Any ole db provider/consumer for PostgreSQL? - c++

I'm working with c++ visual studio 2015, currently i'm using sql server for database but now i'm switching on postgres DB but i'm not getting any relevent OLE DB consumer/provider please suggest.

You can either work with PGNP OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL, Greenplum and Redshift or use a combination of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC and psqlODBC.
Although the second combination involves more components (and, probably, more layers), it's probably more up-to-date.


Informix PowerBI

We have an older version (I think its 9) of informix running on our server that is the backend db for a vendor software. I have an ODBC for it to ms access but now they want to do powerbi stuff. Im finding the odbc is throwing error on certain tables and given that its vendor software, they're less inclined to upgrade the version. Everything I've seen seems to show that Informix doesn't like slaves that aren't informix and cloud isn't an option. Any suggestions for getting this data on a different db other than pulling csv files?

Can SQL Developer be used with the Athena JDBC Driver

I'm trying to connect to Athena using the JDBC drivers provided by Amazon, and using SQL Developer as the client. So far, I haven't had any luck with Java 1.8.181 and AthenaJDBC42-2.0.7.jar Has anyone had any luck on this front? Before I try mixing up which versions of Java, JDBC driver, and/or SQL Developer, I thought I'd at least ask if anyone has been successful using SQL Developer with the Athena JDBC drivers.
SQL Developer doesn't allow for just any JDBC driver to be added...we restrict connectivity to the platforms we officially support for database migrations to the Oracle Database platform.
Athena doesn't have migration support, hence the lack of connectivity. If you need assistance with a migration, please send me a note.

Can SourcePro DB connect to Oracle using PKI?

Currently I am using SourcePro DB to connect to oracle database using id, password and SID via DB Access Module for Oracle OCI. However I will need to use Oracle PKI in the future. So wondering if SourcePro DB supports Oracle PKI and if anyone has done that before.
We checked with rogue wave and currently SourcePro doesn't support DB connection using Oracle PKI.

Sync Framework 2.1 Local Cache as SQL Server Possible?

Could someone please help me with whether it's possible to use a full blown SQL Server as Local Database Cache instead of CE?
The reason being CE has 4GB limit. CE is not an option for us as our database records will grow significantly within few months.
Any alternative solution will be much appreciated.
if you're referring to the Local Database Cache project item in Visual Studio, the answer is no. Only Sql Compact (SqlCeClientSyncProvider) is supported by that wizard. You can however handcode your own provider and the sync code without using the wizard.
or you can just use the SqlSyncProvider (can be used against Sql Express, Sql Server, Sql Azure).
see: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

What is a good api to sql from visual c++

I want to do simple stuff like adding entries and reading entries by index. What libraries are there and which ones are the best?
SQLite would be a good simple SQL database engine, with a simple embedded C++ interface.
SQLAPI++ would be a good choice for many commercial SQL databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, InterBase, SQLBase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and ODBC)
One option is to use Microsoft's SQL Server Compact Edition. It is free, and has Visual Studio integration.
You can download it and find out more at the following link:
SQL Server Compact Edition
If you not worried about HUGE concurrency then use SQLite ( Download the aggregated version and you only have 2 files: sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c. It's REALLY easy to use and requires no server set up or configuration.