Permanently Reformat Variable Values in SAS - sas

I am trying to reformat my variables in SAS using the put statement and a user defined format. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I want to make the value "S0001-001" convert to "S0001-002". However, when I use this code:
it returns "S0001-001". I double-checked my format and it is mapped correctly. I import it from Excel, convert it to a SAS table, and convert the SAS table to a SAS format.
Am I misunderstanding what the put statement is supposed to be doing?
Thanks for the help.

Assuming that you tried something like this it should work as you intended.
proc format ;
value $format 'S0001-001' = 'S0001-002' ;
data want ;
old= 'S0001-001';
put (old new) (=:$quote.);
Make sure that you do not have leading spaces or other invisible characters in either the variable value or the START value of your format. Similarly make sure that your hyphens are actual hyphens and not em-dash characters.


Rename SAS variables containing special characters

After I imported a huge Excel file containing thousands of data into the SAS, I found some variables showing names with special characters. For example, I have variable names like "pre.tal" and "". SAS doesn't allow me to proceed with the statistical analysis due to the special characters in these variable names. I tried the following codes but failed to work. Any ideas? Thanks
options validvarname=any;
data one;
set one;
rename pre.tal_month_t0 = 'prenatal_month_t0'n;
It is the name with special characters that needs quotes and an "n":
rename 'pre.tal_month_t0'n = prenatal_month_t0;
And by the way, if you want to see your original names in listings, you can assign a label to variables
data one;
set one;
rename 'pre.tal_month_t0'n = prenatal_month_t0;`
label prenatal_month_t0 = 'pre.tal_month_t0';
proc print data=one labels;
If you are pressed for time, change the option to validvarname=v7. SAS will automatically make variable names with letters and numbers while replacing special characters and whitespace with underscores. Then you don't have to worry about using name literals ('...'n).
Using options validvarnames=v7; which will allows to use

Is there any function in SAS where we can read the exact value from the variable

Suppose i have a column called ABC and that variable has the data like
123_112233_66778_1122 or
123_112233_1122_11232 or
so i want to generate the desire variable in the next column as 1122. like this "1122" i have a long list where i need to cross the value from the column called ABC, if found the exact match then need to generate. However, i don't want to generate the match like 112233 because it does not match the value what i am looking for.
For an example you can see all three line what i have given for reference. I am taking only the match records which is "1122" from all the above 3 lines.
I really have no clue to overcome on the problem. I have tried my hands with wildcards but did not get much success. Any help would be much apricated
It is hard to tell from your description, but from the values you show it looks like you want the INDEXW() function. That will let you search a string for matching words with a option to specify which characters are to be considered as the separators between the words. The result is the location of where the word starts within longer string. When the word is not found the result is a zero.
Let's create a simple example to demonstrate.
data have;
input abc $30. ;
data want;
set have ;
location = indexw(trim(abc),'1122','_');
Note that SAS will consider any value other than zero (or missing) as TRUE so you can just use the INDEXW() function call in a WHERE statement.
data want;
set have;
where indexw(trim(abc),'1122','_');

How to keep single quote when importing Excel data to SAS

I am importing an Excel spreadsheet into SAS using Proc Import:
Proc Import out=OUTPUT
Datafile = "(filename)"
DBMS=XLSX Replace;
Range = "Sheet1$A:Z";
My numeric data columns contain a mixture of values held in Excel as numerics and '0 values held as text - i.e. with a leading apostrophe / single quote. When SAS imports these it treats them all the same (i.e. it returns Character strings of the values with the leading apostrophe stripped out).
This results in differences from the spreadsheet when calculations are applied (e.g. averaging) as Excel treats the '0 values as missing but SAS treats them as 0.
Is it possible to import the values as strings including the leading single quote / apostrophe, so that I can replace the '0 with missing values but keep the 0 records as 0? I would like to avoid having to manually manipulate the data in Excel as this data is drawn from an external source (don't ask...)
I doubt it. I think Excel doesn’t really consider the leading apostrophe as part of the value. It’s just a crazy way to indicate that a value is a text string (rather than numeric). When SAS imports the data, it recognizes that the quote is not part of the value. So if you’ve got an Excel column with ‘0 in some cells and 0 in others, it’s going to come in as character, and I don’t think you can tell the difference between them.
Unfortunately, the xlsx engine doesn’t support the s DBSASTYPE option. Other engines that import Excel have the DBSASTYPE option. That should allow you to tell SAS to import a column as a numeric variable, even if it sees character values. If it’s the case that you want all text values in the cell converted to missing, that might do the trick. But it’s possible it would still treat ‘0 the same as 0. I’m away from SAS, so can’t test.
The ~ (tilde) format modifier enables you to read and retain single quotation marks.
Is it possible to convert the .xlsx to .txt keeping the single quotes? Because it is not possible to infile xlsx in a data step.
filename df disk 'C:\data_temp\ex.txt';
data test;
infile df firstobs=2;
input ID $2. x ~$3. ;
proc print data=test;

SAS Date (numeric) to Character when missing (.)

Most likely a silly question, but I must be overlooking something.
I have a date field in which sometimes the date is missing (.). I have to create a file against this data set, but the requirements to have this loaded into a DB2 environment are requesting that instead of native SAS null numeric value (.), they require it to be a blank string.
This should be a simple task, by first converting the variable to character, and using the appropriate format:
When a proc contents is run on the data set, it confirms that this has been converted to a character variable.
The issue is that when I look at the data set, it still has the (.) for the missing values. In an attempt to convert the missing date(.) to a blank string, it then blanks out every value for the variable...
What am I missing here?
Options MISSING=' ';
This will PUT blank for missing value when you execute your assignment.
One way is to use Options MISSING=' ';, but this might have unwanted impact on other parts of your program.
Another safer way is just adding a test to the original program:

SAS: Where statement not working with string value

I'm trying to use PROC FREQ on a subset of my data called dataname. I would like it to include all rows where varname doesn't equal "A.Never Used". I have the following code:
proc freq data=dataname(where=(varname NE 'A.Never Used'));
I thought there might be a problem with trailing or leading blanks so I also tried:
proc freq data=dataname(where=(strip(varname) NE 'A.Never Used'));
My guess is for some reason my string values are not "A.Never Used" but whenever I print the data this is the value I see.
This is a common issue in dealing with string data (and a good reason not to!). You should consider the source of your data - did it come from web forms? Then it probably contains nonbreaking spaces ('A0'x) instead of regular spaces ('20'x). Did it come from a unicode environment (say, Japanese characters are legal)? Then you may have transcoding issues.
A few options that work for a large majority of these problems:
Compress out everything but alphabet characters. where=(compress(varname,,'ka') ne 'ANeverUsed') for example. 'ka' means 'keep only' and 'alphabet characters'.
UPCASE or LOWCASE to ensure you're not running into case issues.
Use put varname HEX.; in a data step to look at the underlying characters. Each two hex characters is one alphabet character. 20 is space (which strip would remove). Sort by varname before doing this so that you can easily see the rows that you think should have this value next to each other - what is the difference? Probably some special character, or multibyte characters, or who knows what, but it should be apparent here.