What is the syntax of this line $_POST ? '' : $_POST = ...something;? - if-statement

I tried to understand it by simplifying but it did make a difference
$apple = 'almwWa';
$banana = 'bababa';
$apple ? '' : $apple = 'dsadsad';
echo $apple;
What does this do? ? '' :
The original code is this:
$_POST ? '' : $_POST = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
Which I undestand except for the first part

It's a ternary operator (cf. http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php)
If the first part isn't false, the second part will be return else the 3rd part will be returned.
echo (true) ? "yes" : "no"; //prints yes
echo (false) ? "yes" : "no"; //prints no


If the variable equal to "+" in csh

I want to know if the variable equal to "+" in csh, but can not do it.
Because other symbols like (* - /) would also be reconized to "+".
I tried :
set var = "+"
if($var == +) echo "pass"
The result is:
But if I change the var:
set var = "*"
if($var == +) echo "pass"
The reult will also be passed:
How can I get right from this case?
Thank you very much!!

writing a logic to check if value exists

working on the data returned by code
Trying to add some logic that if the value exists, show it else put empty
<cfset myStruct = {
"access_token" : "#st.access_token#",
"id": "#res.names[1].metadata.source.id#",
"name" : "#isDefined('res.names') ? res.names[1].displayname : ''#",
"other" : {
"email" : "#res.emailAddresses[1].value#"
Open in new window
its not clean and it throws error on line 3 which is ID, so what kind of isDefined or structkeyexists i can write if it exists add it, else put an empty value
You could try Elvis operator
Edit: Unless you really need the values as a string, you do not need to use pounds to output the values
Edit 2: Have updated the example to use the right comment
<cfset myStruct = {
"access_token" : "#st.access_token#" <!--- If you have numeric token and need it to be a string --->
, "id" : res.names[ 1 ].metadata.source.id ?: ""
, "name" : res.names[ 1 ].displayname ?: ""
, "other" : {
"email" : res.emailAddresses[ 1 ].value ?: ""

MongoDB case insensitive query on text with parenthesis

I have a very annoying problem with a case insensitive query on mongodb.
I'm using MongoTemplate in a web application and I need to execute case insensitive queries on a collection.
with this code
Query q = new Query();
.regex(Pattern.compile(fieldValue, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)));
return mongoTemplate.findOne(q,MyClass.class);
I create the following query
{ "myField" : { "$regex" : "field value" , "$options" : "iu"}}
that works perfectly when I have simple text, for example:
caPITella CapitatA
but...but...when there are parenthesis () the query doesn't work.
It doesn't work at all, even the query text is wrote as is wrote in the document...Example:
query 1:
{"myField" : "Ceratonereis (Composetia) costae" } -> 1 result (ok)
query 2:
{ "myField" : {
"$regex" : "Ceratonereis (Composetia) costae" ,
"$options" : "iu"
}} -> no results (not ok)
query 3:
{ "scientificName" : {
"$regex" : "ceratonereis (composetia) costae" ,
"$options" : "iu"
}} -> no results (....)
So...I'm doing something wrong? I forgot some Pattern.SOME to include in the Pattern.compile()? Any solution?
------ UPDATE ------
The answer of user3561036 helped me to figure how the query must be built.
So, I have resolved by modifying the query building in
.regex(Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(myFieldValue), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)));
The output query
{ "myField" : { "$regex" : "\\Qhaliclona (rhizoniera) sarai\\E" , "$options" : "iu"}}
If using the $regex operator with a "string" as input then you must quote literals for reserved characters such as ().
Normally that's a single \, but since it's in a string already you do it twice \\:
{ "myField" : {
"$regex" : "Ceratonereis \\(Composetia\\) costae" ,
"$options" : "iu"
It's an old question, but you can use query.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\/^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
This is working with aggregate and matches :
const order = user_input.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\/^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
const regex = new RegExp(order, 'i');
const query = await this.databaseModel.aggregate([
$match: {
name : regex
// ....
Use $strcasecmp.
The aggregation framework was introduced in MongoDB 2.2. You can use the string operator "$strcasecmp" to make a case-insensitive comparison between strings.
It's more recommended and easier than using regex.

Need to know logic behind few regular expression

I am having a code as
$wrk = OC192-1-1-1;
#temp = split (/-/, $wrk);
if ($temp1[3] =~ /101 || 102 /)
print "yes";
} else {
print "no";
Output :
Need to know why this is printing yes. I know for regular expression | is supported for OR operator. But need to know why || is giving as "yes" as output
It is because || will make regex match succeed by matching with nothing all the time.
So it is essentially matching $temp1[3] (which doesn't exist) with anyone of the following
"101 "
" 102 "
I added double quotes just for explanation.
/101 || 102 / regex tries to match '101 ', or '' (empty string), or ' 102 '.
Since empty string can always be matched, it always returns true in your condition.
In addition to the regex-relevant answer from #anubhava, note that: OC192-1-1-1 is same as 0-1-1-1, which is just "-3", therefore #temp evaluates to ( "", "3" )
And of course there's no such thing as $temp1

Validation for Form and QueryString in ASP Classic using Regex. Almost working but missing something?

I'm trying to add some Input Validation in Classic ASP by using the function/code seen below.
The only one that looks like it's working correctly is the "text" type. the others I keep getting errors or it just does not filter correctly.
I'm trying to understand what I'm doing wrong please help me.
Valid Data Types: "email", "integer", "date", "string" and "text".
The first three are obvious, the last two have slight differences.
The "email" should only allow numbers and leters, and the following characters "#" , "-" , "." , "_"
The "date" should validate by running IsDate and if True then allow if False DON'T.
The "string" should validate text-based querystrings, allowing only letters, numbers, _, - and .
Whereas "text" is any free-form text form field type content.
The "integer" should only allow numbers and a period (.)
Usage Example: <input type="text" value="<%=MakeSafe("test#test.com</HTML>1234.5",integer,50)%>">
Eg: MakeSafe(dataInput,dataType,dataLength)
'// CODE BY: dB Masters
'// FOUND AT: http://successontheweb.blogspot.com/2008/03/input-validation-for-security-in.html
Function MakeSafeConvert(encodeData)
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"&", "&")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"'", "'")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"""", """)
encodeData = replace(encodeData,">", ">")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"<", "<")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,")", ")")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"(", "(")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"]", "]")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"[", "[")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"}", "}")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"{", "{")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"--", "--")
encodeData = replace(encodeData,"=", "=")
MakeSafeConvert = encodeData
End Function
Function MakeSafe(dataInput,dataType,dataLength)
Dim regex, validInput, expressionmatch
regex = ""
validInput = "1"
If dataType = "string" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
regex = "^[\w-\.]{1,"& dataLength &"}$"
ElseIf dataType = "email" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
regex = "^[\w-\.]+#([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6}$"
ElseIf dataType = "integer" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
regex = "^\d{1,"& dataLength &"}$"
ElseIf dataType = "date" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
If Not IsDate(dataInput) Then validInput = "0" End If
ElseIf dataType = "text" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
If Len(dataInput) > dataLength Then validInput = "0" End If
End If
If Len(regex) > 0 And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
Set RegExpObj = New RegExp
RegExpObj.Pattern = regex
RegExpObj.IgnoreCase = True
RegExpObj.Global = True
RegExpChk = RegExpObj.Test(dataInput)
If Not RegExpChk Then
validInput = "0"
End If
Set RegExpObj = nothing
End If
If validInput = "1" And Len(dataInput) > 0 Then
MakeSafe = MakeSafeConvert(dataInput)
ElseIf Len(dataInput) = 0 Then
MakeSafe = ""
Response.Write "<h2>Processing Halted.</h2>"
End If
End Function
When I test this using the code:
* Does NOT Validate Anything.*
I don't get an error message but it DOES NOT Validate anything.
**The OUTPUT IS : test#test.com1/27/20121234.5
SHOULD BE ONLY: test#test.com**
When I test this using the code:
I don't get an error message but it DOES NOT Validate anything.
The OUTPUT IS : test#test.com1/27/20121234.5
SHOULD BE ONLY: 1/27/2012
The other two give me this error message:
* ERROR!!! Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'string'
* ERROR!!! Syntax error
Thank you so much for any help that you provide...
If it's not a typo then your fault was in the second parameter of the function call.
You call the function like:
which is wrong because you should "..." the second parameter too. This should work: