Can SourcePro DB connect to Oracle using PKI? - c++

Currently I am using SourcePro DB to connect to oracle database using id, password and SID via DB Access Module for Oracle OCI. However I will need to use Oracle PKI in the future. So wondering if SourcePro DB supports Oracle PKI and if anyone has done that before.

We checked with rogue wave and currently SourcePro doesn't support DB connection using Oracle PKI.


connect oracle apex application to multiple databases

is there any simple way to connect an oracle apex application to another database other than apex admin database (like using WebLogic data source).
I read this but there are a lot of problem with that.
Run these commands
java -jar ords.war setup --database AML2
Enter number for [1] Basic [2] TNS [3] Custom URL [1]:3
Enter the Custom JDBC URL:sys/Syspass//
java -jar ords.war map-url --type base-path --workspace-id NEW_DB /NEW_DB AML2
And get success message after executing each command but when create and execute new workspace and app in the specified path (NEW_DB) get this error
The connection pool named: aml2_pu does not exist
how to resolve this problem or is there any simple or clear way to define connection in a file or WebLogic data source.
thanks for your attention
An APEX installation is in the database, it doesn't "connect to the database", there also isn't something like an "admin database" - as such, it cannot connect to other databases. Your apex application and the data for that application live in the same database instance.
However, if you want to work with data from other databases in your application you can of course do so. The "old way" is using database links, however, nowadays connecting over rest is the way to go.
The documentation you are referencing is for having ORDS pointing to multiple databases. It is possible to have a single ORDS installation point to multiple APEX instances - in a previous job we used to have dev/uat/int instance on the same ORDS instance. Each of those databases have their own apex installation.

Difference between JDBC driver vs Python Adapters for Amazon Redshift

To connect Amazon Redshift, I used the python psycopg2 module to inject the dataset on Amazon Redshift and it is working fine. Just to mention that I'm using the Redshift's endpoint URL to connect via the psycopg2 which underneath uses python DB API v2.0. Amazon Redshift also provides the JDBC or ODBC URL to connect but I'm not using this.
import psycopg2
connection = psycopg2.connect(user = "redshift_user",
password = "redshift_password",
host = "redshift_endpoint",
port = "5432",
database = "redshift_database")
cursor = connection.cursor()
Note: I also use the same endpoint of Redshift to connect it from my different clients like Tableau, Navicat Premium or other SQL clients that use JDBC/ODBC driver underneath it.
But recently Amazon sent me to message about JDBC driver update,
AWS Redshift identified an issue in Redshift JDBC drivers that led to
unexpected server restarts, which was subsequently fixed in the latest
Redshift JDBC drivers. Some of your clusters in the US-WEST-2 Region
are registering connections from older versions of the JDBC driver and
might be affected by this issue.
Please upgrade your driver to the latest version:, which
is available for download [1].
So now I have a couple of question-
The psycopyg2 module is using the JDBC or ODBC driver underneath it?
The above message from AWS is because of the different clients I used that underneath is using the older version of JDBC or ODBC drivers. So I've to update the drivers of my clients only not on my psycopg2 module.

Can SQL Developer be used with the Athena JDBC Driver

I'm trying to connect to Athena using the JDBC drivers provided by Amazon, and using SQL Developer as the client. So far, I haven't had any luck with Java 1.8.181 and AthenaJDBC42-2.0.7.jar Has anyone had any luck on this front? Before I try mixing up which versions of Java, JDBC driver, and/or SQL Developer, I thought I'd at least ask if anyone has been successful using SQL Developer with the Athena JDBC drivers.
SQL Developer doesn't allow for just any JDBC driver to be added...we restrict connectivity to the platforms we officially support for database migrations to the Oracle Database platform.
Athena doesn't have migration support, hence the lack of connectivity. If you need assistance with a migration, please send me a note.

Any ole db provider/consumer for PostgreSQL?

I'm working with c++ visual studio 2015, currently i'm using sql server for database but now i'm switching on postgres DB but i'm not getting any relevent OLE DB consumer/provider please suggest.
You can either work with PGNP OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL, Greenplum and Redshift or use a combination of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC and psqlODBC.
Although the second combination involves more components (and, probably, more layers), it's probably more up-to-date.

How to point to a different database in oracle APEX v 5.x?

I have Oracle APEX configured on my laptop pointing to Oracle express DB on my laptop also.
I want to point to a different database on another server (specifically Oracle eBusiness suite database). How could this be achieved?
Does all the data live in the other database? Or does most of the data live in your local database and you just need to pull a bit of data from the other database?
If you are building applications that interact primarily with the data in the Oracle eBusiness Suite database, you'd realistically want to install APEX (if it is not already installed there) in the Oracle eBusiness Suite database and build your APEX application there. If you are building applications that interact primarily with data in your local database and you just need to pull a bit of data from the eBusiness Suite database, you can create a database link in your local database that connects to the remote database and reference objects over the database link.