Rerun elastic beanstalk ebextensions script from aws cli - amazon-web-services

I currently have an elastic beanstalk application using ebextensions.
It works great when the application is deployed for the first time but I want to be able to run the ebextension scripts again without redeploying.
I attempted to re-run the ebextension scripts from the aws cli.
aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server
aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment
seem to re-run the ebextensions scripts.

The files under .ebextensions are not retained after the deployment, so you'll need to redeploy to run them again. That being said, if you need the functionality outside of the deployment activity, you might want to implement it in another way.


Deploy webapp to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Jenkins Pipeline

I've manually deployed my web application to AWS EBS. We use to normally have a jenkins pipeline which deployed the app to tomcat server running on AWS using mvn tomcat8:redeploy-only -Ddeploy.address=xx.xx.xx.xx:port
How do you deploy to AWS EBS with Jenkins, at the moment I'm having to upload the war file each time we have an update.
Any help is much appreciated.
I haven't tried, but there is a Jenkins plugin for Elastic Beanstalk.
Alternatively, you could install elb cli in your Jenkins nodes to manage your environments.
I used AWS Beanstalk publisher jenkins plugin which allowed me to set up post-build actions which was the answer. You need to specify S3 bucket in the settings of where your app will be deployed to and set up version labelling. Thanks for kgiannakakis for referring this to me.
A good video I used can be found here: deploy war file to aws ebs

Elastic Beanstalk Always Updates Environment On Deploy From Codebuild

I have a large, multi-component django application I am trying to deploy to elastic beanstalk. I am using the multi-docker environment. THis is my current workflow
Git commit triggers AWS code pipeline
AWS Codebuild builds docker image (docker-compose build), runs some tests, and pushes this image to AWS Elastic Container Registry
AWS Code Build calls eb deploy
The issue I am running into is that when I call eb deploy from my local box, the it simply upgrades the application, but when I call it from Code Build, it is upgrading the environment every time, which takes about 30 minutes for some reason
I run the deploy command with -v and confirmed that the same files are being zipped. Any ideas on what is going on here, is my setup incorrect?
I also tried to deploy the application from Code Deploy in the pipeline and can confirm that it also always upgrades the entire environement.
I think that if you use CB to update your EB env, it just replaces it as it is being considered as a new environment. In your local workstation you are using only one single environment, but with new application version.
I would consider replacing CB for updating your EB environment, with the EB deploy provider in your CP. This should successful just upload your new application version to an existing EB environment.
CP natively supports a number of deploy action providers, one of the being Elastic Beanstalk:
You can configure CodePipeline to use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy your code. You can create the Elastic Beanstalk application and environment to use in a deploy action in a stage either before you create the pipeline or when you use the Create Pipeline wizard.

AWS .ebextension scripts not executing

I have a powershell script in the .ebextensions folder but its not executing. It used to work but suddenly has stopped working and there have been no changes to elastic beanstalk or the scripts that i know off. I have two instance running under elastic beanstalk and if I log into one and then deploy my package it doesnt take the instance down. I can literally watch the service (IIS Rest service) files being updated.
Elastic Beanstalk is configured for autoscaling min 2 instances max 4. I've tried doing a deploy though the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console but no joy.
Does it need to actually take the instances down in order to run the scripts? I find it odd that it can update the service without stopping the instance.
Also do .ebextension scripts not execute against running instances? is there a way to force it to execute?
What else can I check to see why the ebextensions are not being picked up?
It's working now. My ebextensions script was not formatted properly, i.e. didn't have the necessary indentations that YAML requires so the commands where being ignored. However no error was raised by EB.
Another problem is that eb cli uses git to bundle your app, which means that you need to perform a commit so that all changes are properly bundled.
Until I get my changes right, I keep doing git add & git commit --amend all the time...

Elastic Beanstalk: How can my team deploy code to the same environment?

I was previously on Google App Engine and have migrated to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. My team and I are working together on a website, but only I have managed to deploy code from my own computer.
How would my team go about deploying the code to the environment from their own computers? They have installed the eb command line tool.
They need to install EB CLI on their computer. Once EB CLI is install they can run "eb deploy" command. More information here.
Run eb init and eb create on one machine so that the environment is up and running.
On all machines you need setup .elasticbeanstalk and ..ebextensions folders, add them to git for example.
Run aws configure on each machine. The profile name in .elasticbeanstalk/config needs to match to the credentials in ~/.aws/config
Don't forget to add permissions to your users. You can start with power user permission, but you should create a more specific role/policy for this later.
When this is setup all your users should be able to eb deploy.

AWS CodeDeploy?

My app is created using elastic-beanstalk aws service, do I need to use the AWS CodeDeploy service to deploy my app?
Currently I just do:
eb deploy myApp
Then, a new application version is deployed without using AWS CodeDeploy.
So, AM I doing something wrong?
Elastic beanstalk do it on your behalf. During deployment process you define some polices and roles, which defines elastic beanstalk will call these services on your behalf. Codedeploy is one of that services.
Elasticbeanstalk does automation of your process only and setup thet whole deployment environment for you (php,nginx/apache in case of web), if you look /opt/elasticbeanstalk/, you can see codedeploy folder there, which means that you do not need to do it manually.
AWS code deploy is different workaround and provides more controlling. How you want your changes to be pushed, is it to be pushed on all instances an once or one by one, minimum number of healthy instances.
Check here-
You can update the your application with new version. CLI as follows
$eb deploy --version
You are not doing anything wrong. EB Deploy will enable you to deploy your apps being served from Elastic Beanstalk. AWS Code Deploy on the other hand is more flexible & gives you more control, you can for example, deploy apps you are serving from EC2 thats not being managed by Elastic Beanstalk.
With AWS you can for example deploy to multiple environments ie development, staging, production.
Elastic Beanstalk and CodeDeploy are totally different AWS services and independent of each other and follow different deployment approaches.
What you're doing is totally correct to deploy a new version of your code.
AWS elastic-bean-stalk itself has the nice capability for deploying applications nicely.You dont need to use aws code deploy again.It will be superflous.You can use beanstalk tools itself to deploy the code.
AWS CodeDeploy is a building block service focused on helping developers deploy and update software on any instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-premises.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk (as well as AWS OpsWorks btw) are end-to-end application management solutions.
When it comes to deploying new software release on Beanstalk, you better use the own deployment process provided to you by Beanstalk.
eb deploy myApp