Unable to install Docker for Windows for the Divio App - django

When trying to set up the Divio app, I get this warning screen.
However, even though the picture claims I do, I don't have Docker Toolbox installed. When I try to install Docker for Windows on anyways by pressing the "Continue" button as seen in the picture above, I get this.
In the second picture, I tried clicking "Contact Support," but that led me to a blank webpage. Also, if I try to install Docker Windows without the Divio App, but it would not let me because I do not have the enterprise Windows OS, just the home. I also tried downloading Boot2Docker Start, but that didn't really help.
I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks!

As you have Windows Home edition, one of the solutions would be to install Docker Toolbox/VirtualBox manually and use Divio CLI in PowerShell. Because current version of Divio App does not recognize Windows edition type. It should be presented in the next coming release.


Downloading and finally executing Flask to make it work or connecting to the web

It appears that the program is already installed in Pycharm. I even created a blog about how to do it with pictures.
Nonetheless, it has been a nightmare getting to execute and finally connect on the web.
What code am I missing, I did it all thru Pycharm.
Yes, in order to Install Flask to do web apps. You must pay Pycharm Pro. This is true if you have a windows laptop or desktop. I am not certain about other programs where you can do Python web apps for free. But I will research that.

Dockerize a Visual Studio C++ project on Windows home

I am new to Docker, using windows 10 home edition, and want to create a docker image for my C++ project developed with visual studio. As far as I understand, the image I need to create is going to be a windows image, and therefore I need to install “Docker for windows” and enable the Hyper-V feature. This is not possible with my windows home edition, as Hyper-V is available for windows 10 pro only. The other alternative, using “Docker toolbox” and a virtualbox linux VM, does not support creating or pulling windows containers. Did I miss something? Is there a workaround?
You could use the Windows Linux Subsystem: https://medium.com/#sebagomez/installing-the-docker-client-on-ubuntus-windows-subsystem-for-linux-612b392a44c4
EDIT: On second read of your question you probably want to have a windows-container for visual studio. This solutions makes Linux-containers possible, but doesn't help with windows images...
As you know, you are unable to install Docker for Windows Home edition, as it requires Hyper V virtualization.
So these are your options:
You will need to install Docker Toolbox which uses VirtualBox instead.
Docs and setup info available here:
Release downloads available here:
Toolbox will install everything you need including VirtualBox.
You may also need to enable virtualization in your computer's BIOS settings. This will be different for each manufacturer, please refer to their documentation on which keys to use to access these settings on reboot.
After Toolbox is finished installing, open the Docker Quickstart Terminal. This will complete the setup and provision your VirtualBox machine.
Check your install:
Launch the Docker QuickStart terminal and type the command:
docker run hello-world
This should pull down the test container and print hello-world to your screen.

Virtualbox Shared Folder With using kivy

Ive been trying to use ubuntu on virtualbox to make APK from my Android program that I wrote with kivy.
But it just doesn't work. VM doesn't recognize shared folder. I've tried everything like guest-additions and I've check every article/Q-A about this subject and I'm about to go mad.
Is there any other way to make APK in windows other than using a VM. Please inform me, I've got my exams soon and I don't want to get hang to this subject anymore. I'm using windows 10. Thank you for your helps.

Windows server 2012 r2 core interface disable

I successfully installed windows server 2012 R2 .After setting admin password,and login,I am getting command window instead of GUI.
Can anyone please help me come out of this issue.I tried several methods but still in midst of problem.
Waiting for reply..
It seems like you did infact install Windows core version. Make a new installation and select Windows server (with GUI) from the menu. If youre not prompted this during installation, then it is most likely not the correct install media.

plone change in code not visible in development site

I am very new to plone. I have a project folder in eclipse. I have imported it from the cvs project. I have zope as server and I start zope with ./bin/instance restart. When I make changes in my folder, I cannot see the changes in the development website. I can't seem to find what is happening. I even restarted zope after making changes in python. Can anyone help me with this?
Make sure you start your Zope server with bin/instance fg, most likely the name of the script if you used the Plone universal installer buildout.
To see changes in python code you'll either need to restart the server (CTRL-C then start again) or use something like plone.reload to request a reload of changed code.
When starting your server with the fg command, it is automatically running in debug mode and any templates, resources and skin items are reloaded automatically. Start the server with console or start and it'll run in production mode and templates and such are loaded from disk only once.
See the Plone.org documentation on buildout for more information.
The bin/instance command has a built-in help command, try:
bin/instance help
for a list of supported commands or run:
bin/instance help console
to get help on a specific command; the above example will print the help on the console command.