I'm writing a simple encryption program in C++ to encrypt a text-based file.
It's using a simple XOR cipher algorithm, but this produces ASCII control characters in the output file. When I try to read from the newly encrypted file with std::ifstream, it stumbles upon character #26, it stops and becomes unable to read the rest of the file.
Example if I try to encrypt this text:
This is just a simple sample
text with two rows and one sentence.
It turns it to this
[[[ [[[U
When I try to read that file in my program, it can't read past the character at position 15, so I get a half encrypted file.
How can I fix this?
Here's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
void Encrypt(char encryptionKey, std::string filename)
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename);
std::ofstream outputFile(filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of("\\")) + "\\Encrypted" + filename.substr(filename.find_last_of("\\") + 1), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
std::string sourceLine;
std::string outputLine;
long numLines = 0;
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opening file: " + filename + " for encryption" << std::endl;
while (sourceFile.good()) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
sourceLine = ""; //Clearing the line for each new line
outputLine = ""; //Clearing the line for each new line
std::getline(sourceFile, sourceLine);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceLine.length(); i++) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = sourceLine[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
//std::cout << sourceLine << std::flush;
outputFile << outputLine << std::endl;
void Decrypt(unsigned int encryptionKey, std::string filename)
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename);
std::ofstream outputFile(filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of("\\")) + "\\Decrypted" + filename.substr(filename.find_last_of("\\") + 1), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
std::string sourceLine;
std::string outputLine;
long numLines = 0;
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opening file: " + filename + " for decryption" << std::endl;
while (sourceFile.good()) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
if (sourceFile.fail() == true)
std::cout << "eof" << std::endl;
sourceLine = ""; //Clearing the line for each new line
outputLine = ""; //Clearing the line for each new line
std::getline(sourceFile, sourceLine);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceLine.length(); i++) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = sourceLine[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
outputFile << outputLine << std::endl;
int main(int argument_count,
char * argument_list[])
system("color a");
std::string filename;
if (argument_count < 2)
std::cout << "You didn't supply a filename" << std::endl;
filename = argument_list[1];
std::cout << "Target file: " << filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press e to encrypt the selected file, Press d to decrypt the file > " << std::flush;
char choice;
while (true)
std::cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'e')
Encrypt(123, filename);
else if (choice == 'd')
Decrypt(123, filename);
std::cout << "please choose option e or d for encryption respectivly decryption" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nPaused, press Enter to continue > " << std::flush;
In Decrypt(), after the first call to std::getline(), sourceFile.good() is false and sourceFile.fail() is true, which is why you stop reading subsequent lines from the encrypted file.
The reason is because the encrypted file has an encoded 0x1A byte in it, and depending on your platform and STL implementation, that character likely gets interpreted as an EOF condition, thus enabling the std::ifstream's eofbit state, terminating further reading.
In my compiler's STL implementation on Windows, when std::ifstream reads from a file, it ultimately calls a function named _Fgetc():
template<> inline bool _Fgetc(char& _Byte, _Filet *_File)
{ // get a char element from a C stream
int _Meta;
if ((_Meta = fgetc(_File)) == EOF) // <-- here
return (false);
{ // got one, convert to char
_Byte = (char)_Meta;
return (true);
When it tries to read an 0x1A character, fgetc() returns EOF, and when _Fgetc() returns false, std::getline() sets the eofbit on the std::ifstream and exits.
Check your compiler's STL for similar behavior.
This behavior is because you are opening the encrypted file in text mode. You need to open the encrypted file in binary mode instead:
std::ifstream sourceFile(..., std::ifstream::binary);
Also, you should enable binary mode on the encrypted file in Encrypt() as well:
std::ofstream outputFile(..., std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc);
Try something more like this instead:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
void Encrypt(char encryptionKey, const std::string &filename)
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("\\");
std::string out_filename = filename.substr(0, pos+1) + "Encrypted" + filename.substr(pos + 1);
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename.c_str());
std::ofstream outputFile(out_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc);
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opened file: " + filename + " for encryption" << std::endl;
std::string line;
long numLines = 0;
while (std::getline(sourceFile, line)) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = line[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
line[i] = focusByte;
//std::cout << line << std::flush;
outputFile << line << std::endl;
void Decrypt(char encryptionKey, const std::string &filename)
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("\\");
std::string out_filename = filename.substr(0, pos+1) + "Decrypted" + filename.substr(pos + 1);
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
std::ofstream outputFile(out_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opened file: " + filename + " for decryption" << std::endl;
std::string line;
long numLines = 0;
while (std::getline(sourceFile, line)) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = line[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
line[i] = focusByte;
outputFile << line << std::endl;
std::cout << "eof" << std::endl;
int main(int argument_count, char* argument_list[])
std::system("color a");
std::string filename;
if (argument_count < 2)
std::cout << "Enter a file to process: " << std::flush;
std::getline(std::cin, filename);
filename = argument_list[1];
if (filename.empty())
std::cout << "You didn't supply a filename" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Target file: " << filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press e to encrypt the file" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press d to decrypt the file" << std::endl;
char choice;
while (true)
std::cout << "> " << std::flush;
std::cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'e')
Encrypt(123, filename);
else if (choice == 'd')
Decrypt(123, filename);
std::cout << "please choose option e or d for encryption or decryption, respectively" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Paused, press Enter to continue" << std::flush;
That being said, keep in mind that when using XOR, some of the encrypted characters might end up being \r (0x0D) or \n (0x0A), which will interfere with std::getline() when decrypting the file later on, producing a decrypted output that does not match the original text input.
Since you should be treating the encrypted file as binary, you should not be reading/writing the file as text at all. Choose a different format for your encrypted output that does not rely on line-break semantics in text vs binary mode.
For example:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
void Encrypt(char encryptionKey, const std::string &filename)
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("\\");
std::string out_filename = filename.substr(0, pos+1) + "Encrypted" + filename.substr(pos + 1);
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename.c_str());
std::ofstream outputFile(out_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc);
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opened file: " + filename + " for encryption" << std::endl;
std::string line;
std::string::size_type lineLen;
long numLines = 0;
while (std::getline(sourceFile, line)) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
lineLen = line.length();
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < lineLen; ++i) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = line[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
line[i] = focusByte;
//std::cout << line << std::flush;
outputFile.write((char*)&lineLen, sizeof(lineLen));
outputFile.write(line.c_str(), lineLen);
void Decrypt(char encryptionKey, const std::string &filename)
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("\\");
std::string out_filename = filename.substr(0, pos+1) + "Decrypted" + filename.substr(pos + 1);
std::ifstream sourceFile(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
std::ofstream outputFile(out_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);
if (sourceFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Opened file: " + filename + " for decryption" << std::endl;
std::string line;
std::string::size_type lineLen;
long numLines = 0;
while (sourceFile.read((char*)&lineLen, sizeof(lineLen))) // This iterates over the whole file, once for each line
if (!sourceFile.read(&line[0], lineLen))
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < lineLen; ++i) // Looping through all characters in each line
char focusByte = line[i] ^ encryptionKey;
std::cout << " focusByte: " << focusByte << std::endl;
line[i] = focusByte;
outputFile << line << std::endl;
std::cout << "eof" << std::endl;
int main(int argument_count, char* argument_list[])
std::system("color a");
std::string filename;
if (argument_count < 2)
std::cout << "Enter a file to process: " << std::flush;
std::getline(std::cin, filename);
filename = argument_list[1];
if (filename.empty())
std::cout << "You didn't supply a filename" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Target file: " << filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press e to encrypt the file" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press d to decrypt the file" << std::endl;
char choice;
while (true)
std::cout << "> " << std::flush;
std::cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'e')
Encrypt(123, filename);
else if (choice == 'd')
Decrypt(123, filename);
std::cout << "please choose option e or d for encryption or decryption, respectively" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Paused, press Enter to continue" << std::flush;
ASCII value 26 is EOF on some operating systems.
You should probably treat your encrypted file as a byte stream rather than a text file for reading and writing. That means either using read() and write() functions of the IOStream or at the very least opening the files in binary mode.
If you're just enciphering your text instead of encrypting, maybe choose a different cipher (eg. ROT13) that is closed on the set of printable ASCII or UTF-8 characters.
I compiled your code in Linux (minus all the Windows stuff)...
I get this when encrypting your sentence with your code:
[[[ [[[U
It also decrypts back to the original sentence. Without the goofy characters, it is the same as your output so your actual issue seems related to the encoding of the file and the program you are using to view the results. Stephan is correct in saying you should be reading/writing bytes instead of text. This can cause all sorts of issues with the characters you create. For example, line feeds and carriage returns since you are using getline().
Edit: Strange. After editing this answer, all the odd characters disappeared. Here is a screenshot:
I found and modify solution from here:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//wofstream out;
void FindFile(const std::wstring &directory)
std::wcout << endl << endl << endl << "FindFile(" << directory << ")" << std::endl;
std::wstring tmp = directory + L"\\*";
HANDLE search_handle = FindFirstFileW(tmp.c_str(), &file);
if (search_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
std::vector<std::wstring> directories;
std::wcout << std::endl;
std::wcout << " [" << file.cFileName << "]" << std::endl;
tmp = directory + L"\\" + std::wstring(file.cFileName);
if (file.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
if ((!lstrcmpW(file.cFileName, L".")) || (!lstrcmpW(file.cFileName, L".."))) {
std::wcout << "continuing..." << std::endl;
else {
std::wcout << "saving path to this directory" << std::endl;
} else {
std::wcout << "save [" << tmp << "] as file" << std::endl;
//std::wcout << tmp << std::endl;
//out << tmp << std::endl;
while (FindNextFileW(search_handle, &file));
std::wcout << "all items inside current directory was worked out. close it's handle." << std::endl;
for(std::vector<std::wstring>::iterator iter = directories.begin(), end = directories.end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
std::wcout << "recursively find in next directory: [" << *iter << "]" << std::endl;
} else {
std::wcout << "invalid handle value" << std::endl;
int main()
cout << "The end" << endl;
string str;
cin >> str;
return 0;
but this code isn't working with folders or files with cyrillic names (but I use Unicode versions of all types and functions!)
Update: Application just finish, without any exceptions, as if all commands was executed.
Update-2 (print-screen):
Who had the same problem? Thanks for any help.
Thanks a lot to #zett42 !
After some refactoring working code looks like:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
using namespace std;
vector<wstring> FindFiles(const std::wstring &directory) {
vector<wstring> files;
std::vector<std::wstring> directories;
std::wstring fullPath = directory + L"\\*";
HANDLE search_handle = FindFirstFileW(fullPath.c_str(), &file);
if (search_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return files;
fullPath = directory + L"\\" + std::wstring(file.cFileName);
if (!(file.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
else {
if ((lstrcmpW(file.cFileName, L".")) && (lstrcmpW(file.cFileName, L"..")))
while (FindNextFileW(search_handle, &file));
for(std::vector<std::wstring>::iterator iter = directories.begin(), end = directories.end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
vector<wstring> newFiles = FindFiles(*iter);
files.insert(files.begin(), newFiles.begin(), newFiles.end());
return files;
int main()
_setmode( _fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT );
vector<wstring> files = FindFiles(L"E:\\test");
wcout << L"All found files: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
wcout << files[i] << endl;
cout << "The end" << endl;
string str;
cin >> str;
return 0;
On Windows, Unicode output to console doesn't work by default, even if you use std::wcout.
To make it work, insert the following line at the beginning of your program:
_setmode( _fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT );
_setmode and _fileno are Microsoft specific function.
You may also have to change console font. I'm using Lucida Console which works fine for cyrillic letters.
Complete example:
#include <iostream>
#include <io.h> // _setmode()
#include <fcntl.h> // _O_U16TEXT
int main()
// Windows needs a little non-standard magic for Unicode console output.
_setmode( _fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT );
std::wcout << L"по русски\n";
Example should be saved as UTF-8 encoded file because of the Unicode string literal, but this is not relevant in your case because you don't have Unicode string literals.
I have successfully tested this code under MSVC2015 and MSVC2017 on Win10.
I'm trying to read in a random file (on mac-xcode) and determine the instances of the letter k in the document. Then print the number as an outout file. My problem is that the outfile isn't being written and the nums_k is coming back as 0. I'm not sure if the ifstream is working incorrectly or the ofstream need a different filename established. Here's my source code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream infile("Users/bryanmichaelnorris/documents/extra credit assignment.docx");
string line;
int numks = 0;
while (getline(infile,line)) {
int x = 0;
for (std::string::iterator it=line.begin(); it!=line.end(); ++it) {
if (line[x] == 'k') {
ofstream outfile("number of k's.docx");
outfile << "There are " << numks << " K's in the file." << endl;
return 0;
Added validations for the opened files.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
const char * csInputFileNane="Users/bryanmichaelnorris/documents/extra credit assignment.docx";
ifstream infile(csInputFileNane);
if (!infile.is_open()) {
cerr << "Cannot open file \""<<csInputFileNane<<'"'<<endl;
return -1;
string line;
int numks = 0;
while (getline(infile,line))
{ int x = 0;
for (std::string::iterator it=line.begin(); it!=line.end(); ++it) {
if (line[x] == 'k')
const char *csOutFileName="number of k's.docx";
ofstream outfile(csOutFileName);
if (!outfile.is_open()) {
cerr << "Cannot open file \""<<csOutFileName<<'"'<<endl;
return -1;
outfile << "There are " << numks << " K's in the file." << endl;
return 0;
This question already has an answer here:
boost::iostream::copy(), inputstream and outstream output explanantion
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a txt file: gcc-4.7.2.txt : with the data written: Hello This is a test file. Thanks :compressed as gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2
Now, I run the following code:
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::iostreams;
char filename[] = "gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2";
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename))
cout << "Can't find " << filename << ". Expect errors to follow! " << endl;
ifstream file(filename, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
filtering_streambuf<input> in;
filtering_streambuf<output> out;
//cout << "in_file:" << in << endl;
boost::iostreams::copy(in, cout);
//boost::iostreams::copy(in, out);
//cout << cout << endl;
//boost::iostreams::copy(in, compressed_string);
//cout << "Copied" << compressed_string << " " << in.str() << endl;
catch (const bzip2_error& exception)
cout << "catchblock" << endl;
cout << exception.what() << endl;
int error = exception.error();
if (error == bzip2::data_error)
cout << "compressed data stream is corrupted";
else if (error == bzip2::data_error_magic)
cout << "compressed data stream does not begin with the 'magic' sequence 'B' 'Z' 'h'";
else if (error == bzip2::config_error)
cout << "libbzip2 has been improperly configured for the current platform";
cout << "Error: " << error;
cout << endl;
While running it the output is:
dev4#sun-desktop:~/readerwriter$ ./test1
gcc-4.7.2.txt0000644000175100001440000000004312547435102011603 0ustar dev4usersHello
This is a test file.
What are the characters before Hello ? why is it printing the file name?
How to get rid of those extra values.
and only print the content of the file:
This is a test file.
You cannot.
These are not "extra values".
If you don't want a tar archive, just do not use tar.
Instead, use bzip2 to compress the single file
If the input is a tar archive, extract with tar.
Boost does not support tar archives
code in strfile.cpp:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#define SZ 100
using namespace std;
int main(){
char buf[SZ];
ifstream in("strfile.cpp");
ofstream out("strfile.out");
int i = 1;
if(in.get(buf, SZ))
int a = in.get();
cout << buf << endl;
out << i++ << ": " << buf << endl;
cout << buf << endl;
out << i++ << ": " << buf << endl;
return 0;
I want to operate all file
but in strfile.out:
1: #include <fstream>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <assert.h>
4: ...(many empty line)
I know that fstream.getline(char*, int) this function can manage it,but I want to know how to do this just use the function "fstream.get()".
Because ifstream::get(char*,streamsize) will leave the delimiter (in this case \n) on the stream, your call never advances and thus it appears to your calling program that you are endlessly reading blank lines.
Instead you need to determine if a newline is waiting on the stream, and move past it using in.get() or in.ignore(1):
ifstream in("strfile.cpp");
ofstream out("strfile.out");
int i = 1;
out << i << ": ";
while (in.good()) {
if (in.peek() == '\n') {
// in.get(buf, SZ) won't read newlines
out << endl << i++ << ": ";
} else {
in.get(buf, SZ);
out << buf; // we only output the buffer contents, no newline
// output the hanging \n
out << endl;