Notepad++ add Suffix after each 5 lines - regex

I have a text file contains a list of usernames (+100,000 lines), I'd like to add a Suffix after each 5 lines.
Username5 SUFFIX HERE!
Username10 SUFFIX HERE!
Username15 SUFFIX here!
... etc.
I've tried to use regex to search for ^(.+)$ then \1 suffixtext! with failed attempt. it change all the lines. while i just need each 5 lines.
I want to also add a random number after the suffix.
Thank you,

You may use
And replace with $& SUFFIX 0.
^ - start of a line
.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars
(?:\R.*){4} - exactly 4 occurrences of a line break (any style, \R) followed with any 0+ chars other than line break chars (.*).
The replacement contains a backreference to the whole match ($&) and then a number.
See the screenshot with settings:
To later increment the numbers after SUFFIX, use a Python Script
cnt = 0
def incrementnum(match):
global cnt
cnt = cnt + 1
return "{0}{1}".format(, str(int(
editor.rereplace(r'(SUFFIX )(\d+)$', incrementnum)
Just follow these instructions to use it in your NPP.


Remove duplicate lines containing same starting text

So I have a massive list of numbers where all lines contain the same format.
What I am trying to do is remove all duplicate lines that contain the same hex codes, regardless of the text after it.
Example, in the first line #976B4B|B|0|0 the hex #976B4B shows up in line 32 as #976B4B|B|0|31. I want all lines EXCEPT the first occurrence to be removed.
I have been attempting to use regex to solve this, and found ^(.*)(\r?\n\1)+$ $1 can remove duplicate lines but obviously not what I need. Looking for some guidance and maybe a possibility to learn from this.
You can use the following regex replacement, make sure you click Replace All as many times as necessary, until no match is found:
Find What: ^((#[[:xdigit:]]+)\|.*(?:\R.+)*?)\R\2\|.*
Replace With: $1
See the regex demo and the demo screenshot:
^ - start of a line
((#[[:xdigit:]]+)\|.*(?:\R.+)*?) - Group 1 ($1, it will be kept):
(#[[:xdigit:]]+) - Group 2: # and one or more hex chars
\| - a | char
.* - the rest of the line
(?:\R.+)*? - any zero or more non-empty lines (if they can be empty, replace .+ with .*)
\R\2\|.* - a line break, Group 2 value, | and the rest of the line.

Lua. Search string in a file and print second column

Looking for solution to replace following command in Lua:
grep "dhcp-range" /tmp/etc/dnsmasq.conf | awk -F "\"*,\"*" '{print $2}'
for line in file:lines() do
if line:match("([^;]*),([^;]*),([^;]*),([^;]*),([^;]*)") then
and it doesnt work.
/tmp/etc/dnsmasq.conf looks like this
Here is a function in Lua that will print the values you need if you pass the whole file contents to it:
function getmatches(text)
for line in string.gmatch(text, "[^\r\n]+") do
m,n = string.match(line,"^dhcp%-range[^,]*,([^,]+),([^,]+)")
if m ~= nil then
See Lua demo
With string.gmatch(text, "[^\r\n]+"), each file line is accessed (adjust as you see fit), and then the main part is m,n = string.match(line,"^dhcp%-range[^,]*,([^,]+),([^,]+)") that instantiates m with the first IP and n with the second IP found on a line that starts with dhcp-range.
Lua pattern details:
^ - start of string
dhcp%-range - a literal string dhcp-range (a - is a quantifier in Lua matching 0 or more occurrences, but as few as possible, and to match a literal -, it must be escaped. Regex escapes are formed with %.)
[^,]*, - 0+ chars other than , and then a ,
([^,]+) - Group 1 (m): one or more chars other than ,
, - a comma
([^,]+) - Group 1 (n): one or more chars other than ,.
Try this code:
for line in io.lines() do
local a,b=line:match("^dhcp%-range=.-,(.-),(.-),")
if a~=nil then
The pattern reads: match dhcp-range= at the start of a line (note the need to escape - in Lua), skip everything until the next comma, and capture the next two fields between commas.

Regular expression to get only the first word from each line

I have a text file
#sp_id int,
#sp_name varchar(120),
#sp_gender varchar(10),
#sp_date_of_birth varchar(10),
#sp_address varchar(120),
#sp_is_active int,
#sp_role int
Here, I want to get only the first word from each line. How can I do this? The spaces between the words may be space or tab etc.
Here is what I suggest:
Find what: ^([^ \t]+).*
Replace with: $1
Explanation: ^ matches the start of line, ([^ \t]+) matches 1 or more (due to +) characters other than space and tab (due to [^ \t]), and then any number of characters up to the end of the line with .*.
See settings:
In case you might have leading whitespace, you might want to use
^\s*([^ \t]+).*
I did something similar with this:
with open('handles.txt', 'r') as handles:
handlelist = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in handles]
newlist = [str(re.findall("\w+", line)[0]) for line in handlelist]
This gets a list containing all the lines in the document,
then it changes each line to a string and uses regex to extract the first word (ignoring white spaces)
My file (handles.txt) contained info like this:
JoIyke - personal twitter link;
newMan - another twitter handle;
yourlink - yet another one.
The code will return this list:
[JoIyke, newMan, yourlink]
Find What: ^(\S+).*$
Replace by : \1
You can simply use this to get the first word.Here we are capturing the first word in a group and replace the while line by the captured group.
Find the first word of each line with /^\w+/gm.

Regex Find & Replace - Find string of any character and specific length then replace 1 character

I have a document that has a range of numbers like this:
I need to find the new line character and replace with a number of spaces depending on the string length.
If it has 24 characters like this - 0300010000000394001002,0 then I need to replace the new line character at the end with 5 blank spaces.
If it has 25 characters like this - 0300010000000394002002,51 then I need to replace the new line character at the end with 4 blank spaces and so on.
In my text editor I can use find and replace. I search for the line length by ^(.|\s){24}$ for 24 characters - but this will obviously replace the whole line and I only need to replace the new line character at the end.
I want to specify a new line character AFTER ^(.|\s){24}$. Is this possible?
It sounds like you need two things.
Multi-line Mode (See "Using ^ and $ as Start of Line and...")
Most editors that support regex support these naturally, but you'll have to let us know what editor you're using for us to be specific. Without knowing what editor you're using, all I can say is that you want to do some combination of the following:
regex subst
----- -----
^(.{24})\n $1 <-- there are spaces here
^(.{24})^M \1 <-- there are spaces here
^(.{24})\s ^^^^^

Regular expression help - comma delimited string

I don't write many regular expressions so I'm going to need some help on the one.
I need a regular expression that can validate that a string is an alphanumeric comma delimited string.
123, 4A67, GGG, 767 would be valid.
12333, 78787&*, GH778 would be invalid
fghkjhfdg8797< would be invalid
This is what I have so far, but isn't quite right: ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9][,]).*$
Any suggestions?
Sounds like you need an expression like this:
Posix allows for the more self-descriptive version:
^[[:alnum:]]+([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]]+)*$ // allow whitespace
If you're willing to admit underscores, too, search for entire words (\w+):
^\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)*$ // allow whitespaces around the comma
Try this pattern: ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+,?\s*)+$
I tested it with your cases, as well as just a single number "123". I don't know if you will always have a comma or not.
The [a-zA-Z0-9]+ means match 1 or more of these symbols
The ,? means match 0 or 1 commas (basically, the comma is optional)
The \s* handles 1 or more spaces after the comma
and finally the outer + says match 1 or more of the pattern.
This will also match
123 123 abc (no commas) which might be a problem
This will also match 123, (ends with a comma) which might be a problem.
Try the following expression:
This will work for:
test, test
test123,Test 123,test
I would strongly suggest trimming the whitespaces at the beginning and end of each item in the comma-separated list.
You seem to be lacking repetition. How about:
^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+,)*[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$
I'm not sure how you'd express that in VB.Net, but in Python:
>>> import re
>>> x [ "123, $a67, GGG, 767", "12333, 78787&*, GH778" ]
>>> r = '^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+,)*[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$'
>>> for s in x:
... print re.match( r, s )
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb75c8218>
You can use shortcuts instead of listing the [a-zA-Z0-9 ] part, but this is probably easier to understand.
Analyzing the highlights:
[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+ : capture one or more (but not zero) of the listed ranges, and space.
(?:[...]+,)* : In non-capturing parenthesis, match one or more of the characters, plus a comma at the end. Match such sequences zero or more times. Capturing zero times allows for no comma.
[...]+ : capture at least one of these. This does not include a comma. This is to ensure that it does not accept a trailing comma. If a trailing comma is acceptable, then the expression is easier: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ,]+
Yes, when you want to catch comma separated things where a comma at the end is not legal, and the things match to $LONGSTUFF, you have to repeat $LONGSTUFF:
If $LONGSTUFF is really long and contains comma repeated items itself etc., it might be a good idea to not build the regexp by hand and instead rely on a computer for doing that for you, even if it's just through string concatenation. For example, I just wanted to build a regular expression to validate the CPUID parameter of a XEN configuration file, of the ['1:a=b,c=d','2:e=f,g=h'] type. I... believe this mostly fits the bill: (whitespace notwithstanding!)
xend_fudge_item_re = r"""
e[a-d]x= #register of the call return value to fudge
0x[0-9A-F]+ | #either hardcode the reply
[10xks]{32} #or edit the bitfield directly
xend_string_item_re = r"""
(0x)?[0-9A-F]+: #leafnum (the contents of EAX before the call)
%s #one fudge
(,%s)* #repeated multiple times
""" % (xend_fudge_item_re, xend_fudge_item_re)
xend_syntax = re.compile(r"""
\[ #a list of
'%s' #string elements
(,'%s')* #repeated multiple times
$ #and nothing else
""" % (xend_string_item_re, xend_string_item_re), re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
Try ^(?!,)((, *)?([a-zA-Z0-9])\b)*$
Step by step description:
Don't match a beginning comma (good for the upcoming "loop").
Match optional comma and spaces.
Match characters you like.
The match of a word boundary make sure that a comma is necessary if more arguments are stacked in string.
Please use - ^((([a-zA-Z0-9\s]){1,45},)+([a-zA-Z0-9\s]){1,45})$
Here, I have set max word size to 45, as longest word in english is 45 characters, can be changed as per requirement