Missing Webforms for Marketers Data - sitecore

I'm attempting to troubleshoot a Sitecore system that has the Webforms for Marketers module installed.
I have submitted a contact form from the front-end but when I look at the form reports, there is only legacy data on the "Data" tab. If I look in the "Usability Report" tab, I can indeed see my submitted data.
There are several save actions set up, one of which is the Save to Database, and another is Send Mail. Neither seem to be firing.
Since the data is under the Usability report, it would seem that something is working but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot where the issue originates from.
One key piece of info is the site has recently been moved from one server to another. The connection strings work as far as I can tell, however. Also, there is no CD/CM separation, just a Master => Web publishing setup, though it seems like at one time before I got my hands on it, there was a staging server. Like I said though, the connection strings seem in order.
Any ideas?

Turns out I think it did have to do with a previous staging server. I removed the following from ConnectionStrings.config
<add name="remoteWfmService" connectionString="url=http://{mysite}/sitecore%20modules/shell/Web%20Forms%20for%20Marketers/Staging/WfmService.asmx;user={myuser};password={mypass};timeout=60000"/>
Once that came out, everything started working as expected.


Spartacus integration with CDS, profile.consent.given cookie not being set after clearing site data

We're integrating SAP Commerce 2005 and Spartacus 2.0.3 with CDS (Context-Driven Services). We followed the instructions from https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/cds-integration/ and we got it work right.
Nevertheless, we've noticed one issue.
When we clear the site data (either from Chrome DevTool or via browser Settings), the cookie named profile.consent.given is not being set anew while refreshing the page - even though the PROFILE consent has consentState "GIVEN" in local storage in spartacus-local-data > anonymous-consents > consents.
Initially I thought that it's just not visible in DevTools, but when I've added the url parameter ?profileTagDebug=true, in the console there is a log saying:
"[Profile Tag] No cookie found with name profile.consent.given".
When I set this cookie manually with value true, everything starts to work just fine, all other needed cookies and local storage data responsible for tracking users behavior is being set properly.
Do you see any place where we could have done something wrong, which may have caused this cookie to work improperly? Which module or component of Spartacus library would be of any clue in resolving this issue?
Edit: the reason of this strange behavior was in profile tag created by our team in CDS. It contained:
"consentListener": "type":"cookie","cookieName":"profile.consent.given","cookieValue":"true"},
which made the cookie profile.consent.given necessary while it shouldn't be. Using profile tag without this part made all work just fine.
With Spartacus, this cookie doesn’t make sense anymore. It is created by the Commerce backend and works best in combination with an accelerator frontend. Cds-spartacus in combination with ProfileTag relies on the anonymous consents or the user consents (depending on the user being logged in or not) loaded by Spartacus. More information about anonymous consents can be found here: https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/anonymous-consent/.
Just a quick FYI about the CDS-Spartacus integration: the profile tag script is pulled from the configured URL by Spartacus, and the script is doing all the event and data "scraping". The cookie is also being placed in the browser by the script.
Your question and this comment lead me to think that the script is not handling this case.
I'm not even sure if it should handle it, so it might be a better idea to contact CDS team directly about this one.

Magento 2 cannot login admin because form key invalid

I'm in a brain-breaking problem here. I've created a nice Magento 2.1.7 installation with two websites (two stores, two domains) and somehow after a while we are unable to login the backend of Magento.
Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.
Now, after trying a few options, still no success. Checked core_config_data, edit max_input_vars, nothing works. The strange thing is, on the front it's still possible to checkout and do your shopping.
Anyway, I'm stumped here. Why is this happening, and how can this be fixed. Any help is welcome.
I often get this error, clearing the cookies for that site, then opening the admin panel in a new tab will resolve this.
You can recreate this error message if you double click the login button after filling out your login information.
Here are a few other reasons you may experience this issue
The form key inputs are outside of the form, you should check the html on the admin panel to check these inputs and exists and have correct values
Make sure the link you use to get to the admin page does not already have a form key in the url
Does this issue generate anything in var/log/system.log ?
Eventually, nothing helped, but what did the trick was creating a new install, setup this new install with all necessary modules (fortunately there were only four), configure the fresh installment like the old one (long live GitHub) and compare your fresh installation to the old one in the database table core_config_data. Basically reproduce your entire setup without any products in it, but just create your stores and categories.
If you spot any differences between the new installment and the old one in the core_config_data, edit them in the old one to be the same as your new one.
Next, edit your env.php with the database credentials to the old database which you've compared and edited.
And the last step, recompile, flush/clean cache and reindex.
Oh, and word of advice, if you're going to use https for your store, setup magento on https. I think something went very wrong when we've changed the base url's from insecure to secure.

Login and template errors deploying meteor to Digital Ocean / modulus.io

Apologies if this question is not asked correctly but I actually can't pinpoint the problem. Hence the lack of code in the question itself. I'm struggling with this error so please go easy on me....
I was developing a meteor app locally without too much difficulty. It seems to run well on localhost. But then I decided to deploy it and have been running into some problems as outlined below. I have deployed the app "successfully" using both mup/DO and modulus.io (with compose hosting the DB in both instances) and whole thing sort of works, but...
You can register fine but when you try to log in the button doesn't work...press it again and you login but the usename and password are in the URL... how does this happen?
When you login you can begin by creating a supplier, then create products for that supplier. Only thing is the suppliers are saved to the DB and they are in the product count but they are nowhere to be seen in the middle section page.
Once you create a new supplier, the add new products for the existing suppliers is no longer accessible.
I am so confounded that I don't know what code to put up so I'm giving access to my codebase - it's on github here and this is the modulus site here. Go ahead and register and you can see for yourself.
You will easily be able to see the errors in the console when you start trying to log into the site so there is no point in posting them here.
Many, many thanks in advance guys.
I have reviewed your code and I don't think that the errors occur due to the deployment.
Here's a list with a few suggestions that should help you to fix your code:
In your /client/helpers/config.js file, you try to configure the behaviour of {{> loginButtons}}. That does not make any sense, since you do not have the accounts-ui package installed.
The /client/templates/includes/header.html file references with pathFor to homepage. This route is currently not available in your /lib/router.js.
Users are able to access the /loggedIn path even if they are not logged in. Furthermore, you always redirect users to this path if the submit form event in the register template occurs. This means, they can easily bypass the registration just by clicking on the submit button.
Watch your console logs. There are a lot of template helper exceptions.
Unfortunately, I could not check the login bug you described, because I received an exception when invoking the submit event. I recommend to use a rather defensive programming approach, you should at least check if the variable's value is not undefined and if it is, then you should handle those situations accordingly.
For example, in your /client/templates/includes/login.js file, you have the following code:
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var supplier = Suppliers.findOne({userId: userId});
var supplierId = supplier._id;
This will raise an exception if supplier is undefined.
All in all, you should rethink your release planning and deployment, since your app is far from working. Furthermore, please try to break your issue into chunks next time and provide a clear problem statement, because your question won't be useful to other readers without it.

Sitecore WFFM Form Report is not showing form data

I have installed WFFM on Sitecore 8.0 Update-3, and created a demo form with few fields. After submitting form I am getting success message, in log files as well didn't find any error.
But if I am checking Reports with Form Reports button (Sitecore Functionality), it is not showing any data.
I can see data in reporting database WFFM tables.
Does anyone know how we can show form data on Form Reports Page?
Make sure you have run the WFFM_Analytics.sql script on your reporting database. It can be found under /Data/WFFM_Analytics.sql
Also check your error logs for an aggregation error. If you are getting that you need to follow this post: http://sitecorefootsteps.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/sitecore-8-wffm-data-aggregation-error.html
Make sure that your have included the Visitor Identification in the head. For MVC this would be #Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification().
Finally remember that the data will not be written until the session end, so it might be worth setting the session timeout to 2 minutes when testing. Then it wont take so long for the data to be stored.
Are you using an IOC Container on your project? I had an issue with SimpleInjector blocking the ajax calls to the form reports data. Check your browser console for javascript errors, specifically calls to /api/sitecore/FormReports/GetFormFieldsStatistics returning error 500.
If you are getting those, check this post on a way to fix it with SimpleInjector - other IoC containers may have similar issues. http://www.sitecorenutsbolts.net/2015/07/27/Simple-Injector-and-WFFM-Controller-Injection-Woes/
We recently were faced with the same issue. Data was being stored in the SQL database correctly, but the form reports were coming up blank. As #Richard pointed out, we saw 404 errors in the console on the reports page.
I was able to solve our issue by updating our custom 404 logic to ignore paths beginning with "/api".

No data in Sitecore Experience profile

I've set up a local Sitecore environment with all sql and mongodb db's working.
Except i do not get any data in the experience profile (contacts)
I see that tracking_contact db is empty in mongo and also the analytics index folder is empty.
Other functionalities like experience analytics work fine.
Are there any extra configurations necessary?
The Experience Profile runs on the Analytics index. If there is no index, there will be no data shown.
Try to rebuild the index if it's not there.
There is an admin tool for rebuilding the reporting db & analytics index: /sitecore/admin/RebuildReportingDB.aspx
When you run the tool you must setup a secondary reporting db first.
Just attach another empty analtyics database to your local SQL and name it something like analytics_secondary and configure its connectionstring.
Then rebuild the reporting db and after that data should appear in your Experience Profile.
The index should be constantly refreshed by the aggregation framework (i.e. you should not need to rebuild) so if that is not happening, something is wrong in your configuration.
When working with xDB you'll need to identify a user to get it to appear in the experience profile section otherwise they will be anonymous.
Try using this code here to create a contact:
And then call the end session by using the button.
If everything is setup correctly then the contact you created will appear in MongoDB and in Experience Profile.
If you are still not getting any data then you could try these things:
Ensure you have the <sc:VisitorIdentification runat="server" /> control for asp web forms layout
the #Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification() control for MVC layout
Make sure you disable robot detection by changing this setting <setting name="Analytics.AutoDetectBots" />
I also had the similar problem in past, so what I found was, it was not working in my local, but when i put it stage server it shows data to me. So same may apply to you also.
Also without "#Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification()" in your Layout tracking is not possible.
Hope this will help you.