At work, I ran into a situation where the best type to describe the result returned from a function would be std::variant<uint64_t, uint64_t> - of course, this isn't valid C++, because you can't have two variants of the same type. I could represent this as a std::pair<bool, uint64_t>, or where the first element of the pair is an enum, but this is a special case; a std::variant<uint64_t, uint64_t, bool> isn't so neatly representable, and my functional programming background really made me want Either - so I went to try to implement it, using the Visitor pattern as I have been able to do in other languages without native support for sum types:
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
class EitherVisitor {
virtual C onLeft(const A& left) = 0;
virtual C onRight(const B& right) = 0;
template <typename A, typename B>
class Either {
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) = 0;
template <typename A, typename B>
class Left: Either<A, B> {
A value;
Left(const A& valueIn): value(valueIn) {}
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.onLeft(value);
template <typename A, typename B>
class Right: Either<A, B> {
B value;
Right(const B& valueIn): value(valueIn) {}
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.onRight(value);
C++ rejects this, because the template method Accept cannot be virtual. Is there a workaround to this limitation, that would allow me to correctly represent the fundamental sum type in terms of its f-algebra and catamorphism?
Perhaps the simplest solution is a lightweight wrapper around T for Right and Left?
Basically a strong type alias (could also use Boost's strong typedef)
template<class T>
struct Left
T val;
template<class T>
struct Right
T val;
And then we can distinguish between them for visitation:
template<class T, class U>
using Either = std::variant<Left<T>, Right<U>>;
Either<int, int> TrySomething()
if (rand() % 2 == 0) // get off my case about rand(), I know it's bad
return Left<int>{0};
return Right<int>{0};
struct visitor
template<class T>
void operator()(const Left<T>& val_wrapper)
std::cout << "Success! Value is: " << val_wrapper.val << std::endl;
template<class T>
void operator()(const Right<T>& val_wrapper)
std::cout << "Failure! Value is: " << val_wrapper.val << std::endl;
int main()
visitor v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
auto res = TrySomething();
std::visit(v, res);
std::variant<X,X> is valid C++.
It is a bit awkward to use, because std::visit doesn't give you the index, and std::get<X> won't work either.
The way you can work around this is to create a variant-of-indexes, which is like a strong enum.
template<std::size_t i>
using index_t = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>;
template<std::size_t i>
constexpr index_t<i> index = {};
using number = std::variant< index_t<Is>... >;
namespace helpers {
template<class X>
struct number_helper;
struct number_helper<std::index_sequence<Is...>> {
using type=number<Is...>;
template<std::size_t N>
using alternative = typename helpers::number_helper<std::make_index_sequence<N>>::type;
we can then extract the alternative from a variant:
namespace helpers {
template<class...Ts, std::size_t...Is, class R=alternative<sizeof...(Ts)>>
constexpr R get_alternative( std::variant<Ts...> const& v, std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
constexpr R retvals[] = {
return retvals[v.index()];
constexpr alternative<sizeof...(Ts)> get_alternative( std::variant<Ts...> const& v )
return helpers::get_alternative(v, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{});
so now you have a std::variant<int, int>, you can
auto which = get_alternative( var );
and which is a variant, represented at runtime by an integer which is the index of the active type in var. You can:
std::variant<int, int> var( std::in_place_index_t<1>{}, 7 );
auto which = get_alternative( var );
std::visit( [&var](auto I) {
std::cout << std::get<I>(var) << "\n";
}, get_alternative(var) );
and get access to which of the alternative possibilities in var is active with a compile time constant.
The get_alternative(variant), I find, makes variant<X,X,X> much more usable, and fills in the hole I think you might be running into.
Live example.
Now if you don't need a compile-time index of which one is active, you can just call var.index(), and visit via visit( lambda, var ).
When you construct the variant, you do need the compile time index to do a variant<int, int> var( std::in_place_index_t<0>{}, 7 ). The wording is a bit awkward, because while C++ supports variants of multiples of the same type, it considers them a bit less likely than a "standard" disjoint variant outside of generic code.
But I've used this alternative and get_alternative like code to support functional programming like data glue code before.
I'm trying to create a flags bitfield using C++11 enum classes. I'm looking for a way to templatize the operators' return types so they can be used as in code below:
#include <iostream>
enum class Flags {
one = 1,
two = 1 << 1,
three = 1 << 2,
four = 1 << 3
#define _CONVERT(_operator) \
static_cast<T>(static_cast<int>(lhs) _operator static_cast<int>(rhs))
template <typename T>
T operator & (const Flags& lhs, const Flags& rhs) {
return _CONVERT(&);
template <typename T>
T operator | (const Flags& lhs, const Flags& rhs) {
return _CONVERT(|);
#undef _convert
int main()
Flags flag = Flags::one | Flags::two | Flags::three;
if (flag & Flags::two)
std::cout << "Flag has two" << std::endl;
if (flag & Flags::four)
std::cout << "Flag has four" << std::endl;
std::cout << static_cast<int>(flag) << std::endl;
However, there are several problems:
Flags flag = Flags::one | Flags::two | Flags::three; can't deduce type to be Flags
if (flag & Flags::four) can't deduce type to be bool
I'm new to templates and am kinda lost when it comes to template deduction mechanisms. Also, i tried to create create conversion operator
operator bool(const Flags& flag)
but with no result.
First create a helper template:
template<class E>
struct bool_or_enum{
E e;
explicit operator bool()const{return static_cast<bool>(e); }
operator E() const {return e;}
Next, create a trait function and type:
namespace magic_operators {
template<class E>
constexpr std::false_type algebraic_enum(E const volatile&) {return {};}
template<class E>
using use_algebra=decltype( algebraic_enum( std::declval<E const volatile&>() ) );
Now magic_operators::use_algebra<E> searches using ADL for algebraic_enum overload returning std::true_type on E. This permits enabling the magic anywhere. MSVC 2015 lacks sufficient C++11 support to use the above; replace with traits class.
The meat: our operators. Stick them into a namespace and bring them in with using namespace:
template<class E, std::enable_if_t<magic_operators::use_algebra<E>{}, int> = 0>
bool_or_enum<E> operator&(E const& lhs, E const& rhs){
using U = std::underlying_type_t<E>;
return { E( static_cast<U>(lhs) | static_cast<U>(rhs) ) };
And similar for |.
For ~ and ^ you need a bit mask to remain defined behaviour. Have a traits class enum_mask<E> that defaults to E::bit_mask or somesuch to get it.
template<class E, std::enable_if_t<magic_operators::use_algebra<E>{}, int> = 0>
bool_or_enum<E> operator^(E const& lhs, E const& rhs){
using U = std::underlying_type_t<E>;
return { E( enum_mask<E>{} & (static_cast<U>(lhs) ^ static_cast<U>(rhs) ) ) };
template<class E, std::enable_if_t<magic_operators::use_algebra<E>{}, int> = 0>
bool_or_enum<E> operator~(E const& e){
using U = std::underlying_type_t<E>;
return { E( enum_mask<E>{} & (~static_cast<U>(e)) ) };
This is tricky due to standards requirements on out of gamut enums.
|= and &= isn't hard, but does need to be coded. = and |= and &= etc that support both assignment chaining and implicit bool requires yet more work. I say do not support it.
Oh and mark everything constexpr and add bool_or_enum<E> overloads to the operators.
The above code is not tested or compiled, but the design works.
The end result is:
enum class Bob { a=2, b=7, bit_mask = 0x00ff };
constexpr std::true_type algebraic_enum( Bob const& ){ return {}; }
using namespace algebraic_ops;
int main(){
Bob x=Bob::a;
x = x | Bob::b;
if( x &~ Bob::b ){
std::cout << "cast to bool bitmasking!\n";
Or somesuch.
While the #yakk-adam-nevraumont is nice and works, I preferred not to have to redefine anything for my enum classes, but rather have them to automatically get operators once I include my inline header...
So, I've done something like this:
#include <type_traits>
namespace EnumUtils {
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_class() {
if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>) {
return !std::is_convertible_v<T, std::underlying_type_t<T>>;
return false;
template <class EnumType>
struct WrapperImpl {
EnumType e;
constexpr explicit WrapperImpl(EnumType const& en) : e(en) {}
constexpr explicit WrapperImpl(std::underlying_type_t<EnumType> const& en)
: e(static_cast<EnumType>(en)) {}
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(e); }
constexpr operator EnumType() const { return e; }
constexpr operator std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>() const {
return std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>(e);
template <class EnumType>
using Wrapper =
std::conditional_t<is_class<EnumType>(), WrapperImpl<EnumType>, void>;
} // namespace EnumUtils
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), Wrapped> operator&(
EnumType const& first, EnumType const& second) {
return static_cast<Wrapped>(static_cast<Wrapped>(first) &
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), Wrapped> operator|(
EnumType const& first, EnumType const& second) {
return static_cast<Wrapped>(static_cast<Wrapped>(first) |
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), Wrapped> operator^(
EnumType const& first, EnumType const& second) {
return static_cast<Wrapped>(static_cast<Wrapped>(first) ^
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), Wrapped&> operator|=(
EnumType& first, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
EnumType const& second) {
first = (first | second);
return reinterpret_cast<Wrapped&>(first);
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), Wrapped&> operator&=(
EnumType& first, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
EnumType const& second) {
first = (first & second);
return reinterpret_cast<Wrapped&>(first);
template <class EnumType, class Wrapped = EnumUtils::Wrapper<EnumType>>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<EnumUtils::is_class<EnumType>(), EnumType> operator~(
EnumType const& first) {
return static_cast<EnumType>(~static_cast<Wrapped>(first));
template<typename T> void doSomething(T&& mStuff)
auto lambda([&mStuff]{ doStuff(std::forward<T>(mStuff)); });
Is it correct to capture the perfectly-forwarded mStuff variable with the &mStuff syntax?
Or is there a specific capture syntax for perfectly-forwarded variables?
EDIT: What if the perfectly-forwarded variable is a parameter pack?
Is it correct to capture the perfectly-forwarded mStuff variable with
the &mStuff syntax?
Yes, assuming that you don't use this lambda outside doSomething. Your code captures mStuff per reference and will correctly forward it inside the lambda.
For mStuff being a parameter pack it suffices to use a simple-capture with a pack-expansion:
template <typename... T> void doSomething(T&&... mStuff)
auto lambda = [&mStuff...]{ doStuff(std::forward<T>(mStuff)...); };
The lambda captures every element of mStuff per reference. The closure-object saves an lvalue reference for to each argument, regardless of its value category. Perfect forwarding still works; In fact, there isn't even a difference because named rvalue references would be lvalues anyway.
To make the lambda valid outside the scope where it's created, you need a wrapper class that handles lvalues and rvalues differently, i.e., keeps a reference to an lvalue, but makes a copy of (by moving) an rvalue.
Header file capture.h:
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template < typename T >
class capture_wrapper
static_assert(not std::is_rvalue_reference<T>{},"");
std::remove_const_t<T> mutable val_;
constexpr explicit capture_wrapper(T&& v)
constexpr T&& get() const noexcept { return std::move(val_); }
template < typename T >
class capture_wrapper<T&>
T& ref_;
constexpr explicit capture_wrapper(T& r) noexcept : ref_(r){}
constexpr T& get() const noexcept { return ref_; }
template < typename T >
constexpr typename std::enable_if<
capture(std::remove_reference_t<T>& t) noexcept
return capture_wrapper<T>(t);
template < typename T >
constexpr typename std::enable_if<
capture(std::remove_reference_t<T>&& t)
return capture_wrapper<std::remove_reference_t<T>>(std::move(t));
template < typename T >
constexpr typename std::enable_if<
capture(std::remove_reference_t<T>& t)
return capture_wrapper<std::remove_reference_t<T>>(std::move(t));
Example/test code that shows it works. Note that the "bar" example shows how one can use std::tuple<...> to work around the lack of pack expansion in lambda capture initializer, useful for variadic capture.
#include <cassert>
#include <tuple>
#include "capture.h"
template < typename T >
auto foo(T&& t)
return [t = capture<T>(t)]()->decltype(auto)
auto&& x = t.get();
return std::forward<decltype(x)>(x);
// or simply, return t.get();
template < std::size_t... I, typename... T >
auto bar_impl(std::index_sequence<I...>, T&&... t)
return [t = std::make_tuple(capture<T>(t)...)]()
return std::forward_as_tuple(std::get<I>(t).get()...);
template < typename... T >
auto bar(T&&... t)
return bar_impl(std::index_sequence_for<T...>{}, std::forward<T>(t)...);
int main()
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(foo(0)()),int&&>{}, "");
assert(foo(0)() == 0);
auto i = 0;
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(foo(i)()),int&>{}, "");
assert(&foo(i)() == &i);
const auto j = 0;
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(foo(j)()),const int&>{}, "");
assert(&foo(j)() == &j);
const auto&& k = 0;
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(foo(std::move(k))()),const int&&>{}, "");
assert(foo(std::move(k))() == k);
auto t = bar(0,i,j,std::move(k))();
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(t),std::tuple<int&&,int&,const int&,const int&&>>{}, "");
assert(std::get<0>(t) == 0);
assert(&std::get<1>(t) == &i);
assert(&std::get<2>(t) == &j);
assert(std::get<3>(t) == k and &std::get<3>(t) != &k);
TTBOMK, for C++14, I think the above solutions for lifetime handling can be simplified to:
template <typename T> capture { T value; }
template <typename T>
auto capture_example(T&& value) {
capture<T> cap{std::forward<T>(value)};
return [cap = std::move(cap)]() { /* use cap.value *; };
or more anonymous:
template <typename T>
auto capture_example(T&& value) {
struct { T value; } cap{std::forward<T>(value)};
return [cap = std::move(cap)]() { /* use cap.value *; };
Used it here (admittedly, this particular block of code is rather useless :P)
Yes you can do perfect capturing, but not directly. You will need to wrap the type in another class:
#define REQUIRES(...) class=std::enable_if_t<(__VA_ARGS__)>
template<class T>
struct wrapper
T value;
template<class X, REQUIRES(std::is_convertible<T, X>())>
wrapper(X&& x) : value(std::forward<X>(x))
T get() const
return std::move(value);
template<class T>
auto make_wrapper(T&& x)
return wrapper<T>(std::forward<T>(x));
Then pass them as parameters to a lambda that returns a nested lambda that captures the parameters by value:
template<class... Ts>
auto do_something(Ts&&... xs)
auto lambda = [](auto... ws)
return [=]()
// Use `.get()` to unwrap the value
Here's a solution for C++17 that uses deduction guides to make it easy. I'm elaborating on Vittorio Romeo's (the OP) blog post, where he provides a solution to his own question.
std::tuple can be used to wrap the perfectly forwarded variables, making a copy or keeping a reference of each of them on a per-variable basis, as needed. The tuple itself is value-captured by the lambda.
To make it easier and cleaner, I'm going to create a new type derived from std::tuple, so to provide guided construction (that will let us avoid the std::forward and decltype() boilerplate) and pointer-like accessors in case there's just one variable to capture.
// This is the generic case
template <typename... T>
struct forwarder: public std::tuple<T...> {
using std::tuple<T...>::tuple;
// This is the case when just one variable is being captured.
template <typename T>
struct forwarder<T>: public std::tuple<T> {
using std::tuple<T>::tuple;
// Pointer-like accessors
auto &operator *() {
return std::get<0>(*this);
const auto &operator *() const {
return std::get<0>(*this);
auto *operator ->() {
return &std::get<0>(*this);
const auto *operator ->() const {
return &std::get<0>(*this);
// std::tuple_size needs to be specialized for our type,
// so that std::apply can be used.
namespace std {
template <typename... T>
struct tuple_size<forwarder<T...>>: tuple_size<tuple<T...>> {};
// The below two functions declarations are used by the deduction guide
// to determine whether to copy or reference the variable
template <typename T>
T forwarder_type(const T&);
template <typename T>
T& forwarder_type(T&);
// Here comes the deduction guide
template <typename... T>
forwarder(T&&... t) -> forwarder<decltype(forwarder_type(std::forward<T>(t)))...>;
And then one can use it like following.
The variadic version:
// Increment each parameter by 1 at each invocation and print it.
// Rvalues will be copied, Lvalues will be passed as references.
auto variadic_incrementer = [](auto&&... a)
return [a = forwarder(a...)]() mutable
std::apply([](auto &&... args) {
((std::cout << "variadic_incrementer: " << args._value << "\n"),...);
}, a);
The non-variadic version:
// Increment the parameter by 1 at each invocation and print it.
// Rvalues will be copied, Lvalues will be passed as references.
auto single_incrementer = [](auto&& a)
return [a = forwarder(a)]() mutable
std::cout << "single_incrementer: " << a->_value << "\n";
typedef std::tuple< int, double > Tuple;
Tuple t;
int a = std::get<0>(t);
double b = std::get<1>(t);
for( size_t i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value; i++ ) {
std::tuple_element<i,Tuple>::type v = std::get<i>(t);// will not compile because i must be known at compile time
I know it is possible to write code for get std::get working (see for example iterate over tuple ), is it possible to get std::tuple_element working too?
Some constraints (they can be relaxed):
no variadic templates, no Boost
C++ is a compile-time typed language. You cannot have a type that the C++ compiler cannot determine at compile-time.
You can use polymorphism of various forms to work around that. But at the end of the day, every variable must have a well-defined type. So while you can use Boost.Fusion algorithms to iterate over variables in a tuple, you cannot have a loop where each execution of the loop may use a different type than the last.
The only reason Boost.Fusion can get away with it is because it doesn't use a loop. It uses template recursion to "iterate" over each element and call your user-provided function.
If you want to do without boost, the answers to iterate over tuple already tell you everything you need to know. You have to write a compile-time for_each loop (untested).
template<class Tuple, class Func, size_t i>
void foreach(Tuple& t, Func fn) {
// i is defined at compile-time, so you can write:
std::tuple_element<i, Tuple> te = std::get<i>(t);
foreach<i-1>(t, fn);
template<class Tuple, class Func>
void foreach<0>(Tuple& t, Func fn) { // template specialization
fn(std::get<0>(t)); // no further recursion
and use it like that:
struct SomeFunctionObject {
void operator()( int i ) const {}
void operator()( double f ) const {}
foreach<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>(t, SomeFunctionObject());
However, if you want to iterate over members of a tuple, Boost.Fusion really is the way to go.
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/boost_tuple.hpp>
and in your code write:
boost::for_each(t, SomeFunctionObject());
This an example for boost::tuple. There is an adapter for boost::fusion to work with the std::tuple here:
No, this is not possible the way you describe it. Basically, you'd have to write your code for every possible runtime-value of i and then use some dispatching-logic (e.g. switch(i)) to run the correct code based on the actual runtime-value of i.
In practice, it might be possible to generate the code for the different values of i with templates, but I am not really sure how to do this, and whether it would be practical. What you are describing sounds like a flawed design.
Here is my tuple foreach/transformation function:
#include <cstddef>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<size_t N>
struct tuple_foreach_impl {
template<typename T, typename C>
static inline auto call(T&& t, C&& c)
-> decltype(::std::tuple_cat(
::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)
return ::std::tuple_cat(
::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)
struct tuple_foreach_impl<0> {
template<typename T, typename C>
static inline ::std::tuple<> call(T&&, C&&) { return ::std::tuple<>(); }
template<typename T, typename C>
auto tuple_foreach(T&& t, C&& c)
-> decltype(tuple_foreach_impl<
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type
>::value>::call(std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)))
return tuple_foreach_impl<
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type>::value
>::call(::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c));
The example usage uses the following utility to allow printing tuples to ostreams:
#include <cstddef>
#include <ostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<size_t N>
struct tuple_print_impl {
template<typename S, typename T>
static inline void print(S& s, T&& t) {
tuple_print_impl<N-1>::print(s, ::std::forward<T>(t));
if (N > 1) { s << ',' << ' '; }
s << ::std::get<N-1>(::std::forward<T>(t));
struct tuple_print_impl<0> {
template<typename S, typename T>
static inline void print(S&, T&&) {}
template<typename S, typename T>
void tuple_print(S& s, T&& t) {
s << '(';
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type>::value
>::print(s, ::std::forward<T>(t));
s << ')';
template<typename C, typename... T>
::std::basic_ostream<C>& operator<<(
::std::basic_ostream<C>& s, ::std::tuple<T...> const& t
) {
tuple_print(s, t);
return s;
And finally, here is the example usage:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct inc {
template<typename T>
T operator()(T const& val) { return val+1; }
int main() {
// will print out "(7, 4.2, z)"
cout << tuple_foreach(make_tuple(6, 3.2, 'y'), inc()) << endl;
return 0;
Note that the callable object is constructed so that it can hold state if needed. For example, you could use the following to find the last object in the tuple that can be dynamic casted to T:
template<typename T>
struct find_by_type {
find() : result(nullptr) {}
T* result;
template<typename U>
bool operator()(U& val) {
auto tmp = dynamic_cast<T*>(&val);
auto ret = tmp != nullptr;
if (ret) { result = tmp; }
return ret;
Note that one shortcoming of this is that it requires that the callable returns a value. However, it wouldn't be that hard to rewrite it to detect whether the return type is void for a give input type, and then skip that element of the resulting tuple. Even easier, you could just remove the return value aggregation stuff altogether and simply use the foreach call as a tuple modifier.
I just realized that the tuple writter could trivially be written using the foreach function (I have had the tuple printing code for much longer than the foreach code).
template<typename T>
struct tuple_print {
print(T& s) : _first(true), _s(&s) {}
template<typename U>
bool operator()(U const& val) {
if (_first) { _first = false; } else { (*_s) << ',' << ' '; }
(*_s) << val;
return false;
bool _first;
T* _s;
template<typename C, typename... T>
::std::basic_ostream<C> & operator<<(
::std::basic_ostream<C>& s, ::std::tuple<T...> const& t
) {
s << '(';
tuple_foreach(t, tuple_print< ::std::basic_ostream<C>>(s));
s << ')';
return s;
I am trying to create an example, which would check the existence of the operator== (member or, non-member function). To check whether a class has a member operator== is easy, but how to check whether it has a non-member operator==?
This is what I have to far :
#include <iostream>
struct A
int a;
#if 0
bool operator==( const A& rhs ) const
return ( a==rhs.a);
#if 1
bool operator==( const A &l,const A &r )
return ( l.a==r.a);
template < typename T >
struct opEqualExists
struct yes{ char a[1]; };
struct no { char a[2]; };
template <typename C> static yes test( typeof(&C::operator==) );
//template <typename C> static yes test( ???? );
template <typename C> static no test(...);
enum { value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes)) };
int main()
Is it possible to write a test function to test the existence of non-member operator==?
If yes, how?
btw I have checked similar questions, but haven't found a proper solution :
Is it possible to use SFINAE/templates to check if an operator exists?
This is what I tried :
template <typename C> static yes test( const C*,bool(*)(const C&,constC&) = &operator== );
but the compilation fails if the non-member operator== is removed
The following trick works and it can be used for all such operators:
namespace CHECK
class No { bool b[2]; };
template<typename T, typename Arg> No operator== (const T&, const Arg&);
bool Check (...);
No& Check (const No&);
template <typename T, typename Arg = T>
struct EqualExists
enum { value = (sizeof(Check(*(T*)(0) == *(Arg*)(0))) != sizeof(No)) };
The 2nd template typename Arg is useful for some special cases like A::operator==(short), where it's not similar to class itself. In such cases the usage is:
CHECK::EqualExists<A, short>::value
// ^^^^^ argument of `operator==`
We need not use sizeof and null reference trick when we have decltype and std::declval
namespace CHECK
struct No {};
template<typename T, typename Arg> No operator== (const T&, const Arg&);
template<typename T, typename Arg = T>
struct EqualExists
enum { value = !std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<T>() < std::declval<Arg>()), No>::value };
Have a look at Boost's Concept Check Library (BCCL)
It enables you to write requirements that a class must match in order for the program to compile. You're relatively free with what you can check. For example, verifying the presence of operator== of a class Foo would write as follow:
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
template <class T>
struct opEqualExists;
class Foo {
bool operator==(const Foo& f) {
return true;
bool operator!=(const Foo& f) {
return !(*this == f);
// friend bool operator==(const Foo&, const Foo&);
// friend bool operator!=(const Foo&, const Foo&);
template <class T>
struct opEqualExists {
T a;
T b;
// concept requirements
a == b;
bool operator==(const Foo& a, const Foo& b) {
return true; // or whatever
bool operator!=(const Foo& a, const Foo& b) {
return ! (a == b); // or whatever
int main() {
// no need to declare foo for interface to be checked
// declare that class Foo models the opEqualExists concept
// BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((opEqualExists<Foo>));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::EqualityComparable<Foo>)); // need operator!= too
This code compiles fine as long as one of the two implementations of operator== is available.
Following #Matthieu M. and #Luc Touraille advice, I updated the code snippet to provide an example of boost::EqualityComparable usage. Once again, please note that EqualityComparable forces you to declare operator!= too.
It's also possible to use only c++11 type traits to check the existence of the member:
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template<class T, class EqualTo>
struct has_operator_equal_impl
template<class U, class V>
static auto test(U*) -> decltype(std::declval<U>() == std::declval<V>());
template<typename, typename>
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
using type = typename std::is_same<bool, decltype(test<T, EqualTo>(0))>::type;
template<class T, class EqualTo = T>
struct has_operator_equal : has_operator_equal_impl<T, EqualTo>::type {};
You can use the trait like so:
bool test = has_operator_equal<MyClass>::value;
The resulting type of has_operator_equal will either be std::true_type or std::false_type (because it inherits from an alias of std::is_same::type), and both define a static value member which is a boolean.
If you want to be able to test whether your class defines operator==(someOtherType), you can set the second template argument:
bool test = has_operator_equal<MyClass, long>::value;
where the template parameter MyClass is still the class that you are testing for the presence of operator==, and long is the type you want to be able to compare to, e.g. to test that MyClass has operator==(long).
if EqualTo (like it was in the first example) is left unspecified, it will default to T, result in the normal definition of operator==(MyClass).
Note of caution: This trait in the case of operator==(long) will be true for long, or any value implicitly convertible to long, e.g. double, int, etc.
You can also define checks for other operators and functions, just by replacing what's inside the decltype. To check for !=, simply replace
static auto test(U*) -> decltype(std::declval<U>() == std::declval<V>());
static auto test(U*) -> decltype(std::declval<U>() != std::declval<V>());
I guess you want to check whether a user-provided type has equality operator or not; if that is the case then Concepts are here to help.
#include <concepts>
struct S{
int x;
template<std::equality_comparable T>
bool do_magic(T a, T b)
return a == b;
int main()
// do_magic(S{}, S{}); Compile time error
do_magic(56, 46); // Okay: int has == and !=
If you pass any type that does not have == and != defined, the compiler just errors out with message, e.g.:
equality_comparable concept not satisfied by type
You can also use std::equality_comparable_with<T, U> concept to check for those overload between two different types.
There are many more concepts that have been added to standards such as std::incrementable etc.. Have a look at Standard Library concepts as a good starting point.
As of c++14, the standard binary functions do most of the work for us for the majority of operators.
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
template<class X, class Y, class Op>
struct op_valid_impl
template<class U, class L, class R>
static auto test(int) -> decltype(std::declval<U>()(std::declval<L>(), std::declval<R>()),
void(), std::true_type());
template<class U, class L, class R>
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
using type = decltype(test<Op, X, Y>(0));
template<class X, class Y, class Op> using op_valid = typename op_valid_impl<X, Y, Op>::type;
namespace notstd {
struct left_shift {
template <class L, class R>
constexpr auto operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
noexcept(noexcept(std::forward<L>(l) << std::forward<R>(r)))
-> decltype(std::forward<L>(l) << std::forward<R>(r))
return std::forward<L>(l) << std::forward<R>(r);
struct right_shift {
template <class L, class R>
constexpr auto operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
noexcept(noexcept(std::forward<L>(l) >> std::forward<R>(r)))
-> decltype(std::forward<L>(l) >> std::forward<R>(r))
return std::forward<L>(l) >> std::forward<R>(r);
template<class X, class Y> using has_equality = op_valid<X, Y, std::equal_to<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_inequality = op_valid<X, Y, std::not_equal_to<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_less_than = op_valid<X, Y, std::less<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_less_equal = op_valid<X, Y, std::less_equal<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_greater_than = op_valid<X, Y, std::greater<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_greater_equal = op_valid<X, Y, std::greater_equal<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_bit_xor = op_valid<X, Y, std::bit_xor<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_bit_or = op_valid<X, Y, std::bit_or<>>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_left_shift = op_valid<X, Y, notstd::left_shift>;
template<class X, class Y> using has_right_shift = op_valid<X, Y, notstd::right_shift>;
int main()
assert(( has_equality<int, int>() ));
assert((not has_equality<std::string&, int const&>()()));
assert((has_equality<std::string&, std::string const&>()()));
assert(( has_inequality<int, int>() ));
assert(( has_less_than<int, int>() ));
assert(( has_greater_than<int, int>() ));
assert(( has_left_shift<std::ostream&, int>() ));
assert(( has_left_shift<std::ostream&, int&>() ));
assert(( has_left_shift<std::ostream&, int const&>() ));
assert((not has_right_shift<std::istream&, int>()()));
assert((has_right_shift<std::istream&, int&>()()));
assert((not has_right_shift<std::istream&, int const&>()()));
I know this question has long since been answered but I thought it might be worth noting for anyone who finds this question in the future that Boost just added a bunch of "has operator" traits to their type_traits library, and among them is has_equal_to, which does what OP was asking for.
This question has already been answered several times, but there is a simpler way to check for the existence of operator== or basically any other operation (e.g., testing for a member function with a certain name), by using decltype together with the , operator:
namespace detail
template<typename L, typename R>
struct has_operator_equals_impl
template<typename T = L, typename U = R> // template parameters here to enable SFINAE
static auto test(T &&t, U &&u) -> decltype(t == u, void(), std::true_type{});
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
using type = decltype(test(std::declval<L>(), std::declval<R>()));
} // namespace detail
template<typename L, typename R = L>
struct has_operator_equals : detail::has_operator_equals_impl<L, R>::type {};
You can use this same approach to check if a type T has a member function foo which is invocable with a certain argument list:
namespace detail
template<typename T, typename ...Args>
struct has_member_foo_impl
template<typename T_ = T>
static auto test(T_ &&t, Args &&...args) -> decltype(<Args>(args)...), void(), std::true_type{});
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
using type = decltype(test(std::declval<T>(), std::declval<Args>()...));
} // namespace detail
template<typename T, typename ...Args>
struct has_member_foo : detail::has_member_foo_impl<T, Args...>::type {};
I think this makes the intent of the code much clearer. In addition to that, this is a C++11 solution, so it doesn't depend on any newer C++14 or C++17 features. The end result is the same, of course, but this has become my preferred idiom for testing these kinds of things.
Edit: Fixed the insane case of the overloaded comma operator, I always miss that.
Lets consider a meta-function of the following form, which checks for the existence of equality operator (i.e ==) for the given type:
template<typename T>
struct equality { .... };
However, that might not be good enough for some corner cases. For example, say your class X does define operator== but it doesn't return bool, instead it returns Y. So in this case, what should equality<X>::value return? true or false? Well, that depends on the specific use case which we dont know now, and it doesn't seem to be a good idea to assume anything and force it on the users. However, in general we can assume that the return type should be bool, so lets express this in the interface itself:
template<typename T, typename R = bool>
struct equality { .... };
The default value for R is bool which indicates it is the general case. In cases, where the return type of operator== is different, say Y, then you can say this:
equality<X, Y> //return type = Y
which checks for the given return-type as well. By default,
equality<X> //return type = bool
Here is one implementation of this meta-function:
namespace details
template <typename T, typename R, typename = R>
struct equality : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename R>
struct equality<T,R,decltype(std::declval<T>()==std::declval<T>())>
: std::true_type {};
template<typename T, typename R = bool>
struct equality : details::equality<T, R> {};
struct A {};
struct B { bool operator == (B const &); };
struct C { short operator == (C const &); };
int main()
std::cout<< "equality<A>::value = " << equality<A>::value << std::endl;
std::cout<< "equality<B>::value = " << equality<B>::value << std::endl;
std::cout<< "equality<C>::value = " << equality<C>::value << std::endl;
std::cout<< "equality<B,short>::value = " << equality<B,short>::value << std::endl;
std::cout<< "equality<C,short>::value = " << equality<C,short>::value << std::endl;
equality<A>::value = 0
equality<B>::value = 1
equality<C>::value = 0
equality<B,short>::value = 0
equality<C,short>::value = 1
Online Demo
Hope that helps.
c++17 slightly modified version of Richard Hodges godbolt
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
template<class T, class R, class ... Args>
std::is_convertible<std::invoke_result_t<T, Args...>, R> is_invokable_test(int);
template<class T, class R, class ... Args>
std::false_type is_invokable_test(...);
template<class T, class R, class ... Args>
using is_invokable = decltype(is_invokable_test<T, R, Args...>(0));
template<class T, class R, class ... Args>
constexpr auto is_invokable_v = is_invokable<T, R, Args...>::value;
template<class L, class R = L>
using has_equality = is_invokable<std::equal_to<>, bool, L, R>;
template<class L, class R = L>
constexpr auto has_equality_v = has_equality<L, R>::value;
struct L{};
int operator ==(int, L&&);
static_assert(!has_equality_v<L, int>);
static_assert(has_equality_v<int, L>);
In addition to #coder3101 answer, concepts can help you implement any function existence tests you want to. For example, std::equality_comparable is implemented using 4 simple tests, that check the following scenarios:
For A and B variables, make sure that the following expressions are valid:
A == B, returns bool
A != B, returns bool
B == A, returns bool
B != A, returns bool
If any one of them is illegal at compile time, the program won't compile. The implementation of this test (simplified from the standard):
template <typename T> concept equality_comparable
= requires(T t, T u) {
{ t == u } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
{ t != u } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
{ u == t } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
{ u != t } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
As you can see, you can customize this concept and create your own concept the fulfill your conditions. For example, if you want to force only the existence of operator==, you can do something like this:
template <typename T> concept my_equality_comparable
= requires(T t, T u) {
{ t == u } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
{ u == t } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
Read more about concepts in C++20.
We can use std::equal_to<Type> (or any other overloaded struct members) to make a more generic solution if we want to test binary operators (or other binary functors).
struct No {};
template<class T, class BinaryOperator>
struct ExistsBinaryOperator>
enum { value = !std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<BinaryOperator>()(std::declval<T>(), std::declval<T>())), No>::value };
using Type = int;
constexpr bool hasEqual = ExistsBinaryOperator<Type, std::equal_to<Type>>::value;
This should work on C++11
template <class Void, template<class...> class Type, class... Args>
struct validator
using value_t = std::false_type;
template <template<class...> class Type, class... Args>
struct validator< std::void_t<Type<Args...>>, Type, Args... >
using value_t = std::true_type;
template <template<class...> class Type, class... Args>
using is_valid = typename validator<void, Type, Args...>::value_t;
template<typename... T>
using has_equal_t = decltype((std::declval<T&>().operator ==(std::declval<T&>()), ...));
template<typename... T>
using has_gequal_t = decltype((operator ==(std::declval<T&>(),std::declval<T&>()), ...));
struct EQ
bool operator==(const EQ&) const;
struct GEQ
bool operator==(const GEQ&, const GEQ&);
struct NOEQ
static_assert(is_valid<has_equal_t,EQ>::value || is_valid<has_gequal_t,EQ>::value, "should have equal operator");
static_assert(is_valid<has_equal_t,GEQ>::value || is_valid<has_gequal_t,GEQ>::value, "should have equal operator");
// static_assert(is_valid<has_equal_t,NOEQ>::value || is_valid<has_gequal_t,NOEQ>::value, "should have equal operator"); // ERROR:
Just for a reference, I am posting how I solved my problem, without a need to check if the operator== exists :
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
struct A
int a;
char b;
#if 0
bool operator==( const A& r ) const
std::cout<<"calling member function"<<std::endl;
return ( ( a==r.a ) && ( b==r.b ) );
#if 1
bool operator==( const A &l,const A &r )
std::cout<<"calling NON-member function"<<std::endl;
return ( ( l.a==r.a ) &&( l.b==r.b ) );
namespace details
struct anyType
template < class S >
anyType( const S &s ) :
const void *p;
int sz;
bool operator==( const anyType &l, const anyType &r )
return ( 0 == std::memcmp( l.p, r.p, ) );
} // namespace details
int main()
A a1;
A a2;
using details::operator==;
std::cout<< std::boolalpha << "numbers are equals : " << ( a1 == a2 ) <<std::endl;
IMO, this must be part of the class itself as it's deals with the private attributes of the class. The templates are interpreted at compile time. By default it generates operator==,constructor, destructor and copy constructor which do bit-wise copy (shallow copy) or bit-wise comparisons for the object of same type. The special cases (different types) must be overloaded. If you use global operator function you will have to declare the function as friend to access the private part or else you've to expose the interfaces required. Sometimes this is really ugly which may cause an unnecessary expose of a function.