I have made sure to clear my message queues each time after running the sender and receiver processes, as well, since I have come to find out this can cause issues. Thanks in advance for your help.
Turns out neither of the suggested solutions were the issue, as I suspected; the sender process actually works just fine. The problem was that I was trying to print buf.mtext instead of buf.mtext[0] which isn't an actual integer value. I fixed the issue by just doing this:
int temp_num = buf.mtext[0];
printf("Data recieved is %d \n", temp_num);
I'm currently working on a project similar to OBS, where I'm capturing screen data, encoding it with the x264 library, and then broadcasting it to a twitch server.
Currently, the servers are accepting the data, but no video is being played - it buffers for a moment, then returns an error code "2000: network error"
Like OBS Classic, I'm dividing each NAL provided by x264 by its type, and then making changes to each
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(encoder, &nals, &num_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
//sort the NAL's into their types and make necessary adjustments
int timeOffset = int(pic_out.i_pts - pic_out.i_dts);
timeOffset = htonl(timeOffset);//host to network translation, ensure the bytes are in the right format
BYTE *timeOffsetAddr = ((BYTE*)&timeOffset) + 1;
videoSection sect;
bool foundFrame = false;
uint8_t * spsPayload = NULL;
int spsSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<num_nals; i++) {
//std::cout << "VideoEncoder: EncodedImages Size: " << encodedImages->size() << std::endl;
x264_nal_t &nal = nals[i];
//std::cout << "NAL is:" << nal.i_type << std::endl;
//need to account for pps/sps, seems to always be the first frame sent
if (nal.i_type == NAL_SPS) {
spsSize = nal.i_payload;
spsPayload = (uint8_t*)malloc(spsSize);
memcpy(spsPayload, nal.p_payload, spsSize);
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_PPS){
//pps always happens after sps
if (spsPayload == NULL) {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: critical error, sps not set" << std::endl;
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(nal.i_payload + spsSize);
memcpy(payload, spsPayload, spsSize);
memcpy(payload, nal.p_payload + spsSize, nal.i_payload);
sect = { nal.i_payload + spsSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_SEI || nal.i_type == NAL_FILLER) {
//these need some bytes at the start removed
BYTE *skip = nal.p_payload;
while (*(skip++) != 0x1);
int skipBytes = (int)(skip - nal.p_payload);
int newPayloadSize = (nal.i_payload - skipBytes);
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(newPayloadSize);
memcpy(payload, nal.p_payload + skipBytes, newPayloadSize);
sect = { newPayloadSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else if (nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR || nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE) {
//these packets need an additional section at the start
BYTE *skip = nal.p_payload;
while (*(skip++) != 0x1);
int skipBytes = (int)(skip - nal.p_payload);
std::vector<BYTE> bodyData;
if (!foundFrame) {
if (nal.i_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) { bodyData.push_back(0x17); } else { bodyData.push_back(0x27); } //add a 17 or a 27 as appropriate
foundFrame = true;
//put into the payload the bodyData followed by the nal payload
uint8_t * bodyDataPayload = (uint8_t*)malloc(bodyData.size());
memcpy(bodyDataPayload, bodyData.data(), bodyData.size() * sizeof(BYTE));
int newPayloadSize = (nal.i_payload - skipBytes);
uint8_t * payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(newPayloadSize + sizeof(bodyDataPayload));
memcpy(payload, bodyDataPayload, sizeof(bodyDataPayload));
memcpy(payload + sizeof(bodyDataPayload), nal.p_payload + skipBytes, newPayloadSize);
int totalSize = newPayloadSize + sizeof(bodyDataPayload);
sect = { totalSize, payload, nal.i_type };
} else {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: Nal type did not match expected" << std::endl;
The NAL payload data is then put into a struct, VideoSection, in a queue buffer
//used to transfer encoded data
struct videoSection {
int frameSize;
uint8_t* payload;
int type;
After which it is picked up by the broadcaster, a few more changes are made, and then I call rtmp_send()
videoSection sect = encodedImages->front();
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Frame Size: " << sect.frameSize << std::endl;
//two methods of sending RTMP data, _sendpacket and _write. Using sendpacket for greater control
RTMPPacket * packet;
unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)sect.payload;
int type = buf[0]&0x1f; //I believe &0x1f sets a 32bit limit
int len = sect.frameSize;
long timeOffset = GetTickCount() - rtmp_start_time;
//assign space packet will need
packet = (RTMPPacket *)malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket)+RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + len + 9);
memset(packet, 0, sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
packet->m_body = (char *)packet + sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
packet->m_nBodySize = len + 9;
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Packet Size: " << sizeof(RTMPPacket) + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + len + 9 << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Broadcaster: Packet Body Size: " << len + 9 << std::endl;
//set body to point to the packetbody
unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)packet->m_body;
memset(body, 0, len + 9);
//NAL_SLICE_IDR represents keyframe
//first element determines packet type
body[0] = 0x27;//inter-frame h.264
if (sect.type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) {
body[0] = 0x17; //h.264 codec id
//this section taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25031759/using-x264-and-librtmp-to-send-live-camera-frame-but-the-flash-cant-show
//in an effort to understand packet format. it does not resolve my previous issues formatting the data for twitch to play it
//sets body to be NAL unit
body[1] = 0x01;
body[2] = 0x00;
body[3] = 0x00;
body[4] = 0x00;
//>> is a shift right
//shift len to the right, and AND it
/*body[5] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;
body[6] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;
body[7] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
body[8] = (len) & 0xff;*/
//end code sourced from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25031759/using-x264-and-librtmp-to-send-live-camera-frame-but-the-flash-cant-show
//copy from buffer into rest of body
memcpy(&body[9], buf, len);
//save individual packet body to a file with name rtmp[packetnum]
//determine why some packets do not have 0x27 or 0x17 at the start
//still happening, makes no sense given the above code
/*std::string fileLocation = "rtmp" + std::to_string(packCount++);
std::cout << fileLocation << std::endl;
const char * charConversion = fileLocation.c_str();
FILE* saveFile = NULL;
saveFile = fopen(charConversion, "w+b");//open as write and binary
if (!fwrite(body, len + 9, 1, saveFile)) {
std::cout << "VideoEncoder: Error while trying to write to file" << std::endl;
//other packet details
packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO;
if (rtmp != NULL) {
packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id;
packet->m_nChannel = 0x04;
packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
packet->m_nTimeStamp = timeOffset;
//send the packet
if (rtmp != NULL) {
RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE);
I can see that Twitch is receiving the data in the inspector, at a steady 3kbps. so I'm sure something is wrong with how I'm adjusting the data before sending it. Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong here?
The problems start before the code you included even. When you configure x264 be sure to set:
b_aud = 0;
b_repeat_headers = 0;
b_annexb = 0;
This will tell x264 to generate the format needed by rtmp, Then you can skip all the per-nal preprocessing.
For sps/pps use x264_encoder_headers to retrieve them after x264_encoder_open. Encode them into an "extradata" buffer as documented here Possible Locations for Sequence/Picture Parameter Set(s) for H.264 Stream. This extradata goes into an rtmp "sequence header" packet before any frames are sent. Set the frame the AVCPacketType accordingly body[1] in your case, 0 for sequence header 1 for everything else,
body[0] = 0x27;
body[1] = 0;
body[2] = 0;
body[3] = 0;
body[4] = 0;
memcpy(&body[5], extradata, extradata_size);
body[2] through body[4] MUST be set to the frame cts (pts - dts) if you have b frames. If you want to set it to zero, configure x264 for baseline profile, but this will result in reduced image quality. Use the return code from x264_encoder_encode as the frame size, and write the whole frame in one go.
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(encoder, &nals, &num_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
if(frame_size) {
int cts = pic_out->i_pts - pic_out->i_dts;
body[0] = pic_out->b_keyframe ? 0x27 : 0x17;
body[1] = 1;
body[2] = cts>>16;
body[3] = cts>>8;
body[4] = cts;
memcpy(&body[5], nals->p_payload, frame_size);
Finally, Twitch requires you also send an AAC audio stream. and be sure to set the keyframe interval to 2 seconds.
I am sending data (10 files, approx 10-20 kb each) using sockets in C++ on Linux.
My pseudo code in the server:
ret = send(sockfd, filedata, filedatasize, 0);
ret returns the correct file size for all data files, no errors, but the client only receives 4-5 files.
But, if I use this instead:
ret = send(sockfd, filedata, filedatasize, 0);
The client receives all files, and not errors!
What is the problem?
I tried tweaking SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF, but no changes.
EDIT: (the complete code has 200000 lines to paste!)
Here is the server code:
int Socket::sendMsg(char * data, unsigned int uiSize)
unsigned short * us;
int i, iRet;
us = (unsigned short *)(m_pSendBuffer);
*us = (unsigned short)(uiSize + 2);
memcpy((char *)m_pSendBuffer + 2, data, uiSize);
iRet = isend(m_pSendBuffer, uiSize + 2);
if (iRet<0) {
return iRet;
int Socket::isend(char * data, int size)
int outlen, ret;
outlen= 0;
while (outlen< size) {
ret= send(sockfd, (data+ outlen), size - outlen, 0);
if (ret< 0) {
return -1;
else outlen+= ret;
return outlen;
Here is the client code:
void XSocket::onRead()
int iRet;
unsigned short * usp;
unsigned int uiReadSize;
while (1) {
iRet = recv(m_Sock, (char *)m_pRecvBuffer, 2, 0);
uiReadSize = 0;
usp = (unsigned short *)(m_pRecvBuffer);
uiReadSize = (int)(*usp - 2);
iRet = recv(m_Sock, (char *)(m_pRecvBuffer + 2), uiReadSize, 0);
if (iRet < 0) {
//return error
else if (iRet == 0) {
On the client side:
you are not doing any error handling on the first recv() call, and your second recv() call is not breaking the loop if the server disconnects gracefully.
you are not looping the reading of each buffer of data, like you loop the sending of them on the server side. There is no 1-to-1 relationship between the number of bytes sent and the number of bytes received. If you are expecting X number of bytes to arrive, keep reading until you actually receive that many bytes.
Given these bugs, there is no guarantee that your client is actually receiving all of the data correctly.
Try something more like this:
void XSocket::onRead()
int iRet;
unsigned short * usp;
unsigned int uiReadSize;
while (1) {
iRet = irecv((char *)m_pRecvBuffer, 2);
if (iRet<= 0) {
usp = (unsigned short *)(m_pRecvBuffer);
uiReadSize = (int)(*usp - 2);
iRet = irecv((char *)(m_pRecvBuffer + 2), uiReadSize);
if (iRet<= 0) {
int XSocket::irecv(char * data, int size)
int inlen, ret;
inlen= 0;
while (inlen< size) {
ret= recv(m_Sock, (data+ inlen), size - inlen, 0);
if (ret< 0) {
return -1;
else if (ret== 0) {
return 0;
else {
inlen+= ret;
return inlen;
im solved this problem!!, im changed epoll from edge trigger to level trigger, and solved!
I assume that for messages that are of only 1 byte (a char), I will use read() and write() directly.
For those messages having size > 1 bytes, I use two subfunctions to read and write them over sockets.
For example, I have the server construct a string called strcities (list of city) and print it out --> nothing strange. Then send the number of bytes of this string to the client, and then the actual string.
The client will first read the number of bytes, then the actual city list.
For some reason my code sometimes work and sometimes doesn't. If it works, it also prints out some extra characters that I have no idea where they come from. If it doesn't, it hangs and forever waits in the client, while the server goes back to the top of the loop and wait for next command from the client. Could you please take a look at my codes below and let me know where I did wrong?
string attempt_read(int rbytes) { // rbytes = number of bytes of message to be read
int count1, bytes_read;
char buffer[rbytes+1];
bool notdone = true;
count1 = read(sd, buffer, rbytes);
while (notdone) {
if (count1 == -1){
perror("Error on write call");
else if (count1 < rbytes) {
rbytes = rbytes - count1; // update remaining bytes to be read
count1 = read(sd, buffer, rbytes);
else {notdone = false;}
} // end while
string returnme;
returnme = string(buffer);
return returnme;
void attempt_write(string input1, int wbytes) { // wbytes = number of bytes of message
int count1;
bool notdone = true;
count1 = write(sd, input1.c_str(), wbytes);
while (notdone) {
if (count1 == -1){
perror("Error on write call");
else if (count1 < wbytes) {
wbytes = wbytes - count1;
count1 = write(sd, input1.c_str(), wbytes);
else {notdone = false;}
} // end while
1) string class has a method size() that will return the length of the string, so you do not actually need a second attempt_write parameter.
2) You can transfer length of message before message or you can transfer a terminating 0 after, if you only will sent an ASCII strings. Because your connection could terminate at any time, it is better to send exact length before sending the string, so your client could know, what to expect.
3) What compilator do you use, that would allow char buffer[rbytes+1]; ? A standard c++ would require char buffer = new char[rbytes+1]; and corresponding delete to avoid a memory leaks.
4) In your code, the second read function call use same buffer with no adjustment to length, so you, practically, overwrite the already received data and the function will only work, if all data will be received in first function call. Same goes for write function
I would suggest something like this:
void data_read(unsigned char * buffer, int size) {
int readed, total = 0;
do {
readed = read(sd, buffer + total, size - total);
if (-1 == writted) {
perror("Error on read call");
total += readed;
} while (total < size);
string attempt_read() {
int size = 0;
data_read((unsigned char *) &size, sizeof(int));
string output(size, (char) 0x0);
data_read((unsigned char *) output.c_str(), size);
return output;
void data_write(unsigned char * buffer, int size) {
int writted, total = 0;
do {
writted = write(sd, buffer + total, size - total);
if (-1 == writted) {
perror("Error on write call");
total += writted;
} while (total < size);
void attempt_write(string input) {
int size = input.size();
data_write((unsigned char *) &size, sizeof(int));
data_write((unsigned char *) input.c_str(), size);