How do GPUs handle random access? - opengl

I read some tutorials on how to implement a raytracer in opengl 4.3 compute shaders, and it made me think about something that had been bugging me for a while. How exactly do GPUs handle the massive amount of random access reads necessary for implementing something like that? Does every stream processor get its own copy of the data? It seems that the system would become very congested with memory accesses, but that's just my own, probably incorrect intuition.

The Stream Multiprocessors (SM) have caches, but they are relatively small and won't help with truly random access.
Instead, GPUs are trying to mask the memory access latency: that is each SM is assigned more threads to execute than it has cores. On every free clock cycle it schedules some of the threads that aren't blocked on memory access. When the data needed for a thread isn't in the SM cache, the thread stalls until that data arrives, letting other threads to be executed instead.
Note that this masking only works if the amount of computation exceeds the time spent on waiting for the data (e.g. per-pixel lighting calculations). If it's not the case (e.g. just summing lots of randomly scattered 32-bit floats), then you are likely to bottleneck at the memory bus bandwidth: most of the time your threads will be stalled waiting for their bits to arrive.
A related thing that can help with SM utilization is data-locality. When multiple threads access nearby memory locations then one cache-line fetch will bring the data needed by multiple threads. For example, when texturing a perspectively warped triangle, even though each fragment's texture coordinates can be arbitrary, nearby fragments are still likely to read nearby texels from the texture. Consequently there's a lot of common data shared between the threads, and one cache-line fetch would unblock multiple of them.
Ray-tracing, on the other hand, is horrible at data-locality. Secondary rays tend to diverge a lot, and hit different surfaces at practically random locations thru-out the entire scene. This makes it very hard to utilize the SM architecture for either ray-scene intersection or shading purposes.


OpenCL: how lightweight are GPU threads?

I keep reading that GPU threads are lightweight and you can throw many tasks at them to complete in parallel....but how lightweight are they, exactly?
Let's say I have a million-member float3 array, and I want to calculate the length of each float3 value.
Does it make sense to send essentially 1 million tasks to the GPU (so the kernel calculates a single float3 length of the global array and returns)? Or something more like 1000 tasks, and each kernel execution loops through 1000 members of the array? If there is a benefit to grouping tasks like that, is there a way to calculate the optimal size of each grouping?
If we're talking about GPUs only, the answer is - very lightweight.
Does it make sense to send essentially 1 million tasks to the GPU
You're not "sending a million tasks" to the GPU. You're sending a single request, which is a few dozen bytes, which essentially says "please launch a million copies of this code with the grid coordinates i give you here". Those "copies" are created on the fly by hardware inside the GPU, and yes it's very efficient.
1000 tasks, and each kernel execution loops through 1000 members of the array
On a GPU, you almost certainly don't want to do this. A modern high-end GPU has easily 4000+ processing units, so you need at minimum that amount of concurrency. But usually much higher. There is a scheduler which picks one hardware thread to run on each of those processing units, and usually there are several dozen hardware threads per processing unit. So it's not unusual to see a GPU with 100K+ hardware threads. This is required to hide memory latencies.
So if you launch a kernel with 1000x1 grid size, easily 3/4 of your GPU could be unused, and the used part will spend 90% of it's time waiting for memory. Go ahead and try it out. The GPU has been designed to handle ridiculous amounts of threads - don't be afraid to use them.
Now, if you're talking about CPU, that's a slightly different matter. CPUs obviously don't have 1000s of hardware threads. Here, it depends on the OpenCL implementation - but i think most reasonable CPU OpenCL implementations today will handle this for you, by processing work in loops, in just enough hardware threads for your CPU.
TL;DR: use the "1 million tasks" solution, and perhaps try tuning the local work size.

Concurrent memory access slowing down system

I have a particle system that needs to be visualized. But the visualization should have effectively no effect on the simulation itself. The current way this happens is by letting a second thread read the state of the particle system without any synchronization. This will of course cause the simulation to show some glitches but this is not an issue.
However what seems to happen is that the faster the rendered renders, the slower the particle system becomes. The measured time step of the simulation get spikes and almost doubles on average. I am fairly certain this is due to the renderer accessing the memory used by the particle system from a different thread.
Now the question is; is it somehow possible to disturb the particle system in a lesser extend? Accuracy of visualization is not an issue at all. I could theoretically imagine some way to instruct the compiler that the renderer is purely read only and/or that it does not need "recent" versions of the data. But i have no clue how to approach this.
PS. Language: C++, IDE: Visual Studio
PSS. Of course keeping the FPS of the renderer low already helps due to less memory access, but measured timed step of the simulation still spikes and slows down.
Your system slows down because when you just do a simulation, you data most probably is in cache level 1-2. The cache lines are in "Modified" state and every read and write to those cache lines is a cache hit with no bus transactions (i.e fast).
Once you run another thread accessing the same data, the changes made by the simulation need to be propagated to the point of coherency, so the visualization process (running on another CPU core) can read them. So the state of the cache line transitions from "Modified" to "Shared" state.
Then once the simulation thread want to modify that shared data again, the cache line transitions from "Shared" back to "Modified" state and a bus transaction generated, so the cache line in other caches gets invalidated.
So even reading from another thread slows down the simulation, because cache lines jumps between states and a lot of bus transactions is going on underneath. On Intel the cache coherency protocol is called MESI(F) and you can find more on that on Wikipedia:
Regarding how to deal with the issue. Basically, you should avoid reading and writing the same data at the same time. It is hard, but you might want to consider the following:
You might try to modify the simulation, so it operates on two banks of data. One bank is to be used for simulation, while another is to be used to visualize previously calculated data.
You might try to simply copy the data in visualization thread in one go right after a simulation loop has finished. It will fix the glitches and it might improve the overall performance.
To synchronize between the simulation and visualization threads you should use busy waiting (like spin locks), not kernel objects, like mutexes.
All that said, there is no guaranty any of those techniques it will help in your case. It all depends on your data, CPU, cache sizes etc etc.

Running a single block with multiple threads, CUDA

I know that you should generally have at least 32 threads running per block on CUDA since threads are executed in groups of 32. However I was wondering if it is considered an acceptable practice to have only one block with a bunch of threads (I know there is a limit on the number of threads). I am asking this because I have some problems which require the shared memory of threads and synchronization across every element of the computation. I want to launch my kernel like
computeSomething<<< 1, 256 >>>(...)
and just used the threads to do the computation.
Is this efficient to just have one block, or would I be better off just doing the computation on the cpu?
If you care about performance, it's a bad idea.
The principal reason is that a given threadblock can only occupy the resources of a single SM on a GPU. Since most GPUs have 2 or more SMs, this means you're leaving somewhere between 50% to over 90% of the GPU performance untouched.
For performance, both of these kernel configurations are bad:
kernel<<<1, N>>>(...);
kernel<<<N, 1>>>(...);
The first is the case you're asking about. The second is the case of a single thread per threadblock; this leaves about 97% of the GPU horsepower untouched.
In addition to the above considerations, GPUs are latency hiding machines and like to have a lot of threads, warps, and threadblocks available, to select work from, to hide latency. Having lots of available threads helps the GPU to hide latency, which generally will result in higher efficiency (work accomplished per unit time.)
It's impossible to tell if it would be faster on the CPU. You would have to benchmark and compare. If all of the data is already on the GPU, and you would have to move it back to the CPU to do the work, and then move the results back to the GPU, then it might still be faster to use the GPU in a relatively inefficient way, in order to avoid the overhead of moving data around.

OpenMP and OOP (Molecular Dynamics Simulation)

I’m conducting a molecular dynamics simulation, and I’ve been struggling for quite a while to implement it in parallel, and although I succeeded in fully loading my 4-thread processor, the computation time in parallel is greater than the computation time in serial mode.
Studying at which point of time each thread starts and finishes its loop iteration, I’ve noticed a pattern: it’s as if different threads are waiting for each other.
It was then that I turned my attention to the structure of my program. I have a class, an instance of which represents my system of particles, containing all the information about particles and some functions that use this information. I also have a class instance of which represents my interatomic potential, containing parameters of potential function along with some functions (one of those functions calculates force between two given particles).
And so in my program there exist instances of two different classes, and they interact with each other: some functions of one class take references to instances of another class.
And the block I’m trying to implement in parallel looks like this:
void Run_simulation(Class_system &system, Class_potential &potential, some other arguments){
#pragma omp parallel for
for(...) is the actual computation, using data from the system instance of the Class_system class and some functions from thepotential instance of the Class_potential class.
Am I right that it’s this structure that’s the source of my troubles?
Could you suggest me what has to be done in this case? Must I rewrite my program in completely different manner? Should I use some different tool to implement my program in parallel?
Without further details on your simulation type I can only speculate, so here are my speculations.
Did you look into the issue of load balancing? I guess the loop distributes the particles among threads but if you have some kind of a restricted range potential, then the computational time might differ from particle to particle in the different regions of the simulation volume, depending on the spatial density. This is a very common problem in molecular dynamics and one that is very hard to solve properly in distributed memory (MPI in most cases) codes. Fortunately with OpenMP you get direct access to all particles at each computing element and so the load balancing is much easier to achieve. It is not only easier, but it is also built-in, so to speak - simply change the scheduling of the for directive with the schedule(dynamic,chunk) clause, where chunk is a small number whose optimal value might vary from simulation to simulation. You might make chunk part of the input data to the program or you might instead write schedule(runtime) and then play with different scheduling classes by setting the OMP_SCHEDULE environment variable to values like "static", "dynamic,1", "dynamic,10", "guided", etc.
Another possible source of performance degradation is false sharing and true sharing. False sharing occurs when your data structure is not suitable for concurrent modification. For example, if you keep 3D positional and velocity information for each particle (let's say you use velocity Verlet integrator), given IEEE 754 double precision, each coordinate/velocity triplet takes 24 bytes. This means that a single cache line of 64 bytes accommodates 2 complete triplets and 2/3 of another one. The consequence of this is that no matter how you distribute the particles among the threads, there would always be at lest two threads that would have to share a cache line. Suppose that those threads run on different physical cores. If one thread writes to its copy of the cache line (for example it updates the position of a particle), the cache coherency protocol would be involved and it will invalidate the cache line in the other thread, which would then have to reread it from a slower cache of even from main memory. When the second thread update its particle, this would invalidate the cache line in the first core. The solution to this problem comes with proper padding and proper chunk size choice so that no two threads would share a single cache line. For example, if you add a superficial 4-th dimension (you can use it to store the potential energy of the particle in the 4-th element of the position vector and the kinetic energy in the 4-th element of the velocity vector) then each position/velocity quadruplet would take 32 bytes and information for exactly two particles would fit in a single cache line. If you then distribute an even number of particles per thread, you automatically get rid of possible false sharing.
True sharing occurs when threads access concurrently the same data structure and there is an overlap between the parts of the structure, modified by the different threads. In molecular dynamics simulations this occurs very frequently as we want to exploit the Newton's third law in order to cut the computational time in two when dealing with pairwise interaction potentials. When one thread computes the force acting on particle i, while enumerating its neighbours j, computing the force that j exerts on i automatically gives you the force that i exerts on j so that contribution can be added to the total force on j. But j might belong to another thread that might be modifying it at the same time, so atomic operations have to be used for both updates (both, sice another thread might update i if it happens to neighbour one of more of its own particles). Atomic updates on x86 are implemented with locked instructions. This is not that horribly slow as often presented, but still slower than a regular update. It also includes the same cache line invalidation effect as with false sharing. To get around this, at the expense of increased memory usage one could use local arrays to store partial force contributions and then perform a reduction in the end. The reduction itself has to either be performed in serial or in parallel with locked instructions, so it might turn out that not only there is no gain from using this approach, but rather it could be even slower. Proper particles sorting and clever distribution between the processing elements so to minimise the interface regions can be used to tackle this problem.
One more thing that I would like to touch is the memory bandwidth. Depending on your algorithm, there is a certain ratio between the number of data elements fetched and the number of floating point operations performed at each iteration of the loop. Each processor has only a limited bandwidth available for memory fetches and if it happens that your data does not quite fit in the CPU cache, then it might happen that the memory bus is unable to deliver enough data to feed so many threads executing on a single socket. Your Core i3-2370M has only 3 MiB of L3 cache so if you explicitly keep the position, velocity and force for each particle, you can only store about 43000 particles in the L3 cache and about 3600 particles in the L2 cache (or about 1800 particles per hyperthread).
The last one is hyperthreading. As High Performance Mark has already noted, hyperthreads share a great deal of core machinery. For example there is only one AVX vector FPU engine that is shared among both hyperthreads. If your code is not vectorised, you lose a great deal of computing power available in your processor. If your code is vectorised, then both hyperthreads will get into each others way as they fight for control over the AVX engine. Hyperthreading is useful only when it is able to hide memory latency by overlaying computation (in one hyperthread) with memory loads (in another hyperthread). With dense numerical codes that perform many register operations before they perform memory load/store, hyperthreading gives no benefits whatsoever and you'd be better running with half the number of threads and explicitly binding them to different cores as to prevent the OS scheduler from running them as hyperthreads. The scheduler on Windows is particularly dumb in this respect, see here for an example rant. Intel's OpenMP implementation supports various binding strategies controlled via environment variables. GNU's OpenMP implementation too. I am not aware of any way to control threads binding (a.k.a. affinity masks) in Microsoft's OpenMP implementation.

CUDA - operations on single elements of a matrix - getting ideas

I'm about writing a CUDA kernel to perform a single operation on every single element of a matrix (e.g. squarerooting every element, or exponentiation, or calculating the sine/cosine if all the numbers are between [-1;1], etc..)
I chose the blocks/threads grid dimensions and I think the code is pretty straightforward and simple, but I'm asking myself... what can I do to maximize coalescence/SM occupancy?
My first idea was: making all semiwarp (16 threads) load data ensemble from global memory and then putting them all to compute, but it finds out that there are no enough memory-transfer/calculations parallelization.. I mean all threads load data, then compute, then load again data, then calculate again.. this sounds really poor in terms of performance.
I thought using shared memory would be great, maybe using some sort of locality to make a thread load more data than it actually needs to facilitate other threads' work, but this sounds stupid too because the second would wait for the former to finish loading data before starting its work.
I'm not really sure I gave the right idea regarding my problem, I'm just getting ideas before commencing to work on something concrete.
Every comment/suggestion/critic is well accepted, and thanks.
If you have defined the grid so that threads read along the major dimension of the array containing your matrix, then you have already guaranteed coalesced memory access, and there is little else to be done to improve performance. These sort of O(N) complexity operations really do not contain sufficient arithmetic intensity to give good parallel speed up over an optimized CPU implementation. Often the best strategy is to fuse multiple O(N) operations together into a single kernel to improve the FLOP to memory transaction ratio.
In my eyes your problem is this
load data ensemble from global memory
It seems that your algorithm idea is:
Do something on cpu - have some matrix
Transfer matrix from global to device memory
Perform your operation on every element
Transfer matrix back from device to global memory
Do something else on cpu - go sometimes back 1.
This kind of computations are almost everytime I/O-bandwidth limited (IO = memory IO), not computation power limited. GPGPU computations can sustain a very high memory bandwidth - but only from device memory to the gpu - transfer from global memory goes always over the very slow PCIe (slow compared to the device memory connection, that can deliver up to 160 GB/s + on fast cards). So one main thing to get good results is to keep the data (matrix) in device memory - preferable generate it even there if possible (depends on your problem). Never try to migrate data between cpu and gpu for and back as the transfer overhead eats all your speedup up. Also keep in mind that your matrix must have a certain size to amortize the transfer overhead, that you cant avoid (to compute a matrix with 10 x 10 elements would bring almost nothing, heck it would even cost more)
The interchanging transfer/compute/transfer is full ok, thats how such gpu algorithms work - but only if the the tranfer is from device memory.
The GPU for something this trivial is overkill and will be slower than just keeping it on the CPU. Especially if you have a multicore CPU.
I have seen many projects showing the "great" advantages of the GPU over the CPU. They rarely stand up to scrutiny. Of course, goofy managers who want to impress their managers want to show how "leading edge" his group is.
Someone in the department toils months on getting silly GPU code optimized (which is generally 8x harder to read than equivalent CPU code), then have the "equivalent" CPU code written by some Indian sweat shop (the programmer whose last project was PGP), compile it with the slowest version of gcc they can find, with no optimization, then tout their 2x speed improvement. And BTW, many overlook I/O speed as somehow not important.