How to change a node's property based on one of its other properties in Neo4j - regex

I just started using Neo4j server 2.0.1. I am having trouble with the writing a cypher script to change one of the nodes property to something based one of its already defined properties.
So if I created these node's:
CREATE (:Post {uname:'user1', content:'Bought a new pair of pants today', kw:''}),
(:Post {uname:'user2', content:'Catching up on Futurama', kw:''}),
(:Post {uname:'user3', content:'The last episode of Game of Thrones was awesome', kw:''})
I want the script to look at the content property and pick out the word "Bought" and set the kw property to that using a regular expression to pick out word(s) larger then five characters. So, user2's post kw would be "Catching, Futurama" and user3's post kw would be "episode, Thrones, awesome".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could do something like this:
MATCH (p:Post { uname:'user1' })
WHERE p.content =~ "Bought .+"
SET in split(p.content," ") WHERE length(w) > 5)
if you want to do that for all posts, which might not be the fastest operation:
MATCH (p:Post)
WHERE p.content =~ "Bought .+"
SET in split(p.content," ") WHERE length(w) > 5)
split splits a string into a collection of parts, in this case words separated by space
filter filters a collection by a condition behind WHERE, only the elements that fulfill the condition are kept
Probably you'd rather want to create nodes for those keywords and link the post to the keyword nodes.


Remove columns by name based on pattern

How can I remove a large number of columns by name based on a pattern?
A data set exported from Jira has a ton of extra columns that I've no interest in. 400 Log entries, 50 Comments, dozens of links or attachments. Problem is that they get random numbers assigned which means that removing them with hardcoded column names will not work. That would look like this and break as the numbers change:
= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Previous Step",{"Watchers", "Watchers_10", "Watchers_11", "Watchers_12", "Watchers_13", "Watchers_14", "Watchers_15", "Watchers_16", "Watchers_17", "Watchers_18", "Watchers_19", "Watchers_20", "Watchers_21", "Watchers_22", "Watchers_23", "Watchers_24", "Watchers_25", "Watchers_26", "Watchers_27", "Watchers_28", "Log Work", "Log Work_29", "Log Work_30", "Log Work_31", "Log Work_32", ...
How can I remove a large number of columns by using a pattern in the name? i.e. remove all "Log Work" columns.
The best way I've found is to use List.FindText on Table.ColumnNames to get a list of column names dynamically based on target string:
= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Previous Step", List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(#"Previous Step"), "Log Work")
This works by first grabbing the full list of Column Names and keeping only the ones that match the search string. That's then sent to RemoveColumns as normal.
Limitation appears to be that FindText doesn't offer complex pattern matching.
Of course, when you want to remove a lot of different patterns, having individual steps isn't very interesting. A way to combine this is to use List.Combine to join the resulting column names together.
That becomes:
= Table.RemoveColumns(L, List.Combine({ List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Watchers_"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Log Work"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Comment"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "issue link"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Attachment")} ))
SO what's actually written there is:
Table.RemoveColumns(PreviousStep, List.Combine({ foundList1, foundlist2, ... }))
Note the { } that signifies a list! You need to use this as List.Combine only accepts a single argument which is itself already a List of lists. And the Combine call is required here.
Also note the L here instead of #"Previous Step". That's used to make the entire thing more readable. Achieved by inserting a step named "L" that just has = #"Promoted Headers".
This allows relatively maintainable removal of multiple columns by name, but it's far from perfect.

AppleScript : keep word only from list

How can I only keep words / numbers from list?
I use the follow script and I want to count unique payment methods, but I have unwanted values on my list
I also tried to use "word of item" but this is not working
I try different version of the script but always having an issue
set PaymentMethods to {}
set UniquePaymentMethods to {}
set walletPayement to {}
set mobilePayemnt to {}
tell application "Safari"
set PaymentMethods to do JavaScript "var outPut=[]; var arr=document.getElementsByClassName('sortable Summary');for (var i in arr) {outPut.push(arr[i].innerHTML)};outPut;" in current tab of window 1
end tell
repeat with x from 1 to count of items of PaymentMethods
set n to item x of PaymentMethods
if n is in PaymentMethods and n is not in UniquePaymentMethods and n does not contain "<a href=\"/finance/Support.ok" and n does not contain "Safari" and n does not contain "None" then set end of UniquePaymentMethods to n
end repeat
e.g of the result :
", "
MasterCard (999)
", "
MasterCard (888)
", application "Safari"}
It's good that you're generally mindful about supplying a sample of the input, as you've done here with the list that I presume relates to PaymentMethods. But don't forget to also provide the output you want to get back at the end. It took me a while to realise "keep words / numbers from list" was actually referring to items of class text (or string), which was about my fifth interpretation of what was being asked.
Your solution appears to do what you want, but it doesn't really because you've had to use that very case-specific set of conditionals, i.e.:
if n is in PaymentMethods ¬
and n is not in UniquePaymentMethods ¬
and n does not contain ("<a href=\"/finance/Support.ok") ¬
and n does not contain ("Safari") ¬
and n does not contain "None" then ¬
set end of UniquePaymentMethods to n
Without that, the item application "Safari", for instance, would simply be coerced into class text, which would return "Safari" in your resulting list.
So, while your request was to filter a list's data types to contain only text class items, your proposed fix, i.e.:
set n to item x of PaymentMethods as text
doesn't isolate text items; it coerces items of any class into text.
The way to filter a list by class type is to use this syntax:
get every [class] in [list]
where [class] is the AppleScript class you want to keep (discarding any items not of this class), and [list] is the list (or variable that references a list), e.g.:
every text in {1, "Hello", true, missing value, "2", text, number, pi}
--> {"Hello", "2"}
every number in {1, "Hello", true, missing value, "2", text, number, pi}
--> {1, 3.14159265359}
every application in {"PayPal", "MasterCard (999)", "MasterCard (888)", application "Safari"}
--> {application "Safari"}
every text in {"PayPal", "MasterCard (999)", "MasterCard (888)", application "Safari"}
--> {"PayPal", "MasterCard (999)", "MasterCard (888)"}
But, there's a lot you can do to simplify your script by having the initial JavaScript code do the heavy lifting so it returns a cleaner list of items that will be simpler for AppleScript to process, or eliminate any need for additional processing.
Your list items have a lot of whitespace in them. In JS, use trim().
Your AppleScript conditionals reference "innerHTML property without ever wanting to use any actual HTML. You've been consistently interested only in the text that gets printed on your webpage. Therefore, in JS, experiment with innerText applied to the right HTML element and you'll probably be able to isolate the payment methods text straight away.
You appear to want your list to contain unique items. In JS, use sets, which are basically arrays with unique items.
Implementing these three recommendations, together with the above method of filtering by text class, would look something like:
tell application "Safari" to tell document 1 to tell (do JavaScript "
[ Set( document.getElementsByClassName('sortable Summary') )]
.map( x => x.innerText.trim() );") ¬
to set PaymentMethods to every text
As I don't know what your webpage source looks like, you may need to make slight adjustments to how you want to transform innerText besides trim(), and/or consider whether getElementsByClassName('sortable Summary') is the best way to get access to the parts of the HTML DOM tree you require. querySelectorAll() is a much more powerful method to use, which I have mentioned before.
Found it, need to add the kind for each item
set n to item x of PaymentMethods as text

Flutter - How to query search item in List

I want search request on the List<Food> that I got. I have used a query method like this:
_foodList.where((food) => == userInputValue).toList();
however, the search asked me to search with complete text and the right capitalization of the text.
how if I want to process a compilation of "dish", then all the names of foods that have the word "dish" will display in List?
Lower-case or upper-case all strings before comparison and use contains() instead of ==:
_foodList.where((food) =>;
If values can be null you need to add additional checks.

Regexp for parse log with fluentd

I'm trying to parse application log with some regexp. I was able to parse the timestamp. But after that, If I try to add more expressions to the fluentd format the first attribute "time" disappears with giving me an exception. And no records are matched.
I'm using Fluentular.
Log message will be something like:
Date=[2018-04-11 08:44:30,219] Thread=[20] Level=[INFO] EventId=[2] Message=[Request finished in 1.1825ms 200 text/plain; charset=utf-8]
This is the first regexp with the first key (There is an issue with milliseconds but is not important). In the attributes I can see the key Time with this value.
First regexp ok
then If I try to isolate more info on the log I lose the first key and I'm unable to parse any other data.
Regexp with second key
What I'm doing wrong?
based on comments now I have this expression
(?<time>\[(?<time>[^\]\[]+)])\s+(?<Thread>\S+)\s+(?<Level>\S+)\s+(?<EventId>\S+)\s+(?<Message>[^ ].*$)
Regexp 3
Is almost perfect. The only problem is that, the expression also get the square bracket
Key Thread
Value Thread=[20]
I don't know if this expression can be improved to avoid the
In order to do test, I installed fluentd via apt with the plugin and do some tests and my final setup is something like
#type kv
time_key Date
types Date:time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,Thread:integer,Level:string,EventId:integer,Message:string
kv_delimiter /\]\s+/
kv_char "=["
Seems better now:
2018-04-11 08:44:30.219000000 +0200 kv_log: {"Thread":20,"Level":"INFO","EventId":2,"Message":"Request finished in 1.1825ms 200 text/plain; charset=utf-8]"}
I'd suggest to parse the key-value pairs with the Key-Value Pairs Parser Plugin for Fluentd.
kv_delimiter /\]\s+(?=\w+=)/ (or just /\]\s+/) (see how the kvp pairs are split here)
kv_char "=[" (the string will be used to split the key from the value)

AWQL - how can i use a regular expressions or something similar?

I am querying the adwords api via the following AWQL-Query (which works fine):
SELECT AccountDescriptiveName, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, KeywordText, KeywordMatchType, MaxCpc, Impressions, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, ConversionsManyPerClick, ConversionValue
WHERE CampaignStatus IN ['ACTIVE', 'PAUSED']
AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED', 'PAUSED']
AND AdNetworkType1 IN ['SEARCH'] AND Impressions > 0
DURING 20140501,20140531
Now i want to exclude some campaigns:
we have a convention for our new campaigns that the campaign name begins with three numbers followed by an underscore, eg. "100_brand_all"
So i want to get only these new campaigns..
I tried lots of different variations for STARTS_WITH but only exact strings are working - but i need a pattern to match!
I already read and following its content it should be possible to use a WHERE expression like this:
CampaignName STARTS_WITH ['0','1','2','3']
But that doesn't work!
Any other ideas how i can achieve this?
Well, why don't you run a campaign performance report first, then process that ( get the campaign ids you want or don't want) the use those in the "CampaignId IN [campaign ids here] . or CampaignID NOT_IN [campaign ids]