Backand queries, tables etc. not in sync, but actual data is - ionic2

I'm having a weird issue with Backand. I created an app, a couple of tables, inserted data, and created a query using their web frontend. Integrated Backand in my Ionic2 app, worked great. A few hours later I added a couple of queries, and got the error message that the object doesn't exist when using the query. I changed the query I used successfully earlier, and got the same result as before the change - so the changes to my queries where not synced to the server (I'd assume). I added a field to a table I did this.backand.object.getList('items') before, but the field was missing. Strangely the data I am adding to the tables, or changing is correctly shown in both my app, and the web frontend.
In summary - data is the same in web frontend and my app, any changes to data model, or queries are shown in web frontend but not in the app.
Anyone has seen that before?

Never mind, 8 hours later everything is in sync. My query can be used in the app, changes to the data model are also seen by the app (through the API).


Django transfer database to different Django project without messing up the logic

I built a Django project with a few models. Now I created a second server with the same setup. This one is meant to be the deployment server. Databases are separate from the dev-server.
However can you tell me if I can simply copy the databases from the dev server to the deploy or will the Django logic, since I also mean the user models and permissions etc.
The tables which I created myself are no problem to transfer to the new server. However I am wondering If Django gets confused when I also transfer something like the auth_user Model.
Should this work since I also just copied the backend logic as well?

Resetting django_sessions

I was playing around with storing session ids for anonymous users in django models using django.contrib.sessions.models and tested all browsers on my machine creating different keys sometimes based on the real and incognito sessions.
I followed it up by deleting my database and creating a new one as part of my tests and development emptying out all tables.
I am noticing now that when I revisit the site from the same computer/browser, django does NOT create and store a new session id even though the table is empty which means that the server is storing the information that I previously visited the site as an anon user somewhere other than the django_sessions table.
I tested clearing out my cookies and history but that did not help. Does anyone know where that information is stored, why, and how can I reset it? This is an issue mainly because I am using the session id as foreignkey and if i do end up deleting the database after deployment for any reason, i dont want the program to not work properly.
Using python 3.8 and django 3.0.2

How to auto-refresh the templates(or better views) whenever data is updated in models?

I am working on a project which sends data to django server using POST request (not through web browser) and updates data on models.
My templates just runs through all the data in models and print it in a table.
The problem here is that I've to manually refresh my page to get the updated data.
I want my page to auto-update the data entered into models.
I'm very new to django, so is there a way to achieve this?
(I'll post the codes if needed)

EmberJs: Update the Data Store Schema

I'm currently developing an Ember application and I've come across a blocker...
I am loading my data from a RESTful api and this was working a treat, but I have now updated one of my models with 2 new fields. The server is returning the new json format and it includes the new field. DS.Model consumed by the ember application also contains the new fields but when I view the Data in the chrome plugin, the schema does not seem to reflect the changes to the model. I have tried clearing the cache in the browser but it does not seem to force the schema to update.
Any pointers?
Ok I have done a bit more digging and it seems to be an issue with the Chrome plugin
The datagrid view does not display the new columns but if you drill into the rows then the attributes ARE being shown, this has at least pointed me in the correct direction.

Missing Webforms for Marketers Data

I'm attempting to troubleshoot a Sitecore system that has the Webforms for Marketers module installed.
I have submitted a contact form from the front-end but when I look at the form reports, there is only legacy data on the "Data" tab. If I look in the "Usability Report" tab, I can indeed see my submitted data.
There are several save actions set up, one of which is the Save to Database, and another is Send Mail. Neither seem to be firing.
Since the data is under the Usability report, it would seem that something is working but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot where the issue originates from.
One key piece of info is the site has recently been moved from one server to another. The connection strings work as far as I can tell, however. Also, there is no CD/CM separation, just a Master => Web publishing setup, though it seems like at one time before I got my hands on it, there was a staging server. Like I said though, the connection strings seem in order.
Any ideas?
Turns out I think it did have to do with a previous staging server. I removed the following from ConnectionStrings.config
<add name="remoteWfmService" connectionString="url=http://{mysite}/sitecore%20modules/shell/Web%20Forms%20for%20Marketers/Staging/WfmService.asmx;user={myuser};password={mypass};timeout=60000"/>
Once that came out, everything started working as expected.