Visual Studio 2015 does not break on assert in gtest [duplicate] - c++

I recently discovered the Failures into Break-Points - option from googletest using the command line option gtest_break_on_failure or by defining the GTEST_BREAK_ON_FAILURE environment variable.
I gave it a try using gtest_break_on_failure. From command line, I saw no effect (to be honest I had the glimpse of hope that VS2010 would be registered as debugger and somehow magically would pop up and point to the error source).
Using it in the VS environment as command line argument a failed assertion triggered a break but the call stack did not include the test method that caused the failure. I found the work around to step (F10) until I reached my test code, but that does not really seem to be convenient.
Is it somehow possible to use the option from command line ?
Has anybody a recommendation how to get the correct call stack in the environment?

From VS, you can add --gtest_break_on_failure to the Command Args in the target's Property Pages, then just run the exe without stepping over.
From the command line, you should be able to run the Debug executable with the flags --gtest_break_on_failure --gtest_catch_exceptions=0 and this should allow you to break into the MSVC debugger when the test fails.


VS Code Error when compiling C++ Program: 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I attempted to follow through on VS Code's method on making C++ code work on their editor. I did this successfully on my laptop but when I tried compiling it, I was met with the error:
* Executing task: C/C++: g++.exe build active file
Starting build...
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\g++.exe -fdiagnostics-color=always -g "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.cpp" -o "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.exe"
'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Build finished with error(s).
* The terminal process failed to launch (exit code: -1).
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
This is the entire error message plus extra things in my editor.
If I try and copy and paste the command in the message into Windows Power Shell, it actually works (New .exe file appeared in the correct directory and runs without fault).
These are my environment variables for User, and these are my System variables.
I've tried uninstalling and re-installing and changing the paths around. I'm new to C++ programming and how compilers work in general, but I'm not sure why VS Studio says it doesn't recognize cmd among others it could've not recognized.
Why is it giving me this error?
Edit: I believe I didn't include a return 0; line in the program. Correcting this did not fix the issue.
I am not sure what I poked into place or if I just was too incompetent to realize something, however adding %SystemRoot%\system32 to my PSModulePath environment variables somehow fixed the issue, and since that action I have yet to replicate the compile error.
I don't know if adding that variable to my environments permanently fixed it or VS Studio needed a moment to process some things. Thanks anyways!

i don't know what is wrong with vs code in running cpp

i just started to code in cpp and nothing is working idk if i didn't install the gcc properly or what but i already set the path of the bin file idk why it refuses to run
the code:
int main()
and the problem is that when I try to use the "code runner extension" it is not working so I just press f5 and then when I get the error messages which says at first "could not find the task file'c/c++:g++.exe build active file' " and I get three options 1:debug anyway
2:configure task
when I choose debug anyway I get this error here
Since you're on windows consider installing Visual Studio or CLion. They're more beginner friendly - VSCode can get tricky to run c++ on windows. Either way, looks like you're trying to run your project without building it first. There should be a build option right next to the run option. Try building it, then running. The build is what compiles and creates the project.exe file, which is what the compiler is saying isn't there.
The referenced IDE's always auto-build on run, so there's that
If you're familiar with using the command line, these commands will do what you want, assuming the .cpp file is in your current directory.
There are wonderful flags you can add to the first command (the compiling command) like -Wall, -Wextra, -o, and many more. But, since it seems like you're just starting out, there's no need to worry about those!
If you're not familiar with the command line, I would encourage you to become familiar! It is an extremely powerful tool for a programmer. Here is a YouTube video that talks about it.

How to use googletest Failures into Break-Points

I recently discovered the Failures into Break-Points - option from googletest using the command line option gtest_break_on_failure or by defining the GTEST_BREAK_ON_FAILURE environment variable.
I gave it a try using gtest_break_on_failure. From command line, I saw no effect (to be honest I had the glimpse of hope that VS2010 would be registered as debugger and somehow magically would pop up and point to the error source).
Using it in the VS environment as command line argument a failed assertion triggered a break but the call stack did not include the test method that caused the failure. I found the work around to step (F10) until I reached my test code, but that does not really seem to be convenient.
Is it somehow possible to use the option from command line ?
Has anybody a recommendation how to get the correct call stack in the environment?
From VS, you can add --gtest_break_on_failure to the Command Args in the target's Property Pages, then just run the exe without stepping over.
From the command line, you should be able to run the Debug executable with the flags --gtest_break_on_failure --gtest_catch_exceptions=0 and this should allow you to break into the MSVC debugger when the test fails.

GDB and NS2: how to stop program at some Function call

I am using gdb to debug NS-2 which is a simulator for network protocols. It takes an .tcl file as input and interpret it. [I think it is an interpreter.]
Some of the code is written in tcl (events and creation of network components) and some in C++ (especially Packet Formats, Agents etc.).
I have created an Agent in C++ and i want to stop it at some function call so that i can see the stack trace and find which other classes have been called before it.
This is what i have done:
There was some error in one of my MyAgent::function and it was giving Segmentation Fault and gdb was stopping there automatically. I could then see the stack trace. I rectified the error.
Now when i run
gdb ./ns
b MyAgent::function()
When i press TAB after writing "b MyA" it gives me all functions
of my class :). when i press enter after above command --
it asks me "Breakpoint on future shared library load" and i say Yes.
I hope this is ok ??
r myfiles/myWireless.tcl
Now it runs and do not stop anywhere. :(
I am sure that this function is being called, because when that Segmentation fault was occuring, it was stopping at that function.
You can add a breakpoint in that function:
(gdb) break MyAgent::function()
You must make sure to compile with whatever options are necessary to get debug symbols. On GCC, use the -g or -ggdb options.
You need the -args option to specify the tcl script that will be executed.
Run gdb like this:
gdb -args ./ns path/to/tcl/script.tcl
To enable debug flag to c++ code, if have not done it already, re-configure your ns2 instalation with:
./configure --enable-debug ;# plus any other flags you use for configuring
make clean
make -j 3 ;# -j for faster compiling
make install ;# optional
You can also use the --with-tcldebug=..., for debugging tcl code (You need to install tcldebug first for this option)

Additional Command Line Arguments for Running Program in Code::Blocks?

Many IDEs allow you to add some custom command line arguments which are used when the IDE runs your program after compilation. E.g my program is pro_ext_changer.exe, I'd like to add a --backup option when running it:
pro_ext_changer.exe --backup
I haven't found a way to do this in Code::Blocks. How do you do it?
[Project] → [Set program's arguments…]
I didn't know that but I just fired up Code::Blocks, which I've only toyed with, and I looked around.