Passing scalars and array elements to a procedure expecting an array - fortran

I have some legacy Fortran 77 code which I'm trying to at least compile without warnings (without disabling warnings). There are subroutine calls that pass a scalar where subroutine expects an array, since the scalar is used as a size-1 array, this causes no problems. But with the Intel compiler, if I enable interface warnings I get this error:
error #8284: If the actual argument is scalar, the dummy argument shall be scalar unless the actual argument is of type character or is an element of an array that is not assumed shape, pointer, or polymorphic.
In some cases, I've tried to solve this by overloading the subroutine with array and scalar variants, but then I face a problem when the argument passed is an "an element of an array", which is detected as a scalar. Consider the following sample (tested with gfortran):
program a
integer n,dum(3)
interface readn
subroutine readn_s(n,m)
integer m,n
end subroutine
subroutine readn_a(n,m)
integer m,n(*)
end subroutine
end interface
call readn(n,1)
write(6,*) 'n=',n
call readn(dum,3)
write(6,*) 'dum=',dum
call readn(dum(2),2)
write(6,*) 'dum=',dum
end program
subroutine readn_s(n,m)
integer i,m,n
end subroutine
subroutine readn_a(n,m)
integer i,m,n(*)
do i=1,m
end do
end subroutine
The readn(dum,3) call correctly uses readn_a, while the second one uses readn_s. The intended behaviour is that both should use readn_a. Indeed, if I replace both calls with readn_a everything is as expected.
Is it possible to have this working properly and use the "array" version of the overloaded routine when the actual argument is an array element? I've found out it works if I call the subroutine with readn(dum(2:),2), but I'm afraid that creates a temporary copy of the array...
Original problem:
program a
integer n,dum(3)
call readn_a(n,1)
write(6,*) 'n=',n
call readn_a(dum,3)
write(6,*) 'dum=',dum
call readn_a(dum(2),2)
write(6,*) 'dum=',dum
end program
subroutine readn_a(n,m)
integer i,m,n(*)
do i=1,m
end do
end subroutine
Compile with gfortran -Wall file.f90 file2.f90 or ifort file.f90 file2.f90, all is fine and the output is the intended:
n= 1
dum= 1 1 1
dum= 3 1 1
Compile with ifort -warn all file.f90 file2.f90 and I get the error #8284 above. So that's why I wanted a version of the subroutine that would work with scalars or arrays... but would give the array version with an array element.

In your attempted solution the type-kind-rank generic resolution will delegate all array elements to the scalar version of the subroutine and that will not do the intended work on the part of the array. So "The intended behaviour is that both should use readn_a." is not really possible with the approach you chose.
Well, it is possible when you rewrite the code to pass array sections as you noted yourself. But we are again at the same problem as we were before, you example is simplified. We can be certain there there is no temporary array in the example you have shown, we definitely can't say that about your real code. If you use some 2D subsections starting at some random place, you will have temporary arrays for sure and it might be difficult to make the correct subsection at all.
The original warning should be reasonably easy to avoid in your original legacy code. FORTRAN 77 has no non-contiguous arrays so if you keep your arguments to be integer :: a(*) instead of integer :: a and pass that further. If your original variable is scalar, that is a problem.
The problem is that an integer scalar does not constitute an element sequence:
F2008 1 An actual argument represents an element sequence if
it is an array expression, an array element designator, a default
character scalar, or a scalar of type character with the C character
kind (15.2.2). ...
An array element designator a(2) is an element sequence but the scalar n is not.
So it is not allowed for sequence association which is used when an array element is passed:
F2008 4 An actual argument that represents an element
sequence and corresponds to a dummy argument that is an array is
sequence associated with the dummy argument if the dummy argument is
an explicit-shape or assumed-size array. ...
Your code is not strictly standard Fortran conforming, but very likely to work as expected if you manage to compile it.
Possible solutions:
You can pass the argument as an array expression, but the argument may not be modified inside the subroutine
call readn_a([n],1)
You can just disable the warnings about interface matching
ifort -warn nointerfaces
You can create separate subroutines which only work for scalars and call it under some different name.
You can also disable argument checking for that dummy argument by an Intel Compiler directive
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES NO_ARG_CHECK :: dummy-arg-name


Fortran: intent(out) and assumed-size arguments

Suppose an dummy argument is modified in a subroutine, and the subroutine doesn't care about its initial value. For a scalar of the standard numerical types (no components), intent(out) would be correct, right?
Now, if the dummy argument is allocatable and the subroutine depends on its allocation status, or if it has components that are not modified by the subroutine but should maintain their initial values (i.e. not become undefined), or, similarly, if it's an array and not all elements are set in the subroutine... Then the proper intent would be intent(inout).
My question is what happens if the dummy argument is an assumed-size array (dimension(*))? Assuming that not all elements are modified in the subroutine and one wants the other elements to retain their initial values, would intent(out) be appropriate? My reasoning is that the subroutine doesn't "know" the size of the array, so it cannot make the elements undefined as it can with a fixed-size array.
Does the standard say anything about this or are compilers free to "guess" for example that if I set A(23) = 42, then all elements A(1:22) can be made undefined (or NaN, or garbage...)?
Note: When I say "retain their initial values", I mean the values in the actual argument outside the subroutine. The subroutine itself doesn't care about the values of these elements, it never reads them or writes them.
Another question looks at what "becomes undefined" means in terms of the dummy argument. However, exactly the same aspects apply to the actual argument with which the dummy argument is associated: it becomes undefined.
The Fortran standard itself gives a note on this aspect "retaining" untouched values (Fortran 2018, 8.5.10, Note 4):
INTENT (OUT) means that the value of the argument after invoking the procedure is entirely the result of executing that procedure. If an argument might not be redefined and it is desired to have the argument retain its value in that case, INTENT (OUT) cannot be used because it would cause the argument to become undefined
That note goes on further to consider whether intent(inout) would be appropriate for when the procedure doesn't care about values:
however, INTENT (INOUT) can be used, even if there is no explicit reference to the value of the dummy argument.
That the array is assumed-size plays no part in the undefinition of the actual and dummy arguments. Again, to stress from my answer to the other question: "undefined" doesn't mean the values are changed. As the compiler has no required action to perform to undefine values, it doesn't need to work out which values to undefine: with an assumed-size dummy argument the procedure doesn't know how large it is, but this doesn't excuse the compiler from "undefining" it, because there's nothing to excuse.
You may well see that the "undefined" parts of the assumed-size array remain exactly the same, but intent(inout) (or no specified intent) remains the correct choice for a compliant Fortran program. With copy-in/copy-out mechanics with intent(out), for example, the compiler wouldn't be obliged to ensure the copy is defined and that junk isn't copied back.
Finally, yes a compiler (perhaps in the hope of being a good debugging compiler) may change values which have become undefined. If the procedure references the n-th element of an array, it's allowed to assume that there are n-1 elements before it and set them as it chooses, for an intent(out) dummy, but not an intent(inout) dummy. (If you access A(n)then the compiler is allowed to assume that that element, and all from the declared lower bound, exist.)

Why do I always get the same result when using function and contains in fortran

I'm trying to do a basic calculation by calling a function using contains
Program main
implicit none
integer*8 Nmax,i
Parameter (Nmax=5)
real*8 x, f(Nmax), n
do i=1, Nmax
write(*,*) f(i)
end do
real*8 function func(x,Nmax)
integer*8 Nmax,i
real*8 x, f(Nmax)
do i=1, Nmax-1
end do
end function
end program main
I get this result:
I think I'm making the wrong variable definitions. Thank you for your help.
There are multiple problems with your program.
First, you probably meant to write:
in the main program. Without the subscript you assign the same value to each element of the array. You might think that explains the results, but it doesn't as you'd still see what you expect.
Another problem is highlighted by the following warning I get when I compile your code with Intel Fortran:
t.f90(14): warning #6178: The return value of this FUNCTION has not been defined. [FUNC]
real*8 function func(x,Nmax)
You never assign the value of func, so you get whatever garbage happens to be in the return register.
The function you have isn't really what you want, either. You probably want one that computes and returns a scalar (single) value and hence there is no need for an array inside func.
A third problem is that func is ignoring the n argument (which, contrary to convention, you have declared as a real.)
If you want a loop in the main program, have the function compute and return a single result based on the argument passed to it. There is no need to pass both the loop index and nmax each time. Other options, slightly more advanced, would be to keep the array assignment in the main program but do away with the loop there and either have the function return an array or make the function ELEMENTAL. I will leave it as an exercise for you once you figure out what you really intend here.
Lastly, I would discourage you from using nonstandard syntax such as "real*8". Please learn about KIND specifiers and the SELECTED_REAL_KIND intrinsic function.

Scope of subroutine parameters in FORTRAN 77

I have a subroutine that declares i and passes it to other small subroutines. Within those small subroutines there are declared other variables with the same name, i.e i, and it is internally used. Once out of the small subroutines, one would expect to have the same i value that was originally passed, however that is not the real situation and i contains the value of the last parameter assigned within the small subroutines. Here is a brief example:
subroutine smallSub1(i)
integer i,start,end
end = start +10
do i=start, end
write(*,*) i
end subroutine smallSub1
subroutine caller
integer i
i = 1
call smallSub1(i)
write(*,*) i
end subroutine caller
My question is, how could I avoid this behavior in F77?
My concern here is: think about a situation where a subroutine is a black box, and you just need to pass an integer, but you do not want that integer value to change from the smallSub1 subroutine. The variables start and end would depend on the value of i however they should not replace the original value of i out of smallSub1
As noted in the other answer, Fortran typically passes by reference and when that is not possible it does things like copy-in/copy-out. As said succinctly by others in comments, if you don't want to change i then don't change i.
In your subroutine smallSub1, i is being used as a loop iteration variable and and you don't want its value changes visible to the caller. The reason changing i is visible to caller is because i isn't a local variable, it is a dummy argument. The solution is call the loop variable and the dummy argument by different names. One such solution is:
subroutine smallSub1(i_from_caller)
integer i,i_from_caller,start,end
start = i_from_caller
end = start +10
do i=start, end
write (*,*) i
end do
end subroutine smallSub1
In this case the dummy argument has been renamed to i_from_caller and is used to initialize start. Now the loop variable i is truly local to the subroutine (as it is no longer the name of a dummy argument) and changing i here won't change i in caller
To help avoid this kind of behavior you can give the compiler hints that dummy arguments are for input, output or both. If you had declared i as integer, intent(in) :: i in smallSub1 in your original example, the compiler would complain:
do i=start, end
Error: Dummy argument ā€˜iā€™ with INTENT(IN) in variable definition context (iterator variable) at (1)
making you aware that you are making unwanted changes to a dummy argument.
In the code example given there are two variables i: one in each subroutine. In subroutine caller the i is a local variable, and in the subroutine smallSub1 it is a dummy argument.
When you have call smallSub1(i) you are associating the two i variables with each other through argument association. In this simple case, then, any change to i in smallSub1 affects the i in caller. There is how argument association works here.
Traditionally one did have black-boxes where an argument is changed in the subroutine when that wasn't desired. Where it is used as a work-space, for example. In that case, one would do something like
inew = i
call smallSub1(inew)
... continue using i
In this case, however, one can easily (I imagine) change the subroutine. Introduce an extra local variable:
subroutine smallSub1(i)
integer i ! Dummy argument - we don't want to change it
integer start,end
integer j ! Local variable - we're quite free to change it
! In general, we'd have j=i at the start and use that instead
end = start +10
do j=start, end
write(*,*) j
end subroutine smallSub1
And with modern Fortran one even has the value attribute, which can be applied to the dummy argument allowing one to change it without impact on the actual argument.
Fortran passes most arguments by reference
Therefore, if you don't want the variable to change, don't change it in the subroutine. You are allowed to rename the variable smallSub1(i) to smallSub1(j)
you don't want to change the entire function.

Determining type of variables not declared at top of Fortran subroutine

I am working with a legacy Fortran 77 code subroutine where the parameter types are not declared at the top of the code block.
Here is a snippet showing the very top of the subroutine.
REAL * 4 A( N ),FV( 4 )
From the above, I think that A is an array of length N with type REAL *4, equivalent in size to a C float. Alternately, FV(4) is an array of length 4 with type REAL *4.
However, what are the types of F1,F2,F3,F4,SI,N,IERR, if the types are not listed? It appears that N should be an integer.
I need to know the types so that I can call the subroutine from C++ code. Is there a Fortran convention for the types that are not declared?
By default Fortran will assign the type integer to variables whose names begin with the letters I,J,K,L,M,N and type real to all other undeclared variables.
I agree with your parsing of the definitions of A and FV.
Modern Fortran provides the expression implicit none for ensuring that the default rules are not applied, but when working with old codes it's sometimes not possible to avoid familiarity with the old dark ways.
In FORTRAN77, by default variables starting with I, J, K, L, M, or N are INTEGER, otherwise they are REAL. FORTRAN90, and some variants of FORTRAN77, provide a mechanism to disable this by using IMPLICIT NONE.

Zero sized arrays and array bounds checking

When compiled with either GNU Fortran (v4.4.3) or Sun Studio F95 (v8.3) and no array bounds checking the following program runs without error. However, when array bounds checking is switched on (gfortran -fbounds-check and f95 -C, respectively) the GNU compiled executable runs again without error, whereas the Sun Studio compiled executable gives the run-time error,
Subscript out of range. Location: line 44 column 20 of 'nosize.f90'
Subscript number 2 has value 1 in array 't$27'
That's an error in the call to sub2(), which uses an automatic array dummy argument for x. The sub1() calls run fine with either compiler and any flags.
To my knowledge this program is "legal", in that a zero sized array may be referenced like a non-zero sized array, and there is no explicit indexing of the zero length dimension of x. But is there some zero sized array slicing or automatic array subtlety that I'm missing here? And should I expect array bounds checking to behave the same across different compilers, or should I consider it a vendor-specific extension?
REAL :: x(:,:)
SUBROUTINE sub2(n1,n3,x)
INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: n1, n3
REAL :: x(n1,n3)
PROGRAM nosize
USE subs
INTEGER :: n1 = 2, n2 = 2, n3 = 0
x(:,:,:) = -99.9
PRINT*,'X =',x
CALL sub1(x(:,1,:))
CALL sub2(n1,n3,x(:,1,:))
It doesn't give any problems with intel's fortran compiler with -check bounds; and IBM's xlf, which in my experience is extremely strict, also didn't complain with -qcheck.
But more broadly, yes, there's no standard about what bounds checking should or shouldn't do. I can certainly see why some compilers would flag an assignment to a zero-length array as being bad/wrong/weird; it is a strange corner-case.