B-Spline for any number of control points - c++

I am currently working on a soft body system using numeric spring physics and I have finally got that working. My issue is that everything is currently in straight lines.
I am aiming to replicate something similar to the game "The floor is Jelly" and everything work except the smooth corners and deformation which currently are straight and angular.
I have tried using Cubic Bezier equations but that just means every 3 nodes I have a new curve. Is there an equation for Bezier splines that take in n number of control points that will work with loop of vec2's (so node[0] is the first and last control point).
Sorry I don't any code to show for this but i'm completely stumped and googling is bringing up nothing.

Simply google "B-spline library" will give you many references. Having said this, B-spline is not your only choice. You can use cubic Hermite spline (which is defined by a series of points and derivatives) (see link for details) as well.
On the other hand, you can also continue using straight lines in your system and create a curve interpolating the straight line vertices just for display purpose. To create an interpolating curve thru a series of data points, Catmull-Rom spline is a good choice for easy implementation. This approach is likely to have a better performance than really using a B-spline curve in your system.

I would use B-splines for this problem since they can represent smooth curves with minimal number of control points. In addition finding the approximate smooth surface for a given data set is a simple linear algebra problem.
I have written a simple B-spline C++ library (includes Bezier curves as well) that I am using for scientific computations, here:
it can accept arbitrary number of control points / multiplicities and give you back a basis. However, creating the B-spline curve that fits your data is something you have to do.
A great implementation of B-splines (but no Bezier curves) exists also in GNU GSL (
https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Basis-Splines.html). Again here you have to implement the control points to be 2/3D for the given basis, and fix the boundary conditions to fit your data.
More information on open/closed curves and B-splines here:


Deconstruct Bezier Curve into Line Segments with Equally Spaced Slopes

I'm currently working on a program that takes a scale SVG file of a race track and uses the data to approximate the track as an array of points. Ideally, the absolute value of the slopes between any two consecutive points would be identical, as this would allow me to approximate the angle, arc length and radius to a known accuracy for use in calculating the maximum velocity around the curve.
The SVG uses a Bezier approximation with 2 control points. I have a function that takes a start point, 2 control points and an end point as well as the parametric variable t. I found the code for this here:
Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in C++ , OpenGL
The result I'd like is that straights would consist of very few line segments (slope changes very little), while sharp turns would consist of many line segments (slope changes sharply). This would keep a constant accuracy in the calculations.
Using a constant step for t doesn't provide a constant slope between two points, which is a huge issue for the calculations. Is there any way to find the correct t value knowing the desired slope of the resulting line segment?
After much searching and refining of terms, I've found a site that explains in depth the answer to my problem. Turns out that my problem is the same faced by rendering engines for drawing Bezier curves, and the Anti-Grain Rendering Engine has a wonderful tutorial on subdividing Bezier curves to approximate all kinds of twists and turns.

How to get curve from intersection of point cloud and arbitrary plane?

I have various point clouds defining RT-STRUCTs called ROI from DICOM files. DICOM files are formed by tomographic scanners. Each ROI is formed by point cloud and it represents some 3D object.
The goal is to get 2D curve which is formed by plane, cutting ROI's cloud point. The problem is that I can't just use points which were intersected by plane. What I probably need is to intersect 3D concave hull with some plane and get resulting intersection contour.
Is there any libraries which have already implemented these operations? I've found PCL library and probably it should be able to solve my problem, but I can't figure out how to achieve it with PCL. In addition I can use Matlab as well - we use it through its runtime from C++.
Has anyone stumbled with this problem already?
P.S. As I've mentioned above, I need to use a solution from my C++ code - so it should be some library or matlab solution which I'll use through Matlab Runtime.
P.P.S. Accuracy in such kind of calculations is really important - it will be used in a medical software intended for work with brain tumors, so you can imagine consequences of an error (:
You first need to form a surface from the point set.
If it's possible to pick a 2d direction for the points (ie they form a convexhull in one view) you can use a simple 2D Delaunay triangluation in those 2 coordinates.
otherwise you need a full 3D surfacing function (marching cubes or Poisson)
Then once you have the triangles it's simple to calculate the contour line that a plane cuts them.
See links in Mesh generation from points with x, y and z coordinates
Perhaps you could just discard the points that are far from the plane and project the remaining ones onto the plane. You'll still need to reconstruct the curve in the plane but there are several good methods for that. See for instance http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~tamaldey/curverecon.htm and http://valis.cs.uiuc.edu/~sariel/research/CG/applets/Crust/Crust.html.

Create smooth line to join N points in 3 dimensions

I have N points in 3-dimensional space. I need to join them using a line. However, if I do that using a simple line, it is not smooth and looks ugly.
My current approach is to use a Bezier curve, using the DeCasteljau algorithm for 4 points, and running that for each group of 4 points in my data set. However, the problem with this is that since I run it on say points 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, etc., separately, the line is not smooth between 4-5, 8-9, etc.
I also looked for other approaches; specifically I found this article about Catmull-Rom splines, which seem even better suited for my purpose, because the curve passes through all control points, unlike the Bezier curve. So I almost started implementing that, but then, I saw on that site that the formula works "assuming uniform spacing of control points". That is not the case for my problem.
So, my question is, what approach should I use -- Bezier, Catmull-Rom, or something completely different? If Bezier, then how to fix the non-smoothness between 4-5, 8-9, etc.? If Catmull-Rom, why won't the formula work if points are not evenly spaced, and what do I need instead?
EDIT: I am now pretty sure I want the Catmull-Rom spline, as it passes every control point which is an advantage for my application. Therefore, the main question I would like answered is why won't the formula on the link I provided work for non-uniformly spaced control points?
A couple of solutions:
Use a B-spline. This is a generalization of Bezier curves (a Bezier curve is a B-spline with no internal knot points.)
Use a cubic spline. Cubic splines are particularly easy to calculate. A cubic spline is continuous in the zero, first, and second derivatives across the control points. The third derivative, the cubic term, suffers a discontinuity at the control points, but it is very hard to see those discontinuities.
One key difference between a B-spline and a cubic spline is that the cubic spline will pass through all of the control points, while a B-spline does not. One way to think about it: Those internal control points are just suggestions for a B-spline but are mandatory for a cubic spline.
A meaningful line (although not the simplest to evaluate) can be found via Gaussian Processes. You set (or infer) the lengthscale over which you wish the line to vary (i.e. the smoothness of the line) and then the GP line is the most probable line through the data given the lengthscale. You can add noise to the model if you don't mind the line not passing through the data points.
Its a nice interpolation method because you can also obtain the standard deviation of your line. The line becomes more uncertain when you don't have much data in the vacinity.
You can read about them in chapter 45 of David MacKay's Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms - which you can download from the author's website here.
one solution is the following page in wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bézier_curve, check the generalized approach for N control points.

Draw a bezier curve(s) with a set of points from a vector

I was wondering what would be the best and less complicated way of drawing a bezier curve in c++ with a set of points (roughly 100+ points) that are stored inside a vector
From my understanding:
-Bezier curves consist of 4 control points, the points in the middle dictate the direction/tangent of the curve
Would one possible method be to breakdown the points into different segments and from each segment determine the control points and tangents?
It is called a cubic spline and if you search you might find some C++ code for it. I used the free Fortran code from Numerical Recipes Online and ported it to C# with no problems.
Would one possible method be to
breakdown the points into different
segments and from each segment
determine the control points and
Yes, basically one connects the line segments end-to-end such that the slope approaching the end of the line segment is equal on both sides of the connection point. This is called a cubic spline. You can find algorithms for this here.

Generating contour lines from regularly spaced data

I am currently working on a data visualization project.My aim is to produce contour lines ,in other words iso-lines, from gridded data.Data can be temperature, weather data or any kind of other environmental parameters but only condition is it must be regularly spaced.
I searched in internet , however i could not find a good algorithm, pseudo-code or source code for producing contour lines from grids.
Does anybody knows a library, source code or an algorithm for producing contour lines from gridded data?
it will be good if your suggestion has a good run time performance, i don't want to wait my users so much :)
Edit: thanks for response but isolines have some constrains like they should not intersects
so just generating bezier curves does not accomplish my goal.
See this question: How to approximate a vector contour from an elevation raster?
It's a near duplicate, but uses quite different terminology. You'll find that cartography and computer graphics solve many of the same problems, but use different terminology for them.
there's some reasonably good contouring available in GNUplot - if you're able to use GPL code that may help.
If your data is placed at regular intervals, this can be done fairly easily (assuming I understand your problem correctly). First you need to determine at what interval you want your contours. Next create the grid you are going to use to store the contour information (i'm assuming just a simple on/off or elevation at this contour level type of data), which should be one interval smaller than the source data.
Now the trick here is to offset the 2 grids by 1/2 an interval (won't actually show up in code like this, but its the concept I'm dealing with here) and compare the 4 coordinates surrounding the current point in the contour data grid you are calculating. If any of the 4 points are in a different interval range, then that 'pixel' in the contour grid should be set to true (or the value of the contour range being crossed).
With this method, there will be a problem when the interval is too fine which will cause several contours to overlap onto each other.
As the link from Paul Tomblin suggests, Bezier curves (which are a subset of B-splines) are a ripe solution for your problem. If runtime performance is an issue, Bezier curves have the added benefit of being constructable via the very fast de Casteljau algorithm, instead of drawing them according to the parametric equations. On the off chance you're working with DirectX, it has a library function for the de Casteljau, but it should not be challenging to brew one yourself using the 1001 web pages that describe it.