Regular expression to match line containing some strings and not others - regex

I have lines like this:
where the dots represent continuing URL paths. I want to select URLs that contain /page/ and are NOT followed by thing/. So from the above list we would select:

this is the regex for matching a string which has /page/ not followed by thing
adding the lazy evalation is suggested because you advance a char at the time, better performance!

You need to use negative lookahead:

Use the following regex pattern:
(?!thing\/) - negative lookahead assertion ensures that page/ section is not followed by thing/


Regex to match path containing one of two strings

RegEx to match one of two strings in the third segment, ie in pseudo code:
/content/au/(boomer or millenial)/...
Example matches
Example non-matches
I've tried this, but to no avail:
Don't use a look ahead; just use the plain alternation millenial|boomer then a word-boundary:
See live demo.
You should probably spell millennial correctly too (two "n"s, not one).
What's with the negative lookahead? This is a simple, if not trivial, positive match.
The final group says the match needs to be followed by a slash or nothing, so as to exclude paths which begin with one of the alternatives, but contain additional text.
You can use the following regex DEMO

Laravel Routes Regular Expression start with # character

I need to create a route that responses to any string starting with '#' character. Routes like following examples :
So I wrote:
But when I test it, I face 404 not found found page.
what is the correct regular expression for this?
Route::get('/{tag}', 'SomeController#someMethod')->where('tag', '^#.*');
This will also work:
Route::get('#{something}', 'SomeController#someMethod');
You can write this
Route::pattern('tag', '#[a-zA-Z]');
Route::get('{tag}', 'SomeController#someMethod');
This way you seperate the logic of the regex and the route and it will work as you want
Note the #^ pattern means # should be followed with the beginning of string, which is not possible, and the pattern never matches any string. The '^#' pattern asserts the position at the start of the string, and only there does it try to match #.
Also, the usual / regex delimiters should be removed from this pattern as they are treated as part of the pattern here.
So, in your case you may just swap the anchor and the # char:

Regex: Negative lookahead after list match

Consider the following input string (part of css file):
The objective is to take the url part using regex and do something with it. So the first part is easy:
Basically, it takes contents from inside url(...) with optional quotes symbols. Using this regexp I get the following matches:
So far so good. Now I want to exclude the urls which include 'data:image' in their text. I think negative lookahead is the proper tool for that but using it like this:
gives me the following result for the first url:
Not only it doesn't exclude this match, but the matched string itself now includes quote character at the beginning. If I use + instead of first ? like this:
it works as expected, url is not matched. But this doesn't allow the optional quote in url (since + is 1 or more). How should I change the regex to exclude given url?
You can use negative lookahead like this:
RegEx Demo

Match string does not contain substring with regex

Ok, I know that it is a question often asked, but I did not manage to get what I wanted.
I am looking for a regular expression in order to find a pattern that does not contain a particular substring.
I want to find an url that does not contains the b parameter. > MATCH > NOT MATCH
Currently, I have the following Regex:
But I am wrong with the \b, the regex match the beginning of th string and stop when it find b=, instead of not matching.
Can someone help me please?
Just use a lookahead to check anything following the URL must be a space or line end.
\bhttp:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?:(?!b=[0-9]+).)*?\b(?= |$)
use this:
\b only matches word endings.
^ matches start and end of string
and you dont even need to do it that complicated, If you dont want the url with the b parameter use this:
demo here :
import re
print pattern.match(x)
This will look ahead if there is a "b=" present.A negative lookahead means it will not match that string.
You had a look at this possibility:
only allow &,=,a,c and digits
complete url in group and there should not be a "b=" parameter
if you have more options and you dont want to list them all:
you dont allow a 'b' to be part of your parameters
^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?!.*?b=.*?).*$ works too here "b=" is permitted at any position of the parameter string so you could even have the "b" string as a value of a parameter.
This is what you want. ^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(([^b]=[0-9]+).)*$
Its a simple pattern not flexible but it works :

Regular expression to match particular starting word or nothing

I'm struggling to come up with the correct regex for the following scenario.
Let's say you have to match a word either starts with http- or nothing
eg : http-test-data, test-data should be a match but xyz-test-data shouldn't be a match
the regex i came up so far is
but it matches xyz-test-data as well.
You could simply use the following:
This tests for either a positive look-behind of http- or for the beginning of the string before test-data.
For example, for the sample data as follows:
It yeilds:
Try this representation
Yes because there is a ? on the (?:http-). Then the regex will also match any string that contains test-data.