Text based redaction in ColdFusion 2016? - coldfusion

Is there a way for Text based redaction in ColdFusion? I can see the documentation for coordinates based alone. Code used for coordinates based redaction is:
<cfpdf action="redact" source="#sourcefile#" destination="#destinationfile#" overwrite="true">
<cfpdfparam pages="1-2" coordinates="0,0,0,0">
Is there a similar way for text based redaction too?

There is in fact now the option to redact text in ColdFusion. It's not documented as the feature is still work in progress, but it does work for most of the cases.
A few new attributes have been added for this support.
The words you want to redact must be given as an array with the attribute name as 'wordstoredact'
There is a new attribute in cfpdfparam namely wordmatchingcriteria with values as:
MATCHPARTIALWORD_MARKPARTIALWORD (matches partial words, and also redacts them)
MATCHPARTIALWORD_MARKWHOLEWORD (matches partial words, but redacts the whole word)
MARKWHOLEWORD (matches and redacts only whole words).
An example of how to do it is as shown below:
cfpdf(action="redact", source="#sourcefile#", destination="#destinationfile#", overwrite=true){
cfpdfparam(wordstoredact=["Windo", "disclaim"], ignorecase=true, pages="1", wordmatchingcriteria="MATCHPARTIALWORD_MARKPARTIALWORD" );
cfpdfparam(wordstoredact=["http://", "2010"], ignorecase=true, pages="1", wordmatchingcriteria="MATCHPARTIALWORD_MARKWHOLEWORD" );
cfpdfparam(wordstoredact=["December", "Resources"], ignorecase=true, pages="2", wordmatchingcriteria="MARKWHOLEWORD" );
cfpdfparam(wordstoredact=["Tutorial", "definitions"], ignorecase=false, pages="3", wordmatchingcriteria="MATCHPARTIALWORD_MARKWHOLEWORD" );
Please reply if you have any confusion or any more queries regarding text based redaction in ColdFusion


How to remove tags using RegexTokenizer() in Spark/Scala ML?

I have a a feature column that has HTML tags in it. I would like to remove all tags.
An example of one row of data from column "body" is as follows:
"<p>Are questions related to and similar products on-topic?</p>"
I would like the output after using RegexTokenizer() to be as follows:
"are questions related to and similar products on-topic?"
Here is what I have started:
val regexTokenizer = new RegexTokenizer()
I think I need to fix the .setPattern() but unsure of how.
Assuming that you may not have any other < or > in your strings, maybe,
replaced with an empty string might be working OK to some extent, otherwise it'd fail.
If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of regex101.com. If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.

Regular expression with csv not finding blank space

I'm trying to parse a csv file. I got the following regular expression from google. It works pretty good except I have one issue and that it doesnt parse blank data.
let arrItem = row.match(/(".*?"|[^",]+)(?=\s*,|\s*$)/g);
arrItem = arrItem || [];
Example row data
9598,"HERE IS LOOKING AT YOU KID, LLC",85647 GOLDEN BLAH BLAH,,ASHBURN,VA,20147,USA,555-555-1511,45-1111111,SOME#GMAIL.COM,9598,,
Here is a screenshot of the arrItem:
I modified the data in the sample and covered it in the screenshot for privacy.
The problem is that in the array, the third item should be blank and then the 4th should be "Ashburn" and so forth. Any ideas on how to fix the expression?
I created the following sample

Matching PoS tags with specific text with `testacy.extract.pos_regex_matches(...)`

I'm using textacy's pos_regex_matches method to find certain chunks of text in sentences.
For instance, assuming I have the text: Huey, Dewey, and Louie are triplet cartoon characters., I'd like to detect that Huey, Dewey, and Louie is an enumeration.
To do so, I use the following code (on testacy 0.3.4, the version available at the time of writing):
import textacy
sentence = 'Huey, Dewey, and Louie are triplet cartoon characters.'
pattern = r'<PROPN>+ (<PUNCT|CCONJ> <PUNCT|CCONJ>? <PROPN>+)*'
doc = textacy.Doc(sentence, lang='en')
lists = textacy.extract.pos_regex_matches(doc, pattern)
for list in lists:
which prints:
Huey, Dewey, and Louie
However, if I have something like the following:
sentence = 'Donald Duck - Disney'
then the - (dash) is recognised as <PUNCT> and the whole sentence is recognised as a list -- which it isn't.
Is there a way to specify that only , and ; are valid <PUNCT> for lists?
I've looked for some reference about this regex language for matching PoS tags with no luck, can anybody help? Thanks in advance!
PS: I tried to replace <PUNCT|CCONJ> with <[;,]|CCONJ>, <;,|CCONJ>, <[;,]|CCONJ>, <PUNCT[;,]|CCONJ>, <;|,|CCONJ> and <';'|','|CCONJ> as suggested in the comments, but it didn't work...
Is short, it is not possible: see this official page.
However the merge request contains the code of the modified version described in the page, therefore one can recreate the functionality, despite it's less performing than using a SpaCy's Matcher (see code and example -- though I have no idea how to reimplement my problem using a Matcher).
If you want to go down this lane anyway, you have to change the line:
words.extend(map(lambda x: re.sub(r'\W', '', x), keyword_map[w]))
with the following:
otherwise every symbol (like , and ; in my case) will be stripped off.

How to find a substring anywhere in a string

This should be easy, but I'm finding it difficult.
I just want to find whether a substring exists anywhere in a string. In my case, whether the name of a website exists in the title of a product.
My code is like this:
#FindNoCase("Amazon.com", "Google Chromecast available at Amazon")#
The above returns a 0 which is correct because the entire substring "Amazon.com" doesn't exist in the main string. But some of it does, namely the "Amazon" part.
How could I achieve what I'm trying to do which is just see if ANY of the substring (at least more than 2 character in length) exists in the main string?
So I need something like FindOneOf() but actually "find at least three of". It should then look at the word "Amazon" in the product title and check if at least 3 characters in the sequence of "Amazon.com" exists. When it sees that "Ama" exists, then it just needs to return a true value. Can it be done using the existing built-in functions somehow?
Update: Very simple solution. I used Left("amazon", 3).
There's a lot of danger in false positives, like if someone was buying the Alabama state flag.
Because of store names that contain spaces, this is a little tricky (Wal Mart is often written with a space).
If your string always contains at [store], you can extract the store name by finding the last at in the sentence and creating a string by chopping off everything else.
Because it looks for occurrences of at only as a whole word, there's no danger with store names such as Beats Audio, or Sam's Meat Shop. I can't think of any any stores with the word at in the name. While that would technically trip it up, there's much lower risk, and you can do a pre-replace on such store names.
<cfset mystring = "Google Chromecast available at Amazon">
<cfset SellerName = REReplaceNoCase(mystring,".*\b(?:at)\b(?!.*\b(?:at)\b)\s*","")>
<cfoutput>Seller: #Sellername#</cfoutput>
You can then do your comparisons much more safely.
Per your comment, If you know all possible patterns, you can still obtain the data if you want to (false positives can either be embarrassing or catastrophic, depending on the action). If you know the stores you're working with, you can use a regex to pull out the string like this
<cfset mystring = "Google Chromecast available at Amazon.co.uk">
<cfset SellerName = REReplaceNoCase(mystring,".*\b((Google|Amazon|Wal[\W]*Mart|E[\W]*bay)(\.[a-z]+)*)\b","\1")>
<cfoutput>Seller: #Sellername#</cfoutput>
The only part you need to update is the pipe-delimited list You might add K-Mart as K[\W]*Mart the [\W]* permits any special character or space so it covers kMart, K-Mart, k*Mart, but not Kwik-E-Mart.
Update #2, per more comments
<cfset mystring = "Google Chromecast available at Toys-R-US">
<cfset SellerNameRE = REReplace(rsProduct.sellername,"[\W]+","[\W]*","ALL")>
<cfset TheSellerName = REReplaceNoCase(mystring,".*\b((#sellernameRE#)(\.[a-z]+)*)\b","\1")>
<cfoutput>Seller: #TheSellername# (#SellerNameRE#)</cfoutput>
This replaces any symbols with the wildcard character so that symbols aren't required so that if something says Wal*Mart, it will still match WalMart.
You could also load a seperate column with "Regex Names" so that you're not doing this each time.
So your table would look something like
SellerID SellerName RegexName
1 Wal-Mart Wal[\W]*Mart
2 Toys-R-US Toys[\W]*R[\W]*US
<cfset mystring = "Google Chromecast available at Toys-R-US">
<cfset TheSellerName = REReplaceNoCase(mystring,".*\b((#rsProduct.RegexName#)(\.[a-z]+)*)\b","\1")>
<cfoutput>Seller: #TheSellername# (#SellerNameRE#)</cfoutput>
Solved it by doing this
#FindNoCase(left("Amazon.com", 3), "Google Chromecast available at Amazon")#
Yes there is potential it won't do what I need in cases where the seller name less than 3 characters long. But I think its rare enough to be ok.

How to change a node's property based on one of its other properties in Neo4j

I just started using Neo4j server 2.0.1. I am having trouble with the writing a cypher script to change one of the nodes property to something based one of its already defined properties.
So if I created these node's:
CREATE (:Post {uname:'user1', content:'Bought a new pair of pants today', kw:''}),
(:Post {uname:'user2', content:'Catching up on Futurama', kw:''}),
(:Post {uname:'user3', content:'The last episode of Game of Thrones was awesome', kw:''})
I want the script to look at the content property and pick out the word "Bought" and set the kw property to that using a regular expression to pick out word(s) larger then five characters. So, user2's post kw would be "Catching, Futurama" and user3's post kw would be "episode, Thrones, awesome".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could do something like this:
MATCH (p:Post { uname:'user1' })
WHERE p.content =~ "Bought .+"
SET p.kw=filter(w in split(p.content," ") WHERE length(w) > 5)
if you want to do that for all posts, which might not be the fastest operation:
MATCH (p:Post)
WHERE p.content =~ "Bought .+"
SET p.kw=filter(w in split(p.content," ") WHERE length(w) > 5)
split splits a string into a collection of parts, in this case words separated by space
filter filters a collection by a condition behind WHERE, only the elements that fulfill the condition are kept
Probably you'd rather want to create nodes for those keywords and link the post to the keyword nodes.