Management of internet connections? - c++

The status says - connected.
In windows 10 I have list of configured internet connections, how I can get that list and connect to or disconnect from one of them programmatically with C++?

I suggest you to take a look at
I hope this will help you also I provide you full project source I learned from it.


WSUS server for offline network

First post on this forum,
I work on an offline network with a lot of computers on an active directory. I would like to automatically update Windows on all of them. I found WSUS offline but it only works on a single computer. I also found WSUS Server but from what I understood, it needs to be connected to another WSUS machine with Internet (which is not possible for me).
What I wish to do is a mix between them: being able to download updates on a computer, transfer them manually to a WSUS Server, and change the windows update source through GPO to my WSUS Server.
I've found other software like batchpatch or autopatcher but none of them could do that.
Does anyone know if it is possible ?
Yes, you can configure a WSUS server to operate offline, check the MS documentation regarding this:
Hope this help

How to disconnect the connection with Connection Manager in WEC7

I'm developing an application that shows available wifi network and allow to connect/disconnection on windows compact 7(x86).
I need to use the Connection Manager APIs because it includes Connection Manager in the OS design.
I can add a connection config with CmAddConnectionConfig and connect with CmAcquireConnection successfully. But I did not find a function which can disconnect the target connection. I've tried the function CmReleaseConnection, but it always returns CMRE_INVALID_CONNECTION.
There is limited information about Connection Manager in Internet and I found somebody met the same problem.
I'm working on it for about three days. It would be appreciated if you can help me to solve it or give me some suggestions.
As CmReleaseConnection cannot work as expected, I will use CmDeleteConnectionConfig for deleting and then create another network profile without doing the connection. I found this solution from MSDN.

How can I detect that my network interface is connected to internet programmatically using C++?

I have a software solution which contains a C++ library. The library deals with connectivity related things. But I am stuck on a point. I need to deal with all the connected network interface. To optimize the software solution a bit I have decided I will only work with the interfaces which are connected to the internet. That's why I need to determine whether the interface is connected to internet or not. I have searched on the web for simple solutions that will work on all the platforms. But I haven't found so. Now I am seeking help to find a comprehensive solution that will work on all platform such as iOS, Windows, Android, Linux, and MAC. Any kind of suggestion and advice will be appreciated in this regard.
This was done by the suggestion given by Remy Lebeau. I am checking TCP connection with google, amazon and twitter. Firstly I am resolving the address and collecting only the IPv4 addresses. After that I am trying to connect with all of these addresses sequentially. If any of them succeeds then I am saying it is connected with internet and returning from the function without trying any other addresses from the collected list.
If TCP connection with all the addresses fails, then I am saying that internet connection is unavailable.
This solution works for me in almost all cases.

How to incorporate ports / sockets for direct tunneling with p2p darknet app

I'm building an app which upon login will connect you to certain ip addresses of which will also be running the same app.
The method of which i believe i should be using is direct tunnelling but as i say im a little new to c++, i have general coding skills, and i have sifted through a lot of forums and sites yet im still very unclear on what the best way forward is to achieve the requirement.
The reason for the connection will be to enable a secure chat, file transfer, and update software auto when connected to the program admin.
All those that have the app installed will once authorised, will be connected to admin client, then from that client all available ip's to connect to will become available to slave clients, this will increase the network size avilable to all users.
so the app needs to be able to handle ports but not via a server, instead it would be direct.
The connections also must ideally be encrypted.
Im kind of looking for what the application RetroShare does, but in text app.
(This is using C++ within Dev C++)
so just to recap, What method should i use to achieve the above?
I would take a look at SDL net to start with, its really simple to learn if you have never done any socket programming before.
for a secure connection you will probably want to start with TCP and then once you get the hang of network programming, start looking at other protocols.
Hope this helped! and good luck.

Is is possile to Hook file-download event of a program?

Please tell me is it possile to know when a program is trying to download a file ( like in Internet Download Manager ). I want to catch that event (hook it), get the download url, and then destroy the event.
Thanks in advance..
#Jerry Coffin:Sr, I forgot to tell you that this feature of IDM is not active by default. It is only turned on when you enable the "Use advance browser integration" option at "Download/Options" of IDM menu.
Like here :
+ Check the (1) options, OK, then reboot.
+ After reboot, the (2) option will appear, check it, OK, and now run your software. You should see some thing likes (3)
( this appear when I run the msgr9us.exe ( Yahoo! Messenger setup file) )
Give it a try..
For a specific program such as Internet Explorer, doing this is quite reasonable (IE includes hooks to invoke your code under the right circumstances). For most programs it's not possible though -- they simply don't generate any "event" for you to hook and "destroy".
To make a long story short, to get anywhere with this, you'll almost certainly need to handle the situation on a case-by-base basis, writing code specific to each application you want to deal with -- and know that any other application and even newer versions of the applications you've dealt with will probably break what you're trying to do.
Not really. Consider how a browser typically downloads a file: it opens a TCP socket connection to a remote server, either on port 23 or 80, and using the FTP protocol or HTTP protocol on that connection. These things you can detect, intercept and modify with high reliability. But there are other programs that use other mthods. for instance, P2P filesharing programs such as BitTorrent do not use HTTP or FTP, nor do they download a file from a single server.
So, while you don't need to understand every program, you must be able to detect and understand every file download protocol instead.
you could hook the network stream and filter for http download requests.
you'll need some library to capture network traffic (e.g.
Then you'll have to parse the network packets for the appropriate HTTP messages (sorry, I can't give them to you, I don't know them). I don't know if you can actually prevent packets from being sent though.
Another (easier) way would be to implement a proxy server (or modify an existing one) to do what you want. Then you just have to connect the IE to your proxy using the proxy server settings. Check for example Privoxy, which already does some kind of filtering.