Robot Framework wxPython Not Found on Windows - python-2.7

I have copied Python folder from my colleague's window machine (where robot framework is running successfully), but whenever i am trying to open, i am always getting:
wxPython not found.
You need to install wxPython with unicode support to run RIDE.
wxPython can be downloaded from n/files/wxPython/
So, i have same python version, same robot framework version etc as my colleague. What else should i check now.

It worked, when i uninstalled wxpython and ride both and then reinstalled wxpython first and then ride.


Can not install WxPython with Python 2.7 on Windows 10

I am new to Python, I want to use the Scyther tool on Windows 10, I downloaded python 2.7 (as requested by the Scyther tool), the problem is I can't install wxpyhton! I tried everything :( Please help.....
I tried many command lines to install WxPython but no use.
Some examples:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement wxPython
ERROR: No matching distribution found for wxPython

Load PyQt5 plugin into designer-qt5 (cygwin)

I have recently installed on my cygwin platform the following packages using apt-cyg:
apt-cyg install python-pyqt5
apt-cyg install qt5-devel-tools
The latter command installed Qt Designer as an executable (designer-qt5).
PyQt5 examples works fine as well as pyuic5.
However, when I download a custom PyQt5 plugin from here, this PyQt5 plugin never loads. I am also setting the environemnt variable:
Lastly, I am using python 2.7 not python 3.x.
Has anybody else encountered this problem? Any solutions?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT (2018/12/18): I have just tried the pyqt plugins for qt4 (with python 2.7) and it works. My suspicion is that the libpyqt5.dll in /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/designer does not work properly as libpyqt4.dll in /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer does. Any ideas how to proceed from here?

Cannot get started with Vpython

I am a new to python. I am have installed Python27 and Vpython on my windows 64-bit W8.1 laptop.
The python version was Py27 32-bits and Vpython 32-bits. After installation I thought I could directly run an example program from the VIDLE (File -> Open -> bounce). But I realized there is lot more to install to get this working.
So I googled the errors and found that I has to install Numpy and WxPython which I was able to complete successfully. But now I have this error shown below
"The Polygon module is not installed,
so the text and extrusion objects are unavailable.
The ttfquery and/or FontTools modules are not installed,
so the text object is unavailable."
I googled for this but was not able to arrive at anything.
Should I install Polygon module, FontTools and ttfquery module?
I was not able to fond a proper link to do any of the above. Kindly help me out. I have a hit a wall.
Hopefully was able to solve the issue.
The problem was with the way how I installed Vpython. I should have accidentally selected "custom installation" instead of "full installation".
Also the version of numpy that comes with default set-up did not support for me. Hence I used the pip to update the version and now everything is up and running.
I am able to get the example programs to work.
Also the 64-bit version is not working still. So its always safe to stick on to 32-bit version even if your machine is 64-bit
You're working with an older version of VPython that is no longer supported. See the first page of

How to check if the installed wxPython is 32-bit or 64-bit?

How to check if the installed wxPython in my machine is 32-bit or 64-bit?
Here's a simple way:
Run Python in a your terminal. On Windows, Python will usually mention 32-bit or 64-bit in the interpreter.
import wx to make sure wxPython is installed for this version of Python.
Now that we know you have wxPython installed for this version of Python, you can use Python's platform module to find out which version of Python you're using
Here's the code:
import platform
You cannot install 64-bit wxPython with 32-bit Python (or vice-versa). So this should work fine.
Step 1:-
Open cmd
Step 2:-
Type pip show wxpython-phoenix
That's it. It it shows your version of wxpython, then obviously your system is installed with it. Else install it by using the following command
pip install wxpython-phoenix

Can't run Spyder or .py(w) scripts with Windows 10

Can't open Spyder2 in Windows 10.0 (# 10240): the icon just appears briefly. Python 2.7.10 and Spyder 2.3.1 were loaded with Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit). The python console works fine - but I can't get my *.py or *.pyw files running. There is probably some message in the Python console when attemtping to open Spyder, but I don't know how to capture it.
First, one correction: the problem was with starting Spyder, not running .py or .pyw files. Anyway, things work all right now after de-installing Spyder and Python, and reinstalling the Python(x,y) package (instead of Anaconda's). Then, when starting Spyder from the Python(x,y)start window, it behaves normally.