unixODBC SQLExecute() error - c++

Sometimes I get quite strange error message from SQLExecute() during INSERT. Have no idea how I can deal with this, other queries are ok.
Statement = 0x101022600
SQL = [INSERT INTO Core_Message(channel_id, date, member_id, reply_id) VALUES(25, '2017-01-26 18:07:18', 4, NULL)
][length = 109 (SQL_NTS)]
Statement = 0x101022600
DIAG [HY000] no error information;
Error while preparing parameters
Handle Type = 3
Input Handle = 0x101022600
SQLLEN length(0);
if (!isSuccess(SQLPrepare(_statement, (unsigned char *)query.c_str(), SQL_NTS))) {
_status = StatementStatus::Fault;
return false;
for (std::size_t i=0; i<reference_vector.size(); i++) {
length = reference_vector.at(i).get().length();
if (!isSuccess(SQLBindParameter(_statement, i + 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_VARBINARY, reference_vector.at(i).get().length(), 0, (char *)reference_vector.at(i).get().c_str(), (SQLLEN)reference_vector.at(i).get().length(), &length))) {
_status = StatementStatus::Fault;
return false;
if (!isSuccess(SQLExecute(_statement))) {
_status = StatementStatus::Fault;
return false;
Tricky block with SQLBindParameter() event don't used in runtime.
Thanks in advance.


MariaDB Connector C, mysql_stmt_fetch_column() and memory corruption

I'm working on a wrapper for MariaDB Connector C. There is a typical situation when a developer doesn't know a length of a data stored in a field. As I figured out, one of the ways to obtain a real length of the field is to pass a buffer of lengths to mysql_stmt_bind_result and then to fetch each column by calling mysql_stmt_fetch_column. But I can't understand how the function mysql_stmt_fetch_column works because I'm getting a memory corruption and app abortion.
Here is how I'm trying to reach my goal
// preparations here
if (!mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
int columnNum = mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt);
if (columnNum > 0)
MYSQL_RES* metadata = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
MYSQL_FIELD* fields = mysql_fetch_fields(metadata);
MYSQL_BIND* result = new MYSQL_BIND[columnNum];
std::memset(result, 0, sizeof (MYSQL_BIND) * columnNum);
std::vector<unsigned long> lengths;
for (int i = 0; i < columnNum; ++i)
result[i].length = &lengths[i];
if (!mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, result))
while (true)
int status = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
if (status == 1)
m_lastError = mysql_stmt_error(stmt);
isOK = false;
else if (status == MYSQL_NO_DATA)
isOK = true;
for (int i = 0; i < columnNum; ++i)
my_bool isNull = true;
if (lengths.at(i) > 0)
result[i].buffer_type = fields[i].type;
result[i].is_null = &isNull;
result[i].buffer = malloc(lengths.at(i));
result[i].buffer_length = lengths.at(i);
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, result, i, 0);
if (!isNull)
// here I'm trying to read a result and I'm getting a valid result only from the first column
If I put an array to the mysql_stmt_fetch_column then I'm fetching the only first field valid, all other fields are garbage. If I put a single MYSQL_BIND structure to this function, then I'm getting an abortion of the app on approximately 74th field (funny thing that it's always this field). If I use another array of MYSQL_BIND then the situation is the same as the first case.
Please help me to understand how to use it correctly! Thanks
Minimal reproducible example

Can't get a value from LMDB

I'm trying to store and fetch some data from LMDB. Data seems to be stored, I can see the keys in my database, but it gives me MDB_NOTFOUND when I try to fetch the value with the same ID I have just stored it under.
Database opening
MDB_env* environment;
MDB_dbi main;
MDB_dbi order;
mdb_env_set_maxdbs(environment, 2);
mdb_env_open(environment, path.toStdString().c_str(), 0, 0664);
int rc;
MDB_txn *txn;
mdb_txn_begin(environment, NULL, 0, &txn);
mdb_dbi_open(txn, "main", MDB_CREATE, &main);
mdb_dbi_open(txn, "order", MDB_CREATE | MDB_INTEGERKEY, &order);
void Core::Archive::addElement(const Shared::Message& message) {
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
uint64_t stamp = message.getTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch();
const std::string& id = message.getId().toStdString();
MDB_val lmdbKey, lmdbData;
lmdbKey.mv_size = id.size();
lmdbKey.mv_data = (uint8_t*)id.c_str();
lmdbData.mv_size = ba.size();
lmdbData.mv_data = (uint8_t*)ba.data();
MDB_txn *txn;
mdb_txn_begin(environment, NULL, 0, &txn);
int rc;
rc = mdb_put(txn, main, &lmdbKey, &lmdbData, 0);
if (rc == 0) {
MDB_val orderKey;
orderKey.mv_size = 8;
orderKey.mv_data = (uint8_t*) &stamp;
rc = mdb_put(txn, order, &orderKey, &lmdbKey, 0);
if (rc) {
} else {
rc = mdb_txn_commit(txn);
if (rc) {
qDebug() << "A transaction error: " << mdb_strerror(rc);
} else {
qDebug() << "An element couldn't been added to the archive, skipping" << mdb_strerror(rc);
Shared::Message Core::Archive::getElement(const QString& id) {
MDB_val lmdbKey, lmdbData;
lmdbKey.mv_size = id.toStdString().size();
lmdbKey.mv_data = (uint8_t*)id.toStdString().c_str();
MDB_txn *txn;
int rc;
mdb_txn_begin(environment, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
rc = mdb_get(txn, main, &lmdbKey, &lmdbData);
if (rc) {
qDebug() <<"Get error: " << mdb_strerror(rc);
throw NotFound(id.toStdString(), jid.toStdString());
} else {
//it never comes here
Testing code
Core::Archive ar();
Shared::Message msg1;
Shared::Message msg2;
Shared::Message msg3;
Shared::Message d0 = ar.getElement(msg1.getId());
My logs show stored keys. I can see the required key, I can even compare it with the requested key if I use cursors to scroll over the whole storage, it even shows they are equal, but mdb_cursor_get or mdb_get constantly give me MDB_NOTFOUND. What am I doing wrong?
I got it. No matter what I put into database, I have to read it as a char*
Had to modify fetching code
lmdbKey.mv_data = (uint8_t*)id.toStdString().c_str();
I had to change it to
lmdbKey.mv_data = (char*)id.toStdString().c_str();
and it worked

How to fix Connection execute error using ADO in C++

I'm using ado to connect SQL Server in my C++ project.
So I want to insert/update my database and I wrote some queries (see the code) and I'm trying to execute my connection or command.
But it goes on an error at pConnection->Execute(InsertQuery, NULL, adCmdUnspecified);, it says Microsoft C++ exception: _com_error at memory location and in the debug window there is _hr with value _hr : DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND One or more errors occurred during processing of command. TYPE: HRESULT
I also tried to execute Command, but I have the same result as Connection.
Should I change adCmdUnspecified into something or am I go wrong somewhere?
What is the solution? Thank you in advance.
//connections above
VARIANT vNameStringType;
_bstr_t InsertQuery(L"Insert Into TestTB(AccountID, Name) Values(#AccountID, #Name)");
hr = pCommand.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command));
pCommand->ActiveConnection = pConnection;
pCommand->CommandText = InsertQuery;
pCommand->CommandType = adCmdText;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vIntegerType.vt = VT_I4;
vIntegerType.intVal = a[i].login;
vNameStringType.vt = VT_BSTR;
vNameStringType.bstrVal = _bstr_t(a[i].name);
int DataExistCounter = 0;
NameParam = pCommand->CreateParameter(_bstr_t("#Name"), adVarChar, adParamInput, 150, _bstr_t(vNameStringType));
AccIDParam = pCommand->CreateParameter("#AccountID", adInteger, adParamInput, sizeof(int), vIntegerType);
while (!pRecordset->EndOfFile)
valFieldNam = pRecordset->Fields->GetItem("Name")->Value;
valFieldAcc = pRecordset->Fields->GetItem("AccountID")->Value;
if (valFieldAcc == a[i].login)
if (DataExistCounter > 0)
pConnection->Execute(InsertQuery, NULL, adCmdUnspecified);

MySQL Trouble transitioning from Injection to Paramterization

I have the following code here that executes a query. Originally, I used SQL Injection to return row results. Hearing I should use parametrization, I rearranged my code and read the MySQL docs on how to do so. I'm using MySQL's C library in a C++ application.
However, it's not returning the results.
I know my SQL statement is 100% fine. It has been tested. The only thing I changed was changing %d (injection) to ?, which accepts the player's ID.
This returns -1. It's a SELECT statement though, so maybe it's normal?
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
This returns 2. This is correct. I have two fields being returned.
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
This returns 0 (success)
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
Finally, this returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
I need m_result so I can read the rows. "mysql_stmt_store_result" sounds similar, but doesn't return MYSQL_RESULT.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
/// <summary>
/// Executes a query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">The query to execute.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true on success, else false.</returns>
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery_New(const char *query)
int param_count = 0;
int affected_rows = 0;
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Initialize the statement
m_stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&m_conn);
if (!m_stmt) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
return false;
// Prepare the statement
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(m_stmt, query, strlen(query))) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the parameter count from the statement
param_count = mysql_stmt_param_count(m_stmt);
if (param_count != m_bind.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL\n");
return false;
// Bind buffers
// The parameter binds are stored in std::vector<MYSQL_BIND>
// I need to convert std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind to MYSQL_BIND *bnd
MYSQL_BIND *bind = new MYSQL_BIND[m_bind.size() + 1];
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind) * m_bind.size());
for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++)
bind[i] = m_bind[i];
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(m_stmt, &bind[0]))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Execute the query
if (mysql_stmt_execute(m_stmt)) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
//if (affected_rows == -1) {
// fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
// fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
// return false;
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
// Store the result
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " failed retrieving result\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
int d = mysql_errno(&m_conn);
return false;
// This looks similar to the last above statement, but I need m_result. I used mysql_store_result earlier when using injection and it worked fine, but here in this case it returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
// Close the statement
if (mysql_stmt_close(m_stmt)) {
/* mysql_stmt_close() invalidates stmt, so call */
/* mysql_error(mysql) rather than mysql_stmt_error(stmt) */
fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Delete bind array
if (bind) {
delete[] bind;
bind = NULL;
return true;
How I'm adding an int parameter (player's id):
void SQLConnection::addParam(int buffer, enum_field_types type, unsigned long length)
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
bind.buffer = (char *)&buffer;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.is_null = 0;
bind.length = &length;
My variables and their types:
class SQLConnection
MYSQL m_conn;
MYSQL_ROW m_row;
MYSQL_RES *m_result;
char m_errorMessage[ERROR_MSG_MAX];
bool m_connected;
MYSQL_STMT *m_stmt;
std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind;
int m_fieldCount;
// ...
And finally its calling function at the end of the SQL statement:
...WHERE player_id = ?;");
conn.addParam(m_id, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0);
if (!conn.executeQuery_New(buffer)) {
return "";
// Close the connection.
std::string s = conn.getField("max_value_column_name");
The error code I get is 2014:
Just for the sake of interest, this is a prior function I used. This worked fine for injection. Using the new function above with parameterization is the one causing the issues.
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery(const char *query)
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Execute the query
int status = mysql_query(&m_conn, query);
if (status != 0) {
sprintf(m_errorMessage, "Error: %s", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Store the result
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
return true;
After I started having language religious wars in my head about using C# over C++, I thought I'd give one last attempt here. Any help is appreciated.
This is how I read in column names prior to parameterization (maybe this code needs to be updated after calling mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt)?
std::string SQLConnection::getField(const char *fieldName)
unsigned int name_field = 0;
mysql_stmt_data_seek(m_stmt, 0);
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(m_stmt, &bind, 0, 0);
//mysql_data_seek(m_result, 0);
//mysql_field_seek(m_result, 0);
const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_stmt_field_count(m_stmt);
// const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(m_result);
std::vector<char *> headers(num_fields);
for (unsigned int i = 0; (field = mysql_fetch_field(m_result)); i++)
headers[i] = field->name;
if (strcmp(fieldName, headers[i]) == 0)
name_field = i;
while ((m_row = mysql_fetch_row(m_result))) {
return std::string(m_row[name_field]);
return "";
What I'm finding is in this last function there are equivalent functions for statements, like mysql_num_fields() is mysql_stmt_field_count(). I'm thinking these need to be updated because it's using m_stmt and not m_result anymore, which gives reason to update the functions so m_stmt is used. It's not very apparent how to update the second half of the function though.
You may need a better understanding of how stmt works.You can't get the final results by mysql_store_result() when you're using stmt.
You shoud bind several buffers for the statement you're using to accept the result set. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_bind_result(), just like mysql_stmt_bind_param().
Then you can use the buffers bound by mysql_stmt_bind_result() to return row data. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_fetch().
Do the fetch method repeatedly, so you can get the whole result set row by row.
The basic sequence of calls:
mysql_stmt_fetch (repeatedly, row by row)
It works for me.
It's a long time since I finished this part of my project, you'd better read the manual carefully and find more examples of stmt.
Sorry for my poor English. Good luck!

if(result == NULL) is returning false always even when the query returns zero rows

I am using the Cassandra C++ driver in my application. I am observing many crashes. After debugging I identified that even when the query output is zero rows , the if (result == NULL) is false and when I iterate through the result, one place or other it is crashing. Below is the code sample. Please suggest me any solution for this.
const char* query = "SELECT variable_id, variable_name FROM aqm_wfvariables WHERE template_id = ?;";
CassError rc = CASS_OK;
CassSession* session = NULL;
return false;
CassStatement* statement = cass_statement_new(query, 1);
cass_statement_bind_int32(statement, 0, wf_template_id );
CassFuture* query_future = cass_session_execute(session, statement);
rc = cass_future_error_code(query_future);
if (rc != CASS_OK) {
logMsg(DEBUG, 7, "cass_session_execute failed for query #%d:%s:%s", 1, __FILE__, query);
return false;
const CassResult* result = cass_future_get_result(query_future);
if (result == NULL) {
logMsg(DEBUG, 7, "No values are returned for query #%d:%s:%s", 1, __FILE__, query);
return false;
CassIterator* row_iterator = cass_iterator_from_result(result);
while (cass_iterator_next(row_iterator)) {
const CassRow* row = cass_iterator_get_row(row_iterator);
/* Copy data from the row */
You should use
instead of
(result == NULL)
to verify if query returns zero rows. In your code, result is always an instance of CassResult and not a null reference when zero rows are returned.