I am very new to F# and have been looking at and running examples of simple problems I've found online. I stumbled on one that does not seem to work though and I was hoping someone could explain what is happening in this code and why. The functions should return the 1260 different options in lists, but instead it returns the empty list []
let rec group ns xs =
let rec combination n xs =
match n, xs with
| 0, xs -> [([], xs)]
| _, [] -> []
| n, x::xs ->
let ts = [for ys, zs in combination(n-1) xs do yield (x::ys, zs)]
let ds = [for ys, zs in combination n xs do yield (ys, x::zs)]
ts # ds
match ns, xs with
| [], _ -> ([])
| n::ns, xs ->
[for g, rs in combination n xs do
for gs in group ns xs do
yield g::gs]
let main argv =
let list = ["One"; "Two"; "Three"; "Four"; "Five"; "Six"; "Seven"; "Eight"; "Nine"]
let groupSizes = [2;3;4]
printfn "%A" <| group groupSizes list
Looking at the second for it seems you're using a loop and recursion at the same time.
If you want to use recursion then you don't need to loop, recursion will loop for you, try changing the last lines to this:
| n::ns, xs ->
[for g, rs in combination n xs do
yield g
yield! group ns xs]
Here yield! is equivalent to the :: operation, I mean you can also write it like this:
[for g, rs in combination n xs do yield g] :: group ns xs
Note, that rsis not used, so you can write _ :
[for g, _ in combination n xs do yield g] :: group ns xs
Finally note you can use a map instead, with the function fst :
List.map fst (combination n xs do yield g) :: group ns xs
Gustavo's answers should fix your recursion, however it's unclear if you are trying to practice recursion, F#, or combinatorics. So in case you do many similar problems, even to double-check the output you could just use a combinatorics library in .NET. For example:
#r #"..\packages\Combinatorics.\lib\net40\Combinatorics.dll"
open Combinatorics.Collections
let list = ResizeArray["One"; "Two"; "Three"; "Four"; "Five"; "Six"; "Seven"; "Eight"; "Nine"]
let groupSizes = [2;3;4]
|> Seq.collect (fun x -> Combinations<string>(list,x))
|> Seq.toList
//|> Seq.length
I made only one change, as the library expects Generic Collections, I used ResizeArray, which is just the usual C# List. Seq.collect will flatten the three collections into one, and at the end just use Seq.toList to manifest the result. The library also has Permutations and Variations, as well as an option to generate repetitions or not (seems that's the default).
I'm new in haskell programming and I try to solve a problem by/not using list comprehensions.
The Problem is to find the index of an element in a list and return a list of the indexes (where the elements in the list was found.)
I already solved the problem by using list comprehensions but now i have some problems to solve the problem without using list comprehensions.
On my recursive way:
I tried to zip a list of [0..(length list)] and the list as it self.
then if the element a equals an element in the list -> make a new list with the first element of the Tupel of the zipped list(my index) and after that search the function on a recursive way until the list is [].
That's my list comprehension (works):
positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions a list = [x | (x,y) <- zip [0..(length list)] list, a == y]
That's my recursive way (not working):
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
in if (a == m) then n:(positions' a xs)
else (positions' a xs)
*sorry I don't know how to highlight words
but ghci says:
*Main> positions' 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,2]
and it should be like that (my list comprehension):
*Main> positions 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,2]
Where is my mistake ?
The problem with your attempt is simply that when you say:
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
then n will always be 0. That's because you are matching (n,m) against the first element of zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs), which will necessarily always be (0,x).
That's not a problem in itself - but it does mean you have to handle the recursive step properly. The way you have it now, positions _ _, if non-empty, will always have 0 as its first element, because the only way you allow it to find a match is if it's at the head of the list, resulting in an index of 0. That means that your result will always be a list of the correct length, but with all elements 0 - as you're seeing.
The problem isn't with your recursion scheme though, it's to do with the fact that you're not modifying the result to account for the fact that you don't always want 0 added to the front of the result list. Since each recursive call just adds 1 to the index you want to find, all you need to do is map the increment function (+1) over the recursive result:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
let ((0,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
in if (a == m) then 0:(map (+1) (positions' a xs))
else (map (+1) (positions' a xs))
(Note that I've changed your let to be explicit that n will always be 0 - I prefer to be explicit this way but this in itself doesn't change the output.) Since m is always bound to x and ns isn't used at all, we can elide the let, inlining the definition of m:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
if a == x
then 0 : map (+1) (positions' a xs)
else map (+1) (positions' a xs)
You could go on to factor out the repeated map (+1) (positions' a xs) if you wanted to.
Incidentally, you didn't need explicit recursion to avoid a list comprehension here. For one, list comprehensions are basically a replacement for uses of map and filter. I was going to write this out explicitly, but I see #WillemVanOnsem has given this as an answer so I will simply refer you to his answer.
Another way, although perhaps not acceptable if you were asked to implement this yourself, would be to just use the built-in elemIndices function, which does exactly what you are trying to implement here.
We can make use of a filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] and map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] approach, like:
positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions x = map fst . filter ((x ==) . snd) . zip [0..]
We thus first construct tuples of the form (i, yi), next we filter such that we only retain these tuples for which x == yi, and finally we fetch the first item of these tuples.
For example:
Prelude> positions 'o' "foobaraboof"
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
is equivalent to
== {- by laziness -}
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..] (x:xs)
== {- by definition of zip -}
let ((n,m):ns) = (0,x) : zip [1..] xs
== {- by pattern matching -}
let {(n,m) = (0,x)
; ns = zip [1..] xs }
== {- by pattern matching -}
let { n = 0
; m = x
; ns = zip [1..] xs }
but you never reference ns! So we don't need its binding at all:
positions' a (x:xs) =
let { n = 0 ; m = x } in
if (a == m) then n : (positions' a xs)
else (positions' a xs)
and so, by substitution, you actually have
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
if (a == x) then 0 : (positions' a xs) -- NB: 0
else (positions' a xs)
And this is why all you ever produce are 0s. But you want to produce the correct index: 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
First, let's tweak your code a little bit further into
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' a = go xs
go [] = []
go (x:xs) | a == x = 0 : go xs -- NB: 0
| otherwise = go xs
This is known as a worker/wrapper transform. go is a worker, positions' is a wrapper. There's no need to pass a around from call to call, it doesn't change, and we have access to it anyway. It is in the enclosing scope with respect to the inner function, go. We've also used guards instead of the more verbose and less visually apparent if ... then ... else.
Now we just need to use something -- the correct index value -- instead of 0.
To use it, we must have it first. What is it? It starts as 0, then it is incremented on each step along the input list.
When do we make a step along the input list? At the recursive call:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' a = go xs 0
go [] _ = []
go (x:xs) i | a == x = 0 : go xs (i+1) -- NB: 0
| otherwise = go xs (i+1)
_ as a pattern means we don't care about the argument's value -- it's there but we're not going to use it.
Now all that's left for us to do is to use that i in place of that 0.
I have seen some similar questions, but nothing that really helped me. Basically the title says it all. Using SML I want to take a string that I have, and make a list containing each letter found in the string. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One possibility is to use the basic logic of quicksort to sort the letters while removing duplicates at the same time. Something like:
fun distinctChars []:char list = []
| distinctChars (c::cs) =
let val smaller = List.filter (fn x => x < c) cs
val bigger = List.filter (fn x => x > c) cs
in distinctChars smaller # [c] # distinctChars bigger
If the < and > in the definitions of smaller and bigger were to be replaced by <= and >= then it would simply be an implementation of quicksort (although not the most efficient one since it makes two passes over cs when a suitably defined auxiliary function could split into smaller and bigger in just one pass). The strict inequalities have the effect of throwing away duplicates.
To get what you want from here, do something like explode the string into a list of chars, remove non-alphabetical characters from the resulting list, while simultaneously converting to lower case, then invoke the above function -- ideally first refined so that it uses a custom split function rather than List.filter twice.
On Edit: # is an expensive operator and probably results in the naïve SML quicksort not being all that quick. You can use the above idea of a modified sort, but one that modifies mergesort instead of quicksort:
fun split ls =
let fun split' [] (xs,ys) = (xs,ys)
| split' (a::[]) (xs, ys) = (a::xs,ys)
| split' (a::b::cs) (xs, ys) = split' cs (a::xs, b::ys)
in split' ls ([],[])
fun mergeDistinct ([], ys) = ys:char list
| mergeDistinct (xs, []) = xs
| mergeDistinct (x::xs, y::ys) =
if x < y then x::mergeDistinct(xs,y::ys)
else if x > y then y::mergeDistinct(x::xs,ys)
else mergeDistinct(x::xs, ys)
fun distinctChars [] = []
| distinctChars [c] = [c]
| distinctChars chars =
let val (xs,ys) = split chars
in mergeDistinct (distinctChars xs, distinctChars ys)
You can get a list of all the letters in a few different ways:
val letters = [#"a",#"b",#"c",#"d",#"e",#"f",#"g",#"h",#"i",#"j",#"k",#"l",#"m",#"n",#"o",#"p",#"q",#"r",#"s",#"t",#"u",#"v",#"w",#"x",#"y",#"z"]
val letters = explode "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
val letters = List.tabulate (26, fn i => chr (i + ord #"a"))
Update: Looking at your question and John's answer, I might have misunderstood your intention. An efficient way to iterate over a string and gather some result (e.g. a set of characters) could be to write a "foldr for strings":
fun string_foldr f acc0 s =
let val len = size s
fun loop i acc = if i < len then loop (i+1) (f (String.sub (s, i), acc)) else acc
in loop 0 acc0 end
Given an implementation of sets with at least setEmpty and setInsert, one could then write:
val setLetters = string_foldr (fn (c, ls) => setInsert ls c) setEmpty "some sentence"
The simplest solution I can think of:
To get the distinct elements of a list:
Take the head
Remove that value from the tail and get the distinct elements of the result.
Put 1 and 2 together.
In code:
(* Return the distinct elements of a list *)
fun distinct [] = []
| distinct (x::xs) = x :: distinct (List.filter (fn c => x <> c) xs);
(* All the distinct letters, in lower case. *)
fun letters s = distinct (List.map Char.toLower (List.filter Char.isAlpha (explode s)));
(* Variation: "point-free" style *)
val letters' = distinct o (List.map Char.toLower) o (List.filter Char.isAlpha) o explode;
This is probably not the most efficient solution, but it's uncomplicated.
I'm trying to get each element from list of lists.
For example, [1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4]
I need to create a list which is [1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4]
list can be anything. "abcd" "defg" => ["ad","be","cf","dg"]
The thing is that two list can have different length so I can't use zip.
That's one thing and the other thing is comparing.
I need to compare [1,2,3,4] with [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. First list can be longer than the second list, second list might be longer than the first list.
So, if I compare [1,2,3,4] with [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], the result should be [5,6,7,8]. Whatever that first list doesn't have, but the second list has, need to be output.
I also CAN NOT USE ANY RECURSIVE FUNCTION. I can only import Data.Char
The thing is that two list can have different length so I can't use zip.
And what should the result be in this case?
Then it's impossible. There is going to be recursion somewhere, either in the library functions you use (as in other answers), or in functions you write yourself. I suspect you are misunderstanding your task.
For your first question, you can use zipWith:
zipWith f [a1, a2, ...] [b1, b2, ...] == [f a1 b1, f a2 b2, ...]
like, as in your example,
Prelude> zipWith (+) [1 .. 4] [1 .. 4]
I'm not sure what you need to have in case of lists with different lengths. Standard zip and zipWith just ignore elements from the longer one which don't have a pair. You could leave them unchanged, and write your own analog of zipWith, but it would be something like zipWithRest :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] which contradicts to the types of your second example with strings.
For the second, you can use list comprehensions:
Prelude> [e | e <- [1 .. 8], e `notElem` [1 .. 4]]
It would be O(nm) slow, though.
For your second question (if I'm reading it correctly), a simple filter or list comprehension would suffice:
uniques a b = filter (not . flip elem a) b
I believe you can solve this using a combination of concat and nub http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.12.1/html/libraries/base- which will remove all duplicates ...
nub (concat [[0,1,2,3], [1,2,3,4]])
you will need to remove unique elements from the first list before doing this. ie 0
(using the same functions)
Padding then zipping
You suggested in a comment the examples:
[1,2,3,4] [1,2,3] => [1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+0]
"abcd" "abc" => ["aa","bb","cc"," d"]
We can solve those sorts of problems by padding the list with a default value:
padZipWith :: a -> (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [b]
padZipWith def op xs ys = zipWith op xs' ys' where
maxlen = max (length xs) (length ys)
xs' = take maxlen (xs ++ repeat def)
ys' = take maxlen (ys ++ repeat def)
so for example:
ghci> padZipWith 0 (+) [4,3] [10,100,1000,10000]
ghci> padZipWith ' ' (\x y -> [x,y]) "Hi" "Hello"
["HH","ie"," l"," l"," o"]
(You could rewrite padZipWith to have two separate defaults, one for each list, so you could allow the two lists to have different types, but that doesn't sound super useful.)
General going beyond the common length
For your first question about zipping beyond common length:
How about splitting your lists into an initial segment both have and a tail that only one of them has, using splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) from Data.List:
bits xs ys = (frontxs,frontys,backxs,backys) where
(frontxs,backxs) = splitAt (length ys) xs
(frontys,backys) = splitAt (length xs) ys
ghci> bits "Hello Mum" "Hi everyone else"
("Hello Mum","Hi everyo","","ne else")
You could use that various ways:
larger xs ys = let (frontxs,frontys,backxs,backys) = bits xs ys in
zipWith (\x y -> if x > y then x else y) frontxs frontys ++ backxs ++ backys
needlesslyComplicatedCmpLen xs ys = let (_,_,backxs,backys) = bits xs ys in
if null backxs && null backys then EQ
else if null backxs then LT else GT
-- better written as compare (length xs) (length ys)
ghci> larger "Hello Mum" "Hi everyone else"
"Hillveryone else"
ghci> needlesslyComplicatedCmpLen "Hello Mum" "Hi everyone else"
but once you've got the hang of splitAt, take, takeWhile, drop etc, I doubt you'll need to write an auxiliary function like bits.
I am new to OCaml and I am auditing a class. I have a homework prompt that reads:
"merge xs ys takes two integer lists, each sorted in increasing order,
and returns a single merged list in sorted order."
I have successfully written a function that works:
let rec merge xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> ys
| hxs::txs -> if hxs <= (match ys with
| [] -> hxs
| hys::tys -> hys)
then hxs :: merge txs ys
else match ys with
| [] -> xs
| hys::tys -> hys :: merge xs tys in
merge [-1;2;3;100] [-1;5;1001]
I would like to know if my code is considered to be in acceptable OCaml style? I want to avoid forming any bad habits. It feels compositionaly dense, but maybe that's because I'm still not used to OCaml.
I personally find it hard to follow if hxs <= (match ...), and it's difficult to format it nicely. So I would probably write
let hys =
match ys with
| [] -> hxs
| hys :: _ -> hys
if hxs < hys then
hxs :: merge txs ys
However, I think it might be even better to match both xs and ys at the same time:
let rec merge xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], _ -> ys
| _, [] -> xs
| hx :: txs, hy :: tys ->
if hx < hy then hx :: merge txs ys else hy :: merge xs tys
I think this captures the symmetry of the problem better.
I think it's good when the length of the code matches well with the simplicity of the problem it solves. Merging is simple to state, and so the code shouldn't need to be long (it seems to me).
Why there is no List.skip and List.take? There is of course Seq.take and Seq.skip, but they does not create lists as a result.
One possible solution is: mylist |> Seq.skip N |> Seq.toList
But this creates first enumerator then a new list from that enumerator. I think there could be more direct way to create a immutable list from immutable list. Since there is no copying of elements internally there are just references from the new list to the original one.
Other possible solution (without throwing exceptions) is:
let rec listSkip n xs =
match (n, xs) with
| 0, _ -> xs
| _, [] -> []
| n, _::xs -> listSkip (n-1) xs
But this still not answer the question...
BTW, you can add your functions to List module:
module List =
let rec skip n xs =
match (n, xs) with
| 0, _ -> xs
| _, [] -> []
| n, _::xs -> skip (n-1) xs
The would-be List.skip 1 is called List.tail, you can just tail into the list n times.
List.take would have to create a new list anyway, since only common suffixes of an immutable list can be shared.