Unknown class swift - swift3

I have for months tried to find what causes the following in Xcode. I have deleted the temporary files, searched through the MainStoryboard file - no success.. I dont know how to fix it.. Source code of project is on GitHub (https://github.com/rsyncOSX/Version3.x).
One problem solved - the second issue is still there. Have searched through Main.storyboard file, cannot spot the problem. The ViewController IDed by 3xI-3C-guU is valid. I am also finding reference to fs3-Ij-mBm searching in Main.storyboard.
2016-12-19 09:06:43.068961 RsyncOSX[10461:604908] Unknown class
_TtC8RsyncOSX21TabViewControllerMain in Interface Builder file at path /Volumes/Home/thomas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RsyncOSX-budzkonsqjvzovfxbfnmopllerwh/Build/Products/Debug/RsyncOSX.app/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/Main.storyboardc/NSWindowController-abu-zT-Ht4.nib.
2016-12-19 09:06:43.270247 RsyncOSX[10461:604908] Unknown class View
in Interface Builder file at path

This problem can occur when you change a classname of a UIViewController even though a storyboard does still have the old classname. You can fix this by finding out which storyboard it is that is causing this problem (try the search function in Xcode, it will tell you that you can find classname in file example.storyboard) and update the name accordingly.


Call a method or function from Objective-c in AppleScript

I'm trying to use LestMove to be more precise
the second implementation method where it says:
Option 2:
Copy the following files into your project:
If your project has ARC enabled, you'll want to disable ARC on the above files. You can do so by adding -fno-objc-arc compiler flag to your PFMoveApplication.m source file. See How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
If your application is localized, also copy the 'MoveApplication.string' files into your project.
Link your application against Security.framework.
In your app delegate's "-[applicationWillFinishLaunching:]" method, call the PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary function at the very top.
but I'm not able to call the method / Class, could someone help me with this issue? Thanks in advance!
In general, there are a couple of ways to set up an Objective-C class in your AppleScriptObjC project:
Add the file(s) to the project - the Objective-C class name will be
the one used in the #interface/#implementation declarations
Add an outlet property in the AppleScript class/script you are using, e.g. property someProperty : missing value
Instantiate the class programmatically:
set someProperty to current application's ClassName's alloc's init()
Connect stuff up with the Interface Builder:
Add an NSObject (blue cube) from the library to your project
Set the class of the object/cube to the class name of the Objective-C file(s) in the Identity Inspector
Connect the AppDelegate IB Outlet to the object/cube in the Connections Inspector
After setting up the outlet property, the Objective-C methods can be used like any other script/class:
someProperty's handler()
That LetsMove project wasn't really set up for AppleScriptObjC, but I was able to tweak it a bit to get it running. I'm not that great at writing Objective-C, but the following worked for me using a new default AppleScript project with Xcode 10 in Mojave (the original file is over 500 lines long, so I'm just highlighting the changes):
Add PFMoveApplication.h and PFMoveApplication.m files to the project (the class name is LetsMove)
Add Security.framework to Link Binary With Libraries in Build Phases
As described in the original project README, add the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc to the Objective-C file in Compile Sources of the Build Phases
-- Now to alter the Objective-C files a bit:
Move the #interface declaration to the .h file and include the redefined method signatures below in it:
The PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary and PFMoveIsInProgress methods are redefined as instance methods:
- (void)PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary;
- (BOOL)PFMoveIsInProgress;
Redefine the above method signatures in the .m file, and include those methods in the #implementation section - to do this, move the #end to just before the helper methods (after the PFMoveIsInProgress method)
Remove the isMainThread statement at the beginning of the PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary method - this is not not needed (AppleScript normally runs on the main thread), and fixes another issue
There is still a little stuff in there from the original app such as NSUserDefaults, so for your own project, give it a look to see if anything else needs changing (dialog text, etc)
And finally, in the AppDelegate.applescipt file, the following was added to applicationWillFinishLaunching:
current application's LetsMove's alloc's init()'s PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary()

How to correctly create a .gdns to instantiate it?

I have a gdnative library loaded in my godot. I can also call functions on it, that works. But I want to instantiate c++-Classes from it inside Godot.
I think I have to generate .gdns files for that to work, but i dont really find a example of that.
I created a .gdns script already with the New Script Dialogue. I named it exactly like the c++ class. And I set the Library in the scripts inspector and set ClassName to MyClass. But the following does not work as someClass is Null:
var someclass = load("res://MyClass.gdns").new();
What did I do wrong?
I tried to follow this tutorial.
Im Using Godot 1.1 and compiled the gdnative-library with the appropriate Godot-cpp headers.
I created a .gdns file with the New Resource Dialogue and it worked then (after setting the library and Class-name of the .gdns in the Inspector).
I'll add more here when I found out why it didn't work before.

opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27) NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage

I am trying to run a facedetection application and I get the following error:
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
What() is:..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27)
NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage
If you're using haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml, check the xml file content.
The first 3 lines should be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Stump-based 24x24 discrete(?) adaboost frontal face detector.
I inadvertently downloaded the html that linked to the haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml file instead of the xml itself and got the same error you did.
You should provide some code and information.Nevertheless the error indicates that it can not access the haarcascade file. I suggest you make sure you have the "xml" in the same folder as your code (e.g. "ViewController.mm") and check permissions. additionally Assuming you are using Objective-c or swift:
1-check the file is in your Xcode project; and, if it is,
2-check it's included in the 'Copy Bundle Resources' phase underneath your selected Target (in the project tree view on the left in the normal Xcode window layout) and, if it is,
3-look inside the generated application bundle (find your product, right click, select 'Reveal in Finder', from Finder right click on the app and select 'Show Package Contents', then look for your file in there) to make sure that it's there.
I've got the same problem, and then I figure out what's the problem
Add file haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml to xcode project
make sure when you add the xml file with option below:
Destination: Copy items if need [check]
Added Folder: Create Folder References [check]
Add to targets: Your Project target [check]
in you Wrapper.mm file add this code to your obj-c function:
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
or in case you wanna load the xml file, use this code:
cv::CascadeClassifier classifier;
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
classifier.load([cascadePath UTF8String]);
this actually fixes my problem, anywaythis question has been questioned for a long time but I hope someone face this problem can come to this answer and help them solve their problem like mine, cheer.

How to configure Eclipse/CDT/C++ formatter to not break line between a function returned type and the function name [duplicate]

I ran into a problem with the Eclipse formatter. It won't format my code correctly when declaring methods within a class declaration. It puts a new line after the method's return type.
I already exported the style xml file and examined the settings in it, but none of the settings have any apparent connection to this problem, and the settings editor in Eclipse didn't show the same problem happening in it's sample code for method declarations.
Here is an example bit of code for what I want to have happen:
class MyClass
void myMethod();
However, this is what I get:
class MyClass
Again, in the styles editor, the code doesn't have this problem and looks just how I want it to, but in the actual code, the story is different.
I'm using version 3.8.0. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: I deleted those source files that were formatted incorrectly (after formatting the code several times to no avail) and replaced them with "identical" files with the same methods, same structure, etc. I formatted the code this time and it worked. This is probably a bug, but I'm leaving it up just in case anyone else encounters a similar problem or has a solution to avoiding this problem in the first place.
I hand edited two files under the main eclipse projects directory
The two files:
file 1: org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs, change this line from "insert" to "do not insert"
org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration=do not insert
file 2: org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs,
scan this file for "insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration" and make a similar change from insert to do not insert next to it, should be obvious
Note I seen this problem on indigo and juno, the fix described above was in juno.
If you have a custom formatter config, export it first (settings>C/C++ General>Formatter>Edit>Export). Then change the following line to "do not insert". Save the XML.
<setting id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration" value="do not insert"/>
Delete the current config and import the one you changed.
There's a specific preference in the formatter options starting from cdt 9.8 included in Eclipse 2019-06.

Visual C++ - Throwing unhandled exception from setting forms icon?

I can compile the solution with no errors, but when I'll try to run it, I get a crash window:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "<myformname>.resources" was corerctly embedded or linked into assembly "<myprojectname>" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loaded and fully signed.
And after I press Break it throws me to the line:
this->Icon = (cli::safe_cast<System::Drawing::Icon^ >(resources->GetObject(L"$this.Icon")));
If I comment this line out, everything works just fine, but my program doesn't have icon.
Anyone else had this problem? Found a solution? I couldn't find anything clear enough for me to understand, problem is really annoying me, only solution I found was to declare my form class before any other classes, but I don't even have any other classes in my solution?
I also have only one project in this solution, ms support said something about having multiple projects, which I don't have, so it was no use either.
Take a look here :
The exception is thrown because your icon cannot be located. You will probably need to compiles your resources under one .dll and put this under en-US subfolder on your project output. It did the trick for me at least. There are probably other solutions to your problem too.
Do not panic like I did. The root cause of the problem is that the compiled resource file is different from the one that is asked to load at runtime. This happens because the underlying build-script cannot detect the filename or namespace changes made after the form is created.
For example, At first we started a project named x . And our $(RootNamespace) becomes x. And we created a form named y. So our XML resource file y.resx gets compiled into x.y.resource . At this point the icon change works.
Now somehow we changed the project name or the namespace to z. But our $(RootNamespace) remains the x. While at compile-time it wrongly generates old x.y.resource, but at links-time it links z.y.resource. And at this point the icon change does not work.
It can also happen if the form is under some nested namespace which is not known in the project file.
It can be fixed by changing the compilation output of the y.resx file . It can be done by right-clicking the resource and changing the Resource Logical Name to $(RootNamespace).%(Filename).resources .
I will also make sure that ProjectName,AssemblyName and RootNamespace are the same in the .vcxproj file. Somehow if the form is declared under a nested namespace like RootNamespace.gui , then the output file of the resource should be $(RootNamespace).gui.%(Filename).resources .